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I have had a few things happen to me over the past few years! The one that felt really bad and evil was as follows: I go to bed, and as I am trying to go to sleep, I can hear all kinds of static in my ears kind of like a TV when there is no signal, when that happens I feel really scared, and when I open my eyes there is a dark figure at the end of my bed that looks like a man but you cannot see his face! When I look down at him, I cannot scream, I cannot move and my heart is pounding out of my chest! All I can do is close and open my eyes. I do that a few times and he disappears. Also more recently not every night but every now and then when I am starting to go to sleep I can hear voices, like I am in a room with a lot of different people and they are all talking at once. It is hard to make out everything that they are saying, but I can tell there are women and men in the room! Also, I can hear some of them singing songs I have never heard before and their accent sounds like it is from the 1800's. I don't feel threatened or scared when I hear them and the last time I heard them I heard a man really close to my ear say "she can hear us"! And just last night when I was lying in my bed I was covered up to my neck with the sheets and blanket and it felt as though someone had put their arm around me and left it there as to be hugging me or protecting me?

There have also been times if I am out on my front porch at night and I swear that I can see people that look just like shadows and they move very fast and I see them out of the corners of my eyes. Sometimes I feel like I am crazy or maybe not, I don't know. But last night my husband had a bad dream and when he woke up he told me he is going to start sleeping with a gun cause in his dream he was told to "be prepared they are coming next week?" I really need some help here. I am Catholic and I am about ready to call my priest or a priest that lives near here to bless my house! I also have crucifix's hanging over every door in my home. And they have been there for 2 years at least. Please someone give me some imput here it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Darby3boys, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Awesome. One down, only 327 to go 😉.
Here is what I would suggest then (taken from the past couple of comments here). Lay there in bed, and think something to the effect of "Look. I hear you. I can not LISTEN to you all at once, though. Do you have a Spokesperson?"
'Cause know what happens then? You will either experience a silence SO profound that it actually hurts your ear drums, or you will hear one voice above the rest. I would then suggest YOU set up a "meeting place". "I will not listen here. My family is off limits. Come with me into the dining room" (or whatever. YOU make the rules. This is YOUR living space).
As DC says, make sure you are straight up, up front and honest. Brutally. "If you are here with ill intent, do not waste my time. Go away, you will NOT be allowed in."
Draw your boundaries and be PERFECTLY clear. NO room for "misinterpretation". If you are NOT a "hard act", *shrug* Fake it.
Thank you.
Darby3boys (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
DCinAZ you and Whitebuffalo are a huge help to me! Yes I do want to communicate with them and yes I do want to know what they want or what they need! I definately don't want them to leave and as for them communicating with my kids and husband, that isn't a good idea cause my husband understands what happens to me and is very supportative and at times he would like to be able to communicate with them, but, he gets a little "freaked out" when he feels like there may be a bad one trying to do something to our family! I will look up some natural sleepaids and I actually don't mind loosing sleep, and I haven't had them come to me in about two days now and I was worried that they gave up or left! Tell me more about what you know about ZiShu if you would like you can email me. I am going to try to figure out how to set up my profile sometime today! Thanks so much to you and Whitebuffalo for your kind and informative information! 1 😊 ❤
Darby3boys (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Hi whitebuffalo, yes I have not seen the spirit at the end of my bed, the one that makes it so I cannot move, scream or do anything I have not seen him for a long period of time. As for the other voices, I would like to know what they have to say, and yes I would like to communicate with them and I have noticed that when I communicate with telepathacly it seems to work more so than outloud!
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Sorry I haven't been back sooner, we had HUGE job come in and I ended up having to pull a double.
I see whitebuffalo has been by. Her advice is always sound, especially concerning the figure by the foot of the bed. I agree that you should TELL HIM FIRMLY that you want him to go and not to return.
The voices, still unsure what you want to do about this. Untill you do decide, you might want to lay down some ground rules just so everybody knows where they stand.
If you don't mind them being there, as they do seem to be either protecting you or waiting for you to decide if you'll acknowledge them, you may want to let them know that, your choice. Just remember, YOU make the rules of the house, if they want to stick around they'll abide by them. If you don't want them to show themselves to your kids, tell them it's not allowed. I would try to be as specific as possible, just so there are no unintended "loopholes".
For instance, you say it's when you try to fall asleep that you begin to hear them. LOTS of them. Sometimes speaking in lowered tones, sometimes singing. If you just say you want them to stop, they may take that as meaning you want it to stop for good and you may be cutting off communication with then forever. Do you see what I mean? If you just want them to be quiet so you can get some sleep, then phrase it that way. If you would like to leave the door open for future communication at a time when you'll be more comfortable make sure they know this.
You can tell them not to invade the dreams of your husband and kids, as that frightens them and you'll have none of it.
As for you taking a sleep aid resulting in you hearing 'them' more, I suggest that you try a more natural sleep inducng method, I've found that on nights I need help getting to sleep that Oystershell Calcium tablets help me take the edge off. I suffer no harmfull side effects and it's good for women to help stave off osteoperosis in our later years. Most over-the-counter sleep aids actually contain a stimulant (shocking, huh?) so it's a good idea to steer clear of those. There are other natural remedies and I'm sure if you google it you'll find something more suited to you.
Please keep me updated on your progress, or if you have more questions. 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Hello Darby3boys.
I thought of the spray bottle too (to tell you the truth, I personally like it better than a bottle of holy water for the mere DISTANCE the spray can go. One does NOT have to be as close physically 😊).
It is evident that you are uncomfortable with the voices. Where is it you would like to go from here? What I mean is, are you looking for ways to make out the voices and what is being said, or are you wishing to block the voices?
As for your Shadow Man.
TELL him to leave.
In a very firm voice (if you can speak out loud, please do. If you are only able to telepathically tell him to leave, that works just as well) tell him he is not welcome and must go to the Light.
The thing to remember, though, is that some visitors have their own agenda and may need "talked into" the Walk. If he does not leave (which, you stated when you converted that he no longer showed up., Is that still the case?) just try it again. They can be like stubborn young children at times 😊.
Thank you.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
I have NOT read through all of the comments, but I have to say something about that wee debate down there in the comment section.
I would implore you all to read, and re-read through the comments posted, before reading your own thoughts into what that poster actually wrote.
The "neon sign" and slightly waving red flag that seems to have caused the issue HERE, is the E-MAIL requests.
I know most of the longer viewing persons here are very used to the contacting by e-mail, conversing in private and chats. THAT is not the issue. Friendships are hardly frowned upon on this site.
The issue is when an "adult" requests an under aged person to contact them. Look at this from all sides, Peeps. That does NOT look good, on ONE side. AND is ONE of the reasons that under aged posters e-mail is NOT posted on their profile.
It is in protection.
This was not an issue of ZiShu's character, or religion. Never was. It has always been more in a fresh start for the site. If the administration wants a safe haven for all ages, I am afraid that includes discouraging a few "iffy" practices.
There is NOTHING wrong with posting your e-mail on your profile and asking people to check out your profile. There is nothing wrong with forming friendships on this site, in fact, I wish that for everyone here as SOME of us could use a mite of support getting through some of the things we are experiencing.
The rules HAVE changed. I encourage you all to take a fresh look at them. A few things that have been allowed in the past, are now being looked into a mite deeper, no longer allowed, or just straight up frowned upon.
C'mon Peeps. No one is trying to "take over" anything. No offence meant to ANYone, but most of us do not have the time, nor the energy or inclination to do so. We (EVERYONE on this site) have made great strides to bringing this site back from the feel it HAD had (and be honest, if you will, and you can clearly see the few changes).
I implore you all to take a new look.
Today is a brand new day, with no mistakes in it. Write your response as if that were written in stone.
Thank you.
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
In my defense, I have used the Ctrl+F function on both YGS and PE sites in my profile. Nowhere does it mention me saying son, or vessel in all of my comments ever regarding to Rashidad's false claims. I suggest all do the same.
I have never spoke to Rashidad before, she is just plain out attacking me, henceforth the "dimwit" insult. Oh yes I have gotten plenty of email about her harsh and rude comments. I apologize anyone of the misunderstanding.
I admit there are some things I will say that are far out then normal, but I will not impose my beliefs on anyone in that way. I guess making friends with people is considered cult related today... What harsh world.
However in all of my comments I have always added in a small advice of something besides suggesting contacting me through email. I guess I need to add more in if I am to continue helping people on this site.
I am still assuming all of this started from that one story long ago about the son being attacked by an entity.
I am currently helping Darby3boys with this situation of hers. Ask her in the near future if I am a "cult leader" or trying to recruit her. The main reason why I prefer helping privately because I use unorthodoxed methods which concerns my "abilities". I also use simple prayers to God.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
yeah hate mail freaks me out too. Zishu's posts are hidden so newcomers have no clue about past activities.

DC sounds like good sound advice if I meet any catholics with similar problems I'll suggest it to them. Thanks for the advice.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
WOOPS! I ment ZIshu, not DC. Emails+Diff website=Confusion... Ugh.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Lol Rashidah. DC denounced that MONTHS ago. He's just gathering psychics in a group so they can "help and spread knowledge" to each other, He doesn't know but I've been in there disguised to find out what it really was. Worthless really.
Darby3boys (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Rashidah: Okay I am new to this site, I have held back for years without asking for anytype of help or understanding! I just got done reading your comment and actually you have COMPLETELY freaked me out! Almost more than the spirits do themselves! I am asking for help and guidance from people who have experienced the same or some of the same as I have! Please if you are going to comment on my page, refrain from "freaking me out" with hate mail as I take it. 😐
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)

Zishu has been around the sites for years yes, but go to the ghost story site and read his posts carefully. They are cult like. He talks about him being God's chosen vessel against 'the enemy' as a matter of fact he claims to be the son of god who is gathering people to fight in his army of angels.

The reason why he insists in talk to posters via mail alone is that he knows how outlandish he sounds.

Zishu you are in a fantasy world. You wish Dc was only attacking you because you are a Christian. She has Christian friends you DIMWIT! So stop playing the religious cards here.

I am keeping my eyes on you. I have already gotten mails complaining about you.
Darby3boys (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
DCinAZ I have family that "backs me up" yes meaning that my mom, my sister and my husband all believe that spirits can contact people in their own way and time! Actually the "dark shadow outline spirit" at the foot of my bed scares the %^&* () outa me. Cause I can't move or do anything at all just open and close my eyes. He has been around for a very long time at least the last 15 years or so! He hasn't (and I call him a he cause the outline of the body looks male) but he hasn't been around or at the foot of my bed since I converted and became Catholic! I do have some holy water, I keep it here on a regular basis, I never actually thought about putting it in a spray bottle but that is actually a great idea! That was funny about what you said about you being DC3girls. Lol I always wanted girls, I was just blessed with 3 boys:) I will get the Saint Benedict medal, I do not have that one right now! I will try the meditation and see if that works, I am just glad that I am not alone here and that I'm not crazy. Lol I know also when I first moved to this house before I put up my crucifix' every all doors in my house, I would see a woman that was transparent and floating downstairs and my boys would hear their name called plain as me saying it with my voice and they would come and see what I wanted and I hadn't said a thing! One morning my husband was in the kitchen and he heard me call his name from downstairs and he went into our room (which is upstairs) and I was still asleep! But those occurrences haven't happened for awhile! What has me wondering is mostly those voices of the room full of people, and the one guys voice saying "she can hear us" and I could even feel the breath on my ear! And of course I kept my eyes shut and slid under my covers more cause it freaked me out! But I have had nothing lately not in the last 3 days anyways, I will just have to wait and see what happens. I do know that when I take a sleep aid to help me sleep, those are usually the nights I hear more!
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Like I said, you may not need the 'tools' at all. If you really want to know my experiences, They're not as fancy or as detailed as the ones used today. Which does not mean mine are any better, but I have no reason to think they are any worse either.
I took my cues from my mother, and if I'm not mistaken, you also have family that are open to this (?) kind of stuff.
Can you please elaborate on that? It would be nice to know you've got some back-up on your end.
Question? You say the 'others' in the room don't make you feel uncomfortable, and the one at the foot of the bed is a newer spirit. And you really want to help them if possible. GOOD! Because it's obvious to me (and you I suspect) that your purpose is just that. They found you long ago and apparently have been waiting for your awakening and possibly aiding in it. That would be the singing you hear.
The protective arm? Yeah, I'm with you there.
Well, let's take a good, hard look and I'll try to say this like my mom would (times like this are when I miss her most) because all this repeating what you already know is silly.
You are already aware of your place in this part of the story, you are also tired of waiting for it to happen, That's the clog in the pipes right there. Think of it this way. You know the couples who had a hard time conceiving? If you're one of those couples you'll get this right away. They'd go through so many "remedies" and awkward suggestions and still nothing?
Well, in a lot of cases, that weren't physical in nature, it's when they finally just gave up trying, went on with their lives, and just resigned themselves to what they couldn't change that it finally happened for them. It just snuck up and tapped them on the shouler, and that's it.
You're getting tired of waiting? Yep.
You know you're ready. (nodding my head)
I don't see you as a person that runs from a task out of fear of the unknown (shaking my head no)
I don't like to tell people to do anything I wouldn't do, which puts me at a fork in the road... What the heck? Let 'em jump.
I don't have the fear of these things that a lot of the others might, I wasn't raised that way. My mother was tough as nails, and she would scold a spirit just like she did us, roll her eyes, grit her teeth, and up came the finger in the face and the stomp of one foot for emphasis. And no more trouble from the dead or living, and she'd have peace in her house once again.
I don't know if any of this will help at all, but it worked for her and it works for me. No fear, no fools. Old school all the way.
Please keep us updated on any progress. ❤ ❤ 😊
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Surely a blessing for your home would be good, the personal use of blessed water too. And whenever you hear voices or see shadows say or think the prayer for the Souls in Purgatory. They will then pray for you too.

If I were you I'd also try to answer by thoughts if I heard the voices, like "Hey you I hear you but I can't see you, who are you?"

For these voices come into your mind, not into your material ears, it must be a kind of telepathy; and if there should really be "something out there", some telepathic spirit, it will be able to receive thought messages as well as to send it.

I once read a Sci-fi story about someone becoming telepathic. He got a voice into his head calling him a mutant because of being able to receive thought messages, and bullying him in other ways too, he felt awfully helpless and "abnormal" at first, but then he decided to try to send instead of receive thought messages and started insulting and confusing himself the entity who plagued him -
And at the end he heard of someone in remote neighborhood having done suicide, and from this time the voice was gone.

Well, a fairytale, but to my account it could be a Parable for you to learn from.
Fight back smartly if you feel attacked. Try to make mental contact if you just feel some"thing" wants to talk to you.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)

I used to see more things when I was a kid and my mom would get rid of them. I closed my spiritual eyes and ears when I was eight but they have slowly been opening up again.

If you just want to see the spirits better and hear what they are saying, I would pray about it. Since you are christian, you can ask Jesus that if He would like you to use this ability to serve the world, you reception needs some help.

However, a warning some spirits will come and lie to you. They are just like people, there are good ones and bad ones. You have to use your common sense. Even good spirits scare kids with their physical presence. Which is why when they have to talk to me we meet on another plane so as not to scare my 2 preschool aged kids, they are too young to understand. I hope that helps, just contact me if you need more help. You can find people's info by clicking on their user name, in case you haven't figured that out yet.:) welcome to the site. I don't worry about the flare up anymore and try and focus on the main posters stories.

To both Zi and DC's defense they both help a lot of people on the site, just a different set.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Alright, first things first. A house blessing is always a good thing. Spirits or no. While you're at it, fill up on the Holy water, this is a handy dandy tool. Especially for us catholics. I keep some in a spray bottle myself, haven't had to use it, but it's good to have anyway. St Benedict medal is another great tool.
Now, while I do believe these are things you want to have at the ready, you may not need them, It's all up to you.
The buzzing noise in your ear, if not a medical condition, then I'm GUESSING it may be someone trying to communicate with you. Sometimes the energy it takes some spirits to manifest themselves can be substantial, which would explain the buzzing (trying to speak), and the unformed entity at the foot of your bed.
(small break... Be right back)
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
You have to meditate to open your senses. There is something else as well that will definitely help open your senses but I prefer not to say it on here. So the best I can say is just meditation and reach out to God. Ask him to help increase your spirit senses more.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Sorry for messing up your board here but I've got a thing about these older guys coming in and manipulating the younger ones,
It won't happen again. Let me just read up here and I'll get right back
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
I'm here for you, it's OK. I hope the 3 boys means those are your sons. If so you can call me DC3girls LOL.
Darby3boys (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Okay guys, I am not trying to get everyone in an uproar here, I am just reaching out for help. As for ZiShu, I am also Christian, I am a Catholic Christian, and us Catholic's reach out beyond what some Christians do. I am a mom and I am concerned about what is going on. I am reaching out for advise and to see if anyone else has had these experiences. As for the negative energy that is around me, it is not there very much at all. As a matter of fact the figure at the foot of my bed has not been there for 2 years now, but the voices do not make me feel threatened in any way. My main concern is how do I open my ears more to listen to what they have to say and what they may need me to help them with. Just because I am hearing voices, does not mean that I am crazy or that they are all bad spirits and need banished.

DcInAz have you had any experiences of this nature or know of anyone who has? I find myself lying in bed waiting and listening thinking that anytime now I am going to hear them again. Yes at first I did think that I was nuts cause I have been under stress, but when talking to my sister and my husband and a few other family members who are open to this kind of stuff, I would really like some advise. God let's us see and hear things that are here that is hidden from us, but he let's us see and hear when he feels it is right to. So please help me out here and don't fight amoungst eachother. I am new on here, and was very excited when my story got published cause I wanted some input from the outside world. Thanks so much for all of you looking at my post and please help me out here... These occurences do not happen all the time, but I do know when they are going to happen cause my dog growls and stays under the covers when I start to pick up on it. Thanks so much and please get back with me! 😕
Steven-GhostWatcher (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
funny how you talk about how I'm standing to defend cult activity. And yet I am saying to you that that is not what this is -.-
Obviously you don't like to listen. I defend zi because I know that what he does is good. And you act as if what he does is bad. I chose to make this personal because what zi does is something of great importance to me and in my heart. And you trying to stop something good like that saddens me.
I went through the posts to find where you tried to get people to not listen to zi because you are telling them not to go to the one person that, if no one else can, can help them. He has helped many that I do not know about, because they do not become a friend of our's. But they were helped by zi. And for that, you should be thankful that someone out there is able and willing to help. And you should not be repressing that help. I am part of his circle of friends. But I am part of no cult. And neither is he.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
You know what? It's obvious that you are new here, so I'm not going to engage you about this incident, or anyone else for that matter. And I do realize that to the newer members I must look like a big bully, that's alright. You just haven't had a chance to relax yet, and for that, I'm going to say just this:

You are not required nor are you expected to read every conversation that is put up in the margin area. If you have chosen to watch this one, that's your choice. Once it got personal you could have turned away and ignored it, you chose not to. For those who've decided to step in after being informed, politely I might add, that these things pass quicker if you refrain from joining in, I can no longer take responsibility for the mess as you have made it your business to intercede into something you obviously know nothing about.
If you are the type of person who feels they must butt in to everyone elses affairs, then more's the shame.
However, I always find it a odd that when the subject of cult activity gets introduced into the mix, their are actually those who would stand and defend it. Hmmm...?
Steven-GhostWatcher (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
DC, you say in another post that you say you want this site to be used for what it was intended for. Its being used for that purpose. To share your experiences, and find help if something gets too serious if the poster would like the help. So zi offers help, and they can either take it or leave it. They asked for help, they got help. They shared their experiences. Sounds to me like the site is being used exactly how it was intended to be used
Hes also bringing people together to be friends, like a family, to be closer to others like them, and to be friends with others like them if they wish. Isn't this site about being able to share these stories and become closer to people that they can connect with and can connect with them? I see nothing wrong with what zi is doing. And if you want to argue with that, then you are arguing with the good nature that this man has and you are arguing that he should NOT be able to help those who want it.
I may as well be asking the ambulances not to come to my house if I'm in serious danger because I don't want strangers in my house. I ask for the help. I want it. So I got it. What is so wrong with that?
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Please pay no attention when these things flare up, they go past much quicker if no one else adds to them, I do apologize to the rest of the members. For our newer members, trust me, this is no major fight at all.
Aureth_Merith_Twilight (2 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
This discussion is way off topic now you two so please do this on your own time and not on this page.
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
I have never once attacked you for your religion, so I do not know what you speak of. This is one of the few times I have ever spoke to you. I am not making it look like anything, I just don't know why you are directly attacking me because all I am is a Christian that is offering help for people with spirit problems. So since you are attacking me, I am just suggesting out there what you are attacking me for.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Just for those who missed the rule change:
Note: after the shootings in Arizona, we have little tolerance for people teaching antisocial philosophies with cult-like behaviors. This site is about positive, personal growth and exchanges for people with possible psychic abilities, not paranoid conspiracy theorists who might be dangerous to others. While we may have tolerated some in the past in the name of freedom of expression, the recent tragedy has reaffirmed our desire to keep the original purpose of this site. If you disagree with this statement, we suggest you find another site better suited to your interests and inclinations. Thank you.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
I would be very careful who you say is trying to attack YOU. What you have been doing could be seen as an attack on this website. You don't know my religion, so you shouldn't attack me for it. Because what you just tried to do to me, by trying to make me look as if I were discriminating against you? Bad tactic these days, and won't hold up in court. So do us all a favor and don't cry wolf when there is none there.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
The rules have changed, read the homepage for this website, it's there. Also, two have been banned already and one had all there posts deleted for it.

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