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Missing Person In Danger


Hey everyone, I have been having Psychic Dreams for years. As I got older however the dreams have turned into visits with spirits. In these dreams I'm Lucid. I get visits from missing people and murder victims. Many times the ones who been gone long, are violent. Once a woman from the 1800's choked me and my Guardian revealed himself to chase her away. It is these things that have me frightened to sleep. I've ignored them, so long and now I need them and don't know how to dream them on demand or remember some parts of them.

Someone I know has been missing for nearly 2 months. They came to me in a dream. In this dream I was flying, looking down at a location. I'm given some kind of text backwards. I can't catch it. Then I'm falling, to a place on said map. I'm in the woods now and he's standing beside a giant fire. He smiles, asks if I trust him and tells me not to be afraid. He then cuts the life lines on both our palms and places them together palm to palm and says, "Find me". There was one clue in this dream directed at me, to know it was him. The trust and dagger. As anytime he saw me he'd make a pun about I could hide anything sharp from him if I didn't trust him. The dream nagged at me so I went to his mother.

She confirmed the biting of the lip, the fire, (song they sang for him recently in church, "i want to be gold") the cutting of the hands (an old covenant agreement) all things I wouldn't know. The real kicker for me here is this. Most of the spirits I've come across in my dreams I could tell had passed away. The energy they gave off was much different than my own, there was something missing from theirs. The energy he gave off was the same as my own. He came to me for a reason I don't know how a living person could do that but he still felt alive to me. He wants me to find him.

I want to help him I just don't know how. So if anyone here could help me understand how to focus these things or guide me in the right direction on where I could find this information it would help a great deal!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mysticdoodle, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

carri (22 stories) (221 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-08)
I get the same type of dreams. I have seen orbs and asked out loud what happened to this person for example I was working on finding Kayla May Berg. With the Angio police in Wisconsin. I was talking with her mother. I said out loud late at night what happened to Kayla May Berg. Then I heard a loud crash in the Kitchen. And then an orb appeared that night huge one.
GhostlySeer (guest)
12 years ago (2012-02-23)
Do you think the robbery and his disappearance are connected? Thank you for sharing the information. The dream makes more sense to me now.
mysticdoodle (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-23)
I seem to have forgot to mention in the dream he was holding a "dagger" in which he used to slice open our palms.
mysticdoodle (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-23)
He was acquitted Dec. 23rd 2008, he made a statement in the local papers saying it was a Christmas miracle. He disappeared Dec. 2nd 2011.
I know exactly what some of the text in the dream meant. During the robbery, he fought back with what he could get his hands on, which happened to be swords. After he was acquitted I saw him coming down the same side of the street as me, others were crossing the road to avoid him. I did not, when we met in the road he asked me why I wasn't afraid of him, and I said why would I be its not like you have a sword up your sleeve. He never forgot it and every time he saw me he'd make a wise crack about sharp objects. Including the last time I saw him about a month before he disappeared. I had just moved in and the girl before me had committed fraud with the cable, he knocked on my door wanting to help me fix it. His words were "can I come in, you may hide any sharp objects if you wish to." He sat in a chair in my kitchen to call them. I had this dream after I moved the same chair.
GhostlySeer (guest)
12 years ago (2012-02-20)
It definitely seems like a mystery. How soon after he was acquitted did he disappear? It is interesting that Elise83 mentioned rivers, lakes, and woods because I thought from your description that maybe you would have seen specific types of trees or other vegetation that would narrow it down. I wish you luck. I wonder what the meaning behind the text in your dream could mean.
Elise83 (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-20)
Hi! I would start looking into small town's near yours. Maybe visit those places and if you have anymore of those dreams try to notice details. Note every little one. The dirt. Woods. A town. If your looking from above, notice any land marks. Like a cliff or a river or lake. Then use google maps and look. Or just notice things, like animals or signs. Hope I helped.
mysticdoodle (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-19)
That was just it, I don't think it was a place he went to often. Nor do I know it myself. Although It felt like it wasn't far, like it may have very well been in the same town. No the police won't even release information to his family at this point. Very little is known about the case. It is a mystery. The only thing that they keep bringing up in the little media coverage is that he was Acquitted of Second Degree Murder in the death of a man who broke into his home, robbed and tortured him and his friends, and many think the cases are connected because of the time he went missing.
I'm not close to this man I just know of him and spoke to him a few times.
GhostlySeer (guest)
12 years ago (2012-02-19)
Have you stayed in touch with the police to see what they know? In your dream does it seem like the woods are located where this he lives? Or does it seem like he is far away? I ask out of curiosity. There have been cases when living people are able to pick up on loved ones in danger. There are stories of mothers who sense that their child is in danger only to go into the room and find that they arrived just in time. So, it may be a matter of just sensing his energy. I really think it may be helpful for you to post more information about the situation because you never know who may know something. Good luck!

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