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Dream Of A War On Gods And Goddesses


I am very skeptical about elemental control, but I had this very strange dream this morning that is confusing me.

Usually I am able to interpret my own dreams but I will need help interpreting this one.

In my dream there were four gods and goddesses of the elements.

(1) The God of the Air

(2) The God of the Earth

(3) The Goddess of the Waters

(4) The Goddess of Fire

But there was a global war led by a very powerful man who possessed a lot of psychic abilities. He ruled all the nations of the earth. He could of even shape shift into a bull.

He led a war on the gods and goddesses because of his hatred for them. I could even feel his rage in my dream.

The surprising thing is that I helped the gods and goddesses go into hiding. I had a feeling of being a traitor for doing so.

We hid from the global leader for some years. But as soon as the water goddess became pregnant, he was able to tract us down.

A huge war ensued where the gods of Air and Earth were both killed defending us. We were able to flee to another place to hide ourselves.

The global leader got enraged because of us escaping him once again.

During that time, the water goddess gave birth. I will try not to go into anymore details because it was very graphic. All I am going to say is that the birth involved a lot of water like discharge that was beyond that of what a normal woman will go through.

The dream ended there, where I awoke cold sweating and with a racing heart.

Any comments will be appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rashidah, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

doctorwho911 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
Listen we all have destines and futures and I believe myself that Aquarius, Leo, Libra have nothing to do with them at all they have no means of telling who we are and who were going to be either I am a living example that those signs mean nothing now back to the dream a couple times in our life we have very VERY vivid dreams this can depend on what you were reading or watching in the week you had the dream what you were eating and what time you went to bed also how you have been feeling physically and mentally before hand. Also don't believe everything everyone tells you try to be a bit skeptical from time to time just cause you have a dream that the world is in a life threatening war doesn't mean its 2012 as most people will say the reason people keep thinking, dreaming and having visions of 2012 is because they have either been thinking to much or repressed the idea so much that it springs out it is indeed a very scary thing to think of everything your family, friends, achievements being stripped away from you and you surviving only to live with that thought. Lastly was the man in you dream pertaining brown skin.
imaphrodite2012 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
it has to do with the prophecies of 2012 we will be in a feminine like time the golden age the age of the Aquarius, every one born from 1980 on is a indigo child we were born in this generation to help the world and bring it into this new life we will are start to see
imaphrodite2012 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
i was told that I was Aphrodite, I have been having crazy dreams some of the dream you guys talk about are very similar to mine I am a water sign, which makes me the water goddess I was aslo told I was mother earth and that I am a healer. I want to help so many ppeople source has been speaking to me and guiding me through a lot of crazy thing trinities, angelic numbers, indigo children,manifestations,and much more. I believe that I visit many peoples dreams every night and I believe I show them what love is and what they can do... We alll need to be ready for what is going to happpen ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
you dreamest of the antichrist. I'm not sure of the rest. We'll talk via email soon.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-15)
The Goddess Hecate is the patronic goddess of wicca and magic.
It is very good to hear that you come into constant contact with her in your dreams ❤
I just finished writing a story on magic. I do hope that you can read it soon. 😊
Snow333 (5 stories) (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-15)
Ive been reading up on gods and goddess... They would come and vist me in my dreams. I was reading about the goddess of magic Hecate. When she came in my dream she let me control fire and have telekinesis powers. Now any dream I have I can use telekinesis powers if I want to. Another dream I had was about a wild angry storm, pushing me around and not letting me pass... So I called gaia the mother nature and asked her to part the storm so I could pass and so she did. I very much injoyed them!
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-15)
I thank you for that indigo.
I have reached an emotional and spiritual realization.
And I do try my uttermost best to be strong and keep my identity because I have a really tough life.

I will look into these elements some more

IndigoCat39 (1 stories) (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-15)
Rashidah - The elements in your dream could represent the four directions and their corresponding meanings:

Air - Heart chakra - Spiritualism - East

Water - Sacral Chakra - Emotion - West

Fire - Solar Plexus - Identity - South

Earth - Feet Center - Foundation - Below

God of Air, Your Spiritualism (heart) and God of Earth, Foundation (Feet Center which ties you to Earth's energy grids) defended you.

Goddess of Water, (Your Emotions) gave birth -you had a new realization emotionally, water represents emotions.

Goddess of Fire, (self-esteem, identity) survived with you.

Myself, I think dreams are symbolic, so this makes since to me that the 4 elements would represent the 4 directions, etc. What do you think?:)

Love and Light,

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
😆 Just take your time hon and read. I myself have a ton of books I need to finish.

I guess your offline now...drat. Was hoping to talk to you.
I am sorry that the point system is bugging you. I have had my comments removed on the other site (ghost stories) because I have angered some christians... But I could really careless how they view me.

Deja vu is very common hon.
nightbubble (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
To: Rashidah
So do I have any ability or anything? Because sometimes I have dreams about me and my fren talking in the future, but after few day that thing will happen it's like a deja-vu... Do I have any ability? I am curious and I was younger I could see spirits and shadowss
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
[at] Iunderstand

I won't be surprised if in time, more than a handful of us will have to deal with the same thing you are dealing with, points-wise.

I went to bed with a karma score of +4, woke up with only +1... Not that I really care, but I don't to always sugarcoat things I say, so I know why

Though it seems like some users are going back ages to mark people down. I wish we had a "report card" where we could go back to each comment and address the dispute.

I could go on for a half hour about some of the usability issues, new and old, but I'd probably be told to leave and go somewhere else 😢
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
To Rishadah- I certainly will. I have so much to read now. I don't even know how I'm going to do it all.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
Demons are what christians termed as fallen angels.
I have had some encounters with some and they are quite trustable. Unlike angels, they are more willing to teach humans how to advance their selves spiritually.
Now do not get me wrong there are evil spirits out there.
You have to test all things and spirits as the very bible teaches.
I find angels to be very hypocritical. I say this because when I left christianity, they suddenly turn into the demons in my life.

Please go to my blog which is on my profile and read the story 'King Solomon's Negative Influence on the Goetia'
You will read about other beings like elementals (not the ones on this site 😐)

To bubbles
Zeus is a real entity. There are magicians that work with him. I never had the pleasure of encountering him though.
nightbubble (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
i had a dream last 2 months. If I am not mistaken... I saw zues and his other gods. Doing something. And the sky was red and there was a tornado conected down to my house. And I remember walking in the tornado. And I flew up to the sky with god. But I don't remember what happened after that): sorry
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
To Intotheblack- I completely agree with you.

To rashidah- I'm going to look into that tonite probably, starting with sumerian mythology. Thankyou. I have two questions for you. Can the word of a demon really be trusted? Are there other spiritual entities besides angels, spirits, and demons?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
What I was trying to say is that around John's time, doomsday stories were not anything new. There are many more reports if you look through history that talks about the end of the world.

The ancient city of sumeria had tons of stories of the end of the world. So did egypt, Rome and so on. The book of revelations seem to me a mere copy of other stories from older civilizations.

For example. The four horse men of the apocalypse was taken from sumerian mythology
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
Yea, it was a pretty bad choice to put a voting system on a site dominated by kids. Someone's going to keep abusing it until moderators are fed up and it is removed.

I wish the points counter was invisible and only showed change after 10 votes from separate usernames at unique IP addresses.

After 10 negative votes a comment could be grayed out to make it easier to ignore...

A "report to moderator" button would've been a better choice though, and upon reviewing, the moderator would lower the person's karma, or not, depending on the infraction
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
Thankyou. Can you tell me the names of some of these books? I couldn't help but notice but I think some went through and intentionally clicked on the red triangle on a bunch of my comments. Like any comment of mine just automatically got a negative just because it was mine. I think I know who it is too. When I was a young kid I was pretty smart and there are some smart kids on here too but some of them are just obsessed and need to spend less time on the internet and more time with other "normal" kids.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
I thank you for your word in due season. You are wise.

I myself wanted to study theology when I was a christian. But I gave up on that dream awhile now.

But I have read the bible a total of three times in my self including apophryca books.
So I am quite familiar with the book of revelations.

Iunderstand do you know that the book of revelations is not the only doomsday book written? There are countless.
So I question the originality of the author.
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
I basically grew up in church. I was even going to college to study Theology. I never felt connected to any of them though except for only a few. I honestly don't even like calling my self a Christian anymore. Nobody understands that human beings literally walked with God and received His word directly. This is why Christ came, so we again have direct fellowship with God again. Would an artist destroy his greatest work? We destroy everything. Even our destruction will be experienced in the flesh, not only in dreams. This is why I share all that I do. This is why I am here. Truth is nearly gone, I attempt to preserve it until the end (The Apocalypse).

If anyone desires to know what will happen in the End, regardless of what you believe, read the book of Revelation with me and send me updates about the connections you will make. The particular areas you should take extra interest in is when any angel is called or described, also anytime your read about any creature described. I really hope anyone reading this will take part with me in this. We all have special parts to play in the future to come.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
I thank you so much for your help. I will reread the book of revelations.
How long have you been in the church for by chance?
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
Your dream and dreams like it are way to similar to the Biblical Apocalypse to be coincidence. Even the part about the earth and air elements beings killed. There are many signs that happen described in the Bible about death and destruction, for example; when the sixth and seventh seals are broken, also when the first of seven trumpets has sounded. I strongly encourage all who have dreams like this to read revelation. Also contact me when you have new dreams. This is part of my calling. I want to help.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
I understand that you believe this leader from my dream maybe the anti-christ.
That can be possible too.
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
The book of Revelation can give a great deal of insight into these kinds of dreams and experiences. My personal belief is this; 5 people sit in a room. One gets scared and jumps causing the other 4 to feel residual fear aswell even though they did not perceive what made the one become so startled. Its the same kind of thing when someone tells a joke. One usualy laughs first, then the others are compelled to laugh afterwards. Now to get to the point... Its no coincidence that many people are having nearly the same dream concerning the end or of apocalyptic themes. These will grow more intense and frequent and more people will have them aswell. The most sensitive will have them first then others will follow. But sensitive to what is the question. Sometime soon the Spirit of the Anti-Christ will again manifest himself. However, this will be the last time. It will be his truest and most unbound form. The First Fallen Angel will walk of the earth in physical form and will war against the Lamb and His saints. I believe that you and others like you are actually somehow intune with the thoughts and feelings of the very same demons and angels that will fight in this war, on a psychic level of course. This is the most probable explanation for this dream phenomenon that so many are experiencing right now.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
Wow Rashidah, reading this experience of yours... It seems like your Fate is somewhat tied with mine... I didn't know you knew the ancestors of my friend! This is weird in a way...

~My ancestry goes farther then anyone else's...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
I think I finally got the interpretation of my dream.
Now I can still be wrong though but this is what I think.

The Gods of the earth and air dying.
This can as panhil stated symbolize the death of the earth and air. Example, the destruction of animals and crops, the poisoning of air like smog and haze.

The leader who was enraged can be symbolic of fire that causes this destruction. He hates the elements because he wants to destroy them for his materialistic gain.

The birth of the water baby symbolizes the coming rains to help relieve the fires and hope.

But it is like a lesson also. GREED bought about this global warming by us destroying the earth's natural resources for our materialistic desires. We are releasing harmful chemicals from manmade industries that are destroying the ozone layer that may cause severe fires on the earth because the ozone layer is being depleted by them.
When that happens the shield that usually protects us from utra violet rays is useless.
Thus in a way we are destroying ourselves.

Going green for the developed nations maybe a waste of time because they might not want to spend the extra money on that project. Which is a sad fact because I a lot of international businesses will go bankrupt if they listen to the environmentalists.

This is so mind blowing to think I will dream about all this.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
I have a question though. As you all know, I am a very big skeptic in elemental manipulation.
But is it possible to develop psychic abilities at the age of 25?

Also about the fires that are taking place. Besides the effects of global warming, can it be possible that the fires are started due to spiritual powers?

I am also a science student, but I find these occurrences very strange to just pass them off with mere scientific explanations.

Cause I am really starting to dream dreams that are getting more and more lucid.
I sense something BIG is coming. But I cannot quite put my finger on it. It is like I am feeling something coming but I can't quite see it as yet 😕
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
GoodMorning Everyone
I believe the birth could symbolize a new beginning of something. The baby was a boy.

The water goddess could of symbolized hope.

You are right. I believe this dream may be symbolic of the global crisis situation. I think that the fire and rage symbolizes that countries are going to actually have a lot more forest fires 😐

I am not too sure of ET. But you may have a point there.
emeraldGreenEyes (1 stories) (23 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
There are countless ET beings that can manipulate your dreams.

I'm aware that they can do this, so those who enter my dreams acknowledge that I know they can manipulate my dreams, so they don't even both trying to program me or convince me with messages.

If you personally acknowledge that your dreams may be manipulated and manufactured by an alien/ET, then you may find that your dreams will change and you may even speak with the ET on more equal terms.
Panhil (4 stories) (79 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
Ok so here I my interperatation of your dream:

Global Leader is a symbol of a large army, political party or demon,

The Gods and Godessess are not actual beings but each element. The Air and Earth will cease to exist in other words pollution and industrial construction all over the earth. Fire will rage and can only bring harm, however there is hope in water an element that is very powerful and from water will be the cure for this "disease" the global leader spreads.

I hope this help I have had some experience in deciphering dreams if you have any more let me know my e-mail is in my profile.

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