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Real Psychic Experiences

Rare And Unsure


Recently I have been really, really confused about which psychic path to take. I couldn't figure out if I was Precognitive, could read auras, see spirits, or was Aerokinetic. Now I have discovered what I really am, a Clairaudio.

I read that Clairaudience is rare and very confusing, which is what I have experienced. People who are Clairaudio are said to love to listen to music (I can't stress enough how much music means to me and how much I just love to sit in the car and listen to my iPod, it's like one of my favorite things!), and have the ability to hear things on sort of a different frequency with not their ears, but their mind.

What I used to think was Precognition, seeing little visions in my head or hearing things in my mind that led to future events, I now know is Clairaudience. I can remember hearing singing once that no one else heard, and sometimes I hear this super high pitched ringing (usually at night, and I've kind of put it off to be the sound that my ceiling light makes when I dim it, but you never know). Also, when I'm about to fall asleep I sometimes hear random shouts of my name that wake me up. Once I was awakened by this random vision of someone, and later found out that they had been there at that time, but there's no way I could have known that unless my mind had somehow heard it.

I have very bad eyesight, so I consider my ears to be my strongest sense. I don't know if this matters, since Clairaudience is hearing with your mind. Also, my vision wasn't always bad, it just suddenly began to decline and now I can't see for distance. This may have no relevance, just thought I'd put it out there though.

The most important thing I wanted to address about me being a Clairaudio is trying to speak to my Spirit Guide and others using my mind. I tried it a couple days ago and it was really scary, and before I try it again, I really need some advice. I closed my eyes and tried to clear and calm my mind (which is almost impossible I think because it's always running, and how can you think about nothing, even then you're thinking about something), and at first I had a song stuck in my head. I tried to push the song out mentally as I asked my Spirit Guide their name. Then my eyes began to like sink in toward my head and hurt (this happens sometimes and is very unpleasant), the song was no longer stuck in my head, and my eyes began to dart around. I was scared and my eyes hurt so I opened them and focused back into reality. I was afraid that an evil entity had tried to take over me, which I have read about. I did get a vision though during that, it was of like green emerald vegetation and I now know my Spirit Guide's name from it. Something similar to this experience happened one night when I was about to fall asleep. I closed my eyes and tried talking mentally to a spirit and my eyes sunk in, not painfully this time, and I felt lightheaded, as if I was going through a tunnel. Maybe this is what happens when I use my Clairaudience.

I want to try using it again but I'm afraid of being hurt by something and wanted to seek help first. Should I ask my Spirit Guide or the spirit I contacted that one night for protection? Should I imagine a white light or shield around me? I don't know if thinking about the shield and Clairaudio will make my mind too crazy, I read that multitasking is not good. All advice will be very greatly appreciated!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, TwiGirlRara, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
I'm doing great, how are you?:). Anything new since we last talked?
tigg3rxox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-04-29)
sorry to reply so late:P

Thanks for the advice.Sadly,i think the spirit is playing with me: (I tried communicating, but they would either keep saying "hey" or stop bothering me.Hahah,I just realized how much of a pain it is. I even tried playing with them saying "hey" too, but they would just keep saying hey back.:PSo how are you doing?
TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)
I would have to say that my advice to you is that you are hearing a spirit. I just recently heard music playing and when I tried to find the source I heard voices. The spirit could be playing with you, but it could also just be friendly. Try mentally or verbally communicating back with them, and let me know how it goes. I really hope this helps:)
tigg3rxox (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)
Alright,I hope it helps. Oh yeah, and can you give me other advice?
Because at night, I would here someone saying "hey".Even when it's bright daylight when I'm alone. But at night, I hear it better. One time, I came back from school, and I heard it saying "hey",so I looked around the room, trying to find it. Everywhere I looked, it would say "hey",until finally, it said something else that I don't remember. So I continually stared at that spot until I saw an almost white outline. It wasn't full, but it was in a certain part, like the leg. I want to know if this spirit is playing around with me.
TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-03)
I'm glad that I could help you:). I find it unpredictable as well, but I have found that when I focus in (for example, when I try to communicate with my Spirit Guide) I usually have a song stuck in my head, and when it begins to fade away, that's when I know that my Clairaudience is being harnessed. Maybe you could try recognizing or using this technique, and let me know how it goes:)
tigg3rxox (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-03)
I know how you feel!I've been told I'm a little clairaudient=) as well as clairvoyant. So I have songs stuck in my head too,I'm even almost obssessed with music, and I hear like a continueos ringing when it's quiet. And at the same time I hear a voice. But I don't exactly hear the voice in my head.It's like I hear it in my ear too, almost like the spirit or person is right there. But the thing is everything happens randomly, and it's unpredictable. Thanks for sharing your experience=D helped me better understand some things about myself
TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-03)
That's interesting, it's like destiny:). I'd love to give readings to people, and talk to those who have passed:D
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-03)
TwiGirlRara, most what we put our studies and heart to are our life purpose. As Confucius said the greatest journey begins with the a single step. One of my instructors swore of a woman who heard and another who used smell for giving readings.
TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-01)
Ok thanks, and actually, I tried talking to a spirit yesterday.
I kind of know that I'm using Clairaudience when I close my eyes, the song that I had stuck in my head leaves, and yesterday I was like shaking or vibrating. My eyes sunk in again and kind of hurt.
At first, I was asking questions, then I was asking for protection. This is what I remember seeing: red and white stripes, feeling waves or wind ripples or currents, and a group of people dancing in a dark room where a teenage boy with black hair stood out. What do you think these could mean?
vanillasugar (guest)
15 years ago (2010-03-31)
yeahh that's cool (: I personally think that you should try talking to your spirit guide again. Sorry I'm so late on helping haa I wasn't on, but yeah I think you should talk to your spirit guide first. (: 😁
TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-31)
Maybe I will try the sage if I can get a hold of some.
PathR, that sounds great. I could help others with closure by speaking to their loved ones. One of my role models is Lisa Williams, a clairevoyant who communicates with peoples family members who have passed. Do you think if I practiced that I could achieve this?:)
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-31)
TwiGirlRara Clairaudience would be used as any of the claires. Except emphasize is on hearing. For helping someone, whom has a family member coming through you would hear what they say and pass it on to help their relative infront of you. Clairaudience could be used to describe what transpired as you hear a psychic imprint (a memory of a past event. Hearing your guide can be audible, even hearing earth movements.
nyx_2525 (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-31)
for protection just burn some sage while your meditating or what ever you want to do. It keeps away the bad and brings in the good
TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-30)
PathR and SkylarSC, thanks for the advice, it is very greatly appreciated:)
I was wondering if anyone knew how Clairaudience is used to help others, because I really want to help people with my ability:D
SkylarSC (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-30)
I'm Clairvoyent, but I have had some of your experiencences as well. If you know how to make a protective aura shield I would reccomend using that, but go with your intution. You shouldn't do multitasking all the time, I agree with you. Just do it whenever you feel like it's the best time to do it. Go with your instincts!
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-30)
TwiGirlRara there is really no multi tasking if you use the white light to start for protection and then ask your guide to protect you before opening up.

My thought is it would be wise to spend time with your guide to become familar with how they work. I get the same color for my guides. So you are on the right track.
You can see them inwardly and visually once you allow yourself. Then you can be assured you are protected. That will expel any fear for you plus make you familar with the dialogue.

TwiGirlRara (7 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-30)
No problem, I'm glad that I could help. I think that it would be easier for us to talk on here than in email, if that's alright with you:)
Do you think that I should try communicating with my Spirit Guide or other spirits again?
vanillasugar (guest)
15 years ago (2010-03-29)
hi TwiGirlRara,
I'm in like the same excact situation, and after looking it up because I read your story, I think I may be it too. I also have bad eyesight and can't see faraway that well. It might not have anything to do with it as you said but you know I just thought it was a weird coincidense<--can't spell (dyslexic). Haa. But anyway I have like the same excact experiences! Haa, yoou can e-mail if yaah want (: vanillasuger823[at]
Thanks for sharing so I could figure it out.!

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