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Signs, Dreams Or Premonitions


I will try to make this as quick as possible but I really need help in figuring out what happened here. I am a single woman that has always been searching for true love. In this search I signed up to an online site as I do sometimes but never take it seriously. Well, this time I met a guy and we started sending each other text messages and I blew him off.

So a few days later my mother called me desperately to tell me about this dream she had. She described how I was so happy and glowing but just like total happiness that she even thought "Well one down two more two go". I was holding a man's hand and walking into a restaurant. So she described the guy and to my surprise she described the guy that I had recently blew off. So after this I asked her to look in my profile and look at his photos and she just freaked out and started to cry because it was HIM. This really freaked me out and the connection I felt with him was very intense when we met.

But my Prince Charming ended things with me after our second date and insists on being friends. After this a week passes by and he texted to say that I had left my iPad in his car. IPad? Who leaves an iPad and doesn't notice?

I remember that a psychic also described him to me and the last time I spoke with one they advice me to give people chances even if they did not have any game. Which he did not at all and when we are together there is this connection but I really don't want to lose my head over someone that is not into me but all the signs are pointing me to him.

Please any advice you can give me and pointers as to what you think of my mother's dream and what could have been the cause of it would be great.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, marlag, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

marlag (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
To Mwenzi,

No man that disappoints you is the one... The ONE that treats you with kindness and respect is.

Remember that rejection can be painful and we might obsesses with something that isn't real... Is better to be alone and happy than with someone whom doesn't treat you as you deserve...

As Carrie Bradshaw once said. "Some people have settled down, some are settling and some of us refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies." That's me my friend...
marlag (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
Hi Boo,

My mother's dream was before we actually went on a date as I blew him off when we first met. It was very weird and thought that maybe it was meant to be, but it turns out he didn't feel it. So to hell with him... He is the man of my mother's dreams not mines...
psychicabilities (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-01)
It all started at the age of 9, I was in my bedroom at night when I suddenly seen a face in my bedroom and a pressure on me, I couldn't move. The face scared me, it was a face of a demon. After what felt like forever "but was probably only 20 seconds" the force went and I went screaming downstairs to where my mam was in the front room, she had to call the doctor out as I was having a fit. Since then I have seen things, felt things, dreampt things!. When I was young I used to have a reacurring dream, I was chained up in my mams room there was chains everywhere and there would be a lady with white hair stood in the doorway just stairing at me. I had this dream for as long as I could remember. And a weird feeling that I can't describe, it almost makes me feel like I'm as small as a grain of rice and folding in on myself? I don't know maybe someone knows that feeling, I used to get that feeling a lot since the inncedent in my bedroom all those years ago.

I'm 26 now since then my first experience of a spirit was at the age of 10, I was on holiday and staying in my friends apartment when a girl appeared in the doorway she just looked at me and walked off, when I went to see were she went she was gone. She had long blonde hair and a nighty on, she didn't scare me I felt at peace. It was around the same time I was asleep at night when I was woken up by my sister she told me to look over the room where there waas a girl in the bedroom. We both seen her and just went back to sleep. I had a few times like that but they stopped after time as I think I was ignoring it. Its only been in the last few years that I have really notived my ability to dream things that are going to happen.

The first dream I had was that my friend had died in the air, the next day I went to work to find that he had hung himself that night! The next dream I had was of my best friend, I was walking round to her house with a little blonde boy in a pram "he was mine but I had no kids at the time of the dream"anyway when I got to my friends she was not there but everyone was sad and I didn't know why, aas I was leaving my friends house there was a big wall full of photos of my friend and all the things she had done in her life, and one picture stood out at me it was a picture of my friend with a curly hair lad I didn't recognise (she didn't have a boyfirend) It was asif the photo was blown up sticking out, more in my face. So I woke up from this dream thinking nothing of it. Until my friend got ill a year or so later. I wallked round to her house, I had a little blonde hair boy in the pram, when I got to her house her mum invited me in, then she told me my best friend had passed away a few hours ago I was about to leave when her mum asked me to come and see what they had done for her. In my friends bedroom was a full wall full of photos of my friend and all the things she had done in her life. I walked home in shock and cried. It wasn't until her wake that it downed on me, as I walked in there it was... The Photo that had stood out at me in my dream had been blown up and put with the food, you would have thought I had seen a ghost! The photo was on my friend and a curly hair lad I had got her with about 9 months before she passed away. I then dreampt There was tusnimi and fires 3 weeks later japan had a tusnimi and fires. I then dreampt my nana was saying goodbye to me then she passed away 3 weeks later, a few weeks before my nana passed I was round her house when she asked me if my house was tidy, (she was house proud and I have her old house) I saaid yes of corse nana. Anyway when she passed away my house was untidy and I thought about what my nan had said and what she would be saying if she could see it, so as I started cleaning my kitchen I suddenly stopped to the feel of someones hand on my shoulder, I felt as peace and happy. I was then thinking of my nana again as I do a lot and when I walked into my bedroom got a stong smell of her hairspray up my nostriles then it was gone (nana used to use a full can on her hair when she done her hair) I don't use hair spray so couldn't put it down to anything else. Most recent dreams a few weeks ago are an earthquake in a foreign place were women wear Burkers?, well it came true think it was turkey have just had one. A baby boy is to be born into the family and I dreampt my mam needed to go get checked out, she did it turns out she got very early stage of cancer but its treatable as it been found early and today I woke and rung my mother in-law to ask her if she has been having chest pains? She said she had so I told her to go to the doctors and made her promise me she would, in my dream she had been having chest pains ignored them then had a heart attack. Something in my dream was urging me to tell her to get checked. So I'm listening more to my dreams and I'm trying to help people with my premonitions without having them think I'm mad:/ easier said than done. But if I do havve something speacial and I can help people then I want to be able to develop it to the strongest... Thank you for listening and any questions or help email me

boo22 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Hi, Your mum was obviously straight through on the presidential line the night she had that dream! I don't understand where you say you blew him off, yet you also say he ended it with you on the second date. Need more info! X
Mwenzi (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)
Hi. If you are psychc, do you thnk I wil get married? I'm lonely and I still feel that man that disapointed me is the one. 😳
quartz (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-28)
he met you twice because he didn't know how he felt the first time. He said he wanted to be a friend because he knows this will keep him in contact with you... Because he was not sure how to talk to you.
that's as accurate as I can get it. And anyway, if you can't even be friends then how can you be anything else worthwhile. To me its a no brainer.

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