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Real Psychic Experiences

Indigo Children


I was talking with somebody on the chat on this website who said I sounded like an Indigo. Funny thing is when I started looking into this again a show about star children indigo's and crystals is what got my attention, and I realized how similar I was to Indigo children although I am not a child anymore I'm 22. I feel like I may be on the right path.

My question is, is there a chance to strengthen the powers if I do have it? Is it different from being a psychic. I have read some on it today and I really feel that this could be me plain and simple. If it is me I'd like to do something with it.

Just about 20 minutes ago I took an on-line quiz to see what my aura color was, though I don't know how accurate they are. Sure enough though it said my color was Indigo! If there are other ways to find out about color of your auras, please tell me I am very interested. I would really like to know for sure. If I could that would make me feel happy.

I don't know why but just recently I really feel as though I need to something with this and not ignore it anymore.

Thanks for listening to me again. I really appreciate it. If someone knows of any good websites I'd like to know.

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epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-16)
I need help here. What do you think the color of my aura is? But whenever I meditate, I always see green and purple colors inside my head. 😕
jushank (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
The more you try and use your powers the more accessible they become. Just have confidence in yourself, because you already have it in you. As far as your aura, lot's of people read them. They will come into your life, don't worry.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-22)
Canu - it does seem we have some very strong, very sensitive young people. It also feels like to me that they are being lured, in a way, away from their main talents which are seeing and knowing and guiding. All these questions about colors, crystals, on and on... It almost makes them dependent on something else, and let me tell you, I'm not that young and you really just need to think and trust yourself.
canuhandlethis (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-21)
well I'm not 100% sold yet but it's supposedly a group of people who have been born with a certain set of traits. The name indigo comes from the indigo color aura that is seen around these people with these certain types of traits. Now the color indigo as an aura is fairly new and was not seen in the color scheme of aura's pretty much b/f the 90's but they were a couple before then.
You can read the traits for an indigo on any website and it does as if it could be anybody but you are supposedly have to have all or nearly all traits to consider yourself an indigo all I want is to know my color of aura that woulb be interesting to me.
lastly I lot of people believe that indigo's are here to bring about the change in humans so they can evolve and change the indigo's are there as the brute force to show the way and the crystals are there to help clean up the mess left behind. That's just a lil bit of it. But I don't know about that I defnateley have to do a lot more reading.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-20)
I just read more on indigo children. I would be careful. It sounds a little like a scam to me.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-20)
What does an Indigo child mean? I've read some, but it still sounds mixed up and confusing to me. I was told on a voyage that I was a "questioner" which shocked the fool out of me because I always thought, and was told, that I'm pretty accepting. Does indigo mean you question?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-20)
I recently did a search on "i ching" and found a free website to read it, as many times as you want. Now, we aren't flipping 3 disks ourselves, it computerized of course, so probably not as good, but fun. The reading might help a little, or at least it's good for a time killer which is about all we do a lot on computers anyway. I liked it for fun.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-19)

That's funny I went through the same thing really, when I was little one day it clicked in my head and boom it was like a ball of light just opened up and everything was peachy keen. But not for long, soon as that contention came, it left. I felt like oo emm well this is akward, dam and from that point one I was always an observer of many religions... But never one belief in a God. A higher power, but not some idol itself... If you know what I mean.

I've been termed Indigo, but it's just a term and I really don't care about the name at all. In fact the list is so long ranged that anyone could be one, I always think it's important to take the time to see every individual aspect, rather than a term, but that's just me.
DGPhoenix (1 stories) (13 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-19)
Lol, yeah, we Indigos can't let anything go at face value. We always question things and try to make them better, eh? Religion is a huge issue with us, so finding our PERSPECTIVE of "God" can be really difficult. I didn't believe in him for a while, but when I finally did, it was just my Higher Self. I see this as "God" because we are all connected, and it makes sense that if you believe YOU are the one that makes your future, YOU are your own "God". There is at least one "God" for every person, and their belief in them causes them to shift into their reality. So, really, everyone is correct in religion, but they so soon forget that their religion ONLY AFFECTS THEMSELVES. (Very important point) So when someone tells you you're going to Hell, how can that be, if you don't believe. You make your own choices. I'll be on vacation until the 3rd, but if you want to email me, I'll be glad to reply when I can. 😁
canuhandlethis (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
really dgphoenix that's really cool I'll have to check out youtube and yeah that's the main idea I guess of the indigo's and crystals that they are the next evoulutionary step in humankind that we are born with a knowledge of spirituality already in place. I definately had that all along I once argued with a priest because I thoght the stories they told werent correct he then told me I would go to hell if I questioned god at that point I realized I was diff. And the only one who so how corrupt my religion was I mean you are going to tell god would put a child into hell because they where wondering where dinosaurs fit into the adam and eve story not my god!

Spekter kid I don't have really pronounced abilities aside from being very empathetic to a fault. I also see energy fields around things like it's milky yet see through but not aura's if you read my other stories you could understand them bettor they are ready to embrace it, troubles of an empath, and electronics one of them I think you already commented on though thanks for the input
DGPhoenix (1 stories) (13 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
Oh, and apparently there is ALOT of Indigo Children information documentaries and such on Youtube. It may be worth checking out.
DGPhoenix (1 stories) (13 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
I was born right in 1990, and my mother has done a lot of looking into this Indigo Children idea. She says that I'm very close to 100% of what they talk about. I need to look into it more myself, but it's always nice to meet someone that has the same spiritual path. Apparently we are meant to change the world, while the crystals clean up after us, lol. That is a VERY loose way of putting it, but in a more proffessional way, Indigos change through doing things themselves, while Crystals work with people to change things. Crystals may change things slower, but they cause much less "friction" than us Indigos. Authority? Toast. Respect? Hard to earn. Fight me? I'll go through you. Does any of that sound familiar?
Specterkid (2 stories) (19 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
Hmm, well I know no good websites, heres a tip, follow the links up at the top of the screen. Took several tests and my highest score was with crystaline, then lavender, then indigo. Do you have any powers that you know of?
canuhandlethis (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
thanks for your words! Yeah I feel when I read them all them all that I most likely run along the lines of an indigo before I do a Crystal. But I was talking to someone who said you can transition from indigo to a crystal so it's a little confusing. I still feel as though I am on the right path I just want to know who I am. I've had 2 people try to read me then they say they can't so it was a little dissapointing. But if anybody reads this and you can see visible aura's off photographs and you wouldn't mind helping me please let me know who you are...
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
Hello, I've been told I'm an Indigo before too, but just because you're 22 doesn't mean you can't be. There are Indigo adults, too! It's just that a great deal of them were born in the 1990's. I've been told my aura had Indigo in it, along with yellow and purple. I share almost EVERY characteristic with the Indigo, but I read about the Transitional Children, and they have like a mix of all types of energy, giving them powers from all different types, like the Crystalline and Indigo's, Star Children and so on. I'm not sure which one I am for sure, I've just been told I am... But I want to know how? I think that's where you're coming from too. You could have someone read your Aura, someone who knows how to. I met a woman who is 26 and she read mine... I know for a fact she's not a fake. They say some Auras are visible in pictures, maybe find someone on here and see if they can see it in a picture of you?

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