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I Dreamt Up The Demon Of Earth


I forgot this one dream, a dream so horrid, I completely forgot about it. In this dream, there was a demon, so vile; I had to try to remember what he looked like. I told my dad, my brother, and even my friends.

In this dream, it first starts out like any other dream. I'm in a place where it feels like it's full of history. Grey houses, dark trees, and the weather looked cloudy. I was walking through a party; it had stands for food, games, and souvenir shops. I had a friend walking with me and we happen to pass by a candy apple stand; imagination kicked in because I saw Selena Gomez working that apple stand. Suddenly, I felt really tired, I decided to lie down on a bench, but that's when I saw him.

I was watching this man that stood out. It was an old man, sitting in a wheelchair, and he was staring at me. He had pale, white skin with wrinkles and bit of sagging skin around his cheeks. I could tell that he was balding from his white hair. He had a sharp looking nose, thin lips, and the only hair on his face is his eyebrows. His eyes were sad looking and the color was dark. I remember what he was wearing; his robes were black with red hems, and his cap was black. The little, circle, hat for the top of his head, and he had a ring on his right middle finger.

Before I first closed my eyes, his eyes started to flicker. From the sad, gray, lonely, eyes to Pure, Dark, Evil. Right then, I started to feel hands on my neck, putting pressure, and I couldn't breathe. Then I opened my eyes, his whole face changed. Eyes and mouth were dark and open. I knew I can beat this evil. It took me five tries, but I managed to say "Off of me," its one of those magic word that I found out. After that, I woke up and he was gone. I ran out of my room trying to find my dad to tell him that I was almost killed by a demon. I think I had hand marks on my neck, but I didn't look in the mirror, I had work that day. All that day, I still felt hands on my neck.

Months and a couple of Nostradamus shows later, I finally figured out why I had that dream and that visit from that demon. I believe that if he is, or a summoner for, The Demon of Earth. Demon of Earth is also known as the False Prophet that passes himself of as a helper to the pope. When I described this to my brother, he said that the demon was probably a Cardinal for the pope. I do believe that he might try to kill me again. Is there any advice on if what I saw is the real Demon of the Earth? Or is he only someone that's going to summon the Demon to take his place in the Vatican

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valkyrie (2 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-06)
I feel how scared you are. I believe you. I wish I knew how to help you, but I dont. I throw up protective shields for myself and my family, but I doubt something like that would be of use. It seems this would be too strong. Ask spirit and the higher beings to cleanse you and release any demons or beings attached to you into the light-taken away. Thats all I can think of for now. I just wanted you to know-i believe you.
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
"why talk to angels when you can talk to God?"
AnandaHya I appreciate your concern, but I do not know where I belong. I remember once I meditated that I happen to see the "war grounds" from that great battle in heaven. I was on the sidelines, but that was it. I don't know if I was on God's side or the other side. I still can't find answers, and angels happen to be very close here. I'm trying to study to be a Shamaness and try to find myself in the years passed. I've seen four others, but I want to see more of the battle, my first self. I need more work for it... Thank you for trying to comfort me. I wanted to talk to people about this dream and to see if anyone can draw out the picture and send it to me so I can say if its him or not. But I know hes there, planning something horrid, and no one is understanding the danger of this demon.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-18)
Isaiah 58 v. 4 "Indeed you fast for strife and debate, and to srike with the fist of wickedness. You will not fast as you do this day. To make your voice heard on high. It is a fast taht I have chosen... You bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him. And not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break froth like the morning. Your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard." Do you have the faith of a mustard seed?
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-18)
why talk to angels when you can talk to God? Anyway praying is more than just yelling over and over again that you want this or you want that. You have to stop and listen to the answer, who wants to have a one way conversation with a selfish brat?
Have you tried fasting to have your prayers heard? I'm not talking about food and rending your clothes or becoming an aesthetic but what the Bible says is fasting. One minute and I'll post you the scripture...
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-18)
Ive been trying to use my powers to try to talk to any angel about what's going on. Its hard to get any of them to talk to me. But its alright. Ill keep praying to my grandma until I finally get to talk to her.
darkling (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
oh yea I for got to say, take down your alter... I think its finding you though it... It sees it as a portal... Completely move it... Or I would dismantle it if I were you...
:D let me know if you need anymore help...
darkling (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
You feel like you are aligned up to some darker vibrations... That is fine but Be careful. I am not here to judge you. IF you really think this is a demon and not a dark spirit you will be having a long road ahead of you! Demons lie, and they are not always you think or maynot be what they seem... They are not to be trusted and will try to get you to eventually go completely dark... Which is very BAD... That is their goal... Snakes are dangerous symbols with spiritual... Especially if they come to you black in color... My suggestion is if you really want this to go away, the only one in the universe that can help you is GOD... You need to start asking GOD for help, and start bringing in some positive energies around you. By hanging out iwth people you love, or things that make you happy... Get out of your small room that you are spirital in... And when you go back, make a positive change in there... Get rid of your dark pictures... Repleace them with "nicer" loving ones...and.praying helps but you know yourself, you have either been hurt really bad by bad situations or dabbeling with some dark spiritual things. It could be your calling attention to things you don't really want too... You maybe dealing with demons for many lifetimes if you don't change your path... You don't have to go to church, but you do need to make peace with GOD and let GOD into your heart. Let GOD replace the NEED for power and abilities... GOD is the only one strong enough to get rid of demons... When you use spirital for selfish reasons, you will attract dark selfish things... GOD BLESS!
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
at bloodredrose

There is meny ways to clean your self of the imperitys of the soul mind and body some can be as simple as just a prayer before a shower or even along nights rest just ask the good lord to cleanse you as you sleep.
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
well maybe it was your familly demon dost mean your family is bad just means they are there to like collect on sins they arnt that strong unless your importent or gifted but we can beat them my girlfriends tryed to kill her in her sleep a year ago I was laying next to her then she was being strangled I didn't know what was up so I tryed over and over to wake her up and when I finaly did there was aloud bang in back bedroom where my son slept and when we went to check one him the room was freezing and a the pictures were torn down but he was still asleep and the thing went away usally if you are beening attacked by some thing in your sleep like that there is a good chance you are importent... Random fact loving m,y new eyes they gave me new eyes every body loves them and exspecaily me thank the lord for that and I can make both eyes turn seprate diffrent colors and yesterday I was able to make them lime green with a dark blue x throw them. There is a reason why this is all happening now to so meny for they say we are genertation x for we are not wrothless dissrespectfull and greedy like the younger generations and we are not stuck on the old ways like the older generation we are balenced and can be very peacefull well at least most of us ha.
C4L3N (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
do you remember the day or month it started? Last year a powerful wave of energy hit Girdwood and nothing good has come of it, maybe its connected? My father is a shaman in Juneau and he didn't understand the presence but it was definitely the will of some sort of "summoner" or "Warlock".
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-22)
thats just it, at night, I feel something on my neck. Like a snake, and its tonge is flickering, tasting me, snuggling my neck. The only way to cleanse myself is to be at a river, and my schedule is full of work and sleep. Hardly enough time to cleanse, I'm trying to save enough to pay back my student loans.
Texan17 (2 stories) (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-22)
so basically, after you ran into that thing. It did leave its energy residue over you. This would explain why you might have a sense of whatever the message was that it wanted to leave you, you FEEL is real. Because its energy is that bad, that negative. Its like the idea of someone bullying someone, if someone is insulted repeatly they tend to feel what the bully is saying is true. Although this thing may not have messed with you repeatedly like I said its energy is so bad it feels like whatever it was trying to make across to you is true. My advice, cleanse yourself. Believe it or not but something as small as a good old fashioned limpia helps a lot... Most of the time its all people need. Best of luck to you. Cya
Texan17 (2 stories) (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-22)
usually when you encounter an entity such as a demon, their energy is so negative it leaves a nasty cloud over you. A while back when my younger brother and I encountered a demon in the mountains, even though we got away from the nasty thing its energy I picked up on was so vile so full of absolute hatered it effected my body. The energy residue finally left after I cleansed myself for about 30 minutes straight. Even in a dream when you bump into something like that it has the same effect on you.
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-22)
the night I realized that dream I started to tnink about random stuff. When I put my dream together towards the demon of earth, my intuition lite up and started hurt my heart. I knew that I had to tell everyone. Now everyone that wrote in the comments are not trusting my words... For the first time, my full being believes that what had happen was for a reason.
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-22)
this happened a year ago...maybe. I think my powers deal with death, and I'm surprized that no one takes that seriously. I truely believe this is the evil... And I'm fearful that he might try to get me...again. I'm a Shamaness in alaska, I'm one of few people that believe this...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-21)
This dream signifies what you are going through in your waking life. I say this because of these symbols
'Grey houses, dark trees, and the weather looked cloudy.'

When you dream of weather conditions it reflects on your present emotions.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-21)
i can't be sure about the Demon of the Earth. But if you want him to leave you alone, you should cleanse yourself. That's the best advice I can give you right now. Sorry, I don't much about this kind of stuff. I hope this helps a little

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