I have so many questions that I wish that I could get answered.
I hear that meditation is a good way of strengthening psychic ability.
Is there a way to protect yourself so nothing bad will happen? Like if you accidentally tune into a bad presence, and how exactly do you do that?
I somewhat have an idea but my mind is always thinking about things; stories, events, different approaches to the same things, over and over again and it's hard to concentrate.
Now I have noticed with trying to get certain outcomes on coin tosses if I always try for heads and I do it 100 times the one time I actually did the math I was correct 66% of the time. Which doesn't sound very high yet whether I choose head or tails to do the one I choose always is the one that has the higher frequency of showing up.
I also tried that telekinesis test. It always ends up being more towards the side of what ever I choose whether it's 0 or 1. But it's never by much If I get really mad and really concentrate I can get it to spike up but then I can only do it for so long and it starts going back to normal.
So would meditating really help? All I know is that I want to start to embrace this but safely I worry about trying things on my own and possibly not being capable of handling like when I was younger.
Also is Deja Vu considered something strange because I get that a lot. I never attributed it to anything psychic but I get it a lot. It feels like it has already happened and instead of experiencing it while it happens I feel like I'm experiencing from outside my body and that I'm just watching an event and not truly participating in it but instead like it was pre-recorded it is a really strange feeling.
Also if let's say you are an empath and you tune into other people emotions is there a way to shut that off as well because if that is what I am experiencing and some one knows how to shut it off it would help me so much. It's not like I am just sympathetic but it just truly effects me beyond words. It's like I am them and it is just so overwhelming when the person had a strong personality.
Thanks for listening it mean a lot to me.