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Real Psychic Experiences

Strange New Encounters


Recently I've been reading a lot of the stories posted on this site. Some old, some new, but they all are related or are about feeling something bad. I know some of you think it is because some of these people are just starting out, but I and a few others think it may be more.

I was curious about any experiences I had when I was very young, since I cannot remember much before I was 5 years old. I wrote my mom a letter asking if she ever noticed anything strange about me, or things I would say that didn't seem normal. She had a lot to tell.

When I got the reply to the letter, it was about 9 or 10 pages long, each page front and back of the paper. She told me she always knew there was something different about me, but could never put her finger on it. She said I was very very smart for a baby, almost too smart. She said I could hold a pretty intelligent conversation for a 1 year old. My mom was also always interested in the paranormal, but she didn't know what to think of this. She said it couldn't have just been the place we lived, because we'd moved many times when I was younger.

She said it started around the time when she left my father, I was about two and a half. This was when we started to live with my younger sister's father (which was before she was ever even made). She said I had a little rocking chair I would sit in and face towards the wall and talk to someone who wasn't there, she asked who I was talking to and she said I looked at her like she was crazy and said " no one mommy, I'm pretending" and when she walked away she heard me say "don't worry, she thinks I'm pretending". She said I also used to talk to someone in my Papa's (my grandpa) back yard, mostly while I was on the swing set.

My Papa said I told him once that an old woman would visit me while I was out in the back yard, and that we would talk. My mom told me another story, and she said that she wished her best friend was there to back it up because he would witness this too. She said I would be dead asleep, but I would be talking to someone, and it looked like I was playing with someone, she said sometimes I would get up and dance with someone, like ballroom dancing, but no one was there dancing with me. She also told me that I would tell her to stop, and she would say "stop what?" and I would say stop playing with my hair, but she never touched me. She also said I would randomly say "what?" and that someone had called my name but it wasn't my mom or anyone in the house (which would lead to the voices I hear calling my name now). She said I would also ask her if I felt a very cold feeling, or a warm feeling and she wouldn't feel anything.

When I was a little older (not by much), my Grandpa Phil died of Cancer. I only have a few memories of him, and have no memory of the funeral. My mom told me that when we walked into the funeral parlor, music was playing, and my mom said I squeezed her hand really tight and said "Mommy, listen. Those are the angels singing" but I do not remember this, as I said I have no memories of the funeral.

My mom also mentioned that I've ALWAYS slept with the light on, because I've always had a strong fear of the dark.

Back to the beginning of this story, I've read a lot of stories on here talking about dreams of aliens and things, and actual encounters. This was all about a week or so before I had a dream about aliens, which was a really odd, random dream, because I hadn't thought about aliens that day, night, or even the day before.

In the dream, I was in a car with a friend, and we were driving, but we both saw a UFO hovering not far from us, over a wooded area, and then it flew away really fast. Later in the dream, I was at this building, not sure what the building was, but outside I was visited by the aliens. I didn't see them, but they sent me a scroll like thing with their language on it, and for some reason, I could read it. It was a warning of some sort, saying the building I was in or a building near it was going to blow up, I'm not sure if it was because of them or not, but I remember hurrying to tell everyone, and then I woke up.

Has anyone else had any dreams like this?

Also, I keep hearing sounds in my house, and the voices are coming about even more now, and I got another headache last night, a bad one.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hales3, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-09)
Yes mine was similiar. But I was younger, a lot younger. But to add to mine, I had the dreams of the starchilds. It was a heady experience I won't ever forget.
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-30)
Adam I sent you an email explaining, tell me about it there. Sorry about that.
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-30)
I haven't from you for a while now, on XFire or anything else, but I finally contacted my guides like you did. And, I got a cool result, albeit it froze me in place at first, but overall it was awesome.

That is my "Strange New Encounter"

hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-30)
Either the site is messed up or the comment wasn't supposed to be to my story because I cannot see it now, but if you read this, I think your username started with an 'M', I know exactly what you mean, and if you read my other stories you'll find we are very alike. About your house, just because it's new doesn't mean it can't be haunted. It might be on a piece of land that had a lot of history, you never know. I was always told that I remember my dreams really vividly, and to keep a journal of everything that happens to me, that's unusual. You should do the same. Same for your daughter, write down what happens with her. I can't remember what else you said but reply and I'll answer more.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-30)
Perhaps these storms are really just us astrally voyaging. It seems there might be energy, in some way, involved. That's my hope. I've felt storms too.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-28)
Perhaps it means we need to focus and protect what's ours? That seem logical - a warning then energy going out or not. I have relatives in hurricane zones.
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-24)
Hmm, Davis a lot of people are having dreams and visions of a bad storm hitting the U.S. Which is very interesting.

Adam, I don't really remember what they looked like, they were like symbols kind of, and the scroll was glowing a purple-ish color.
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
Do you remember what the characters of their language looked like? If you do, I reccomend drawing them.

Also, are you not getting my email replies?
davis_em (1 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
Hales, I keep dreaming that I'm standing on the street, holding onto a pole and reaching desperately out for someone who I know in the dream I love dearly, but I can't see who they are, while very strong winds beat at me and try to take me away. That's the only coherent one I've been having. Another has something to do with volcanoes erupting, and I had one recently about a cheating spouse. Mostly they've been disjointed and very disturbing.

I think the one about the wind could be about a hurricane, since I live on the east coast. But I don't know what the rest of them are about.
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
Also, I've been having these weird like flashes when I close my eyes, I'll see something really fast but it will be in black and white contrast, the other day I had one of a face but it was so fast I could make it out, it looked like a man though. I don't know if my abilities could be getting better or what, it's just something new that's happening.
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
Davis what are the dreams about? Do you think they have a certain meaning, like something you have to crack?

Thanks guys 😊
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
hales3... The dream means that a opportunity to move away will present itself. This could be due to a job offer or education and of course if you take this opportunity it will change your life 😁
davis_em (1 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
I've been having some very strange dreams lately, too.

When I was a child, I always saw spirits, but never (that I remember) conversed with them. Now I think I'm going to have to give my mother a call. 😊
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-22)
As a mom of 3, 2 grown, I'm a little unsure what to write. My kiddies have done some odd things, but I don't focus on them. A few things were "psychic..." I won't go there. One baby use to stack his toys in the corner of the crib, many nights, when he was six weeks old. He scooted to do it. But, I always wanted them to have educations and not focus on the paranormal because that comes naturally and educations have to be worked for - and in the end, it works together is my feeling. So, work, learn, study, and do what feels right to you. Listen to that otherworld. It does help. Good luck.

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