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Real Psychic Experiences

It Followed Me Home 3


I know it has been a while since I last posted a story. I had taken some time to learn and try to understand my gifts God has given me. Needless to say, I still have a lot to learn, but I'm sure none of us will ever find all the answers, at least in this lifetime. I definitely have had a lot more to work with this year, especially with all the activity arising in my home, but the way I look at it, perhaps overcoming this is my next obstacle I need to go through to get to the next level. I guess in all good time, I will know for sure. So for now I will seek, learn and listen for God's direction.

For quite a while now, at times, I have been experiencing something which I have yet to understand and find answers for. I'm not even sure how to exactly describe what it is I'm seeing, but will try my best. At times I have been seeing a mass of something and wonder if it is energy related. It is dark with a touch of flowing silver and is normally about apple size, but not exactly round. I can actually watch it float across the room straight head on until it disappears. During these times, I feel a presence. Recently I saw this mass again and watched it as it floated across the room to the back side of my son's bed to the corner of the wall, until again, it disappeared. I felt them the entire time standing there as they were listening to me, my oldest son and my son's friend conversation. I glanced over to where they were standing once in a while without making it obvious to my son so I didn't scare his friend. While we were talking, my son told me he can feel them watching him sometimes when he is trying to go to bed. He told me he had told them to show themselves one night. He was basically trying to prove his feelings were correct. Again quickly glancing back over at that corner, I told my son not to request that again and that he may see something he may not want to see. My oldest son has had an experience with a spirit when younger as well. He saw a spirit of a young boy just passing through right out the window. But my feelings on the girl here are not so good, as I spoke of this in my last story and I wanted to avoid him seeing what my youngest son and I have seen. Anyway, the next morning my son came into the kitchen and told me he spoke too soon that night. Both spirits appeared to him that night. I must say, both my oldest and youngest handle themselves quite well for what they have both experienced. He said he could see the outline of the man who was surrounded by white light. The woman/child which stood about the same height was surrounded in a black shadow. They stood there staring at him and watching him which he said was for about ten minutes. He said it was creepy, but he turned the television on and just ignored the two of them until they both left. They appeared to him in that same spot of his room I had sensed them and seen that mass.

As most know here, spirits also come to me while I am in the between state during sleep. This is when I can clearly think, communicate and see them even easier. My lights always flicker beforehand, letting me know what is to come that night. More or less, letting me know they are here. This is also a time when I do get some future knowledge, but I normally get that while I'm awake. It's been a little different lately though. I've had some really twisted nightmares that always seem to involve this child, so she makes everyone want to think she is anyway. I am clearly thinking during these episodes and wonder if she is the cause of them. Why not just tell me what she wants, which I'm sure I already have an idea. Why so secretive? Even the man stands back, only helping when he can, although I'm sure she has something to do with it. After all, this activity arrived after she followed me here. I cannot put some of the things I've dreamt here since there are young ones on here, they are too morbid. In one of them I was in a dark basement of some sort. These places are always dark. My family was there and one boy I've never met. He screamed from the other room. I told my family to stay put and went to the child to learn a doll was talking to him. (Mind you, when this all started, my son complained that one action figure doll he had watched him and moved its eyes. Just another thing she used to play with my head, I suppose). I kicked the doll and grabbed the boy to move him so he wouldn't be cornered. I then tried casting her out while she transformed and grew into a child. Meanwhile my head started spinning really bad like a drunk feel. (She has done this to me before while talking to another on how I was planning to remove her). She laughed at me and pointed in a most wicked tone. I let fear come over me and stepped back. Then thought, "What am I doing"? I stepped forward and went at it again feeling more powerful and stern. She began to lose her strength and was starting to transform back. I woke up before I could finish and have no clue why. I was still pumped up and ready to take her out. I was actually disappointed.

I've had another experience while meditating one night, which was also a new one for me. I was concentrating on putting the white light in me, when suddenly, I was looking at my room perfectly clear, as if laying there with my eyes wide open, which they weren't. I could see the entire room even though my head was facing only one side of it. It wasn't like any visions I've had in the past, but it was like I was lying there in the present seeing things as they were. Not soon afterwards, a dark shadow came quickly into the room floating over the tread mill to directly above my son while my son focused playing X-box on-line, totally unaware of what was going on. Then not thinking, my eyes flew open while I was ready to respond to the situation. Then poof, I couldn't see a dag-gone thing. I sat there for a while thinking, "Now what"? Nothing else seemed to happen afterwards.

I'm not exactly sure how I did what I did while meditating, but would like to figure it out and practice. I know more meditation will help, but need to know where that focus came from. This could take me to a whole new level when dealing with spirits. At least I'll be able to see what I'm dealing with while awake when I throw myself back into that state. Also if anyone knows what these masses are, I would love to know what it is I'm seeing. For a while I kept dismissing this thinking I was letting my eyes get to me. I know people "normally" see black and white dots and such and that is why I tried dismissing it, however, this is different. Again, my thinking and how I view some things, has proved me wrong.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mystical2, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-14)
mystical2, it's been a while scince I read one of your stories, and for that I am truley sorry. But let's get to the point, as you know I am a psychic medium, and when you asked what was the little girl doing, I figured she was playing, but not play playing I mean like frightfully playing with your mind.
Best of Luck
❤ Leah
nikkifoster (1 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
The next time you meditate ask God to send you some protection. That's what I do when I meditate. I just keep focusing on Jesus and praying to him and it is amazing what happens. At one time I even hit all of my chakras or Holy Ghost. Very blissful.

Also if you don't want these spirits in your home, When your kids are gone or asleep. I know this might sound silly, but trust me it works. Go around to each room and call on the blood of Jesus Christ to come in and clean your house of the spirits. When I did this with a bible in hand, I began to feel my body change, I began to cry calling to God for help. It is as if you know he hears you and is there to help you. When we moved into our home I knew that there spirits here with us, and my daughter who was 2 at the time would get up late at night, for about 2 weeks or so and would be playing in the dark and talking to people. Well at the time I thought that the spirits were up to no good so I did what I told you to do, and after going around the house praying to God and calling out to Jesus, with a bible in hand, she stopped getting up at night and talking and playing with them.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
I know that our negative moods attract negative spirits in general. Learned this last year. Everything seems to go by trial and error. Only way to learn I suppose. Just never thought of it much with meditations. Learn something new everyday. There was so much going on before all this started. Actually hard to say what was the true start of everything. Going in and out of ellicott city which is an area known for sacrifices and such right before started too. This was where I thought I brought it from. Then with everything on my land and such... Then seeing and talking to someone without feeling things out first, which is odd for me to begin with. Watching her melt like wax... I question it all. At least for my sons sake as well as mine, I have to learn and understand this all... Protection and such. You have been very helpful throughout. Its appreciated.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
mystical2... Well the thing is with people who are psychic your going to attract negative energies no matter what... It comes with the gifts. Meditation could be good and bad that's why a journal is important because if you could do the light thing which helps you physically and builds up your spiritual strengths that's what you want it to do. The hard part is the prep before with the prayers and also your mood at the time... Even if you had a visit from a spirit a few hours before and its still hanging around. All these things influence the meditation trip. For people with no gifts this is not a big deal you just meditate. But for the gifted this is as big of a deal as it gets you attract spirits just sitting around. When you go into an altered state like meditation your in serious recieve mode and the spirit world is ready to pick up on it. So its the prep work and prayers!
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
So basically my meditations could have started all this mess. I was still meditating when I had all the problems with my son last year. With the depression I thought meditating would help me relax more so I continued doing it. This was right before everything started. Wonderful... Thanks for your help as always Gave me something to think about 😊
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
mystical2... For you its different because of your gifts. I would want to recreate the best meditation that you ever had probably the one where you were surronding yourself with light and try to recreate that every time. Thats the reason for the journal and you need to get O.C.D. With the notes in the journal and really compare as to minimize any negative effects because even a slight difference in emotion could send something your way while meditating. I don't do any kind of oriental style meditation I basically just zone out... I'm lazy!
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
I will start the journal. Never thought about keeping one for meditations. Which do you consider a safe meditation. Just curious. I would have actually never started them if my doctors didn't start me. Actually very relaxing.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
mystical2... Thats good that you ask for protection... But... Your a very psychic person and your going to their place "the not so good spiritual realm" sometimes when you meditate. And their going to follow you home. Real psychics like you if their going to meditate need guidance from a real good spiritual master and I don't know where to find one. So you might need to keep a journal and every meditation is written down and looked over so that you can compare and do the same thing like prayers, thoughts, even your mood that day etc. To minimize having a bad trip because your projecting your spiritual self out there to a vast spiritual dimension and its not all good guys.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
Actually this is a very good question. I actually do different types of meditations. I'm not sure what is considered the eastern type. The main one I use, is what my doctors have taught me. I take myself to a different place. I can get so deep, I feel the grass, smell the air, etc... However, I never call on anything as some do. There are times when I talk to God during this state. I also get very relaxed and see darkness while talking to God as if someone praying with their eyes closed. Also, another I use, I see a bright light from third eye area and I take that bright light through my entire body then I take and wrap myself with light on the outer side of my body. I always use prayer before I start any meditation, such as st. Michaels prayer or God's prayer. Maybe I'm missing something, but any ideas would be great and beneficial. Thanks, like always! 😊
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
I have a friend whom has also witnessed ufo activity including his entire neighborhood. I don't question others on what they see. I've had enough of that myself. Thanks for responding and the advice! 😊
insightmind (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
Something I was told long ago was if you are going to do any type of meditation that will get you into a deep trance like state you should always ask your Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides to protect and watch over you during that time to ward off any evil doers that may be passing by and when you get done thank them for their protection. They are there all you have to do is ask.

Out of the Darkness and into the Light!

Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
mystical2... I know that I have asked this before but what are you going for in the meditations? Because your a psychic and if you go to the no-mind state or the... To the root of nothing state... The classic eastern meditation stuff your going to encounter more levels of spirit beings than you can imagine... Its just a place that both you and the spirits can meet and that's always going to be a part of the problem... I don't know anyone who knows how to teach a kind of Christian meditation where you can get the physical healing that you need and the spiritual power that you also need to combat the evil/bad spirit beings that you have around you.
insightmind (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
I have seen so many things you would not believe me if I told you. But I feel that there is a merger going on between dimensions of some sort, that and there is a Hugh ET presence around the entire planet.

Actually some of what your seeing could be some of the energy fields they put off, they have a very strong energy fields. I can see them in broad daylight, mainly because I am energy sensitive I guess. But I have noticed them at night in the rooms going across the walls and ceilings and can see them moving even on the floor. OK, here is a really hard part to comprehend, all though you see these objects as shadows and light moving around with possible various dots and streaks of light all of this is actually coming from space.

I can pick them out in the sky, especially at night or when we have a light cloud cover. They are almost always cloaked so the average Joe can't see them. I went to Spain recently and they were as thick over there as they are here in the US. They even followed the Jet I fly over in. Of course now I have learned to accept it and even have had a form of communication with them asking them to fly in certain patterns telepathically and they do most times. They have some amazing spaceships, makes our stuff look like toys. Anyway...

I'm sure you probably don't believe any of this but it is true as far as I know. This has been going on since March of this year for me. It started after some intense UFO activity in the area that I watched and was awoken to over a 4 day period at 3:30 am. They flew over and did something with some blueish white light and some type of orange colored orb that came right at me.

I'm sure there are others experiencing similar things. Try squinting as you watch these objects and see if you see anything different about them. Yes I see faces all the time too. They can appear 3 dimension at times instead of flat against a surface.

Here is a good one, turn off your monitor and just stare at one spot of the monitor and then be prepared to follow and object that starts to move.

Out of the Darkness and into the Light.


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