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Real Psychic Experiences

My Experiences Through The Years 2


Night was over, lady was gone. I felt so sad because I was so attached to her, she was my best friend and I already missed her but at the same time I never saw her so angry, her entire face changed when she got mad, she seemed so evil, it was the first time I felt afraid of her. And I never really understood what she meant when she said her time was ending... Anyway, mom, sis and me were finally back home, the lady that was renting the home was gone and our things were moved back in (btw the lady that rented our home while we were in the US was a Santera, the people that work with black magic and kill animals for their rituals). At first I kept expecting to see this lady at any time, I thought she would come up out of the blue but it didn't happen so I can say I felt she was really gone.

Not even two weeks had passed by of being back home and I started to feel a presence but I knew in my heart it wasn't her, just didn't feel like her plus I had this feeling it was a man. I shared my room with my sister, so thank God I felt safe in the sense that if something appeared I wouldn't be alone (my sister was only 10 years old but I was only 7 so at least she was older and could protect me lol:P)

One night I had this urge of going to the bathroom, problem is, the bathroom was like 20 feet away down the hall and mom didn't like us turning on the lights when we had to go to the bathroom because she is a light sleeper and it would wake her up:-S, still I really had to go! So I went slowly, peeking from the door to the hall problem is right away I knew someone or something was watching me, I started looking further, focusing on the shadows, my eyes were dragged to the end of the sofa, it was very hard to focus but in between the shadows there he was, staring at me, I couldn't see his face clearly, but I felt his eyes on me, he had this smile on him, like saying "I am here", funny thing is I still felt safe with him, like he was taking care of us, specially me, I felt he was keeping the lady away from me, at this point I would see him like my protector, He was very tall, around 6'5, thin, he looked very elegant, to tell you the truth he looked more like an Italian Mafia Guy (btw my grandfather's father on my father's side was Italian), he would even had a mafioso hat on him.

Sometimes my mom would feel a person sitting down, or laying down her bed, she would even feel him in the car while she was driving but never really saw him. Every time I'd see him he would always be sitting on the sofa (at the end of the hall) with his right leg crossed, in his right hand a Tobacco, and always smiling at me. I never really got to talk to him, he never got beside me. Years went by, I kept seeing him but nothing ever happened, he never spoke to me, all he did was smile.

When I was about 15 things started to get worse, not with him but with other things. In my next story I will talk to you about the beast.

If anyone can please tell me how they feel about this tall gangster guy, and what he wanted, I would really want to hear about it.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kissingursoul, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

gypsyqueen (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-12)
I'm finding your stories so interesting... Bless your heart, that had to be scary as a child. I feel I have a male spirit that visits me regularly. He also sits on the sofa with his legs crossed. My niece has seen him as well (and I had never mentioned him)...she described him as tall with his legs crossed... Sitting exactly where I see him day after day. He does not scare me for some reason. I suffered greatly as a child and had many sleepless nights due to feeling and seeing "things". I became jumpy... Afraid of my own shadow. I blocked most of the fear away by now. Hope all is well with you
blueangel777 (2 stories) (24 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
hi kissing did you find your mafia guy in the old photos yet? On your dads side? It's been two years since I comment your story, but my mother passed away novemeber 18, 2010. So I been off here since that I'am back and going to post more stories. By the way how are you making out with your gift? Well hope to hear from you and see more stories from you well take care ciao love and peace blueangel777 😉
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
I believe greatly in God, and I have tried to get closer to catholic religion, that's the one I was taught but I have come to the conclusion You are Your Church, just because you don't go to the House of God does not mean that you are not Close to God, maybe am closer to God than most people that go to church every sunday or more than 3 times a week, only God knows, but I truely think there is no avoiding to what happens around me (spiritually) I just pray I get the answers and for guidence.

Thank You for sharing your opinion. God Bless
sweetblood17 (1 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
Okay, I am religous here, so what I would reccomend is to get to a priest. If these things, if the beast is just as threatening as the woman was at the end, you could be dealing with a demon. Be careful!
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
So sorry about that Anne, I will try to write to you. God Bless
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
kissingursoul, I tried to write at the address you gave me but it got returned. Feel free to email me at eclecticraven - at -
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Hey Blue! I really appreciate your advice, never thought about that, silly me! 😜 but since you have mention it I will give it a try. I feel now positive I will fine him. Thank you!

God Bless
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Epoy, I know I have a purpose in this life, and I would like to make the best out of it as long as it is for a good cause, but as Anne said, and she is very acertive in this, I have tried to block seeing, and feeling things, but the reason is I really don't know how to manage it, or what to do about it, I guess I have never had someone really guide me through it, and that is what makes it hard.

God Bless and thank you for being so nice and taking the time to comment.
kissingursoul (4 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I would really like to talk to you Anne, I really feel you understand me. Thank You. You can reach me online sweet. Bori - at -
blueangel777 (2 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
hi kissing, you have psychic medium gift. Also to tell you something tell your dad to show you old photos and you will find this mafia guy he belongs to your grandfathers side. This what I pick up from reading your story. But he's in the old photos. If you would just focus more you can pick up quick from dead love ones and your spirit guides as well. Well good luck I know you will find that guy in the old photos. Good luck. 😊
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
You really are a medium because you can see an apparition more clearly based on your story.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
First, it's safe to say you're a psychic medium. The part we don't know after these earlier years and stories is whether you turned it off because of fear, or learned to cope. I guess we'll find our shortly!

I haven't even read your upcoming beast story but this is text-book material for someone who has a thin veil between this plane and the next. What you should read up on, if you can, is the various planes of existence. The labels don't matter. You can call them heaven or hell, high planes or low planes, it's all the same. Each resonates at a different frequency and the "higher you go" the more finely they vibrate. Knowing that, what you see here on earth while in an altered state usually is the lower plane. This of course has already revealed itself to you with a girl who probably died a negative death and a beast. But it's not just those types either. It sounds to me like a relative is coming to you as well.

The good news is that when most people die, they are greeted by previously passed on loved ones. I have no doubt this man will be one of them.

The other side of this news is that you've got a lot of years still ahead of you! And since you know you're open to the other side, you're going to get a mixed bag of experiences, which you've already seen.

Stories aside, and I'm sure you've got plenty of great ones, focus on the basics of what's happening in your life. You're being visited by other spirits and entities (stories will vary but the theme is the same). We can learn and grow from this. One, if you learn how to raise your vibrations through things like positive thoughts, learning and practicing unconditional love and working with 'spiritual tools' then your experiences will shift to a more positive one. But also, you may have a role of needing to help people. You are no longer a child. You can now ask questions of these people and either help them move on, give messages, or whatever else the current need is for.

As for the upcoming demon story, well, I keep telling people that there are no "doors" to lock when you can see the other side. If you're able to see low etheric planes, it's going to include some nasty's. In my decades of working through these very issues myself, I've come to one very difficult conclusion which most cannot either fathom or practice, but it's that you can turn almost every negative being or situation into a positive one, when you practice true unconditional love. When I first started practicing this, "evil" would morph over and over in an attempt to take me to the next level (because evil at the highest level is love disguised). Expect the same, but eventually you'll get there.

Feel free to write me at eclecticraven - at - You're life really parallels me own so there is much I can share with you.

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