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Real Psychic Experiences

My Experiences Through The Years


I have always been sensitive to things I don't want to see, feel nor experience. I think my first experience, at least as I recall, was when I was five years old, I lived with my parents in Virginia, it was a full brick building and our apartment was pretty big. At night, I remember being in my bed, and when I would fall asleep, something would always wake me up, how can I describe this? I would feel little pinches on my feet, first soft then a little harder, non stop, I would always be afraid to open my eyes, but when I did, nothing was there, all I would see is the clown puppet dolls my sister had in a rack of the wall, it's kind of silly for me to mention this now but I swear I could see those clowns smiling at me, with this scary look, and I would move one side and I can swear they would follow me with their eyes, sometimes I would cover myself again with the blanket or hope into my sister's bed, because many times my mom and dad would say I was imagining things, or making it up just to go to bed with them, but I swear I did feel those pinches, when I would try to ignore and go back to sleep with my sister, or hiding under the blanket, the pinches would start all over again, and when I would look again, the puppets would not be in the same order. In the end my mom had to throw away the puppets, I was really traumatize with this, I could never sleep well until she got rid of them.

My sister didn't talk to me for some time, she's 3 years older than me and she would always say I did it on purpose because I didn't like clowns. Which is not true, well after that, I didn't. That was the first time I felt there was more to this world.

The second experience I had was when I was seven years old. I remember staying at my grandmother's house from my mother's side, my parents had divorce and we moved back to Puerto Rico. I remember I used to see this young lady. She would always come at night to play with me, sometimes I would wake up with bruises to my arms, legs, you know the kind of bruises you get when your playing around with friends and have little accidents, sometimes I would even argue with her. If you would ask me to describe her, I would say she had to be like 21 years old, she was very skinny, beautiful face, very sweet, her skin was very pale and her hair was very long, pale blond, almost white like the snow and straight, I remember she was always bare foot. Sometimes I thought it was only a dream, but I swear this was so real to me.

At night, my sister and my cousins would say I was a sleepwalker, they said every night I would scare them, because I would get up from bed, with open eyes and walk all over the house, sometimes I would sing, and play, as I would be playing with someone else, I would even open the gates of the house and get out, at 12am, it was dangerous. My sister and cousins would call my name but they could never wake me up, they said that more than funny it was scary. Anyway, to make the long story short, I played and talk with this woman for a long period of time, let's say more than 6 months, then something strange happen, the last night I stayed at my grandmother's house, I woke up late at night as usual to play with my friend (I don't think she ever gave me her name) and when she finally appeared, she asked me to go play with her at her house, I was only seven years old and I always followed my mom's rules because she was very strict so I told her I couldn't go with her, because my mom wouldn't let me, she was trying to convince me in any way, but I would say no, I can't even if I wanted to.

She started crying, and she looked very sad, so I asked her what was wrong, she said: "I always come to play with you, to your house and I ask you just this time to go play with me at my house and you say no", I said: am sorry but mom would get mad if I did go with you, and so on. She was crying and saying: "I don't have much time, you have to go with me"; but at one point, I guess she knew I wasn't willing to go with her, we were facing one another, face to face, she was right in front of me at my grandmother's kitchen, oh my God, she grabbed me by my right arm, like trying to push me towards her and she said: "I told you to come with me!", when she touched me I felt like, I don't know, I guess it's something like when a lightning hits you!, it was burning just where she was touching me, and when I looked down, there was a line separating us from places, my side was my grandmother's kitchen, her side it was the cemetery. Her side was dark, windy, I could see tombs, you could smell death and when I looked at her face, she had this mean look, her eyes would stare at mine, intense. Then she was gone, just like that. I remember this like it was just now and I am 34 years old, it was a scary experience. After that, years went by without me seeing her, I thought I would never see her again. I was wrong.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kissingursoul, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
Hello Dreamscape, yes, I saw her again, and yes I have receieved help from friends here. God Bless
dreamscape (2 stories) (15 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
did you ever see her again and what happened? Have any one here gave you some advice that helped you?
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I have to say I feel this young woman came from a long gone past, her night gown seemed like from old centuries, I can even say she was from a wealthy family, I really don't know... Anne I really appreciate your help, I have been lost for so many years, I do consult a psychic here in PR and she always tells me I have to work on my gift, that I would help so many people, give them comfort. It's very confusing to me, because I really try hard to block everything, since I have two kids and I don't want nothing happening to them, nor them experience what I did as a child and still do.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
There are a lot of unknowns as to what state you were in during that "come with me" altercation. If you woke up at your grandmother's, you very well could still have been in the sleep-walking state so your ability to see her side is possible. This would explain your ability to transition to her "side" when she touched you.

It seems to me she was lonely and wanted your companionship. You probably reminded her of a brother. Most people, when they sleep, barely float over their body and their subconscious delivers various experiences through dreams. A sleep-walker on the other-hand, or a person able to see spirits, is in more of an in-between state (or trance), usually in the etheric, which is vibrating more finely than the physical, but lower than the astral.

We have to ask/wonder, how did this girl die? Probably not too pleasantly I imagine. A premature death, especially if it's violent, can keep the spirit in the lower realms for awhile. If she felt her "side" was the cemetery, I wouldn't be surprised if her death, at that time, had been recent. You said she seemed around 21-- that's very young for a girl to die.

I'm sure she did want to live your life. Would you rather get up to loved ones and go to school or spend the day alone in a cemetery, probably confused and frightened? We don't prepare our society for death, at least not in the Western culture.

Have you ever seen the movie, The Sixth Sense? Spirits with unresolved issues often get stuck in the lower dimensions. You might consider helping her find the light. You can do this by sending her love, envisioning white light that can help connect her to a higher plane. Ask that her guide on the other side help her. Or perhaps she already knew that her time in the lower realm was ending and that's why she said her time was almost up.

The thing is, we can't know all that is to be known about souls in transition. We can only do so much to protect ourselves and help them move on.

I am about to read your second story. I'll comment more on that shortly.

Take care,
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-28)
Btw Anne, what do you mean she wanted me to go with her?!. As I got older it came to my mind (as a random thought) that she wanted to live my life, its hard to explain but this is how I felt it, she wanted me to die (in soul) and she wanted to live my life. Does this sound silly?
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-28)
Hi Blueangel! Thank you for your comment!:) Geez clowns can be really creepy. To this day, I can say one of those clowns pinched me and hard, it was not just about them watching me while I slept, I could actually feel them pinching my feet and I recall them changing places. One moment they would be sitting, I would blink and they would be in another position, I felt like they were evil. And I know it wasn't my sister doing it because she was only 8 years old at the time, plus she really got mad when my mom through the clowns away;) I have two kids and believe me, I have never bought them a clown for a toy:P!
blueangel777 (2 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-28)
well I can relate to your first story about the clowns, it all started when me and my 2 younger sisters were little girls. Our grandmother would give us clown dolls and puppets and anything clowns. To tell you this was not good idea of my grandmother. But all three of us would get creepy feelings from these clowns and we could feel their eyes following us as we moved around our bed room we once had shared, but the clowns sat on the big chair and the shelf and also were hunged on the walls. Me and my sisters would run to our parents room crying telling them the clowns were watching us and they were scary. But we all swear this was real. But our parents just told us go to sleep. Well one day my little sister had the sissors and started to cut up ronald mcdonald clown doll into peices. So my little sister told us we better do the same to the other clowns dolls we did. So my father blew up cause it costed money. But my little sister said to my father oh well but the clowns are evil. Well my mother bagged up all the disemble peices of the clowns to take out to trash. It was garbage day me and my sisters waited for the garbage truck to take that bag, to this day we all don't own anything clown wised. But we were able to sleep peacefully after that. Me and my sisters have psychic abilty. So I guess it was good to get rid of the clowns my little sister believed the clowns were evil dark spirits. But maybe you sense the same thing. Peace.
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-28)
Am so grateful for your comment and yes, the story continues with this young lady, I will try to write it down now, I was just thinking I wrote to much hahahaha, plus, I am kind of shy sharing my experiences, not everyone is so opened minded. I have a little bit of trouble with words since my main language is spanish but I will try my best to make myself clear for everyone to understand my experiences. Believe me, I have had many encounters, I am so happy to find this site, I think it will help me in many ways understand what's going on with me. *hugs
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2009-10-28)
I think just because a child passes on it doesn't mean they are any more developed. This girl clearly wanted you to go with her and when she didn't get her way she became petulant. Spirits can become attached to souls still incarnated here on earth and that can last days or years. It's actually fairly common for young children to have 'invisible friends' that are just souls that have left the earth plane.

I was a sleep-walker too in my youth and I think there is something to that. I also had an entity attach itself to me that remained until I finished puberty (I'm now in my 40's) . I think some people are just more open to the other side during altered states of consciousness (sleep, meditation, the hypnogogic state, whatever).

Is there a part two to this story? I was left hanging there at the end;)

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