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Waking Up to my Name Being Screamed in my Ear


Every time I am alone I can feel the energy of the world, it is around me. And then when that happens, I see things that aren't there, like once I saw my cousin Sirna being slapped by her boyfriend, then I called her up the next day and she was going on and on about what a jerk her boyfriend was. And when I asked why, she said that he had slapped her the day before.

I was shocked and lately these things have been happening more and more, so I asked my friend If I could use her account to write this story, she said I could. I need advice that's all. I am afraid that I am going crazy. This has been happening more and more often I do not know why. I wake up to hear shouts of people asking me to help them. It scares me badly.

Can anyone tell me what's going on? Can anyone help me? If you can will you please. I would enjoy the help. So much there is that I need help with.

Just this morning I woke up to my name being screamed in my ear. And yesterday the day before that and the day before that. One day I woke up to hearing someone singing "The Shadows are Stalking", it is a song that I made at age six, except it changed parts like "the shadows that are stalking me" to "the shadows that are stalking you".

I mean I am most likely reading too much into this but it scares the hell out of me. I was reading up by the pool when suddenly I saw a tiger, I looked up but it was gone, I went home after that. But what does that mean? Will someone please tell me?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vampira, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Becky666 (124 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
mystical2 if you still check in on this well I shall just give you my opinion anyway. I think that you should again begin meditating however before you start each time say a prayer to god and ask for protection.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-06)
We had other occurances happen since the last time we spoke. My son's play organ played at couple of notes by itself. My 16 year old (who doesn't scare easily) woke me up saying, "Mom, Mom somethings shaking our attic door really hard". I got a bad feeling and looked up at the clock. It was 3:05a.m. When he woke me. So I told him to put the television on (to block things out) and I said a prayer. I just said whoever and whatever is in my house you need to leave in the name of Jesus. I did no inspection. Didn't want to know. I talked to my oldest son who has some ability. He saw a young boy float out the window when he was younger, but I never really felt anything in our house. Maybe he was just passing through. Well anyway, off the subject I told him about the door because it is in his room and he told me it does that every once in a while but not like that. I have not meditated in 2 weeks, ready to start tomorrow. We have not had anymore occurences since I said that prayer. I believe the prayer had taken care of this, but still question my stop on meditating. I just wanted to see if you had any thoughts about this. Thank you so much. 😊
vampira (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-04)
it is hollinor it happens to me all all the time its annoying I don't understand it but I guess no one does right:)
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-28)
mystical2... Everyone who has some psychic ability has had the same question how can I help someone if I doubt myself, for most of us a lot of the psychic intuition is subtle or is dismissed by ourselves. I guess that's the challenge but everyone experiences it from time to time 😁
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
I appreciate your thoughts and any information you may have to offer. That is why I ask you. You seem wise in your decision making. I am going to take your advice and cut back on meditating, maybe just meditating on Sundays. I do have a difficult time deciphering dreams sometimes (was it real), but if it is real, I don't want to not listen. Of course, there are times when you know it is real because your experiencing the situation awake. The reason why I asked about meditating is because I have just gotten into this recently. I have never called on my guardian angels during this. I do not feel advanced enough for this yet. I just take myself to another place so to say. My doctors actually wanted me to start in this. I am actually in my thirties and its taken me this long but I had no one to talk to all these years about what was happening to me. That's why I have so many questions. I believe there are people that come into our lives for a reason so we can learn some kind of lesson or they come into our lives for guidance as well. So all the information you give me, I very much appreciate. I just found out recently that people normally don't hear their name being called and turn around and no one is there. I've been going through this all my life. There are times when I get a strong feeling in my stomach and know what I know is true than there are times when I just know alone. Two months ago, I had a strong feeling about my son's friend, but again I dismissed it. I wanted to go to his families house and tell them so badly to take him to the doctors to get checked. He had leuikemia and it was gone for a long period of time. But I felt so strongly it was back. But I thought what if I'm wrong. Not only that his parents may think I'm crazy especially if I am wrong. So I let it go. Sorry to say, I was right. He had to undergo surgery to his brain a month later. They found a tumor on his brain. I need to get control over this. How can I help others if I'm constantly questioning myself if I'm getting a correct reading? Well, I'm just rambling on. Like always, I just changed the subject. Well, thanks again!
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
mystical2... Maybe the meditate part was to meditate on God and finding a way to serve his children instead of the traditional eastern type of meditation as we know it. And I would never advise to go against your beliefs I mean who am I... So if you got a message from above you go girl ! I would talk to the preacher just to hear what he thinks and then take it from there😁
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
I know this sounds kind of crazy, but do you remember the thing I wrote called "Messages from Dreams"? The dream where I went on a long trip and stopped at this large bright white room where I didn't know anyone. Where the two children said they had a message from God to me. They said I need to meditate on Sundays. You said it was symbolic that I need to work and help children and animals. Do you think there was also another message in this? I mean why Sundays? I may be looking into this too far. I just feel now I need to do this on Sunday's because that is what I have been asked to do. I've been running from understanding my ability practically all my life. Last year it finally hit me that there is a purpose for all of this. Since, I have noticed things progressing a little more. When they say to ask and you shall receive, well, some things have happened that make me a true believer. Also, I've been having a strong pull for a couple of months now that I need to go see this preacher that knew my abilities without even telling him. At least I think he did. What he said to me the first time I saw him made me leave that church to never return. Again, running from the answers. All he did was ask me if I had a gift. I told him "no". Then he just stopped and stared at me in my eyes and told me I did. He told me, "you do have a gift. You dream, you see things other people can't see". My friend that had been going to this church a while couldn't believe he said that. She said he'de never said this to anyone before. So I'm thinking maybe he has some answers. Or maybe we are looking at this wrong and he'll think I'm insane. I don't know. My friend said she doesn't think so. What are your thoughts on this? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I really need to fiqure all this out. I appreciate your thoughts and time. Talk to you soon.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
mystical2... I don't see how meditation could or should bring in I'll say angry spirits but I would as an experiment stop for a while and see if it makes a difference... Eliminate all possible causes one at a time. Then it never hurts to say a prayer to St. Michael the archangel for protection and of course keep active in your faith. That should work if not then some discussions with a minister/preist/rabbi is in order and of course it could be a little tough to find one who will not brush you off. Channeling spirits is when you let a spirit use you to deliver its message... Probably the most dangerous thing a person can do... That kind of stuff is best left for professional mediums... On second thought if in meditation you hit the no mind state you can be touched by a opportunistic spirit so... Stop for a while and see if there is a change if it stops or slows down before you meditate again try the prayer to St. Michael... 😁
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
You know I've heard growling in my house for a couple of days now. I kept this to myself thinking I'm hearing things because it was so faint. I thought it was my dog, but I usually find him sleeping or laying in another room. It never lasts long. My son last night asked me where the dog was. I told him in the living room. He asked me, "Then what is growling"? Of course, I hadn't a clue. I didn't feel anything bad around us. We both just dismissed it. We're hearing things. What the heck is going on? I mean this and the scary woman. I don't consider myself a bad person. I don't drink. I try to help people when I can. Is it possible my meditation is bringing whatever this is in and making the evil side of the spirit world angry? And what does everyone mean by channeling spirits? Is that when you call a spirit to you? Is it the same as communicating with a good spirit when they come to you on their own? I've never (I don't believe) called a spirit to me, at least not intentionally. If we are not hearing things, I need to protect my son. How?
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
hollinor... You cause me concern the scratches growling and screaming from inside your pillow are all signs of a low level demonic attack. If it has never intensified beyond this then you must have a very good spiritual side to yourself. If blessing your house and prayers for protection have not at least kept this at bay I would be looking for a new minister or prayer group or something... I think that it sucks you have to put up with this !
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
I'm glad I didn't see any facial features, LOL! I don't ever see them, I just hear them. And of course I don't know what's being said. All I can pick up is the emotion behind it. 😒
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)

Sometimes 'angry' voices can be desperate ones and be in need of help, try to remember the facial features... If you saw any... And if you can understand why at all. But sometimes people are just pissed ha-ha
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
I have woken up out of sleep because "someone" is screaming in my ear. Just about two weeks ago I had a woman yelling at me about something. She was in my ear that was laying down on the pillow. I sat straight up and tossed my pillow across the bed. I remember trying to wake up and understand why someone felt the need to shout at me. Whatever she was saying, she was pissed. I've also had growling in my ear, now that I DON'T like. It is very unnerving.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
I don't know what website you went to... But I'd have to say no haha... So sorry.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
I've heard everytime you visit the spirit world you got a chance you die is that right cause I seen it on a website.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Katie - with my second child, I almost died. Went through the tunnel. After I got out of the tunnel and "became alert" the blood test results came back, and every one freaked. I was shocked. Thought it was just some odd, personal dream. I never learn. I had no blood pretty much. But, I was ashamed at being told I couldn't go through the door in the tunnel. I'm female, and the voice was male so knew I wasn't hearing myself. It was impossible for me to go through because I had just had my daughter, I was told. I was toooo embarrassed. I knew it. I feel so dense. So the medical people did their stuff and I'm fine. I'm healthy as a horse usually. I never go to docs. My friends fuss at me. When I get something, I figure fine. My insurance, which is good, will be happy. I'm trying to get over that to catch stuff early since getting near fifty. Still, I feel the same.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
I've woken up hearing a scream in my mind but I had a dream or something about seeing myself it was like I floated out of my body to see myself then I got stuck in this dark tunnel trying to get back in then I woke up hearing a scream which only I could hear.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Vampira - ty for the post. For me, the more I open myself, the more experiences I seem to have. Well, I'm here for a purpose. That limits my time and energy for things here that have to get done maybe. So, build a wall or put a white light around you, whatever, and shield yourself from everyone and everything that wants to get in that doesn't need to. I've done it like forever. Had to. Perhaps I go too far, but don't expect perfection. I try to be receptive to things that are good, but maybe miss some of that too.

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