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Real Psychic Experiences

New And Confused Psychic Medium


I'm very new to all of this and a little freaked out to be honest, I would really love any comments and advice.

I went to very good fortune teller last night, she was recommended to me by a good friend. She done my tarot cards and angel cards as well which were really very spot on, I was very impressed. Although I have always been interested, this was my first ever read and I was very excited. She told me the cards told her I have a gift in the medium area! I was surprised at this although I have always been interested in this kind of thing, but nothing has really has ever happened to me to relate to this? I am 23.

I then told her about when my gran was sick, I once woke in a panic during the night. It sounds strange but the room was filled with a smell I instantly knew. It was my gran! In the morning my mum called to tell me my gran was dead.

The lady I seen last night told me this is clartisient (sorry about the spelling). I have never heard of this and I am unsure what to think? Is this enough to go on? And how is it related to the medium? I would really love this to be true!

I don't know who to ask for help! I don't have anyone close to me that will understand so I hope someone can help with this?

Thank you


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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Roshbaby, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-10)
Hi Roshbaby
A fortune teller is just a psychic that has given themselves another name. If youve been told shes quite good at what she does then don't dismiss what shes saying. Sometimes Its merely spirits way of planting the idea in your head. I didn't believe in any of this stuff at all until I was 26 when I didn't really have a choice but to believe. So if she said you have abilities try and get some info for yourself on mediumship or psychic abilities from the net. It might give you some understanding on what things do occur when you know spirits around you. Have a read of my story if you want to see what happened to me in becoming a medium. If you need any advice just let me know
Love and light
Roshbaby (1 stories) (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-08)
thank you all for your help. But I really can't think of anything from my past to suggest I'm medium.

Is it even possible for a fourtune teller to sense this? 😕
chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-05)
clairsentience is where you may pick up a quick smell, may see something or even feel something, another way to put it is clear sensing, the ability to sense things with smell feel or sight. Some times they are familiar things to you like you gran. Myself I hear spirit like I am talking to a normal person. A medium is someone who has direct comunication to spirit kind of like a telephone line. Whether it be through seeing hearing or feeling. If you need any info on mediumship I'm quite happy to help, my email is on my post.

Love and light
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
a medium can communicate with spirits. So maybe you able to feel your grandmother right before she moved on. And I think clartisient is clairsentience, which is when you have an insight or knowing of something if a hidden or forgotten fact
Lili (111 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
Oh and do you mean 'Clairvoyant' maybe? Maybe that's this 'clartisient' right?

Lili (111 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
Mostly everyone here had at least some experiences from Medium and Psychic. It's possible that your gran's accident show that you can be but it's just one experience. If you were a Medium then you would see ghosts and have more of these experiences when you were young. You sure nothing ever happened like that? Think about it. Because just from one accident is hard to say if you are or if you aren't.


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