When I was 16 years old, I had the same dream over and over about this beautiful music coming from the downtown buildings in Seattle, Washington, by where I lived in Auburn, Washington. I would be walking around Seattle in my dreams and looking up at the high buildings as this music played from those places down into the sidewalks and streets. All my life, I never forgot about this music. Then at 44 years old when I was recovering from a surgery, I listened to some music on digital TV and there was the music I had dreamed of so many times at age 16 -and it is called New Age Music. I thought I would never understand about that music from those buildings and to find out that artists perform "my music" was quite a thrill for me. I believe this was a view into the future and I felt a certain peace knowing that this music is and will be on this Earth.
Further, I would appreciate corresponding with anyone who thinks that this is a psychic experience. In 1971, when I was 16 years old, I do not think that New Age Music had been created yet.
Weird, huh? Good to know I'm not the only one!