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Why Can't I Remember My Grandfather?


This experience happened when I was nine, but I just recently found out about it.

When I was nine, my grandfather unfortunately died of cancer. I, of course, attended his funeral and the wake. At the funeral, I had gone up to my parents and said: "Grandpa told me to look at the moon at nine o'clock."

Of course, my grandpa is dead, so my parents immediately ask "What?" I told them more distinctly "Grandpa told me to look at the moon at nine o'clock." Sure enough, we get in the car and drive back to my grandmother's house. At this time it is almost nine, so I do not go inside. My mother and sisters go in, but my father stays with me.

At nine o'clock, I look at the moon and start talking to it saying "Yes, Grandpa" and "Thank you, Grandpa"

After this, I go inside like nothing unusual happened.

Now, you are probably thinking how blessed I must have felt to be able to see my grandfather one last time, while everyone else couldn't. I would, except I do not remember this happening. I remember the funeral, but it's like every thought, every sentence, every memory of what has to do with talking to my grandfather is gone.

I am only 13 now, so it's been only 4 years. I should remember.

I have two questions for you guys: One, how do I get these memories back. And two, why don't I remember?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghostgirl3512, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-14)
Hello first of all some thing is telling me you are very importen to our holy father. And alls I ask you is be carefull who you write. They want me to let you know that I'm hear to protect you from dark thing so if you ever have any problem spiritaly to send them to towanda pa and they will know who to look for...
PsychicStarter103 (3 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
Thats great about the progress! I hope you will remember! If there's anything I can do to help I'll do it! (I know there probably isn't but I just want to make sure)
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
Thanks all for the tips!

I have triedto recover the memrories of that night. I am making progress. I can faintly remember that the moon was almost full and it looked brighter than usual. I can see myself talking to my grandfather and my dad standing there in his suit, but I can hear only a faint buzzing. It's enough to where I can tell my voice from my grandfathers.

I'll let you know if I make anymore progress!

-The path of Light is made by Dark-

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
PsychicStarter103 (3 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
I am sorry about the lose of your grandfather, even though it was long ago. But maybe he didn't want to see you cry and be sad about all of the great times you had together. So he maybe washed them away from your brain. Because he didn't want you to be sad about his death. And to get them back ask your mom about the previous visit's with your grandfather ever since he died. I hope I helped you!

Best of Wishes,
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-03)
Thank you IndigoGIRL and Lili, I will try you're suggestions. I hope I can remeber because I have a feeling it's important.

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
Lili (111 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
You have to concentrate... Try to thing about your grandfather more. It will be hard but I'm pretty sure, if you try hard you will make it.

Maybe your grandfather did that, that you can't remember? Or maybe you did it to yourself. I'm not sure...
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
Hello, since I am the first to help you on this story I hope I will be helpful for you.
If you want to get those memories back you should try to remember more about your grandfather, sometimes your memories turn into past visions and hopefully you might remember more about him, now if only my advice to you would help me remember my grandparents, I lost all of them before my birth 😢.The reason why you might not remember your grandfather is maybe a slight amnesia or he could of somehow taken those memories from you to help ease the pain from his passing. I just am not completely sure about this last question.
Bless you ❤ -IndigoGIRL

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