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Why Do Psychic Things Happen?


I am writing now because I'm just so curious about me and if I have psychic abilities. Sometimes I can see an outline of people and I don't have any idea what that is. I made my friend mad once and it was like she was outlined in a very faded red, I don't know what it was but it kind of creeped me out I've never seen something like it.

I am just writing about all the things that happen to me so I will be telling all sorts of stuff. Sometimes when someone walks into a room and they are new or something, I get a vibe that telling me weather I should hang out with that person or not. So it's always been hard for me to make friends, because I always have my guard up around people. Other strange things happen to me to, like when my friend is feeling down if someone I have never meant before is crying, it's like I feel that emotion and I can sometimes tell what mood people are in.

As I said before in my other article it's like I think my thoughts and a person near to me says them out loud and it's the exact same thing I thought! Why does that happen? Stuff like this has happen to me for awhile and I don't know how to explain it well because I'm not just figuring out I may be psychic. Please if you have any information about this stuff. Please leave me a comment as I need to know more so I can embrace it and make it better and to understand.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, crazykay23, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

crazykay23 (6 stories) (27 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-23)
oh that's cool I kind of get that vibe feeling to, but my aura seeing isn't all that advanced peoples auras for me are kind of faint.
miss_OMEGA (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-18)
oh cool! You can see peoples Auras. I to can feel peoples vibes when I just barely met them. I always go with go with what my gut tell me. Most of the time is accurate. 😉
crazykay23 (6 stories) (27 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
ok thank you taylor so much for your help! 😊 um anything or advice anyone has for me please comment
TaylorHatesLove (11 stories) (93 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
The website is called:
crazykay23 (6 stories) (27 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
it was a bright pink, and I wanted to know where you found what color auras mean?
TaylorHatesLove (11 stories) (93 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
Depends on the exact pink.

If it's bright, it means you're loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, affectionate, and purity.

If dark/murky pink, it means you're immature and/or dishonest nature.
crazykay23 (6 stories) (27 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
really that's cool. My grandma's was a very dark gray, my aura looks pink what's that suppose to mean? 😊
TaylorHatesLove (11 stories) (93 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-03)
I have a silver aura, and it means very intuitive, nurturing, receptive to new ideas, etc.

If it's dark or muddy gray, it means residue of fear accumulating (spelling) the body, with a potential for health problems.
Taurusgirl10 (8 stories) (113 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-03)
I don't know what that means. Was it white or dark gray? I've never heard of what just gray means.
crazykay23 (6 stories) (27 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-03)
really that's cool so what does grey mean? My grandma was outlined with that the other day. I don't think its good either 😐
Taurusgirl10 (8 stories) (113 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-03)
The outlines that you see on people are caled auras. The color red means the person is angry. Certain colors mean certain things about the person, like, how they're feeling, the kind of person they are, and it can sometimes show there past.
trh32 (4 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)
You are an empath, who see's and feels peoples aura's. You still have much to learn but its a great gift.

epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)
You are a psychic. Your experience had proven that you are also like us. Good day 😉
TaylorHatesLove (11 stories) (93 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)
I can relate to that crazykay. The same thing happened to my best friend's great grandpa had died, I'd get strangely despressed at times and know she's thinking of him.

But I still believe you are psychic. 😊

Taylor ❤
crazykay23 (6 stories) (27 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)
Taylor I have had other experiences actually kind of like your bond with you two bestfriends. One time I started crying out of nowhere and it felt like someone had just told me my mom died. Then the phone rang and it was my frined and she told me her grandpa just died of a heart attack. It was weird but there's another experence. 😁
TaylorHatesLove (11 stories) (93 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)
I'd say the same about being an Empath and being able to see auras. I'm also a very weird type of Empath.

I formed bonds with my two best friends and with the girl, I feel her emotional and her physical pains even when I'm no where near her. I'd have to call her up and ask if she's alright. I get headaches seconds after she does, upset and mad, etc.

With the guy we share dreams. We have dreams about the same things, even things we've never spoke of before.

My Empathy also only works sometimes, when I want to be happy around people; if they're joyful, I become like them too. If I don't want to get mad in example a friend being angry, it doesn't affect me unless it's my best friend from above.

I can also see auras, but that's all the info I have for you now.

I want to say you're psychic because you are an Empath and see auras. Do you have any other experiences?

Taylor ❤
bl_april (2 stories) (34 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
I would say that you do have some abilities... You are an empath and can see auras... And the red glow around your friend was letting you know she was upset.
elyfigure (guest)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
you are an empath. You can feel the emotions of others. You can also see auras; I see a glow/outline around people too. 😊
crazykay23 (6 stories) (27 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
really thanks for helping! Um so do you now what it is when you can feel their emotions?
Rai12 (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
hey I have the same problem. Like you I can feel other people's feelings, and sometimes know what they are thinking. When you see the faint glow around people you are seeing their aura, which different colors are based usually on their personality. I have found my very best (psychic) friends with this. So best of luck! 😁

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