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Real Psychic Experiences

Strange Entities Possibly?


About a year and a half ago, this happened 3 times. The first time, I woke up in the middle of the night, and a HUGE rat was attacking me, running in my bed, trying to bite me.

The second time it was a spider, slowly creeping across the ceiling. These both happened in the same place, in a place I considered to be inhabited by a really solitary ghost that watched me.

A while after, in a different place, I awoke to see, on the foot

Of my bed, something just staring at me. I wanted to reach out and touch it really bad, but I kept telling myself it wasn't real and fell asleep.

Last night, in a totally different place, this happened. I woke up in the middle of the night, looked up, and there was this...huge, bright white. Thing above my head. I thought at first it was a spider or a bat. It all most had legs, and it had really pronounced lines, like a bat. I saw it for about 4 seconds, and then it kind of flew out my closed window. It went down towards me a little bit as it did, I wanted to swat it or dodge it.

It was really different than previous things I saw. It wasn't bothering me, and it took a minute before it flew away. Also, I'm really not bothered by spiders or rats, and I can't think why that's something id hallucinate. I was also kind of meditating while I fell asleep, so I may have brought something on myself.

Does anyone have any similar things that have happened to them? Is it possible that something wanted to scare me, or was watching me? Any help would be appreciated.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, thatguy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
you have posted this message on two of my stories, and many others that iv seen. I don't want to be spammed.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-28)
ninjaman, I can assure you that I have read these claims through every other post that you have commented on. I put this on here for help, not copy/pasted recruiting messages.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
More jabs you will just deny. The discussion was never sour, you keep assuming. Have fun never progressing. Unfortunately for you, I run things like this, in this realm.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
sure, you understand how the word was used. Do you understand my concept? That is the question.
It was not a "jab". That was what you said, and I gave you an answer.
I have considered kelleys claim. I concluded, as humans do. That is entirely my business. My only request, was that you treat this person with respect. Period. This is the only point I tried to put across. This is the last comment I will be posting in answer to you. There is a difference between an argument and a discussion, and this one turned sour long ago. I hope you find fulfillment in whatever paths you take.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Thatguy: You expect people to accept your beliefs as the words of a god.

Your gave a quite clear notion of a "god" in that sentence. As in, a being whos word is that of utmost reliability, regardless.

You took a jab at my own article on here, and mocked me with the bit about "learning from your experiences, be they small and insignificant to me"

I have asked you to consider kelly's claim, just with evidence in mind.

Conversing with someone who contradicts themselves, after completely misdiagnosing another being they, on their on terms, began a debate with... Lets see if you can finish that sentence in the way I wish to. You lack any sort of comprehension of the skillsets and mindsets required for learning. You are, in a way, legally retarded. No insult intended.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
talking to you is literally like talking to a half def person.
1. I have offered no concepts of god...whatsoever.
2. I did not say that you could learn from me. I doubt you could learn from any one but the most patient. I merely said that even though you look down upon my experiences, I still feel I can learn from them. Thus the reason I posted them here.
3. You have not asked for me to validate my claim, and first and foremost, I have not tried to validate my claim. The story is above. This is all the validation I can offer.
This is pointless. If this is truly all you have to offer, please leave me to my ignorance.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
for one, I loathe your concept of a "god." Gods are like moderators here, they keep things relevant to the various concepts they have expertise with, in line.

I truly do not expect you to accept what I say, without evidence. I have mentioned my offer to see what is going on with you, twice. I'm aware of the general pattern of nonhumans remembering, or realizing facts of life within elses time in the physical. Honestly, I'm hoping you are an ancient soul. We need more of those taking the initiative.

If I learn something from someone who does not even have much of a clue about the proper chain of events, when it comes to validating a claim, I will be baffled beyond reason. By all means, break the mold. If you cannot, do not expect me to indulge you.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
i have shown you only the utmost respect. I have not even tried to discredit what you say. All I have asked is that you respect other peoples opinions. You expect people to accept your beliefs as the words of a god. I do not accept what people say, just because they say it. Period. You want to try to prove somones beliefs false? Fine. But do it in an email.

Ps: I read your comments that were deleted. I can assure you that even though my experiences are small and insignificant to a void being such as yourself, even the smallest things can be learned from.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
there is no anger to be misdirected. I do not get angry at debates, nor do I get angry because someone opposes what I say.

AnneV, I know you don't like me, but keep your personal feelings out of your moderation. I understand people may become discouraged if someone brings up the points I do, but that's no excuse for deleting comments. People should be discouraged from this stuff if they will not practice basic safety measures such as confirmation that something they believe in isn't just a bias against another option.

I have nothing against the site itself, as it is someone elses intellectual property. However, if this place doesn't clean up its act, I'm going to speak to the owner, snd ask they remove this from the internet. I want everyone to have a chance to learn, but all that is done here is based on bias, delusions, or ignorance. The few times when someone gives legitimate help, I'm glad its done.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Three of my comments were deleted because I pointed out the fallacy in this sites methods for validation and support. This place has not changed. I was away for about a year to see if some progress might be made. There are still the same delusions, same lack of evidence based theories and claims, and the same disrespect towards those who don't bow and kiss your butt. Ill be back in another year.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
shaolin, once again your anger is misdirected. I have mentioned nothing about ancients hwo need my help. In fact, the only time the word "ancient" was mentioned was as a description of time. I merely said it was possibly a sign from some kind of spirit. Kellys observations are not "a laughable excuse for shunning evidence" so far you have dealt no evidence but boasts and opinions, and not even to help me understand my experience. Your aggression towards others is unwarranted and without cause. If you have something to say that can help me understand what I have experienced, than I would highly appreciate it. Otherwise, please find something more constructive to do.
Kelly5678 (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Shaolin, I understand that a lot of answers we may seek don't simply just pop into our minds. I mentioned that the feelings we have when having these experience are important to understanding their meaning. Ultimately, thatguy can only decide what his experience was about because he after all was the one who experienced it. All we can do is share our experiences and things we have learned and hope he finds it helpful. And if he does not, that is fine. I try to keep an open mind when reading others stories. I know that we all come from different walks of life and each and every one of us has beliefs based on what they have went through. Even if we do not agree with ones beliefs, we can still be respectful and keep in mind that this website was made to share our stories and receive help when asked.
And having worked with teens, I understand that growing up in this generation is much different than the past generation and so forth. As time passes, teens are faced with more and more pressures and more responsibility. I understand that as the human race moves forward, it is only natural that we will evolve and our children's children will be smarter than the ones before them. However, that is not what I was referring to when I said that I believed thatguy is an old soul.
And also, there is only so much "research" one can do when it comes to the meaning of life. There is nothing set in stone here, we each will journey through life and come up with our own meanings as we see fit. The only way to research life is to live our own, as every life is different. And may I say to thatguy, again, you are very mature for your age. Thank you for your respect.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
shaolin, there is many different types of beliefs, there is no reason to conflict about it. You cannot say that an old soul does not bring wisdom, while at the same time saying you are am old soul without a shadow of a doubt. I'm sure that kelly has her own reasons to believe in what she believes in, just as you have yours.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Kelly, there are quite a few studies on bias that id like you to look up. Sometimes, our minds will come up with a possible answer, and we will 'strongly feel it is true." This does not make it true. Many of the times this happens, the original thoughts that bring forth the answer we believe in are subconscious.

There are more and more instances of people realizing things at a younger age. Many teenagers today, know what their parents didn't know until they were in their early 30s, or 40s, because of the average age at which people experienced the same things back then. The knowledge is also gained via parents sharing it with their children.

I am 23, have been said to have a knowledge base bigger than many people do in their 80s and beyond. This has absolutely nothing to do with the age of my soul, although I am a very old soul. All it is is a matter of having researched what life is all about, what it has to offer, how it flows. Contrary to a somewhat popular belief, it does not take millenia to be as smart as "gods" are said to be. A mere lifetime or two is enough to learn everything you need to know.
Kelly5678 (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
I think you found your answer then. And I strongly feel that your an old soul. For 14 you seem well aware of things most teens don't really contemplate until an older age. You strike me as very wise and see the world in a much different light. I'm sorry I know that has nothing to do with the subject at hand but I had to share.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
kelly5678, it was quite different than other things iv had happen. I was kind of scared by it, but I instantly realized it was because I was in a state, so it wasn't a real thing. I didn't feel any strong emotions towards it, I was kind of just in awe. Also unlike other times this has happened, it left instead of disapearing. When I went to bed that night, I was asking for answers from an angel. Perhaps this is a way of telling me that they are listening? Thank you for the help!
Kelly5678 (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
As a child I always saw a shadow watching me as I would sleep. I don't believe it meant any harm at all. There was a time when I was a teenager, I began to see and feel rats crawling all over me. I still don't understand what that was about. When you see this bat, what are your feelings towards it? Do you fear it? Are you comforted by it? Sometimes our spirit guides or other spirits will manifest themselves as animals or other beings to get their message across. So it's very important that we listen to our intuition in these cases to figure out what it means. Feelings and emotions play an important role in desiphering these messages.

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