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Real Psychic Experiences

An Empath Like Me


I have always been different. Not in the teenager damsel in distress act, it's much more then that. I'm currently sixteen and I communicate with spirits,I'm also an empath. Maybe I'm falling in the outskirts of delusional, who knows... I'm an open-minded person. I'm aware of other beings reincarnated during this time for "big" events. I'm also aware of other entities around me and I'm aware of others feelings 24/7. Which then makes me even more of an outsider. I can never tell what emotions are mine and what emotions are others. This has led me to have depression.

Now, I study the metaphysics as much as possible. Maybe I'm obsessed, maybe I'm not. I'm only looking for answers. It has gotten to the point where I have been attacked by entities, now I'm terrified of empowering my abilities. I have been told by a few that I'm a priestess, I have been told by others that I'm weak. Who knows what is true and what isn't. Ever you ever felt so alone? The kind of alone that you can be surrounded by thousands of people physically, but then physically and mentally you might as well be from a different planet. I have, as long as I can remember. I'm aware that a spiritual shift is occurring right at this moment. Try discussing that with your fellow peers.

The only thing I want to know, If their are others like me.

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AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-28)
thanks for the story para, and I agree "Do not ignore them they will not go away" I pretended to be "normal" sometimes but something always happens to break through the illusion. I repeat your suggestion and add: just accept it and learn how to use your abilities to help others and keep your own sanity.
paranormalguy69 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-28)
I can relate to you, I am a strong empath and I can tell you that reading your story is like reading a mirror image of how I feel in my life sometimes.

I almost feel I would survive better in the spiritual world than I do here. The fact that you were able to even write your story here says alot. You are not weak you are strong.

Empaths have to deal with their emotions, plus everyone elses, ("dead" or "alive"). I can tell you a story that could make your jaws drop. I almost died because of an entity that was attached to me. It tried to kill me when I proceded to move out of the house I was renting. I lived alone, I was vulnerable (my mom was dying) and I had no friends in the strange far away city that I was living in. I was feeling all of these feelings that were not mine, I was being used to "enjoy life" again by this entity. I was intertwined in a partial possession. It got really bad when I finally got the boxes and decided to move things, it got worse when I started getting these urges to kill myself for no reason. I didn't want to, (I KNEW I didn't want to) but there was something there that was making me do it.

Things were getting moved around, lights were getting turned off, there were huge thumps on the floor... Electrical disturbances... I later found out all kinds of things about the house... GLOOM and DOOM connected to it. I was getting attacked also. I understand your plight.

I believe that one reason for the "empath problem" here in Ohio is our landscaping. Quartz and Limestone are excellent conductors of electricity (so is water) plus there are sacred Indian caverns that our ancesters have foolishly either built over, dug up, our turned into inaccurate historic "side shows". Then there are the hills, according to Chinese culture, they will not build on or into hills, a house that is built into a hill is said to be cursed or haunted and said that the owner is meant to die. These alone are very good reasons enough to have these energies floating all over the place. There are others, but we don't have all day.

I hope this sheds some light on a dark subject. (by the way, the house I was living in: had been burnt down, rebuilt (but different than before), was along the Ohio River, in a valley that had been blasted through tons of rock (limestone and shale), built into the side of a hill, and had a person who'd died in it, there was also a person who's biggest wish was that they were going to live in it but they died 16 days after they sold their house and were getting ready to move into it. Surprised now? I was lucky to get out of that house alive, empaths DO NOT have it easy at all, especially if they have strong psychic tendencies. This was back when I ignored and didn't understand my feelings and or/powers. I'm doing so much better now. You have to learn about yourself and nurture your powers and talents. Get to know yourself! Do not ignore them they will not go away. Sorry about the long reply, but there is so much to share with all of my fellow empaths! Good luck and much love to all!
actorsarecool (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-18)
Greetings all! Sorry about the long reply... Anyways Zackterz I was never aware that Ohio had more so empathic abilties. But Ohio's spiritual-realms have been shaking a lot lately. But that could be simply because the spiritual-shift that is occuring at this current time. Human-evolution to be exact, moving to the fourth-density. Ohio could simply have higher spiritual frequencies which of course would effect the psi and one's sensitivities in general. This movement is called the Ascension. Every place and thing has frequencies, the higher the frequencies the more so SPIRITUAL you are. For higher freuencies to occur more positive thinking is needed. Of course it is quite hard to do because this is afterall the 3rd-dimension where people are consumed with negativity and fear. But in the end positive vibrations always over-runs negatvity.
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-18)
what? What this has nothing to do with gas?
What the heck are you talking abought. I'm like realy dude I'm laughing at that I mean yes its important to concecres are ecosytem but I'm like wow
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-16)
at zackterz it is true there is a bunch of states that are conected for a lot of natrual gas has been found in my home town in pa and gas people came here from texas at first and from virgina and utah and then they started hiering people here and the all had to be sent to ohio to be traind. Man is to greedy for sence the gas line have been moved here so much damage has been done for the fact that there has ben more crimes
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-16)
ive just noticed somthing abought this story most of the time we have empathic storys we get them from 1 state...ohio. I am doing some reaserch on this so if anyone has anymore info on this I would like to know.
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-16)
Wooooooooooooooooooo,weeeeeeeeeeee! We got some gifted ones here alright. Special in many different ways. I have tried to enlighten you all that life is not a continuation of Harry Potter and Animie games on the internet, Nauto and all that stuff. You are in real life now and responsible for your soul and where you will spend eternity. You may think the dark is all cool now, but when He tha is the light of the World returns to judge, it will be way to late. I am not trying to get you to change religion or belief. I am trying to tell you that you need to let your loving creator change your heart.
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-15)
And that divine source is darkness. Not light like some would have you beleive.
RougeElegance (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-15)
In response to Lyro,

What about when an object is parallel to the Sun's rays [like when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky and an object is directly beneath it]?

Could one say that there are no shadows?
Could one say that the object and the shadow are one?

I believe that's something to ponder over...

-RougeElegance ❤
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-15)
One cannot comprehend the nature of oneself, unless one has something else to compare oneself too. Thus light was created in the darkness, and mortal beings were created by the immortal. But all originates from the Divine Source.

Blessed be
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-15)
Actually, Lyro darkness can exist without light. Darkness has always been, light on the other hand comes and goes as darkness pleases.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-14)
think about it this way. Without any light, there is no shadows, but without any shadows, there is no light. One can't exist without the other. There is almost always a constant tip in the scale one way or the other, but it would be beyond chaos if it ever fell to one side or the other. There has to be balance, or there would be nothing left to be in balance.
Talim (2 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-14)
yin and yang ohreally. Yin and yang. I used to be a christian (Baptist to be exact) and even then I understood that if God wanted it a different way it would be different. Good and evil must be in balance or the world goes to chaos. Thank you for your time.

~Darkness isn't always evil~
Talim ❤
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-14)
[at] ohreally

I am serious. If there was only Light, there would be no point in an afterlife. If it was only Light, it wouldn't BE Light anymore. It would simply...Be.
Look at things with wisdom, not just knowledge.

~The path of Light is made with Dark~

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-14)
So you think it would be a bad thing for all evil to be gone because there would be nothing to balance out the good? You got me on that one, I thought you were serious.
actorsarecool (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-06)
The way I see it their always has to be bad and good or else there would be know polarity. If the world was full of light their would be know learning and if the world was full dark it would be full of chaos. Also I'm a bit confused, I know a demon and he isn't evil at all, just really, really lost. Remember that demons are not pure creatures of evil some are but don't missjudge things.
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-06)

Yes, we have to change things, but we don't have to destroy anything. We can't destroy Darkness. Too much Light is never good.
This battle that's going to happen isn't to destroy Darkness, its to balance it. The scales are tipping, and Darkness is tipping it. They have forgoten Balance, so it's up to the people on the side of Light to balance it again. What is Light without Dark?

-The path to Light is made with Dark-

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
soulsndemons (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-06)
ok then...

Airwindme17 says that its just our job and we should pertect like the soilders in afganistand places like that!
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-06)
soulsndemons let things be as things be. You cannot change them neither can anyone else.
soulsndemons (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-06)
ok so this eric baal guy why isn't anyone oding anyth9ing bout im? My cuzin airwindme17 says were here to destroy demmons and apparintly hes one so why isn't anyone doing anything about him I mean he seems pretty evil to me! 😕
RougeElegance (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-06)
Dear Soulsndemons,

The way you can tell if it's a spirit, human, or demon is the way it makes you feel and if there is an actual human there (that's when you know you're feeling a human)...

What are your abilities? If you're an empath, the feelings that you get will help you interpret the Aura that you feel.

Demons are not out for your well being. They are demons. They will try everything they can to make you feel negative... Very negative.

But there is a way to fight against them, and it WORKS. Demons know the power of the Light and of Love... And they try their best to make sure people don't know Light or feel Love.

I hope this helped you a little bit 😊
You can email me!

-RougeElegance ❤
soulsndemons (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-06)

I believe the same thing and I will ask GOD for help. I'm a bit confused I can feel the aura's of others but is it the alive or spirits and demons that I am feeling? And will demons try to force me to feel depresed and make me want to hurt myself or what? 😕
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-05)
You have a gift from God. You really need to pray and ask God for His direction for your life and how it is that He wants you to use the gift that He gave you. If you trully have this gift, God has set you apart. He is waiting for you to come to Him in prayer and ask Him. He also gifted us all with free will, so it is your choice to pray and contact him, He will not contact you. The gift can cause some misery if you use it for your purposes and not God's. I bet that He has an awesome plan for you. Do not listen to others that have so called gifts, you go straight to the source and He will show you what to do.
actorsarecool (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-05)
Also Sanoshen,
A person that was evil wouldn't want a true friend or even second-guess something they did was wrong. I can see you're a good person, just confused on who you are and why people can'r relate to you. You're abilties are a big cause of this. Remember that you are a good person and that any good person deserves at least one friend to help them along the way. I wish you all the best! 😁
actorsarecool (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-05)
Dear SoulsnDemons,
When their comes empathy, their comes lots of responsibiltity. I would consider you just think what emotions are yours and what aren't. People get carried away at the speed of life. Just take a breath and look within yourself. Your soul is the biggest help of all. Remember YOU have control of your abilties. Try protecting your energy, imagine an infinte light around you, protecting you from any emotions that will harm you in anyway. Also if your friends are not your friends just because you're different then their not the friends for you. But please remember just having yourself as a friend, is a freind itself. I wish you all Love and light on you're spiritual journey. ❤
RougeElegance (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-05)
Dear Actorsarecool,

You can email me and we can vent out together! 😊

I feel the same way as you do when you are surrounded by "thousands of people".

Sometimes, it doesn't even have to be thousands of people though, and I know that you understand that.

I've tried to find more out there like me in this town, but unfortunately, they don't care one bit and don't want to hear it...

I'm thankful that I have found this site!:)

-RougeElegance ❤
soulsndemons (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-05)
ok I have been empath since 5th grade my friends think I'm physcotic because on the bus all of a sudden I will act like it I will jump around and go ccrazy but on the inside I know its not me and I will break out into tears and have to lie and say its beacause I miss my mimi but on the inside I'm so happy! Its kind of miserable because I have lost lots of friends because of it and I don't know how to control it please help me! 😭
actorsarecool (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-05)
Ugh, I made lot's of grammar issues in this...yikes. But RougeElegance sure we can talk, I have a lot of experiences that need to be vented out. Anyways, when I was explaining my loneliness I was referring that you can be surrounded by thousands of people mentally and yet spiritually and mentally you might as well be millions of miles away. It is such an terrible feeling knowing that their is nobody around to listen to the spiritual troubles that your facing. I live in a "iberal small-town, so of course people don't want to listen to a teenager blabber on about the "paranormal".
ermacd (2 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-04)
Love the name. I think a lot of actors are more aware than we may know. And in many instances, acting is an outlet for what is felt and dealt with inside.

I also like the way you describe feeling alone. Too true. However, keep in mind that
...yes, there are others like you. Many others.
RougeElegance (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-04)
Dear Actorsarecool,

You are not alone and there are other out there like you. That's why this site was created:)

I'm an empath myself and can understand you. Like you, I am also looking for answers and looking for other out there like me.

As you continue to learn and continue to get stronger (in mind and spirit), you will be attacked. This is why you must learn to protect yourself and shield yourself (being an empath).

I've had much experiences and I think we should talk!:D

-RougeElegance ❤

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