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Real Psychic Experiences

Strange Feelings And A Little Voice


From time to time I've read the posts on this site, hoping to see if I can find experiences similar to my own. I've gone from believing that anything supernatural we encounter that is not from god is demonic, to not believing in the supernatural at all, to my current state where I am slowly opening up to different possibilities. The events of last Friday have finally prompted me to join this site.

I was in a café with my friend at lunch time after classes. We'd been talking for a few hours about some problems my family was having. Nothing special or mysterious. At one point he went to the toilet, came back, and then shortly afterward I felt something difficult to describe. I was gripped by some sort of intense emotion that seemed to overwhelm and totally confuse me. I had no idea where it came from, and nor, was I able, to describe what it was. I was not even capable of making a decision as simple as whether or not I wanted to go home; nothing seemed to make sense and my friend was very concerned.

"What happened?" he asked, "This has all come about in the last few seconds, what's going on?"

I was deeply unsettled and he suggested talking a walk, so we left the café. I started to feel better, but at one point I was so overwhelmed again that I had to stop walking and breathe until I felt calmer. All the while I had this strange feeling in the centre of my forehead. It felt warm, but not the way it does when you have a temperature. It was a kind if heightened sense of awareness, like for instance, when you exercise a muscle and it feels sort of warm, and you are aware of its presence in a way that you were not before. That's the best way I can think to describe it.

The reason this disturbed me so much was that the last time something like this happened was only a month ago. I was at another friend's house, and this time it was at night. Their dog suddenly started barking and going crazy, and I had a very strange feeling, so I asked what the dog was barking at. I was told that it was just a balloon in that room that had been left over from a party - apparently this dog doesn't like balloons. The balloon was removed, I believe, and the dog let outside to calm down.

The next night it happened again. The dog was in the same room going ballistic at about the same time as the previous night. I went in to check on him - and there were no balloons. The dog was clearly quite distressed. It had focused firmly on one spot in the room and barked very aggressively; quite out of character for a dog that is normally very friendly. I had a very strange feeling as I entered that room - a similar kind of warmth in my head. The dog eventually ran off, terrified. The feeling I had was very powerful, and I went back into the kitchen to make sure that I hadn't left the gas on!

I am wondering if someone who has more knowledge in this area can give me their view on these experiences, and perhaps some advice. I'm just your average uni student, really. I don't understand what these feelings are, or where they're coming from. I don't know if they are dangerous, either, because I tend to feel either very rattled or emotionally unbalanced afterward. Eventually it does go away, though the warm feeling in my forehead lately, lasts for a few more hours afterward.

The last experience I want to talk about happened some years ago when I was still a high school student, maybe around 15 years of age. I was sitting in the back seat of my dad's car, which is an automatic. My mum was driving his car that day, though. I was sort of lost in my own little world, when this quiet voice interrupted my thoughts. All it said was: "Tell mum she's driving dad's car." I was a little surprised, but then thought nothing of it and dismissed it as one of my own thoughts, if it was a bit strange.

About ten minutes later, I don't know exactly what happened, but the car jerked and shuddered and mum suddenly shouted: "Oh! I forgot I was driving your dad's car!" My mother normally drive a manual. A little light clicked on in my head, reminding me of something. "Wait a minute..." I thought, and then proceeded to tell my mother and sister what had happened. Needless to say, they didn't believe me. Later, my mother decided that it must have been god. But to be honest, I don't know if it was. Whatever it was, it certainly meant no harm, but I've never heard that voice since.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Adaryn7, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
I agree Shinigami, it is about keeping everything in balance. I used to only concentrate on certain chakras when I meditated, but a psychic told me that I needed to work on the body as a whole, rather than throw it further out of balance. Since then I work on all my chakras when I meditate, and it feels wonderful afterwards:)

Thanks for your input.

Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
I like to think of the Chakra system as a river. Like Ananda has stated, sometimes energy pools and gets trapped in certain areas, almost like how a river can be blocked by debris. When this happens, we become confused and cannot focus. I find that when stressed, it is beneficial to open up all the chakras, starting with the Root Chakra, and continuing until you reach the final Crown Chakra.

A lot of times, I find that certain emotions and memories we have over time can cause these to be blocked. It is nice to realize these times in our past on occasion in order to open the chakras, as it is good to rid the body and mind of stress from time to time, or also to come to new realizations.

Au Revior. 😊 ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
don't forget that energy is supposed to be free flowing when it pools in one charka or area of the body diseases and medical problems occur in the material body. At least that is my understanding of the eastern medical books I've been reading.
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
AnandaHya I agree, when I posted this I was not aware of my third eye chakra.

When I started to practice meditation, however, after a while during mindfulness exercises one can literally 'feel' the energy centres of the body. Sometimes I still have a heat-sensation in my third eye chakra, though I do not always know why. I suppose I am just coming into contact with another energy field. I am sensitive to energy, though not clairvoyant. I am sure that many others experience the same sort of thing.

What I love about life is that we are constantly learning from one another, and you can learn something from anyone as we all perceive and experience the world differently.

Peace and blessings
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-28)
I don't know I guess my experience is different from most here (and I get keeping this feeling that some people don't like me much but I think its just the shadows trying to chase me away, oh well sorry if I offended you, email me if you have issues with my post and I'll try and take it into consideration for my next ones if I think they hold relevance)

The Third eye charka and how to open it again: first the important part is to calm your mind and clear all fear and doubt that you will be safe and protected from your mind or your mental vibrations will be to frantic and you will only be able to see lower realms and their inhabitants.

What most on the site seem to want to view are the higher realms or the worlds at least similar to this world. In order to do this I suggest calming your mind. To build confidence in yourself there is many ways to do this: increasing your knowledge thus your intelligence; increasing your good karma by doing good works, increasing your faith by preforming acts of worship and many more. Anyway email me if you have in question. I apologize for any misunderstands my words may cause, but I do wish people would be less judgemental and more open minded and willing to discuss various ideas versus taking it so personally if a person voices contrary to their own beliefs. Just because someone stands firm in their beliefs does not mean that they are not listening.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-15)
i think since you opened your senses, you are able to sense other things than just auras now. I think what you sensed that overwhelmed you was a demon. And the voice that you heard was probably a spirit that wanted to communicate with you somehow. You really are a gifted person.
littletori (2 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-03)
I got chills when you told the story about the car situation! How wild! 😲

I have also heard voices (no bodies) where they were heard once and never again. I remember a day when I was cleaning it sounded as if someone took a megaphone and a lady screamed my name... Well being alone in the house and 14 I was scared... I screamed and left the house, to this day I wonder who it was? Weird, ha...

As a Roman-Catholic, I can 100% agree with you that being brought up in a religion where anything spiritual MUST be from the devil... Makes it hard to conceptualize everything. I think that is why I spent many years afraid. I can see ghost since I can remember, but from ages (11-16) I have been truly scared of them. It actually has not been since last year that I have been more relaxed. I too went through a period of doubting myself when it came to religion. I now go to church regularly even though some may refer to me as a "cafeteria Catholic" (I only believe in some of their practices)...Part of what helped is my priest (who I confide in a lot) is psychic... He is the most wonderful man (besides my husband, father, grandfather and present company excepted I'm sure) 😉
MindHacker564 (5 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)

You should email me:D that'd be much appreciated. Thanks!
futuredreams (4 stories) (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
i think the same I am christian and I think God sends me dreams to tell me what will happen and what to do
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
[at] Adaryn7

What is it that you want to know? If you want just email me or add me on MSN at EverRun [at]
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
Thanks Mirrors, does anyone else know anything about demons? I'm interested to get some other opinions (and some advice). And don't worry about the length Mirrors, have you seen some of MY comments? I'm quite chatty myself;)
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
You should read 'The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology by Rosemary Ellen Guilley'. It gives pretty basic information on a variety of demons or fallen angels and some some of their behavioral patterns and how to get rid of them even.

All demons have a different desire of the person they attack. But basically when we get down to it, they all manage to cause fear and the more we fear them, the more they come back.

I could go on and on about this... But I'll keep my mouth shut. My posts are already too long. LOL 😆
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
Hello people. I have a few questions about demons and other malevolent and/or low vibrational entities. I'm not sure if anyone will see this, but feed back would be much appreciated.

I don't know much about demons, besides the Christian ideas on them. I have had three encounters with demons while asleep, and several with negative spirits in my sleeping and waking lives. Usually, telling them to leave in the Lord's name did the trick, though the last demon I saw growled "No!" and attacked me (and I woke up shaking and in a cold sweat, brrr!;s)

I don't want to be afraid of these beings--but we fear what it is we don't understand. So, my questions are what do these beings get out of making contact and trying to frighten people? Especially demons. All three encounters were terrifying, and though I haven't seen any for quite a number of years now (w00t!) I want to know why they bother people and what can be done to get rid of them.

Thanks a lot, peace and blessings
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-24)
Yes I think you may be right. I hope it improves with time ^^'
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-23)
Yes, our lives are strange. Also the head ache may be caused because your using your abilities; I always get a major migraine and my eyes go blood shot when I have visions or use my abilties. It's not fun but knowing isn't ever fun. As they say "Ignorance is bliss." :/
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-21)
Is it? The last few months I've been getting that really strange warm feeling there on and off... It's not unpleasant, but it is a little weird. I've also been getting headaches at the top of my head, which I don't normally get at all... *sigh* What strange lives we all lead ^^;
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
FeroxFever has a good point. Especially since the sixth chakra which is positioned between the eyebrows is associated with our psychic abilities, as well as dreams and intuition.
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
Heh yeah maybe not... I wish I wasn't scared of seeing things, maybe that's why I only feel them... Interesting about the 3rd eyes chakra, I'll look into that a bit more. Thanks for your comments, I'll practice meditating and see what happens! ^-^
FeroxFever (6 stories) (101 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
Hm sounds a bit odd, but I get the same sense in my forehead, that is your Third Eye Chakra, if you concentrate energy there like if you were balling up a fist just energy in your third eye, you might be able to see what the hell is near you. On the other hand if the dog is freaking out so badly you may not want to see it...
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
I haven't tried to block it yet so I don't know but I do know that meditating works wonders for focus your abitlies so you can try that. I also when meditating try to talk to ethier my spirt guide (which I haven't done latly and need to do) or I talk to my god: Apollo since I believe in the ancient Greek gods. (This hapened after a vision of my one and only past life) But since your a Christian an angel (or saint if your cathlic) could help you.
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-13)
Ha yeah people either think it's crazy or evil I find. The rest think it's pretty cool though;) My friend's like that, I hope I can have that approach one day... Because it kind of makes me sad that I haven't heard the voice again. Once you shut it out, how do you get it back?
Apollo-s_Priestess (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-11)
That type of stuff has happened to me a lot lately, I'm fifteen but, I don't have the same problems with being raised that this was all from the devil and bad. I got raised on this all being crazy and some how explainable without using "the supernatural excuse." So, my way of coping so far is to always listen to the voice in the back of my head if I hear it and to except it even while questioning where it comes from.

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