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Real Psychic Experiences

This Little Boy


When I was 15 I moved into a new home with my mother and younger sister. The home was owned by a family member and I remember going to this place as a young child. Well from day one I had a strange feeling about the place but that isn't unusual for me because all my life I have had unexplainable things, paranormal things happen to me. I didn't think much of it at the time. So as time went on, with minor bumps in the night and noises I just chocked it up to a normal old home with a lot of history.

One night when I was sixteen I awoke in the night to use the bathroom, as I made my way into the hall I looked across into my little sister's room (she wasn't in there) and saw a little boy standing by her dresser. His face was shadowed a little but I could see his blonde hair and blue button up shirt. I got so frightened that I flipped on the hallway light real fast and when I looked back he was gone.

Something else that happened was when I was standing at my refrigerator and suddenly the same little boy ran from the backdoor into the closet. It scared me beyond words. Needless to say many things happened in that house but seeing this boy was what I carried with me for years, and I carried it with me because after talking to my mother I learned that years ago a young boy had died tragically on that property. He was hit by a car and drug down the road.

A few more very frightening things happened in this home but I don't think they are connected to this boy so I can go into that later, but the moral of the story was that this had haunted me for years. Every time someone spoke about anything paranormal I thought about him. I wanted to know who he was. So a few days ago for some reason I told my aunt about it and was surprised when she said she knew the boys cousin. She said she would speak to him and get his name and what he looked like. Well she did and she also got a picture of him and now I have it. I need to know how to handel this, ever sense I have had this picture of this little blonde boy that I saw in that house I have had this overwhelming sense of sadness. As soon as he handed the picture to me I wanted to cry? I don't know why? And I feel just deeply sadden to my core. I can't get rid of it. Is it always this sad? How can I feel better by this? I also have had many weird occurrences in my current home, like someone is trying to talk to me. It's overwhelming. I need to know how to deal with this?

The only person related to this boy that I have spoken to is his cousin whom is very open to speaking to me but I can feel how sad this makes him. It makes me not want to bring it up anymore and he has also warned me to never speak to the boys mother about this because she has never gotten over it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, seeingme, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

shayan (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
When I did a meditation of Tara Tantra, I travelled to planets, stars and galaxies in a second command by means of supernatural guru.It's amazing paranormal phenomenon experience in my life. I gazed at Polis star (North pole star) I reached in polix star in a second. I felt that my experience is faster than the speed of light in a second. It is a remarkable experience in my life.
red_velvet (5 stories) (47 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
yes that's how spirits connect with you 😁 by showing random face or words... Even a song
seeingme (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-23)
I will pray that he finds the light and can only hope that he does, I don't see him anymore but sometimes I feel him or will think his name for no reason. He is very sweet little boy, playful too.
red_velvet (5 stories) (47 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-21)
i have an empath ability, so I very much know how you feel and how that boy feel when I started reading you story 😊 I think that boy want to talk with you. But if you can't do that, you can always pray for him. No need special object or special chanting or whatever. Just pray according to your belief. Ask god to help that boy 😊 that's what I do every time I came across spirits who needs help. Because I can't see nor hear them. But I know and feel them, that's why I always just pray haha... Spirits often come to people who they think can help them. Probably you have the ability to help them, that's he shows up to you 😁 I can help pray with you if you want >.<
RevSilverson (103 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
children killed suddenly will often stay at a place of comfort after they shed their physical form. They get lost between this world and the next and need a little help to cross over into the Light. This also happens with people who die when intoxicated or have mental illness or any form of mental impairment (alzheimers, parkinson's etc). They don't know they are dead- yet they know something has changed. You need to say a prayer asking for spirit helpers to come and get that boy if you still have a connection with him. Otherwise, eventually, he will be absorbed into the Light on his own.

We in the physical world find great sadness in death especially when it is untimely. However we need to put our emotions aside and realize that physical death is just the next (and much better) step in our evolution.

Love and light...always
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
You can look up more information on how to help spirits cross over when you are ready. In the mean time look for information about this topic. Good luck.
seeingme (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
When I lived in the home I would talk to him in my head sometimes. Never really expecting an answer and never getting one I mainly just asked where he was. I never asked him if he wanted to cross over or not or if he needed to tell me anything. I guess I don't really know how to comunicate with people who have passed on. I think I'm still in that scared stage.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
There are times when spirits do know they are decease and stay because they have unfinish business and they want to resolve it. Another possiblity is they know they are dead but are stuck, for example some they don't know how to get to the otherside. The sadness you feel must be how the boy feeling. Have you tried contacting him? Though becareful not all spirits want to be helped and some are unwilling to face the fact they are dead. Good luck
seeingme (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
Thank you for commenting destinee I sent you an e-mail. Thank you for wanting to help! It feels like no one around me is interested.
DestineeHoward (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
Okay. First things first, most of the time, yes it is very overwhelming. I have had such feelings of happiness from spirits that make me want to cry. It's just an almost controlling feeling, you have emotions that aren't technically your own. Did you ever try to talk to this little boy? Did he ever speak to you? If you have delt with paranormal occurrences most of your life, spirits may be attracted to you (don't freak, it neither a great thing nor a horrible thing) it's just a thing. He feels like you may be able go help him. I see a vision of a little boy right now, is his face almost blank/confused expression? Does he have shorts, and scraped knees? This may not be who you seen AT ALL. But regardless, he came to you for help, he is still a child and doesn't quite know what's goin on. For further help from me, you can email me at anytime destineelynne2013 [at]

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