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Real Psychic Experiences

The Hooded Figure


I have been haunted by a hooded figure for many years. He stands at the side of my bed. Gets me in my sleep and affects my dreams.

Just recently I have had this recurring dream about him. It starts as I go to bed.

In this dream or nightmare I get into bed and a beautiful Labrador dog that loves me obviously climbs into bed with me. All is well until the wardrobe shakes and the atmosphere changes. The dog looks up at me with sadness in his eyes. The wardrobe door opens and the dog slowly walks in. The door closes behind and the wardrobe shakes violently and the dog starts to scream. I shout let go of him you bastard! Then I awake and the wardrobe door swings open and a black hooded shape comes out with a large wooden cross in his hands and swings it up in the air and tries to hit me with it, I hide under the bed clothes and wait for the whack but it doesn't come and he walks back into the wardrobe.

The hooded shape scares the hell out of me and I get up in the morning feeling really ill and drained as if I haven't slept. I ache like mad and feel really down, I don't know what to do, it is affecting my relationship and everything.

I have seen this hooded figure since I was a child and he has attacked me on so many occasions and at one point ran clean through me. It felt like being hit in the chest and then as he passes through it feels like being sucked out the back by a vacuum. I started being uncontrollably sick in the toilet and felt rough for days. This has been a constant attack on me for years. He stops me sleeping and sometimes functioning normally on a day to day basis, has anybody else had a similar experience to me or am I all alone, do I have to tolerate these attacks for the rest of my life, I hope not.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, 1966joey, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)

Well said. And thank you again. Let us all continue to help all others who seek answers. Everyone is wished a Happy Weekend!
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
Eagleclaw, advice is great. People come here for it and I'm sure yours is appreciated. I also love reading advice after mine is written that is different. We all have different backgrounds and it's cool to read the perspective from someone else who has walked a different path. And how great for the recipient. I was asked once, "Why should I teach when there are already so many great teachers out there?" And my response was, "Because everyone resonates with different types of people." I can read one book by a master and sort of get something out of it, but then turn around and read another book by another master and my life changes. We each contribute something unique.

Well, I don't know about all of you but I have a Monday through Friday day job and I'm glad it's Friday!
Anne 😁
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
To AnneV,

Thank you for taking action on this site. I was beginning to feel as if I should tone down my advice just in case I talk about a certain subject that happens to be on the "sensitive list". Even though I am well capable of taking care of myself it is against my beliefs to hurt or say cruel things to another. I'm trying to keep a positive aura. And, I feel as if some people were targeted just because of their ability and beliefs. I like this site because it is safe and secure for all with abilities to learn and ask questions from those who have the answers.
Martin (129 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
bbdeathspark, being continuously insulting in general is also unacceptable, but those subjects I mentioned are the worst because it's an expression of hate for a person, not a disagreement over ideas.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
So is continuously insulting someone because of belief, way of life or how they were brought up also apart of that list? I think it would fit nicely over there.
Martin (129 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
Sisyphus, I would say being insulting toward others because of their race, gender, sexual orientation or handicaps is one of the quickest way to get banned on this site. Contrary to ideas & beliefs, people have no choices over these things so it's not up for discussion.
Sisyphus_Of_Comprehension (2 stories) (69 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)

I apologize for my rudeness also, I did get a little agitated with his first bout about homosexuality and could not find a reason to contain myself against his further misconduct. I'll be sure to avoid bending or breaking guidelines in the future.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
Sisyphus_Of_Comprehension and so many others; on behalf of this site I want to apologize for the rudeness you've received from "TigerKing" who has now been removed from the site. I read through many of this person's comments today and feel that they are totally inappropriate and lacked any and all respect for the opinions of others. I do not take the removal of people from this site lightly. I've only had to do so twice that I can recall. I try and let people run the conversation through and work it out by themselves but when I see it degrading into very negative territory (and often and with numerous people), it makes the site unhealthy and not a fun place to be. I like it here and I want you to like it too.

We are all unique. We are all fascinating people with a fascinating history. More than so many other websites, we of all people should be open to other people's beliefs and realities. I created this site for people like us to come to and share with other similar people - not to be verbally beaten up when a conversation doesn't go their way or is against their belief.

I do not care what anyone's religion is. I don't care who is right or wrong or what path they choose. The only thing I care about is that we are respectful to one another and tolerant of viewpoints that are not necessarily our own. It's great to disagree but with respect.

So everyone have a good day and thanks for being here and sticking out some of the tough spots. I know it's not been easy over the last week or so.

Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
I would like to tell you that I have met one of these hooded entities. Did you see the face? What did it look like? Many times they will take on the form of a human or animal. And, sometimes I'm told that transformations are painful at first. Very rarely would they show their true identity to others. At least that's what I was told.
In my opinion, did you ever think that the dog was the hooded figure who transformed in the closet? And, the fact that it came out with a wooden cross should tell you it wanted to get something across. Maybe when it ran through you it was trying to take on your human form but it failed.
If you want it to leave than all you need to do is tell it to do so. And it will. Just my opinion. Hope this helps.
Sisyphus_Of_Comprehension (2 stories) (69 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
If I were you, I'd create a lucid anchor on hooded figures while waking so you can then confront and destroy it in your dreams. I'm notoriously a hooded figure... It's a form I seem to wear well in day and at night, so I really can't put any personal inflection into the subject or to kidnapping and/or assaulting your dog. 😐

However, any time you see a person in a hoodie, registering your consciousness by asking yourself if you're dreaming will form a habit that will carry over subconsciously into your dreams. Flow with it -- be lithe and awake, not sluggish, and in your right place in the dream, or you might slip back into movie-vision. Do not become your waking self, or you will awaken. From that point, if you ever lost that flow, or were unable to find it, you might become useless. It's a skill you must learn to use in order to defeat this enemy once and for all, rather than blocking it out as a tumor in your mind.
quixoticqt (2 stories) (53 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
I wish not to offend you whether you are atheist or believe in God.
Just to warn you I do believe in God and when scary things happen to me I usually pray a prayer of protection around myself and family.
To get rid of it permanently from your room/house it would get a bit extensive but all you would need is some oil.
First you have to pray a prayer of protection around you and all who live with you:
"Lord bless me and keep me. Make me holy and pure unto you. Write the truth upon the tablet of my heart. Gird my loins with truth, shod my feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, on my chest place the breastplate of righteousness, in one had place the shield of faith quenching all the fiery darts of evil, and in the other hand place the sword which is the word of God."
To get it out of your house you need to have about a teaspoon of oil. Any kind of oil, baby oil, vegetable oil, coconut oil, *smile* even car oil would work. Take the teaspoon of oil and open all the doors and windows. In the first room you start to "shoo" out the evil walk around the room and say, "Get out of here, leave this room!" and invisibly shoo with your arms and whole body walking towards the windows and doors. Take into consideration that evil likes to hide in corners and closets. Then walk to the window and pray over it, "When I close this window you will have no power to enter my domain ever again." Then take a dab of oil on your pointer finger and dab the window with it. Walk out of that room and go to the next one and shoo it out of the next room. Bless every exit and entry. Once you come to the last door keep it open and shout, "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GET OUT NOW!" then bless the last door as you have done all the windows and doors.
My mother does this to all the apartments or places I go and move to. Usually there's some sort of nuisance spirit or evil that's there when I move but once this act is performed, they leave and never come back.
❤ Qt

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