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Not A Psychic But Would Like A Psychic's Assistance


I was googling psychic and conversations with spirits trying to find someone who would be willing to help connect with my brother and saw this site.

My brother passed away a year ago in a vehicle accident. How the accident happened is still unknown.

Is there any one out there willing to connect with my brother and let me know exactly what happened on the night he had the accident and also if there is anything he has to say in general, message for me, my mother or sisters.

We really have been battling with all the unanswered questions we have.

I have had one dream of him after his passing, which felt very real, but he did not say allot, I asked him in the dream if he was ok and he replied that he wasn't ok at first but that he is ok now.

My daughter who is only 6 years old, claimed in the beginning that she has seen him and that he only came to say good bye to her, she even told me what he was wearing, and the clothes and shoes she described was exactly what he had on the night of the accident.

Why can only some people have these type of experiences... My brother and I was extremely closed and I'm just wondering why I don't feel him or have anything real to hold on to.

It would mean a lot if someone can connect with my brother.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Steph0000, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-04)
Hi Steph!
I have stumbled across the following web page
Which lists all the Spiritualist churches in South Africa. One could be near you:
Hope it helps.
God bless.
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-07)
Good Morning Steph0000,
As I left the Johannesburg/Pretoria area in
1975 I have lost all contact and can be of little or no help. There used to be a very good Spiritualist Church in Krugersdorp and you may try to get in touch with them.
Unfortunately I have no contact details.
Please reread my last post to you:You can not contact your brother etc.
Iam publishing Spirit lectures"Inauguration
Of a Rescue Circle" in 7 parts in which you read about the effect you have on someone who has passed over and of whom you
Do not want to let go.
I hope I have been of some help.
God bless.
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-26)
STEPH0000:Your brother did say goodbye to you before leaving the earthplane. You were fortunate in most instances it does not happen. Before we are born all life experiences are decided upon between you and your guides including your time and way of death.
Join or visit a Spiritualist Church and you may get a message from him.
We can not call up spirits, they will come to us if they want to and the time is right.
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-19)
o thanks for the help I really needed it we do hae a lot in common to. But mine and hers looks like she has blond hair I have brown she has brown eys I have blue she doesn't have glasses I do.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-19)
I wouldn't know. Maybe there is something there, or it could be one of those once in a lifetime thing. Being born like that doesn't mean you are soul mates, but at the same time, it doesn't mean anything bad... As far as I am aware of*
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-19)
idk why I said that I guess just to say it,lol. And I don't know why it would have to do with anything at all I guess just that. Oh I also have a question can some virgos or other star signs. That have been born on the same day a have a deep connection with eachother. I need to know becuase I have known thisa girl for a long time. She is 13 and so am I we were bor on the same day she in the morning I in the night. She was born at 7 15 in the morning and I was born then at night. Is there going to be a deep connection between us or is it bad that we are together I need help?
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
Well if you only knew what stuff I'm in... "/
It may... Idk...
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
Lol, I'm a Aries, in birth and nature. So, I don't think that has a huge bearing on being gifted but I just might be the exception.;P
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
What does Virgo have to do with anything? O.O I'm also a Virgo, and didn't know there was anything connected with that.
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
apollo did you cast the blessing? Becuase I think I feel my powers coming back
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-17)
yes please I would want you to do the counter spell since I'm a virgo and have gotten into spell casting should I try and do the counter spell too?
TimeTraveler (3 stories) (30 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-17)
I was just re-reading through the posts and I realized that I assumed your brother's friend was a girl-friend.
I didn't mean to imply that, just one of those things that get filtered on the way through my brain.
Right now, I have no conscious idea if the person was male or female.

Kind regards,
TimeTraveler (3 stories) (30 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-17)
Hi Stephanie,
You asked if there was anything personal that I could pick up.
This morning, just before I woke up, I was talking to someone and the names Skip and Kurt came up.
I'm not sure if any of this is related to your brother, but the conversation we were having was concerning
Why he was with her or more to the point about why they were together. (I felt) He wanted to make it clear
About why he and her were together. In his words "We have fun when we are together". When he said this, I understood it to mean that he did not want to hurt anyone's feelings. He just wanted to make a point plainly and simply.

I've become very busy lately, traveling a lot at night. I visit between 5 - 10 different places/times each night and talk to at least 1 person from each place when I get there. This seems like the only 'other side conversation' that might have been with your brother.
Let me know if I'm on the right track and if this helps.
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-16)
Okay, that's really weird! I just wrote a poem a few days ago about binding someone to there body; blocking them from the ether, as well as weakening their abilites. The poem is from a gifted to a spirt/demon.

Torment his spirt
Harass his soul
Hold him to his body
Don't let him know

Curse his abilites
Don't let him see
Past and Future
With-hold from he
Bind to his body
Don't let him be
- Cursser

So, so you think some one used this to bind you? I has planed to us this on my ex boyfriend, to see if it would work... But I may have unintentully cast it onto you. However, I have good news to. If I'm right and it was my poem/curse that was used; I have a blessing to counter it. Not like a spiritual blessing but a counter cast. So, should I try it? The blessing not the curse. [smile ]
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-16)
well I have felt this kind of force field around me it feels like it is keeping me inside my body everytime I try to get out it hurts. Becuase the shield pushes on me and pushes my soul back in.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-15)
I'm not to sure what's wrong... There could be someone on the outside blocking you, or you could have gone someplace you shouldn't have, and like a Guardian restricted you... I'm not sure...
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
oh no! I was trying to get there becuase I was noticing that it was getting harder and harder to get to that place. And this time it didn't work I saw that there was a soul block at least that is what I call it it blocks me from getting out of this world. Please someone help me tell me what to do to get ride of it
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
i go there lots of times I meditate or I just sleep and wake up on the ground ther but I never end up in a medow or anything alse just there it is quiet and peaceful I was there just last night and I was happy to see my cousin there. But ther was something else there it was to faint of energy for my cousin but for me I could feel it. It felt dull and like it didn't belong there. What was it apollo?
Steph0000 (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
Hi Kevin (TimeTraveler)

Thanks for your post... You might be right about the truck... The "eyewitness" was a truck driver, we actually suspected that he might have had more to do with the accident than what he claims... He claims to have seen everything happen, all other people involved in this accident got seriously hurt and was rushed to the hospital... He is the only one who could tell what happened...

I was also telling my mom about your previous post and she confirmed that the road the accident happened on had a Y (Fork in the road) and there was trees next to the road...
It has only been a year, so we still have a lot of questions... There has been no hearing or any further investigation and I think it is because of this that we still feel unsettled...

Is there anything personal you can pick up from him?

Thanks for all your help so far...

Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
It's called the ether, and the best way to explain it, is that it is a place of energy, spirits use it to travel around and it's like another world. Demons, and other creatures travel through the ether as well. So do Guardians; they will use it to go on patrol, and can also basically see things around the real world through it.
TimeTraveler (3 stories) (30 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)

As I mentioned, the flash I got was from someone standing on the left side of the road.
Normally when I get these kinds of flashes it is because I popped into their head (thoughts) and then I knew what they knew.
What I'm trying to say is that there was someone walking on that road that night, possibly that is why the car swerved.

Do people walk on that road at night?

The other thing I can't figure out is why I thought there was a tree at the fork in the road.
If the road is straight and there is no fork, then possibly there may have been something big, maybe a truck, farm implement or power pole that I mistook in my own mind as big and immovable - Tree. The fact that I thought there was a fork in the road may have been because the truck or whatever was stalled in the middle of the road and therefore there was kind of a fork or two paths around it. Possibly the person on the road was the driver of the vehicle stalled on the road. I could see why they wouldn't want to come forward. These are all just my interpretations of the 'flash' filtered through my own experiences and thoughts. The flash was only a moment, much less than a second.

It still feels like just an accident that happened in a split second and sometimes accidents happen.

I'm sure they have found peace as I've been up there many times to visit my family that has passed.
When my father died, he came to say good bye to me while the paramedics were still working on him.
When I say came to me, I mean in spirit form as I lived two hours away.
His body was dying on his living room floor and his spirit was having a good-bye conversation with me.
He already knew of his future opportunities, where he was going and what decisions he had to make, and he was still in the process of dying.
He found peace quickly as I'm sure they did.

I hope you also find the peace you are looking for,

Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
Shaddix101: That sounds like the place I go to.
AJBENN123: It might be on the same plane as the place I go. The spirt world has different rules than ours and when I go there I go to ethier a medow when I want to talk to some one or just see if any one comes to talk to me or I go to a black field where there's also a streem but it runs red, you can guess what with. I have only been in the second place four times and that was only for the soul splitting/ etheral projection which I don't know if any people on this sight believe possible beside myself. As for the women I have no idea what she wants but since you are in the spirt plane be carful, it's way more risky to make an ememy there since they things that live there are mostly spirt and could serious hurt your spirt while your there which would be a thosand times worse that your body being hurt.
AJBENN123 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
i have been to a similar place appolo not the world you go to this world is really wierd I am walking around ruins that place is fun. Me and my cousin go there to talk when we are far away from each other. Does anyone have a clue what it is? Sometimes when I go there I see this person she doesn't talk I have seen her in this world a lot of times. Please someone help me
Shaddix101 (4 stories) (18 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
wel the guy who told me this said it is a place where spirits run free and everrything isn't the same as the physical world but every time I hear about this I fell wied lke I am going to pass out that is why I am wanting to know about it
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-12)
Shadix101; I have been able to travel to an "etheral world" but I don't know if it is the same as the one you are talking about, when I go there it's usally because I have some purpose like well I don't know what to call it, maybe soul splitting? No, that sounds to violent. Maybe, etheral projection? Yes, that sounds good and is more acurate. Well, I get there by meditation and I don't think anyone in the physical "world" could get me out of my trance like state. They would have to find me in the etheral plane and ask me to come back that way, otherwise they would just have to wait for me to come back.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-12)
[at] Shaddix101 I'm not quite sure. I have had it where my dad tried to wake me up, shook me and everything, and he thought I was dead, then I just kind of woke up, confused. I do go to the other in my sleep, but I'm the one who always wakes up, no one tries to wake me up... So idk...
Steph0000 (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-12)
hi there... Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read and comment on my story... TT you are right about the white car speeding and it was on the left side of the road. Me and my family went to the place where it happened and it was on a very narrow straight road. There is a small piece of "dirt road" next to the actual tar road. No tree. We got a few stories of what happened but don't know for sure. My brother and his friend died in the accident. There is also questions on who was actually driving
Shaddix101 (4 stories) (18 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-12)
i have a question someone tried to tell me that you can visit the spirit world he said when you do no one can wake you up until your ready to come back
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-11)
It's not uncommon for children to see spirits, and the things that are connected with "the spirit world". My niece was outside the door, and in her words, she saw a big flying monster. When I was younger, I saw a lot of spirits, and things of that sort.
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-11)
I may be able to help. I am a newer physic and have seen and talk to the dead before. However my "talents" if you will aren't well developed since I have only know about them for about 5 months. If you would still like my help or want to know more about how I can help my email is christie.morris [at]

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