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Very Confused About If I'm An Empath


I started seeing "scary" things when I was very young. Ever since I can remember, I felt like something was trying to "get" me. I had a babysitter point a finger and make objects move and tell me I was the "chosen" one for what I can't even say his name as it scares me terribly.

I have seen dark shadows, light hazy shaped blobs, visions of people (while I am awake and asleep). I can feel emotions of people still alive sitting next to me or know how someone is feeling hours away from me if I am close to them.

I have had many detailed dreams that come true and many deja vu moments. Sometimes I smell things that nobody around me can smell and they make me feel a certain way.

Sometimes I just have "feelings" I don't know why and sometimes they are overwhelming. I seem to get a lot of headaches when I sense an energy around me.

Many times through the years I have sensed good and bad energies. I have been touched and talked to.

I feel tired all the time; drained. Sometimes if I enter a house or a place I will have feelings I can't explain.

Am I just sensitive or crazy? Or is this an ability of some sort?

I am very confused at what to do with what's been going on with me for so long.

Can anyone help?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Chalu, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Mussi14 (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-25)
Hi Chalu,

I don't know a lot about psychic abilities, but it seems that you do have some. As for being the chosen one, it definitely rings a bell because my best friend and I have had several dreams where we were told that we had been chosen (along with other people). For what, I don't know, but I've also had the feeling that I had a purpose here in life, and so has my best friend. Hope it will make you feel better:)
psyvamp (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-08)
well you just told me that you are a psi vampire and a medium like me
Light blobs= Phontoms (which are anoying)
Shadows= shadow demonds see them all the time just like all human aren't bad some shadows protect people and are mostly men
Energy drained= psi vampire
Check out this site for psi vampire info

Future321 (26 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
You are not crazy at all! You are difinatley an empath. You are actually kind of like me with the empath and dreaming the future, and the seeing spirits exept I can sence them not see them like you. You just gotta have some self confidence that's what makes my powers more effective and makes me feel more comfortable. And the thing with the babysitter is odd because I don't think your the only "chosen" one because some how I get the feeling like I'm sopose to do something big in the world.
Hope I helped you,
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
Hi, you're not crazy. It sounds like you're an empath. You've also got several other psychic abilities too. You could try going on line and looking up some of the different things that you have expearenced. You can also ask around on this site, there are tons of empaths here and I'm sure anyone of them would be more than happy to help you out.

Light and love,
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
Yeah, you sound highly empathic. I'm only now starting to recognize ehich thought and sensations are my own, and which are other peoples or spirits. It's not easy being empathic, we tend to suffer a lot. The good news is you've come to a place were you can relate to others, and they can relate to you:)
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
Hi Chalu, your story is common, you are not crazy. You are experiencing empathy and a lot of psychic areas which are open: smell,seight,sensing intuitively.
Part of the feeling of being overwhelmed is not being grounded due to another energy mixing with your own can make one fill overwhelmed/dizzy/drained. A good place to start would be a self development psyhic class where you would learn grounding and opening/protection. This will give you control to have selected times of interacting with the spirit world in a slow process where you feel safe and gain understanding. Seeing shadows is seeing deceased people who have not passed over. Headaches is due to your third eye being overactive (pituitary gland). You have to willfully close it from the back and pull in your energy field around your body. We are like magnets and other places/people pull off our energies so grounding/protection are vital to health/well being as well as spiritual growth. Blessing

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