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Real Psychic Experiences

Demons Or Madness


When I turned 13, I started to fell things. It scared me, I'd literally run, panicked into the room, switch on the lights, and start praying. I don't remember why, but that night I prayed so hard that nothing paranormal ever happened. For three years nothing bad happened, and I actually loved the dark. But now I have begun seeing things, in reality and my minds eye.

I predicted simple things. From simple things it became more complex, I saw the people who hurt my friends my friends problems etc. The main thing is, every night, since I got my abilities back, it's like strange creatures are visiting me. I'm scared of the dark again. One night, I could see something strangling me, and felt lack of breath, it had hollow eyes, and hollow mouth and gray scaly skin. My spirit guide got it to leave me.

The next night, A creature with a large mouth and thin body tried to EAT me. Literally. It said it wanted to eat me. It began speaking to me, and told me there is no God, it's hungry and wants to eat me. I was made to pray by my guide, so I did. But it's been difficult to fall asleep.

Last night it was a woman with a half eaten face crawling towards me and trying to kill me. I cried hysterically, then got so angry I screamed, I swore I'd rip it apart if it didn't leave me.

Since then, I can just see them watching me in my minds eye, and feel them by my bed. Its like when I look around, I can't actually see them, but I can still...well...feel them... And therefore see them in my minds eye, and hear them. They look slightly alienish, with big heads, and grey scales, and large eyes, but thin, frail bodies. I ignored them, and got sleep, but I'm scared, and want them to leave me. It's like their watching and waiting for me to slip up, so they can attack me.

Am I insane, should I take medicine for this, or is there something else I can do? Please Help!

(Forgive the spelling errors, I have no spell check, and am dyslexic)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SkyRealm, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Watcher909 (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-10)
have you tried an dream-catcher above your bed? I heard that works, or if you really want to "know" and I am guessing you don't, flux of energy like this multiples of them can cause "static" flux, interferring with radios, even compasses.
Miss_numen (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-08)
Your sleep deprivation could make what you percieve as demons more fanatical. Part of what you're experiencing could be a combination of sleep deprivation symptoms and actual demons, they can play off of that to make it more intense. Sleeping medication such as ambien can cause hallucinations and intense dreams, anti-depressants can cause suicidal thoughts if you should only take them if you literally are locked up alone everyday unable to do your daily activities, even tylenol pm can give you intense dreams and that's because you're so knocked out that your mind can literally do what it wants. As for the demon side to this, if you're guardian has protected you once he can again but he cannot stop you from leaving "doors" open, that give a passage way for demons to come and taunt you. Its not so much that everything is evil and you can't do this or that because the devil will get you. Perhaps something that you do has more control over you. See that's the deal with these demons when someone is really in control of themself, their spirtual self they know its difficult and sometimes impossible to get to you but when they see that there are areas where you're not in control areas where if you made the wrong decision it could cause harm or death, they'll be there. Evaluate yourself where are your weakness and not what people percieve as a weakness, your honest weaknesses
SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
[at] Moonshine and Darkstar
Farting demons... Ill think of that next time! I doubt Ill be scared then!
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
SkyRealm, I'm sorry! 😆 Some idiot was trolling your page saying stuff about farting ghosts. His post has been deleted. Anyway, please do some research on how to put up psychic shields. Here's a link to a recent account posted on this site:


Good info there!
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Hmm well they cannot physical eat you so they must be feeding off your energy, most likely emotional. So to counter this don't display that emotion much and put up some positive barriors.
SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
[at] Anandha Hya Thanks!
[at] Moonshine-...Huh?
[at] Darkstar- They said they wanted to eat me.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
skyRealm develop your abilities during your waking hours will give you confidence to know that you can tackle them when you sleep. My psychic powers are actually stronger when I'm asleep. During the day I have to borrow my husband's spiritual fire energy to get things done with any ability besides empathy or have to go into a trance to seek information.

Don't give in to fear. You are stronger than them. They just want your powers and energy, they can't kill you just scare you and make you tired. I believe what you are seeing is the Hungry ghost in the 2nd realm of Buddhist existance. Higher your inner vibrational level and you won't see them anymore. Read some of the other articles and find what works for you.:)

Peace, light and love

Ps send me an email or find me on IM if you need more help.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Okay, Jamie, we get that you're obcessed with farting ghosts, but that stuff is for you to enjoy with your little friends, not here. There's an age limit, by the way.
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
What I would do is put up some sheilds and barriors. The best way to do that is to focus on putting energy into a wall or into a object of special meaning to you. Also, did any of them say why they were there?

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