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Empath Discovery


I wasn't aware of the word "empath" until recently. After overcoming some health issues, I started thinking I'd like a spiritual guide and started praying and observing for an opportunity. While nothing has appeared, the word empath starting popping up around me. I had to google this word as it was entirely new to me. As soon as I read the descriptions it was like an awakening. I suddenly felt like I understood myself. My husband is open-minded but has a job in scientific research and thus can be considered a skeptic. I told him about my discovery one night. He was already familiar with the term empath. His response to me: "Of course you are. I thought you always knew."

I easily absorb other people's emotions. I struggle with negative emotions. When I pass someone and I can feel their negative energy my mind immediately feels guilt for these emotions even though I know I had absolutely nothing to do with them. I am a high school teacher and the roller coaster of emotions I experience through the day always leaves me drained and with little energy for my young family. However, the bonus is that I can pinpoint the students that need attention immediately when they walk in the classroom.

I've always struggled getting these messages and feelings about people's emotions. I've dealt with a mild depression on and off. I had myself convinced these feelings were rooted in a mental health issue. When I did take an antidepressant for a few months after my daughter was born, my abilities ceased until I started to wean off them.

My first year of university (about 13 years ago) I saw a psychic with a friend. She told me I was healer, particularly one that deals with the brain. She said I should learn reiki and be sure to eat my green vegetables. She said in my past life I was a native Shaman. I was 19 and really never gave it much thought until now.

I am a high school teacher with degrees in visual arts and history. I entered my profession thinking I would end up teaching in these areas. I supplied one day in a classroom for students with special needs. I was well liked and I enjoyed it. Since then I have found I love working with students with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, mental health issues and behaviour problems. One issue I find is that students with issues that have gone undealt with often reach a crisis point within the first few days as my students. I spent a long time questioning what I was doing wrong but now I am thinking it might be all related. I am just not sure how it is all related.

I am looking for guidance, suggestions and resources.

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PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-23)
One subject:crisis point.
Is a phrase used in Homeopathic medicine and Kundalini.
It means all the areas boil up and symptoms are worse.

In healing there is the clearing and then filling energy
With balance.

Per Martin Brofmans book speaks about Empathy as they may experience physical sensations as well as state of mind and emotions. You might wish to read his book.

The experience of feeling drained I had struggled with for many years. Not until I used exercises to change my reactions. So I act and do not react in my old behavior.
With the children or disabled you are dealing with their family issues. As well as each complex issues.
You will need help and Angels or guides who can assist with their invisible hands.

If you gain understanding of clearing energy as well as balancing it within yourself and the building it can change the environment.

Bear in mind Comfuscious said the longest journey starts with a single step.

So it is not the big changes but the small.
Spirit has a way of making a boulder out of a small rock that keeps moving and moving as it collects more earth.

Encouraging one child can give them courage to do more and want more. Kindness and love are powerful tools.

You should think about the Reiki.
But be aware it may open you up. Keep that in mind.

Good journey
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-23)
One subject:crisis point.
Is a phrase used in Homeopathic medicine and Kundalini.
It means all the areas boil up and symptoms are worse.

In healing there is the clearing and then filling energy
With balance.

Per Martin Brofmans book speaks about Empathy may experience physical sensations as well as state of mind and emotions. You might wish to read his book.

The experience of feeling drained I had struggled with for many years. Not until I used exercises to change my reactions. So I act and do not react in my old behavior.
With the children or disabled you are dealing with their family issues. As well as each complex issues.
You will need help and Angels or guides can assist with their invisible hands.

If you gain understanding of clearing energy as well as balancing it within yourself as well as the building it can change the environment.

Bear in mind Comfuscious said the longest journey starts with a single step.

So it is not the big changes but the small.
Spirit has a way of making a boulder out of a small rock that keeps moving and moving as it collects more earth.
Encouraging one child can give them courage to do more and want more. Kindness and love are powerful tools.
annatherese (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)
That's an awesome discovery. I'm also an empath, and very sensitive to negative emotions.

Here's a book on empathy and the brain that I think you'd be very interested to look into. It's called "The General Theory of Love" by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini and Richard Lannon. Note their concept of limbic resonance. It's going to be very enlightening.

There's ton of articles about empath and empathy online. A quick Google search will give you all the links.

I wish you the best on your journey!
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-06-21)
Can you start the process of extracting yourself from high school and start working more towards special needs children? You seem perfect for the job. I hope you take up your friend's advice and learn Reiki.

I wrote an article under the Articles section about dealing with being an empath. That might be of interest to you.

Whatever method gets you exposed to people in your field of interest, the better. For many years I was a sql server database administrator but my love was for art. I started to teach myself art, join art stores, do festival and such, and now all I do for a living is art. The exposure though was huge. You have to get out there. Even taking Reiki classes will expose you to the very people that can help take you to the next level.

A new phase in life, how exciting! I don't think standing in for that special needs class was any 'accident'. It was a confirmation of where you are heading, if you're willing to move with it.

Best to you and always feel that you can keep us posted!


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