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Jabbing Feeling During Meditation


I had finally begun to meditate on a regular basis for the sake of enhancing my abilities and attempting to astral project. One day, as I started to feel some of my chakras opening, I focused on my where my heart chakra would be. As soon as I had though, for some reason I felt this jabbing pain, like someone was taking their index and middle fingers and pressing it quickly and roughly square into the place on your chest just between the part where your ribs seem to open up sort of like chest compressions, only not (if you know what I mean).

I tried to stop it so I could get back to my normal meditation by not focusing on it anymore, (I didn't want to waste almost an hour of meditation feeling like someone was striking my chest) but the stabbing continued so I just decided to stop for the time being.

I soon attempted meditation again that same day as I felt that maybe I could find out why what happened earlier happened, to see if I could get through whatever that pain was, and if it were only for the one meditation, but it started up again and I didn't have my questions answered. By that point I just got frustrated and decided to call it a day.

I found that it doesn't always happen every time I meditate though. It only happens sometimes, and only in that one area. I have considered it possibly BECAUSE I tried to open it that it started hurting. However, I have opened my heart chakra before, so that is out. Could it be some kind of weird block? And, if so, how do I make sure it's fixed completely? Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for reading my story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mochi, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-13)
May I just add if a method is good for you.
You will immediately feel a shift.
The identifying ideas for a shift: are peace, mind
Becomes settled, the body will feel relaxed.

In order for the energetic body to be set-it normally
Requires a few or many times to create a new mode
Or way of moving once the block is removed.

Mochi (5 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-06)
Thank you very much PathR. I really appreciate all of everyone's help and advice!
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-06)
What you are explaining is the spleen.
The spleen has to do with smell but is also aligned
With the Hara (aka: sensations relationed to emotional

With the idea of: Smell and sensations.

May I suggest when you start meditation and you
Start experience the same sensation:
Allow you focus to slightly adjust to the 2nd chakra-Sacral=has to do with emotions.

Then slightly adjust to the solar plexus under the rib cage 3rd chakra-Emotional.
Ask to be show the situation that this Pain has to do with. You may only get a smell, allow the emotions, memory of past to surface.

I am asking you to look and be open to
The scenario. It is like gliding toward a Scenario of what transpired. When you identify this you can sense healing either visually or by focusing on a smell that is pleasant and allow it to drence the scenario.

You may have to do this a few times, and actually change it.

One the Hara/aka: Spleen is cleared you should have no trouble.
The Hara=has to do with the unconscious mind in relation to emotional expression. Sitations hurt the mind. The mind actually puts up blocks not to experience the same experience hence protecting us.
The mind does not comprehend scenaros.
Mochi (5 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)
It's right underneath the xiphoid process. Whenenver I'm meditating I just relax and breathe normally until I start to numb slightly, and then it gets kind of slower and such unconsciously.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)
Mochi may I ask what type of meditation you use?
And do you use rhymic breathing?

And is the pain on the xiphoid process?

Or is it right under?
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)

Let us know how it goes! Good luck.


P.S. Wanted to type a short message but this site FORCES you to type 60 characters. I've never before been accused of being too silent!
Mochi (5 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
I'll try it out. Thank you very much for your advice Is|Voter!
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)

I am probably the wrong person to ask about meditation. I just use my own kind of thing as typical methods don't really work for me.

But I have read before that it is not necessary --or perhaps good to "open" the chakras. According to this idea, the chakras know when to open and close by themselves, so one shouldn't "force" them open during meditation.

Could you practice the kind of meditation you do without "opening" each chakra? I do a kind of counting backward from 100 down, doing a count with each breath. Is there something like this you could use to avoid the pain?

Isle - Lora
Mochi (5 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
I'm not sure, but it's possible since I don't remember anything significant that may have hurt my feelings recently other than that. What should I do?
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
So Mochi-

Do you feel that this might be the source of your sharp pain?

Mochi (5 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
To Is|Voter:
I can think of one thing that made me feel pretty hurt. I think I get a little lonely every once in a while because it feels like no one really understands how I feel with things like astral projection, psychic powers, ect. It feels completely natural to me, but my sister hates talking about it, and my parents kind of disapprove it. I was worried that they'd tell me not to meditate and such anymore, so I stopped talking about it to people and I felt like there wasn't anyone for me to confide in or tell my problems.
Avon1 (26 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
A few years ago as I was meditating, I felt a very sharp pain in my stomach area. At the time I used to suffer from anxiety, not so much now, but I took that to be a sudden release of energy. It was almost as if all the tension and knots in my stomach that I had been holding onto had been released all at once. So maybe this is something similar in your chest.
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)

I have not heard of anything exactly like this before. It does bring to my mind what others have described during kundalini--where, they would feel that their spine or head was sort of being realigned or moved. I haven't heard of sharp pains.

So this pain is directly in the breastbone?

May I ask if you feel you've had experiences in your life that have "damaged" your heart--emotionally, spiritually. I mean, it is tough to live and not have it happen, but is that an issue for you somehow?

I'm just thinking out loud here. Hopefully something will ring true for you.

Isle - Lora

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