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Real Psychic Experiences

Seeing The Shadow Man


Have you ever thought the shadow man was standing near you in your mind, but he wasn't physically outside? In my head it is like he is real and he looks scary. My abilities are totally open, but there are new sightings that I am trying to get adjusted to. Imagine someone standing beside your bedroom window dressed in all black, built, but you can't see anything. No face, no body features or anything. I am totally afraid of the dark and I sleep with the lamp light on. I have gotten use to living with the feeling of being followed, especially in large areas such as the kitchen area. I don't leave out of the room until the sun rises, and the hallways are bright again. I am still afraid of my own shadow, and when I walk outside I still check my surroundings. As I researched, I discovered that I am not the only one who have experienced this. I am use to seeing apparitions, but not figures that seem scary but really aren't scary. I watch cartoons, or something funny that take away the image that seems like a nightmare to me. I remember the hallways being dark, and one night I had just left the restroom. As soon as I left out the door, I felt someone on the tip of my heel just following me. I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and I repeatedly kept turning around that morning. Every-time that I turned around, it felt as though something was so close as if they were on my heel following my every move. When I wash my hair, I repeatedly have to raise my head out the water to turn around. Standing behind the kitchen table chair, that space always catch my attention. I always feel stared down completely from behind the kitchen chair, and I hate going into the kitchen.

There are two cats in the house, and one of the cats acts as if he has an invisible playmate that I can't see most of the time. He runs all over the place as if you are chasing him across the house, and he runs under the couch. At times, when he sees me he takes off running and go into hiding. He will run all across the living room, as if something is chasing him. He then turns around and stares at me. One night I was washing my hair, and turned around to see the cat sitting in the exact same spot on the kitchen table, where I always felt that someone was staring me down at. I feel so uncomfortable washing my hair, that I visit the beauty salon. The cat use to play with his toys all the time, now he don't. He don't even want to me to pick him up anymore, or kiss him. He doesn't act the same anymore, as if he isn't interested in me. Each time I am about to exit my bedroom, both cats will already be at the door when I am about to exit. This cat use to play with me all the time, and use to stay in my room with me most days. When he go outside to play, he will only listen to my mother call him into the house. He won't come into the house unless my mother is home. I normally call him into the house, but he won't answer.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sunshine_taylor, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

rcarriwill (2 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-13)
Try pray over the area out loud. Sound like sensitive to spirit realm. I get hair on back of my neck. Kind of feeling when sense a spirit. My daughter did wicca at 12. I heard stuff. Like what your describing. Prayer stopped it.
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-05-06)
[at] theta thanks for understanding what I was saying. Yes it only happens when the level of fear rises. Thanks for the much needed information
Theta_Cognita (3 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-16)
oh and the cats, theyre merely reacting to your behaviour, as you seemingly noticed things that cats commonly do anyway and thought them to be out of place, that cats picked up on your energy and chnage in behaviour. Basically they feel alienated by your change in energy and probably wonder what happened.
Theta_Cognita (3 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-16)
hello taylor, despite what other have said the shadow man (isfetation) is incredibly common. Normally only visible out of the peripheral vision, or you may see him moving and just disappear. Most commonly seen during times of exhaustion or sleep deprivation. It can be as simple as anxiety and merely a slip where we allow ourselves to believe we saw something, or a demonic presences. In either cases fearing it is the only source of its power. Literally. Youre alive, you house energy in amounts that can render these entities useless in our layer of the viels, fear is there only source of energy. Should you need more to help ward this foolish entity, archangel micheal will heed your call, just ask for his help and he will come.
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-13)
[at] maya please don't email me and others asking for help and posting comments on topics attacking people. Have a nice day
Mayank3102 (4 stories) (30 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-13)
Hey Taylor, I think u should go to a holy place and sit there in the corner quietly instead of wasting your day in getting scared! I think that u should go to a church and sit there quietly and if u don't feel like praying then just take out your phone and play something or do facebook but just sit at any holy place for some time.
Ruin_Rogue (1 stories) (3 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-08)
Listen I am not here to say you do or don't have something happening but if you have never seen this figure then it is very possible that its not truly what you think it is. I was researching before I came to this post and it sounds like you could possibly have a haunting on your hands or maybe just a dead family member watching out for you but I do not know for certain. If you read my story I have come in to vision with what you call the shadow man.
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-08)
For those that come across this post, I found a written article about what I experienced. I am sorry about the seen misunderstanding
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-08)
wolfbeast I sincerely apologize, I didn't understand what you were saying.
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-08)
again I apologize I wasn't understanding because it was a hint not direct. Super sorry
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-07)
I apologize I just read your other post lol I feel so silly lol I get what you are saying
WolfBeast (4 stories) (35 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-07)
Your not picking up on what I was hinting at, Sorry I'm not going to spell it out for you. Have a good day. 😕
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-07)
I call him the shadow man but its just black figures that appear often and frequently if you are spiritually gifted. There is another post on here very similar to mines. I am a natural born medium with other gifts and there's several posts on here like mines. They read these posts before approving them. So I highly suggest you read several posts on here, there is even one titled the shadow man. There are posts on here about being followed and animal sensitivity. This is not a complete supernatural website.
sunshine_taylor (13 stories) (49 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-07)
no you not trying to be rude but maybe if you research the shadow man and other things in that nature that being spiritual gifted you would actually see this is supernatural. There is a similar post on here like mines.
WolfBeast (4 stories) (35 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-07)
Not trying to be rude (in any way) but this doesn't sound like anything to do with the Supernatural World. I'm sorry. 😢

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