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Blue Eyed Blonde Boy


I have been having these non-recurring dreams about this boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Although these all started around the time of October when I met this random guy at a play in my town and ever since then, these have changed over the months from sexual, accidents, traveling, and death. The most important dreams to me are the one of him with others. People that I know, including me. I see myself with him at a river in a limo. We talk and then we start kissing. This is in 2010. The following dream is with him and me again but it's at a farm. I walk outside he's there and we kiss again. This is of 2011 November. He gets a broken down engine on a highway. This is early December 2011. I see him and me in a van with more people that I know to be my friends. We're looking at beaches and temples. This is later December. The latest dream was him getting stabbed accidently in an apartment. I don't find out until the next day that he got hurt and died. January of this year. Two days after. I get notified about the injury and I help him he gets better and then I die. I know who this boy is because I recognized him. The worst part is, is that I told him. I've asked friends of his if he's recently done these things. They've said yes. Am I psychically linked to him? He is about my age and goes to the college located in my hometown. Just to add to this creepiness. I noticed a scar above my where my appendix is. I was told that he had his removed. I don't want to say about these dreams if I could get some sort of understanding about them it would be highly appreciated!

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KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
Sounds very much like a premonition. Now you have to figure out why you got it. Is it meant to prepare you for what needs to happen or is it meant to tell you what needs to change?
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
Well I appreciate the help and I hope for "most" of the things to happen just not the negative one though.
I fell asleep about an hour ago and asked does it mean that I hurt him in anyway. I was surprised to find out that it was me getting hurt by him. On accident at a shooting range of all places. Then, there's like some kind of Judge Judy episode going on with us and my grandmother is suing him for trying to harm me. I defend him and the case is dismissed. It then sparks the idea for me to ask Judy to assist us in our current case against my grandma's unemployment situation. But before any of that I was in the hospital not the boy. He was looking at me in the bed and worried. That is when all this soap opera stuff happens. It seems soon too! I can get this sense or like vibes that it is coming up to the days of the accident. Spidey-sense feeling?
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
wait for him to bring it, and then talk about it, but don't bring it up yourself. He has to figure it all out, not you, you're just there to help guide him, just as I am called to help guide the situation and see that what is supposed to happen happens.
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
Okay I will. If I should come across him this week should I just ignore the conversation about this? I know for a fact that I'll be seeing him in person Friday night. I know that I can give him time. What are the things I should try because I never walk to talk to him I just walk about if I wasn't there in his dreams? I'll give that thinking about a question again. Maybe that could work.
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
it is possible for you both to want to get to know eachother and thus be in the same dreams. Dreams have a way of answering questions we wouldn't have the courage to find the answers to any other way, or doing what we would be afraid to do. Most people have a Statera, however some people are their own Statera, why? Because there are rare people who are actually either incarnate of an archangel or have an archangel as a guardian. Just wait it out for a few more weeks, and next time you and him are in the same dream try to get him to understand what is going on.
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
I personally think that he is ignoring his dreams or is afraid to admit them even if it is his first time. I just have this thought. If he's transferring them to me. I'm receiving then isn't this kind of the representation of a video game that I had played awhile ago? There are these two boys who are different places, one is Sora and the Roxas. Roxas being the real one but created this duplicate. Hence, Sora. They share dreams and after awhile for Sora his are erased and not able to remember. I only remember the one's with the boy I'm talking about. Is it possible that we thought about getting to know each other that we're seeing each other through the dreams?
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
give it time, most latent psychics need time in order to get work into their skills. Chances are you and him are both somnambulists, so I might have to train you on how to evolve your skill. Look at my story, and then next time you dream and the other guy is in the dream focus on bringing the man that I described in my latest comment on my story into that dream.

He might be able to create and give dreams, you might be able to read and erase dreams... See how the balancing works?
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
I don't know how to ask him that he isn't talking with me so I already think that he is resenting me. How should I ask?
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
There might be a chance that he might be seeing what's happening in your life before it happens to you, like sort of like a switch off.
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
Thank You so much for finding some of the information for me. I did what you suggested and I found the date on a food product. It was suppost to be in March. I retried seeing the accident in his appartment because the food spoiles on March 15th 2012 or like the best day to use or consume it before then. All I needed was some clarity on the situation. I appreciate the help! 😁
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
yup I am sure that he is your Statera now, the person to balance you out, to make you stronger in all aspects. I'm guessing that your astral self had come to this realization long before now, and was trying to tell you, how else would you get these recurring dreams and have those vibes? Don't worry I understand that it might be a bit confusing, and I'm sure that it'll all be fine, there will be some trials in the future, and I'm sure you'll make it through just fine, with the answers you're looking for
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
The funny thing is that I did that. I asked him his name he said Trobey. His first initial of his first name and the rest are his last name. The date is all I need to find out now.
Well we never hung out that the thing. I must seem like a weirdo to him by now. We share the same birth month? Same zodiac. Same everything. Just this. We're Pisces and we have birthdays in March. I know things about him that he's kind of scared about me knowing so much of. Well he acts a little bit differently pertaining to the fact that we aren't together romantically.
When he was in the play for his college he was looking around and his eyes stopped on me. Then when he was handing out food to people I purchased one and there was a static shock from our hands touching.
When I was with my friend he showed up at the same place and I felt easily upset and left. I turned to look inside the fast food place and he was watching me from inside. Like of concern. He has been for awhile. I have never cried for another person so much in my life its ridiculous.
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
Hmm I suggest you let him figure it out on his own, and don't get too involve with trying to make him understand, if you force him to understand he might resent you.

It is very rare for a person's astral form to physically manifest, I've only got mine to manifest once.

Is there a similar attraction in reality or is how you act in your dreams different than how you'd act in reality?

Next time he is in one of your dream, ask him what your name is and try to find a newspaper or something that tells you what day it is.
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
To be honest while I've had these dreams. I started to get an attractive sense toward him. I just wish that I can get an idea of what this means so I can better explain this next time to him.
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
1: No he has neither.
2: He had his appendix removed the past August. His friends took him to a farm in November the middle week. The car broke down about two days after I had that dream. The dream of him getting stabbed and in the hospital sparked my interest because of this mark on my abdomen near where the appendix would be but mine has never been removed. So I thought that maybe he did. I researched and he that is when I found that he had his appendix removed.
3: I sometimes do believe that and I'm just in the thought of thinking that there are two different belongings of me. I think its possible to have a spirit and a soul. Its based off the idea of Yin and Yang. Two of everything.
I see him as a person of interest. Like you said before that he is the balance which is accurately true because he has done more for himself rather than me, but in the goals that I have.
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
Ok, I might have figured it out, and I will keep working at this. I have a few questions to ask.

1) Do you know if this guy has a girlfriend/boyfriend (I don't like to make assumptions or guesses when it comes to sexuality)?

2) Do you know if these things happened in the past or future (this is important for figuring this out)?

3) Do you believe that a spirit and belong to two physical bodies?

I'm thinking a few thing. You and him might be psychically link, or when you go to sleep you might actually live another life in a second physical body, or you might be seeing these events through the eyes of the people in his past/present/future. There is a cosmic reason why he is the focus of the dreams, now you have to ask yourself. What significance does this person have on your life physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, creatively, and psychically, and to what spectrum is this significance?
GuardianAngel92 (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-23)
Alright, I like the idea. Let's try that because right about now. This other boy and I aren't talking because I spoke to him about it, since it is him I'm seeing.
KeDe412 (5 stories) (167 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-23)
hmm on a metaconscious level he might be your Statera (the person who balances you out... It's a term I've coined, it's latin for "balance). It's expected for two Stateras to be psychical linked eachother, you'd have to figure out if he is having the same dreams too, because the other option is you might have the same mind, and be linked unconsiously. With your permission I can go into those dreams and make sense of it, and see if I can see symbols that are invisible to you, but visible to me.

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