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The Difficulty Of Being An Empath


I have so many questions that I wish that I could get answered.

I hear that meditation is a good way of strengthening psychic ability.

Is there a way to protect yourself so nothing bad will happen? Like if you accidentally tune into a bad presence, and how exactly do you do that?

I somewhat have an idea but my mind is always thinking about things; stories, events, different approaches to the same things, over and over again and it's hard to concentrate.

Now I have noticed with trying to get certain outcomes on coin tosses if I always try for heads and I do it 100 times the one time I actually did the math I was correct 66% of the time. Which doesn't sound very high yet whether I choose head or tails to do the one I choose always is the one that has the higher frequency of showing up.

I also tried that telekinesis test. It always ends up being more towards the side of what ever I choose whether it's 0 or 1. But it's never by much If I get really mad and really concentrate I can get it to spike up but then I can only do it for so long and it starts going back to normal.

So would meditating really help? All I know is that I want to start to embrace this but safely I worry about trying things on my own and possibly not being capable of handling like when I was younger.

Also is Deja Vu considered something strange because I get that a lot. I never attributed it to anything psychic but I get it a lot. It feels like it has already happened and instead of experiencing it while it happens I feel like I'm experiencing from outside my body and that I'm just watching an event and not truly participating in it but instead like it was pre-recorded it is a really strange feeling.

Also if let's say you are an empath and you tune into other people emotions is there a way to shut that off as well because if that is what I am experiencing and some one knows how to shut it off it would help me so much. It's not like I am just sympathetic but it just truly effects me beyond words. It's like I am them and it is just so overwhelming when the person had a strong personality.

Thanks for listening it mean a lot to me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SmokeTooAsh, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

jeremyRIP (1 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-05)
I get deja vu a lot as well, I really would like to be able to tune up my powers as well. I'm not always afraid of this stuff, I see people too. They don't scare me, all the time that is, just the man in my hall who follows me every where and doesn't allow me to sleep very well at night. I want to be able to better communicate with these people/things and no longer be afraid... Id also like a full nights sleep... 😐
MoonFox597 (3 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-16)
Ok don't try to force your gift, if you have one you have one, from what it sounds you're an empath, not a very strong one but one none the less you are one. If you concentrate on it and learn how to use it then it'll grow but make sure you use it wisely, that and not all of us have the same gifts and are wide ranged in different abilities and all our abilities can be different. Meditating could help but you need discipline and you need to be able to calm your mind and focus, that's why my gift as an empath is much stronger then that of my boyfriend. Don't try to force other gifts, if you're meant to have them you're meant to have them. Also don't try to strengthen them purposely... Especially not all at once, because it grows as you grow and you won't be able to handle it, there are ways... But I wouldn't try it. My way of not having other emotions over take my own especially when their strong is focus on a emotion you've felt before that's really strong that will swallow the others and keep you relatively calm, like depression or happiness.

Hope this advice helps!
amberlee1 (1 stories) (26 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
the control just comes with experience the more you practice at turning off and on the better you get at it
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-20)
constancy - several times I've been given a clue. It's always God. That freaks me though - what does that mean. I like the twin theory. I always wanted one, read a book as a child and thought it was neat, and wanted them with my kids, 3, but no. I don't go in for the artificial stuff and it didn't happen naturally. I never even had drugs having them. Let me tell you, that isn't always good. I recommend drugs really. It was just my way then. If I'm hearing right, what does meeting God mean?
constancy (2 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-20)
Glenda, thank's for letting us know what you experience when you are with "the OTHERS" who are not of us and yet, they are!
You are describing them well and I could picture them. I felt much LOVE for you coming from the male who was close to you, who seemed to "overwhelm" you with "feelings"! There MUST be a reason for this, Glenda, or you wouldn't feel as you do! Maybe your two souls are soulmates! That means that they are so alike that they are like twins! Let me know what you think about this, please.

Take care. I wish for you that some clarity is brought to you about these meetings and hope that it will be soon.
Constancy (Erika)
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-20)
Lately - I haven't voyaged. But, I get glimpses which I'm not sure about. It's when I'm quiet and feels like I'm flying, but can't be because I'm awake and not close to sleeping.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-20)
They are people I don't recognize at all. One felt young and friendly and a little shy. The second felt harsh almost, strict but helpful. The third just felt warm and close and someone I loved but I didn't know why. He felt the most different of all of them ever - like I was overwhelmed. I don't get that way. Now I had seen one other before, but it was an odd voyage - like I wasn't suppose to be there and kept saying how glad I was to see him again, but he felt a little worried, like I might get in trouble. Those around me, seemed angry and maybe a little worried too. I just voyaged there because I could. I'm not the best rule person sometimes. But, it felt like a waiting room of sorts. I wondered, where are they waiting to go? Not sure if that's right though.
Anxiety (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-20)
I'm Empath. I've been able to feel peoples feelings for as long as I remember. I went to a snobby rich kid school when I was younger and ended up changing schools. I'll get to the point of why I changed. As an Empath I'm very sensitive to being around people and their feelings, which makes me anti-social. I never hung out with the kids at school when I was younger, and I could feel that they thought I was a freak and that some of them it almost felt like hatred. It made me dread going to school everyday. This happened Kindergarten through the middle of 2nd grade. I transferred schools in the middle of 2nd because I couldn't stand it. The school I went to helped me a lot, everyone was nice. It wasn't a snobby rich spoiled brat school (No offense to rich people reading this. Not all rich people are like that). Soon I became very energetic at school and enjoyed going to school.
I can feel when someone is sad, happy, mad, etc. And I can feel if someone I've just met before is a total bitc* or a really nice person. If someone around me is sad, mad, etc., I randomly get sad or mad, or whatever it is, not knowing their someone elses feelings.
I talked to my dad about it (he's psychic) and he told me to pay attention to my surroundings and the people around me and I might be able to find out whos emotions they were. That helped a lot.

To answer your question, no, there is no way to shut it off. But if you find out whos feelings they are or if the emotions are yours or not, you could try to ignore them. Knowing if their yours or not can really help.

I hope this helps
constancy (2 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-19)
Hi, Glenda, I have been thinking about you and your "voyages", accompanied by your many "unknown" friends, if I may say that.
Its amazing how we, who are all psychics, experience the SOUL/Psyche/Spirit/Ghosts, in so many different ways.
When I o.o.b.e. I am often the participant, but sometimes just the "onlooker", whereas you, since recently, went onto your astral journeys perceiving the "presences" of others, and heard the "whisperings" but didn't "SEE" anyone! AND NOW YOU DO!
So, what do you now see? That should give you a clue about WHO is with you? Do these beings look like people you know? Or, do they look like absolute strangers?
I certainly would like to find out how this story developes, so please let us know. I am saying "us" since I am sure that there are others who would like to find out HOW you experience "astral traveling"!
Stay well and may GOD be with you!
Best Regards,
Constancy (Erika)
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-18)
p.s. I've always kind of picked up on them from whenever I can remember. Sometimes we argued even - since I'm stubborn and stupid. But, I've always been protected, even when I'm stupid. But they have poked, warned, comforted, and been nice to me. It is sweet. Once I went over a swinging bridge, and got pulled up. I was very young, 3 or 4, but my parents saw it. My mom was hysterical. It was the only time that I ever saw her that way.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-18)
Erika - years are just years. Some in their 90's are young and some in their teens are old. It happens. My description - in the places I voyaged were human people, but I just ignored them, they moved fast, then saw these people looking entities, and knew that I knew them and felt close. I also knew that like me, at the time, they weren't attached fully to a physical body, maybe none at all. I also knew that they could know things and help me. I never thought about it, but when tired I asked one to hold her hand. Another, I was just dazed and kept patting him, like a fool, and told him that I didn't want to know about my life because he could have told me easily. I'm not a touchy person, at all, and was dazzled and kept wanting to pat and be near the last one. Truthfully, it freaked me out. Thinking about it freaks me out. The one before, I asked, are you God and got a hesitant "yes" like in a way. The next voyage, I didn't dare ask. I was too dazzled and knew I didn't want to know.
constancy (2 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-18)
Hello, Glenda! You are saying that the "people" you meet on your astral voyages
Have advised you and comforted you all of your life and you have "seen" them only this year, and you would like to find out what I think about them: WHO are they?
I can't truly tell you who they are! You would have to give me a description, but since you have perceived them since a long, long, time they certainly belong to you, even though you haven't seen them since too long. You would know their "presences and their voices" right away! Sometimes we are not to know WHO is with us! They have let you "SEE" them, that would mean to me that you have proven yourself to be worthy! They will let you know more! Just stay with the "FEEL" of them, that you don't follow others, imitators, in thought, but after all of this time I am sure you know the real "McCoy"!
With regard to one of them telling you: "I am GOD ", I can't answer that. GOD appears to us in many ways. My own SOUL once appeared to me as Our Lord JESUS to tell me that I MUST stop smoking! That was in 1982, shortly after I had become a psychic, and my SOUL knew that this approach was the very best for me, since I would LISTEN, and I did. I have NEVER smoked again since and NEVER will any more!
I am sure that many of your questions will be answered since this group of BEINGS has been with you since a long, long, time and
Has stayed TRUE to you as you have stayed TRUE to it.
Take care and may you be BLESSED!
By the way, I am now close to 74 years of age and have a son almost your age, a daughter who is 44 years of age and another one who is 37 years old. I also have two grandchildren. I am telling you this that you can tell that I am going with "the AGES"
And don't lose touch with anyone, young and old!
Best Regards,
Erika (Constancy)
DGPhoenix (1 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Wow, you sound a lot like me! I have many of the same abilities, and have the exact same outcome with the telekenises test! I have come a way from then and my strength in psychic abilities is my ability to protect myself in the spirit realm, so I can definitely help you there. You can email me by checking my profile page on this site and getting my email from there. As for the empath thing, I have learned to tone it down, but I've never wanted to turn it completely off, so I'm not sure if you can do that. And with a mind l that has a million and one trains of thought, it can be VERY difficult to meditate, but after a few years of trying, I finally managed, though it takes a lot of heat, some insence and the right music to get me there. If you have any questions, I would be glad to help in any way I can! 😁
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Constancy - I realize that the only question that I really care about right now is, "who are the 'people' on my astral voyages. I've heard them all my life. They have warned me, comforted me, and told me about stuff ahead that was tough. This year, I finally saw them. I was so drawn, and I'm a stand-offish person. I asked one, straight-out, are you God, and got a yes. I couldn't accept or believe it. Perhaps I just made up that part. So I'm still trying to figure it out. What's your take on it.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Mysti - I was fascinated about the house blessing. Read it over several times. Perhaps I don't see like I should because I'm too close minded, or too open. I'm not sure. I do think that going into other places is stressful, on the mind and health. It's very different, and sometimes voyaging is the scariest thing I've ever done, that from a person who has been in three totalled car accidents. Going back to the simple things is good. I do it when I feel that way. Now reading people and stuff like that seems simple, as does taking a walk among plants and nature, but voyaging and going beyond is stressful. Take care of yourself.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Constancy - thank-you so much for your input! I have questions, but I'm slow, want to think about them more exactly a bit. I'm a little new to this honestly. I've always done it and never understood it.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Before they bless the house, they do the investigations to find out what type of ghost/spirit/entity is residing in the home and also so they can see how strong the ghost/ spirit is. After finding out what they are dealing with, they have certain people come in who are able to handle the situation, such as a person with strong faith, priest, reiki pratitioner, etc... Usually for lower spirits they can say prayers with holy water; or burn sage and go to every corner in the house. Spirits like to hide in corners of the house. Crucial that they get each corner. If the first round doesn't work, they find someone else, such as priest to do his job and so on until they remove the spirits. Now I know they will be going outside of my house to each four corners of my property so the negative spirit which supposingly roams cannot get back in. It clears the house, however, it doesn't mean it will stop visitors that are just passing by. This is all I know at this point. This is going to be a learning experience for me. They are going to let me go on an investigation with them, but I'm waiting until feel a little better. I'll let you know more when I know though.
I'm am fascinated by watching lightning as well. In a way it's scary, but pretty at the same time. I don't like going outside in it though. When I lived at my mothers, I was laying down in my room, lightning hit her chimney above my room and bricks crashed down. Watched a tree get hit and burn next door as well. Just last week, I was looking out the window and lightning must have struck a tree in the woods behind my house. I could hear it crack. Although I like to watch, I make my son stay away from the windows for his safety. Oh, when I was 4, my Aunt was on the phone during a storm and flames shot out of the phone. It was very odd looking. Never forget it.
constancy (2 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Hello Glenda, I have been reading the back and forth between you and Mystical2 and I believe that you are on the right path thinking that this matter of "electronics" malfunctioning
Has several causes.
I am a healer and am often working with the "electrical" stream in our bodies too.
I work with BOTH streams, the PSYCHIC energy stream and also the ELECTRICAL stream! If we are LOW on "electricity" our bodies will take it from whatever has power, like batteries, etc. Therefore many people have to replace the batteries of their watches often.
Some people have too much electricity in their bodies and cause SHORTS!
There is nothing para-normal in the electricity matter, but that, combined with psychic energy, is a different story!
I had explained this also to "canuhandlethis" and I hope that it was helpful. Sometimes we just place too much emphasis on psychic matters when in reality its just "electricity" we are dealing with.

LIFE IS COMPLICATED WHEN YOU ARE A PSYCHIC, and it helps if we separate all that is logical from that which is NOT logical and our "electricity stream" is a very logical matter!
I have found for instance that when I lay my hand onto the CROWN chakra, I am in touch with the "electrical" stream also and people have felt a "SEARCH" right to their toes! Psychic energy doesn't work like that! That is, I am not using it like that!
I hope that this has clarified some of the questions you two are asking yourselves!
Take care and may GOD bless you.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Mysti - tell me how the house blessing thing goes - interesting. One other thing about your son. This might be coincidence, or my imagination. Probably. Watch him around lightening though in case. I think it's so pretty. Use to love watching it. It once hit a wire near me. Once stood up and took a few steps to turn off the TV and it was hit. Once was outside, and it hit where I had been standing a few minutes earlier. A week before my daughter was born, blew out five major appliances. Hit the same TV three times in a few years (we had the extended warranty though). Our house use to get hit often. Once it hit a house one down from mine that burnt up. Now I don't watch it out the window and haven't for years and stopped getting our house hit. Like I said, this might be coincidence and my imagination. Better safe than sorry though.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Hey Mysti - I just thought of this and it might be helpful. Several weeks ago, went to vacuum and both vacuums stopped working. I told the hubby, when he was talking about a new one, to let them "rest..." I make up my own terms for this stuff. I put them away. The next day, both were fine. He says it's illogical, but he's easy going. He's seen it over the years and knew how I was when he proposed. He does roll his eyes now and then. I find it a little funny sometimes, which I think makes him more relaxed. Next time something shorts out, let it "rest..." This works about half the time.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
That is funny. You are lucky you have an understanding husband. My guy weirds out about this stuff. If I tell him anything, he can't sleep all night. It scares him. My son always questions things when his father is not around. He knows too. He doesn't even want to be here when they bless the house, but he has to be. Going to be an interesting night. Guy at gas station down the street has even talked to him and told him our son is very special and gifted. Strange how he knew he had all this. He can read people so well. I still talk to him once in a while. You can see when he looks at people, he reads them. He is very religous and spiritual.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Canu - in addition to my last post, I have one other thing to add. Be patient and take your time. Don't push beyond what you're ready for - it's okay to take breaks. Fun is good. Your empathy might make you a good teacher or social worker, something like that. I might be all wrong so take what I write with a grain of salt. I'm learning like everyone else.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
That is one thing I can't stand is car problems. Mine has been in the shop several times in like 2 months. It only has 70, 000 miles on it now and at 40, 000 we had to replace the transmission. Had 2 new sets of rotors put on it this year alone. Air conditioner went up. Went in the shop twice for that. Fixed rack and pinion for steering and a new sensor. Have chev. Venture. Mother has same and didn't have all the problems I have had. I got a bummer car. Runs great though besides all the problems we have had. Thank God for extended warranties.
You know talk about breaking things. My grandfather had a very difficult time wearing watches. As soon as he put one on it would stop. He was very sensitive. Wish I'de known when I was younger, when he was alive. I kept a lot inside. I would have had someone to talk to about it. I miss him.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
My husband told me straight out, not to even "touch" his ATM card because mine lasted once or twice until the band president came out and apologized. That's when I stopped trying new ones. It was embarrassing. Try not to make him feel weird.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
I'm horrible with electronics. Last car, I asked for manual windows and locks, but wouldn't pay extra to order one. My sister told me a little while ago, her husband found and bought her a used truck with manual windows and locks and laughed. He told her he was tired of having vehicles fixed. Luckily, the car I have now shorted before the warrenty was up. I had to replace both front window motors. I never touch the back ones. It's probably him. Maybe we drag our feet and have a lot of static... Who knows. Pictures and other things fall too, but not lately. Lately has been peaceful.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
You know I never thought of it that way. I'll have to watch closer at what is going on. I know he has been through several x-box 360's. Had not had one that has lasted a full year. Keep getting them at Costco. They have life time warrenties. I know at times he gets frusterated with it. Same with playstations we were buying. We kept going through them and then vowed never to buy one again. Of course, we did last year, however, he uses that system less. My mother had one playstation that out lasted our 3. Hmm. Does make me wonder now.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
There may be a blend of things going on, that seems to happen. It might be sensitivity to "others" as well as some inner part of himself that affects matter, shorts out electric windows, makes things fall. For most of us, we're too busy to even notice these things, unless we are really upset. He might be having problems with it though.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
It's like surrounding with white light. They say many after practicing for a while can see it and it has been described the same way you say. I have yet to see it, but continue to use it everyday. Did teach my son about white light and remind him to do it at night. Last week, which was funny, he asked me, "What are we on a schedule or something". He is still young and doesn't understand it all yet. Worries me sometimes. Have to worry about my kids in the physical world and with him I also worry about him seeing the spiritual world. He about ripped the back of my arms off several days ago. A big, hard plastic ball for the chinchillas loudly bounced across the floor upstairs and strangely landed right at the top of the steps as me and my son went into the hallway. A lot of activity happens here and in the living room. For the first time I saw my son scared and felt it too. He pulled me back and ran into another room. Weirded him out. When he sees spirits, he doesn't freak out that bad. I guess all the noise did it.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Mysti - I've only actually felt or seen the wall once. It was a dangerous morning, didn't know that, and it was thick. It was hard to walk or see through, but clear like jelly. It slowed me down and I was late for a bus. If I had been on the bus, would have been the first to load onto bleachers that weren't lock and folded. People were hurt. Being late, people were yelling at me, and I just looked at them strangly through the wall and didn't care. It was very very strange, but I kept wondering what it was. When the bus took off, the wall thinned a little. Then when I was yelled at again for "knowing" something bad was going to happen, it got thicker again. Then when everyone left me alone, basically for the next six weeks, it was back to normal, invisible.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Mysti - I almost know nil about ghosts and bad spirits, but I trust my gut feelings. I've been in places and felt sick to my stomach, saw someone, then later something happened that they did bad. I don't know the answer to this, tell your son about shielding maybe, the wall. If he's sensitive, he needs it, and you feel the bad feelings. I would spend extra time on the shielding with him.

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