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Real Psychic Experiences

Am I Just Crazy? Am I Even Human?


Ever since I was a young, I've felt different. Just to tell you a bit about who I am: my name is Summer, I'm 15 years old, a vegetarian, extremely confused with everyone and everything, and I really would appreciate some advice.

A few of my family members were empaths, but they all ended up committing suicide. Except for my mom, she has cancer, but the thing is, she doesn't know it yet. She's going to find out at the end of the month. I predicted it. Anyways, enough of that, the thing is, I feel different from the empaths in my family. I can feel emotions like the rest of them, but I can also sometimes hear or see things, and recently it's been getting stronger to a point where I can now see aura's more clearly, I've had a few visions (my mother with cancer), and I've always felt things, but recently it's to a point where I can't sleep if I feel something enter the room. I don't understand! What am I? I feel so different and from everyone, not only my own family. And this had gone back all the way to when I was young. I'll give a few early examples.

When I was maybe 3 years old, (I'm not sure of my age, all I know is that it was a very early age), I remember sitting in my kitchen and having that feeling. I can't describe it, it's like feeling energy. I was too scared to get off my chair, so I just sat there with my arms around my knees waiting for it to go away. Suddenly, all the drawers and cabinets around my kitchen flung open all at once.

Another example is when I was around 8 years old, I was sitting in my bed, and long story short, I saw a man in my hall way, who at first I thought was my dad... Until he fell into the floor and disappeared, only to reappear walking towards my bedroom. I shut my eyes and wished it would go away, and when I reopened them, he was gone.

Here's a more recent example: a few nights ago, while I was about to fall asleep, I heard the most terrifying scream. It was one of those screams no one will ever let out until they look death in the face. I leaped out of bed and ran to my brother's room, and he said he didn't hear a thing. When I went back to my room and I was about to fall asleep, I heard it again, but louder, and this time I had no time to leap out of bed. I was dragged into a deep sleep, and saw the screams coming from a burning man.

These are only 3 experiences out of the many I've had, including some that happened just this morning. I need advice, I'm not sure what I am, and I've been told I may be indigo. When I looked it up online, it seemed to match up with me exactly, but I need some second opinions. I wasn't quite sure who to turn to... Everyone seems to judge me or think everything I say is just imagined (until I do their tarot cards... That seems to win them over a bit, considering the fact that they always turn out right).

I'm sorry if my story is long, but I would really appreciate some advice here. There is much more to this story, and depending on the feedback I get from this one, I may share more experiences to specify things. Thank you very much for reading,

-Love & light, Summer Rose

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Summer_rose, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-28)
the problem most empaths or "energy vampires" have (note I don't think either are "evil" by nature but by actions that cause harm and death of others, sorry I didn't realize the need for clarification until I read your other post psinguine)

Any way the problem that most have is that they store up the negative energy and forget to release it into the earth or wash it away in the watcher or generate a burning flame to burn away the darkness and negative emotions you may accidentally or intentionally absorb. I'm studying energy healing techniques and the art of acupunture (which is basiced on knowledge of the pyschic energy body)

I'm looking into Eastern medical treatments. If anyone has any suggestions please email or post them.

But to avoid suicide or cancer. Try to find positive energy sources and restrict the asorbation of negative energy. If you want to help and heal a person by taking their negative energy then learn how to purify it or release it safely back into the universe. Contact me if you need more help. Peace to all.
psinguine (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-28)
As a trainer I would like to point out that B vitamins should always be taken together. They're a complex system that work with each other. There's a certain synergy between most vitamins and minerals, they work best in concert. I would suggest a multi vitamin that was high in the B complex.

As a fellow sensitive: You're not the first person to question their humanity. When I was younger I did the same, and there are many my age in another community who still refer to humans as "mundanes". Why they can't call them human is beyond me, but I digress. It's important to never lose track of the fact that you came from the human race, no matter how different you may feel.

And concerning the corruption of the human race, don't condemn it or them. There is much to learn from it, and they can't do any better. As a great man once said as he hung dying, "Forgive them father, for they know not what they do."
KailaRaeG (guest)
14 years ago (2010-02-24)
Allthough I havn't had as strong experiences as you, or see auras, I have felt different all my life. It's nice to know someone that feels the same. Email me, kailagallll [at]
CuriousPsychic13 (16 stories) (141 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-09)
Hate to burst your bubble, but you sound human. To be psychic is just to expand your mind beyond the limitations others have set for themselves. It sounds like you might control energy, I don't know, and you might Clairaudient, but that's for you to figure out yourself. HopeI helped:)
Summer_rose (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-03)
wanderingwayne, I wish you luck with your ability:)
And I take a few suppliments, but I never knew I should take vitamine B 😲 thank you so much for telling me:)
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-02)
Well I think I just had a blonde moment but the other one victorarose I think that was her name.
WanderingWayne (4 stories) (107 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-01)
Hi I read your post on my story "Feeling Energy Inside Me" and appreciate the input. I will look for chi and healing and see what I can come up with. I have suspected I have helped a few people get well by being around them, but who knows. I read your story and see you are a vegetarian. I don't know if vegetarians eat things like eggs or any of that stuff. I hope you take supplements if you don't. There is a B vitamin important to the human nervous system that in the past we could only get from meat and I think eggs, milk etc.
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-29)
Cyopath; What are you talking about, because Rose isn't with us... We were talking about Amzi in that message we left her.

Val3, Amzi4 & Anastasia9.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-26)
I had a feeling rose was with you guys so nice to hear from you guys but nothing bad I see and I have just had some freaky deakie experinces today out of my knowlege and experince with this stuff but I think I have a idea going to make a story about it just to freaky should be out by tommorow and don't let this human stuff get to you vang I don't see nothing wrong with how they live ok I do but I don't jugde depends on what they do and I think you should let a grudge like this go people are misleading sometimes and I hope you guys do good.

Men willingly believe what they wish.
- Julius Caesar
Sincerly- Cyopathic
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-26)
Cyopathic! Hey! Venti kids? Niceee, never been called THAT one before. Lol. We've been doing good, actually we've been having some troubles. Awaiting something bad to hit us... But other than that, our lives are very good. Thank you for the compliments,:) you are a sweetie and a pleasure to know about!

Summer_Rose...We don't know...She's the weird one of the group, and she LOVES joking around and being sarcastic, but she got locked out of her own personal account for such comments... And no one else of us will let her use any of our personal accounts, so she use VendettaSiblings'.

And Astral_Fang, right on. We also have quite a hard time tolerating the human race sometimes overall... And learning to ignore it and its drama is SUCH a gift.

-Val, Amzi, Nicky & Dani.
astral_fang (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-25)
thanks summer_rose, your right,i'll just have to endure it, er WE will. ❤
Summer_rose (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-25)
astral_fang, you shouldn't let yourself get that caught up with peoples corruption, you WILL get sick, and it's not worth getting sick over. You can sometimes try, but if you see they're being stubborn little babies like a lot of them tend to do, just move on and let them be like that. Once day they'll become more like us and see the world in a new way:) sometimes you can't change people, and I understand how frustrating it is that humans are just naturally selfish and corrupte.
In the mean time, don't burn yourself out, you're special and the human race is lucky to have you. I like to think that the new generation is a gift to the humans, to enlighten them. Breath and relax, just wait, the day will come when they become like us:)
astral_fang (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-24)
ugh I get caught up in the whole human thing all the time. They say that you have to see the good in the human race and not just the bad but I can't see the good in them at all so I just try to ignor them now.
Summer_Rose is right about getting sick over the stupid corupt humans to -_- once I got so caught up in it and got so mad and depressed I just got mad and didn't talk to anyone and retreated into my own world barely eating. Then I realized what I was doign was stupid and it would help anything. -sigh- its so hard to forgive the humans, and that's a lot comming from me. 😕
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-23)
Yeah good idea I will go buy one:D And sometimes it gets to me more in a could that happen moment but you are right I will
Summer_rose (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-23)
vendetta...lmfao! What? XD

And cyopathic, why let it get to you?
People are always going to be stupid and corrupt, you shouldnt get upset over it, you'll just tire yourself out and get sick.
Take a break:) have a kit kat xD
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-23)
I am so happy to hear from the venti kids how you guys been I have had vishions of you guys and you guys are awsome I allways like when I have a vishion of you guys gets me away from the freakie deakie vishions but I am not tense Summer_Rose ok maybe a little just real tirded of putting up with people crap I show them whos boss but I love being here helping the peoples out.
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-23)

Lol, nice to meet you. And... We just wanted to stop by because Amzi wanted to put this up..."HUMAN?!?! NO! WE'RE NOT HUMAN! WE'LL NEVER BE HUMAN! NOOO!...Jk. =P"

:) Yeah...she's special. Nice to meet you.

Summer_rose (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-21)
Ursala, THANK YOU! Finally, I mean, I don't need a freakin title, I know who I am and I know I can't be imagining all this. I don't care who thinks I'm crazy, it's what I believe and that's all that matters. Lol that was the answer I wanted:)

And cyopathic, thank you for the advice:) I think you should take a break, I can't hear you speach or anything, but you seem tence. Don't worry about people laughing at you. In the end, people are just afraid of what is unknown to them, so they shut it out or make fun of people like us. DO NOT LET THEM GET TO YOU. That's what they want! They want you to become like them, and ignore all this. We're going to make a difference, and those people, whether they like it or not, are going to need to open their eyes to all this, and accept us.
I have no idea with the whole indig thing, I hate freakin labels, but I was just curious to what people might call me. Doesn't matter, I don't need to identify with a label, because in the end, everyone is their own person and no label can perfectly describe you. We are all unique:)
Dont get stressed! You seem stressed and you shouldnt be. Be happy and calm:)
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-21)
well you silly psychic you sre over welmed if you are like some of those crazy people who are deeply into this then I can't tell you if you are indo I might be but if I am I think I did a lot I diserve to relax and enjoy my 4hours of sleep or 8 well and indgos are indgos by the year they where born and there way of thinking like saving the world I think I am indgo I got my self in a trance and started to draw a landscape and then some people in stick figures and some senrey I suck at writing but it was scary good I broke out of the trance when I was watcing the nanny its true but I now have the laugh today in school I was so board I got into a trance in my history of NM class and I started flipping the pages and saw thoose people in a vishion and I don't like being at school sometimes because of kids spirt guides or angels they wispear to me and I don't want any other kids to know I am psychic and the angel telling the kid I am psychic I know I am very mad at the whole thing I don't want to be laughed at again and I think you are just over whelmed with taking all of this meditate and you will feel better.
Ursala (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-21)
C'mon Summer rose, You are a strong woman. Labels aren't necessary. Be confident in who YOU are.
Summer_rose (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-20)
just one question for everyone who commented, or anyone reading... Does anyoen have any idea what I may be? Am I indigo?
Saikatanas (40 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-20)
You are sane:) just don't lose it hehe

The Earth is gaining higher energy levels, you are accompanying it. The more time passes by, the more abilities will arise. You just have to accept them and deal with them naturally.
nicky_j (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-20)
Hi everything your going through is so normal... I think everyone who has some sort of ability doesn't feel right... But I honestly think its a gift and keep working on it... If you want to talk about it ever I'll be there for you... Sometimes it helps just to talk about whatever has been going on... Here is my email... Nicolejohnson81 ( take care summer rose.
seer_of_shadow (5 stories) (63 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-20)
No you aren't crazy and you ARE human. If anyone should worry about not being human it's me haha. Seeing as how some part of my energy seems to have a mind of it's own and can be hard to control at times.

I know how you feel about not wanting to tell anyone. I feel the same. I've only told my sister and a few friends. (also psychics) But don't worry. You aren't the only one.

God Bless you and your family.
Summer_rose (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-19)
thanks:) it's nice to feel like there are people who understand, it kind of makes you feel sane, you know?
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-19)
Summer_rose you seem to have a hard life and the suicdes sounded hard to deal with but I will give you my e-mail adress if you need any help or something with your abilltys happened 😐
Summer_rose (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-19)
astral_fang, oh my god I know exactly what you mean about the animals, and releasing it to protect people. I'm 15, and I'm pretty short, meanwhile anyone I see picking on people, I go wild animal on them, and I don't even know how, when I think back on it, I'm like... Was that even me?
Wolf__ (1 stories) (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-19)
Ghosts spirits demons Ect they could be I have the exact same thing but almost every day:/
astral_fang (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-19)
oh feel free to email me if you want to talk, eevee80 [at] cya then! ^_^
astral_fang (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-19)
well I guess your simply sencitive to spirits, I am to ^_^ its terrifying somtimes I know. And you ARE human, your just more intuned with what all humans once had but lost. I know how it feels to be different and confused, I always had a strange connection with animals and somtimes the 'animal in me' somtimes showed up when I was trying to protect somone (dont want to go into that...), so I feel for you:) a word of advice is to think possitive thoughts and possitive spirits and events will come to you, accept your abilities, only good can come from them even if you can't see it yet.

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