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I Feel Something Is Wrong And Is Affecting All Of Us


I am 13 years old, And now that I have the confidence to say and know I'm Psychic, I have feelings that something is very wrong, and is going to affect us all. During these days we have more of the devil's minions going around making our life worse than it ever was. Now I am getting terrible visions and dreams of what's going to happen next year and its not going to be good. How the earth is cracking, Reddening Sky, Volcanoes Erupting, And so much more. I been catching myself in class drawing the most peculiar things, One of them was a angel like girl in the side of my paper with a picture of a sun over her head, and it wasn't even in my drawing ability. And there was this other one, with a detached farmer's head... And I don't even remember drawing these, I thought I was just writing my name and it came out to that. Then one day I was painting and then I painted a volcano bursting into a red sky. I also been seeing the most weirest spirits in my life lately, Including this one that was black and had a armor dress on with black wings, and was in a doll-like size. Now I know that is probably a demon, but who ever seen one that looked like that?

Then just yesterday I overheard my Aunt, whose a huge christian was saying something about the big event that is going to happen next year. And Just like me we both know it isn't the end of the world like everyone says. It's the day when holy spirits and the Non-Holy Spirits go to war, Or so I think. Something is happening, And I remember when I was 10, It felt like something was talking to me through my mind, And something in my mind said "We can't let her find out who she is, Or our plan is going to be ruined forever," Well at the time I didn't know I was Psychic, but I was born with it. And one question I am going to leave you all to answer, Do I truly have something to do with 2012 And the Afterlife? When that voice was whispered through my mind, and all of this... Do I have something to do with this?! Well Thank You For Reading, I Will Be grateful to Read You Comments, Bye

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fireheart1212, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
And I'm Catholic, My first name is a bible name my middle name is Ann, and my last name is in german... Now this doesn't match what you said but I'm quite sure they meant me
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Ummm... They meant me, And how I could tell was they were trying to attack me right after I heard that 😐 so that makes nooo sense, But I do have Irish ancestors myself, 😜
richardgabriel21 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Do you want me to reveal to you everything?
The Girl with the Angelic face has Irish Ancestors who in olden times worshiped Baal (Sun) but she is baptized... The Girl will have a first name that means White and Pure in One European Language. She will have a middle name of a Biblical character which starts with R.
And her surname will be something that proves her ancestors worshiped Baal but are now devout Catholics.

When you mentioned
"We can't let her find out who she is, Or our plan is going to be ruined forever,"
You were actually talking about her, and you can hear the evil others.
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
lol thanks for all the links guys? XD But I don't know about the angel with the sun over her head was about...
Mel33 (38 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Thank you for posting that link, Rashida. These are things that I have been thinking about a lot, lately. And also have been researching.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
I also want to offer a very informative link my dear.
richardgabriel21 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Please go through this link...
richardgabriel21 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
One of them was a angel like girl in the side of my paper with a picture of a sun over her head, and it wasn't even in my drawing ability.
"We can't let her find out who she is, Or our plan is going to be ruined forever,"

Could it be that you are talking about the birth of the second Christ and that the Girl you mentioned is unaware that she is the one who is to give birth to Him! ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Here is a link to an article with information that was gathered and put together by Anne V. She is one of the psychics that started this web site and from that you should be able get a better idea of what others are thinking and working on. 😊

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