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Real Psychic Experiences

Deceptive Beings


I am writing about this based upon my own personal experiences with these type of spirit beings. During these experiences, I have discovered a pattern from these deceptive beings.

(1) These beings try to control you by fear. They may do this by threatening or terrorizing you if you rebel against them. They will even go as far as sending you visions of your destruction just to keep you inline. But these visions are not real. They are just illusions.

Please remember that we as humans give these beings a lot of power when you give into these threats. These beings can only harm you IF you allow them to. We as humans have the will power, strength and the ability to make our own choices without the fear of getting into trouble if you disobey a being that may appear unto you.

(2) Sacrifices.

If you encounter a being that request a sacrifice in return for its services, please STAY AWAY from this being and have no further contact with it. They are vampyric in nature. These beings vibrate at low frequencies, and need some form of sacrifice to gain energy. These beings usually stay at one level constantly due to the fact that they have to deal with the karmic consequences of their actions.

First off, it will be wise to contact high level beings instead that are not dependent on sacrifices. These would not require sacrifices, but instead they will give you good advice, knowledge and wisdom that will help guide you.

(3) Auras

Pay close attention to the auras being given off and the colors. If you are NOT comfortable, that is you subconscious giving you a warning about the being.

Remember, ALWAYS test all spirits. If a spirit being is hesitant in explaining what it wants from you then most likely it is hiding something.

I do hope this help out the psychics on this site to recognize an evil spirit so that they will not be deceived into thinking that these beings are their spirit guides.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rashidah, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-15)
You are wrong saying that high level beings don't require sacrifice! Everything good in life comes with a sacrifice! Sad but true... That's why ALL religions REQUIRE sacrifice... If you love someone, you have to sacrifice some of your time and comfort for them! So if you love God, and want Him to protect you, you have to sacrifice a bit of your time, money and comfort to do His commandments! Jesus said: "He who DOES what I say, is the one who loves Me!" That's why we pray and bow to the ground, we fast whenever we can, we read His Word: the bible and psalms, and PRACTICE the bible, which sais: "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you... Forgive people their sins and mistakes, so that your heavenly Father will forgive you yours... Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in jail etc... Love one another, as I have loved you- unto death!" Rashidah, all these things require SACRIFICE on our part! It's the only way to show our TRUE love to God, and each other. Jesus and the saints showed us this with their lives, and the more you sacrifice yourself, the greater your reward will be in heaven! I met some saints personally (see my PROPHILE), and even though they supernaturally healed people with incurable and terminal diseases-by praying to Jesus- they never healed themselves from sickness, cancer, hernia, etc! When I asked them why, they said: if I suffer, my reward will be greater in heaven, let God do as He wants! That's why people with a physical or mental disability, who thank God for it, will shine in heaven, more than us "fortunate" ones, who are healthy and have everything in life! That's why our war heroes will enjoy a special place in heaven, because they are like Jesus: They sacrificed their life, so that WE can live free! God told apostle Paul when he was sick: My power is made perfect in sickness and weakness. Who can understand the mind of God? If we could, then we would be Gods also LOL! God is an ocean, and we are bottles... Can you fit the ocean in a bottle? No! Only a litre. God bless!
Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-13)
Rashidah, you said that: "if a spirit guide doesn't hurt you, then it's not a demon". Well, let me tell you, this guy was a powerful shaman of the Yanomamo tribe in the Amazon, and he had spirit guides from the age of 10, until he got old... They were wonderful, and gave him supernatural powers... Until one day, they couldn't hide the truth about who they REALLY were, anymore! Read this mind blowing best selling autobiography: "SPIRIT OF THE RAINFOREST" by Mark Andrew Ritchie, at (and see movie: "ENEMY GOD"). You'll discover the TRUTH about spirit guides! Good luck.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
I do not believe that they had any experience with spirit guides. If they did, they would have know the difference between a spirit guide and one that has demonic capabilities. And they would have also advised you on how to get rid of it.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
Yeah, I agree. However, the people that told me that weren't from this site. One was a bit on the younger side, but the other two were older than me. It made me question their competency.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
There is a trend on this site that kids think that every spirit they meet is their spirit guide. This is false. I believe that some people are so desperate to experience communicating with their guides, that they readily accept any spirit they encounter as one, even if it is dangerous.

Your spirit guide will never hurt you. That will defeat its purpose of guiding and helping you. 😐
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
I've had a very aggressive spirit that has attacked me many times since childhood. At one point it was choking me and I couldn't breathe and it said, "if you give me your soul, I will let you breathe again." I knew he wasn't a spirit guide, but I've had many people tell me that he is. Why would my guide want my soul? I have two other guides that have always helped and have never harmed me. They in fact on occasion have scared this other being off.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
Thank you mel I really appreciate that.

I always try my best to explain my experiences. But if someone is just rude or constantly judgmental I usually tell them off.

But if some posters genuinely would like to hear me out, I try my uttermost best to explain certain things.

Lucifiric Spirits are spirits of light and wisdom. It is a luciferian term that is used for followers of that discipline. It is not associated in anyway, form or fashion to evil.

You can adopt lucifiric tendencies if you are a follower of the Being of Light's principles and teachings.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
I should have read some of your stories before making assumptions. So, far from the ones I've read I totally agree with you.

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
I will also like to add that these beings do not have your best interest at heart. So they will use fear to try to control your thought patterns.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-14)
No problem hun. You simply misread what I said.

No hard feelings there.
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-14)
No, I am phoenix-antrix, and deathspark is an another person, seems a little misunderstanding amongst us
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
phoenix that post was not for you. Is your name bbdeathspark?

Hey -adah how are you. I will love to hear more of your experience ❤
-adah (25 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
hey rash haven't seen you in a long time. I mean heard from you. Anyway, I have been doing alot. I helped a spirit move on just last week! It was awesome

-adah ❤
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
I am not inviting anyone, I just wanted to know about you because it seems you like mature content, so I just want to know how a psychic can maintain MATURE CONTENT and DIVINE CONTENT simultaneously in his life
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
A psychic is a psychic hun.
But I do not know anything about aerokinesis luv. I have never encountered anyone who had them. I hear these things from ONLY American kids.

I hope the other psychics on this site can help you with this one.


I am very particular about who I speak to on chat. So I have to humbly decline your invitation.
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
Hey Rashidah, what type of psychic you are? I am possessing the ability of watching supernatural things and these days I am working on aerokinesis...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)

I do not mind chatting but make sure the conversation is of a mature content.

If not, please do not bother me.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Hey Rashidah... I sent a request for you on msn... Did you get it?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Thank you for your post. I find that most posters here to be very childish... Wait a minute, they are kids. Silly me.

Anyways welcome to the site.
But try posting stuff that helps people. Do not start fights with waste of time posters. I say this because I just read your last post on another story.

Good Day to you.
Angel_Warrior (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
I am new to the site. So I wanted to say hi to everyone. I do believe though there is something that is going to happen. So when you say everyone is obssesed with a upcoming war. I think its safe to say there will be. If you do look at the news things are getting worse all the time.

I hope that we can all grow to become something more. So we can rise up and fight evil. The ones we can see and the ones we cant.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
This entire site is obsessed over some upcoming war.
When will any of these kids write about what is happening in the news. Hopefully they actually watch the news instead of anime.

If you need help with anything, you can email me. I would like to hear more of this kid in Cali.

Thank you so much for the link. It seems that you are offline now. But I hope you read my mails soon.

Much Blessings. ❤
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Hey I need some help I created some issuse over the summer and now so meny people got sucked into it and they think there is going to be some big war and now some are being atackted by things I made which god and angels are geting rid of and its going to get people sick in the beging of the summer bad things where using me to spark up some bad conflicts and now there's a kid in Cali. Whos geting atacked and won't let go of the fact that there's going to be a war. There isn't going to be one not like people think it all just has to do with man and I need some one one to help me clear this up for one man can't do it alone. Ever sence it cleared up for me every time I pray hours secs or even a few days later my prayer is answerd perfectly. The stuff I went through not every one was suppost to and now they are and they keep feeding the bad stuff energy by talking of a war or using certin gifts and be violent or other stuff the one thing people are having issuse with is these shadows I made and they feed big trust me its not fun there not like the others for they feed on other shadows to or people who claim to be dark. This is very importent it need to stop it has me in tears for the fact that god has forgivin me but if some one gets sick or die because of some thing I have started or created I don't think I can forgive my self. If you need to go to some of the other comments I posted most recently they explain more this is no joke. If you can do this for myself and the good lord and his angels and that mean with out the help of using the name lucifer for that's silly I promis you god will hook you up with the gift of being fire proof when you need it he gave it to me and I can sit with a lighter to my hand now but please this must be done angels are doing what they can but they can only do so much for they use me to share what needs to be shared but no one listens or believes. I do what ever even if I need to make buddies with oricale101 that closed minded man. It needs to end a young man named robby is being attact like I was and I know the next step for they did it to me and they want his body and that no joke and once they do its hard to stop for if any one with hatred or anger aproaches its like being shot up with pcp. If you need some sort of proof about what I say go by some wood and some markers and make a bored and get a few good hearted friends and find the strongest positive energy you can to use the bored and pray to talk to an angel or a spirit who walk with our wholy father juses and then ask them and ask about me and the diffrent things I have told you they will tell you the truth and ask for true honesty. People around here who use the bored have to keep dealing with spirits calling me out by my name and asking for me even when I'm no where close its not the best thing to brag about which I'm not because they just wanted to know where I was so they could screw me over again. These people need help and if you do make a bored I want you to use these questions to make sure you know who you are talking to is an angel or not if you ask if they have wings ask if they walk and worship our holy father and ask if the worship god and burn incents and ask whaty one of there favorite things to do is and some will say dance some will say sing and some will say heal or protect. God bless please help.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
Hi Light20, to me too your info is revealing. It told me why Bible calls us humans "sheep".
Sheep love to join groups, and they trust uncritically in their shepherd as they do not know better and as he is more clever than them. Thus any intelligent being which is superior to us can call us and make us think it is a good shepherd.
The difference between huumans and sheep, however, is that experiences which prove the opposite can make us leave the flock and its shepherd to seek for something better, and that we have a better memory than sheep.
Thus if we only once met with the Creator of all Shepherds and all Sheep - no matter if He/She/It shows to us in the shape of Jesus, Krishna, Shiva, St Mary, Mother Lakshmi etc, or (which is probably best because it leaves us most freedom) as Wise Infinity without Form - we are no longer sheep as we then have a bit of knowledge of our own, a base of our own. This won't prevent errors on the further way but it will be OUR OWN errors not those of some more or less phoney shepherd whom we follow and blindly trust. It is like growing up. Nothing more, nothing less. Adult people can be misled on their level of existence - kids on theirs.
But the responsibility for the false deeds we do if misled, if "brainwashed" as modern people like to say, lies in the one (s) who did the misleading. No human soul will suffer punishment by the Creator for things he did from being mad, brainwashed, misled by bad entities; only deeds done with a decision build up our own karmas. Thus the misleaders build up their own punishment, and their victims will see God's Compassion and not His Wrath.
But it is important not to think if you have met with the Lord that you now are a shepherd, or even a vessel of God, a Guru! This demands much more. Most people who make themselves gurus after one or more enlightenment experiences fail badly. They'd better stay put, keeping their professions and families, and serve God in gratefulness. If people start coming to them for counseling, voluntarily, without them striving or making advertisement for it, they are destined to become teachers - but in no other way.
Remember "Osho"? He had had Enlightenment and thought then he could do the Guru game but he only became a famous misleader, exploiting his devotees and building up a fake reputation with all means no matter how unfair they were. But was he happy with the results? NOPE. During most of the time he was known as a "guru" he doped himself with Valium and Laughing-Gas every day. And when he grew old he suffered horribly from a neurological disease which probably had been caused by this doping; it forced him to live day in day out in ice-cold rooms although warm India was all round him. So he became an image of ever-lonely Satan exiled into cold empty space. This was the penalty for his fraudulent behavior. Had he remained a reform Hindu theologer as he was when young and not tried to "play the great Guru" he would have enjoyed the warm air and sun of India until last breath.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
And thank you for adding more information.

I am beginning to realize that this world is a confusing place to live in.
light20 (34 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)

Divine angelic Ra-diant Sun of Light,


There are at least 5 trillion deception methods employed by spirits.


The most common is to shapeshift from former human into demon, angel, jesus, archangel - and then start to manipulate a newbie at astral stuff.

A group of former humans can create an astral environment, a city even, with many people, jesus, spies, aliens, saucers, angels, etc and brainwash someone who has a near-death experience or obe into whatever myth-belief system they want to propagate for fun or whatever.

The more we read, the more we realize the complexity of it all.


Thanks for trying to help people know more.

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
Ok thanks for clearing that up. But I think we should still be careful with sacrifices to beings.
I believe we should not go headlong into to that until we know about the consequences of making sacrifices. Not all Gods are good, and not all Gods are creators. Some of them have a tendency to be blood thirsty.
I guess it should be on what people are comfortable with. I believe that some gods should be thoroughly researched before doing sacrifices to ensure that they are not taking advantage of us.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
I've been reflecting much about what sacrifices are good for and I think by now it is the same as with praying, which also is a "sacrifice" to most people as it tends to be boresome, and with acts of renunciation as are the Ramadan fasting in Islam or the Hindu's and Buddhist's ritual headshaving.
The reason why it is so firmly believed by many, many people that these actions give good luck, cleanse sins away and raise chances for Heaven must be that they all are something like donating energy for Life as a Whole.
Many of the people here surely know the movie "Matrix". In this story humans just think they live a normal life but it is a collective dream. In fact they are only kept in tubes, as living accumulators which exist only to give electric current to the machines which then are the Lords of Earth. This of course is a nightmare and, luckily, it is still just an invented story (though there is some danger of it becoming real). But the true core of it is that in the Matrix of Universe we ALL also have the function of being "living accumulators" who donate part of our energies to the Whole.
This we have to do no matter if we like it or not, but it seems that it is more effective and also more agreeable to do if we learn to like it and thus religions teach us to be open for sacrifice, i.e., volunteering, sharing, giving, forgiving and renouncing. At the end of our lives we all have to give, or "sacrifice", our bodies back to Biosphere, and those people who can accept even this with a positive attitude fare best in life. Think of the black Americans in New Orleans who have happy music played when a dead is brought to funeral. They do the right thing.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
I would like to know why they demand sacrifices.

And if these deities threaten us to stay in place, then I would not want anything to to with them.

We as humans should have the right to choose our own paths without fear of being hurt by a 'God'
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
As to sacrifices it is well known that all Gods demand them, and that most Deities also have patterns of threatening in store if one does not behave according to their wills. But Deities are not dependent on our sacrifices I think but they demand them for higher purposes, and this perhaps is the difference to the "deceptive beings" you mentioned. Is that correct?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
When I dream beings telling me that I will die, I call upon my guides to get rid of that being. Those beings are dangerous.

I could be wrong, but a good being would not try to scare you like that. 😐

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