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Real Psychic Experiences

Put Thoughts Into People's Minds


I'm a sixteen year old female psychic, and I've recently developed a new "ability".

About two years ago, I started being able to put thoughts into people's minds. At first, I thought it was merely a coincidence. Then I started to toy around with the ability. I would imagine myself whispering in the person's ear what I wanted them to do or say, and they would. I would do it to my mom while we played our Rummy games, and every time I "told" her to discard a card, she would immediately put it in the discard pile. I've noticed that it's easiest to get my thoughts into my mother's head, and I'm not really sure why. I think it might just be that we have that mother-daughter bond? She's does not possess psychic abilities, however, and I've inherited mine from my dad. As I started developing these powers more, I didn't have to visualize myself whispering to them. I could just think their name and what I wanted them to say or do. However, it does work better to visualize myself whispering in their ear. I was wondering if this is a normal abilities for psychics to have? Or, overtime, do all psychics develop this? And how could I use this to benefit people?

I've also recently had a frightening demon encounter. One night, I could not sleep at all, so I made up a bed out in the living room for myself. Well, I was just laying there, and all of a sudden. I heard the TV as if I was listening from a tunnel. And then I heard demonic child laughter, surrounding me, and "pulling" me into the darkness. Then I looked towards our stairs (because I felt a chill on the back of my neck), and I saw a great black hooded figure rising up. It was not walking; it was more of a glide. I could not see its face, I do not even know if it had one. I sat there for what seemed like a few minutes, watching this creature. And then suddenly I just ran into my parents' room and told my dad what happened. He sat out with me saying that nothing could hurt me, but it really did feel like I was in danger. I had seen this demon before, but it always seemed to just be watching me. This was the first time it actually did something.

Then the other night, while I was lying in bed, talking to my older brother. I had an echo to my voice. Of course, there was no possible way there could have been an echo. And I asked him if he heard the echo, and of course he said no. I also noticed his voice had NO echo. Only mine did. And really, right now, I'm just looking for some answers. This is the first time I'm honestly not sure what's going on. Any help would be much appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, veggiehugger, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Lukebailey (27 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-29)
everynow and then just like when I can control the wind. I also can seemingly control peoples thoughts/actions. One time by doing this thing with my mind I kept making a girl at work twitch and touch her nose. It was only when I told her to do it that she did it, I felt the glands in my mind opperating unusually when recreating this. When I can get it to work it works very well as though I were just talking to these people normally and they listened
veggiehugger (2 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-25)
It wasn't the spirit that was maniacally laughing. It sounded like little children with a demon laugh, that were around me. It's kind of difficult to explain.
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-06-25)
the death spirit wouldn't laugh maniacally- that is something the fear of seeing It might manifest in your mind to identify or interpret what you are seeing. You correllate the fear of sudden death with a maniacally laughing entity.

Love and Light
ShadyMind (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-24)
Strong Power people can actract strong spirts, good OR bad.

The echo could just have been an echo, I don't know how to explain that,

Im going to use a comic-book line here but it stands true

"With great poer comes great reponsibilty"
veggiehugger (2 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-24)
Hmm. You pretty much just described my personality. Everyone says I'm one of the strongest people they know, but I can sympathize with people. I'm empathetic. And I've always considered myself a realist, rather than an optimist or pessimist. As I said, I have helped some spirits cross over to wherever it is we go next, so maybe that also drew the spirit to me? It was just those demonic childish laughs that really got to me. As I said, I've seen him around before, just looking at me from afar. But those laughs, I've never heard anything like it.
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-06-23)
your mother being ALMOST killed is important. It means you have something to accomplish other than your death. I don't sense you are going to die young. The death spirit- wonderful guy- horrible public relations nightmare- looks for people to take over for him. Perhaps you possess the qualities he (i've never seen it to be a she but I don't know-it might be sometimes) looks for in a replacement. Are you strong yet sympathetic? Loving yet realistic? I mean death happens to all living things. I served as his replacement but he did it through my dreams after notifying me I was going to be the spirit of death for a short period of time. I said okay- I will help- which is one of the reasons I now have so much support from the spirit world. Hang in there. It ain't all bad- its a natural occurance in life.

Love and Light
veggiehugger (2 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-23)
Hmmm. Interesting. Yeah, I don't see how this power I have could do much good. And mostly right now, it is just for personal fun.:)

No family members of mine have ever been to a sacred place, or taken anything from one. And it was simply standing at the top of my stairs looking at me. I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to die soon. Ever since I was young, I thought I would die at an early age, but I'm just not sure. See, my birth was predicted by a ouija board when my parents first started dating. And then the whole time my Mother was pregnant with me, I almost died. Either cars would come out of nowhere and almost hit her, or a bicyclist would almost hit her. But someone always grabbed her and pulled her out of the way just in time.
And ever since I noticed my gift, I've been helping spirits out. Naturally, they just come talk to me, and on a few occasions have told me about their lives (in dreams). I just comfort them.
Do you think this might be significant?

Thanks for your help.:)
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-06-23)
the first part of your story involves psychokinesis aka fascination. It works the easiest for me with people early in the morning and late at night when they are tired. I have not found a positive use for this power but I have found that I am tempted to use it for my own fun which is selfish so I have discontinued playing with it.

All spirits have jobs to do in the spirit world. The black hooded/robed figure you experienced is most likely the death spirit. He is a really nice guy but has a job humankind considers to be terrifically fearful- which it isn't. He may have been there to portend the death of a family member or just to take a look at you. The other option is that it was a monk spirit coming to remove the special energy from a sacred object obtained from a sacred place. For example- I was in the catacombs in rome and took some catacomb soil during a tour. One night after I had returned a short spirit monk in hooded robe walked through my front door and went into my sacred space room. I was shocked at first then decided I'd better check and see what it wanted. So I went in and opened my altar cabinet and saw the catacomb dirt jar and knew immediately what the monk had wanted. When I held the container it didn't have the same "juice" that it had had before. You might want to consider that as a possibility if someone in the house has brought something back from a sacred place.

Love and Light
EmmLou (1 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-23)
This answer could be far fetched but seems the first that came to my mind. When you talk about the card game with your mother, it could be working in that way because she knows and trusts you. The signal your sending alerts her to trust those instincts within herself. If you were to do it to those you don't know, maybe wouldn't work so well as they won't be as open to you.

Your ability may also been sensed by those who are not seen. The figure. They may see you as a door way... Try figure out what they want maybve looking into your events surrounding the days you have seen them... They are wanting something from you.

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