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Real Psychic Experiences

Meeting Place Between Heaven And Earth?


A year after my Grandma passed away, I was flipping through a photo album and came across a picture of her before she became very ill. She looked happy and healthy and still had both her legs, which were both amputated before she passed. I could barely remember her happy and healthy and sobbed myself to sleep in the middle of my bedroom floor during the middle of the day. I began to dream a very vivid dream, which is not normal. I have very vivid horrifying nightmares, but I'm not getting into that in this story. Anyway in this real like dream I walk through a set of doors into a very large room, the ceiling was as high as the heavens. It appeared to be like a library shelves lined in books and beautiful wood trim and floors. In the center of the room a large, golden grande piano and there sat my Grandma beaming from ear to ear. She loved playing the piano and played every Sunday for the church.

She patted the seat next to her on the bench, beckoning me to sit next to her. Then we talked. She asked about everyone and listened. I'm pretty sure she already knew how everyone was doing, she just wanted me to talk. After awhile she announced she had to get back but wanted to show me something real quick. She lifted the bottom of her dress to reveal both of her legs. She told me she feels good and she's happy and no longer hurting. This was why she brought me here but our time had come to an end and I needed to go back. I cried and asked where she was going. She pointed to the tallest, golden doors I could ever imagine. Said she was going through those doors and I had to go through the doors I came in from. I begged to go with her but she laughed and said it was too soon. So I hesitantly got up hugged her goodbye and walked slowly through my doors as she waved goodbye... But this goodbye wasn't for good.

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mwilcock (11 stories) (39 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-30)
That was The mansion of your soul you visited. Love your story. When I have a lot on my mind, i'm taken to a place like that and all though they don't answer my questions out right, they do give it to me in a riddle. I rite it down then work it out. I have been taken to a Church before now to meet 3 guides, as I walked in I was told not to look up and keep my head down, I walk'd on to the stage and along the front of the 3 men that looked down on me.
I remember seeing brown shoes and cream trousers and they were sitting on a wooden pew (benches). Then when I got off the stage I was met by a lady saying that I done well and I had to leave through the door I came from. I found my self feeling honored of my experience. You do tend to know the difference between a dream and transportation. Thank you for lovely story,
X mwilcock x
tonya (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Chillz, Thanks for the help. It just feels good to tell someone and not have it judged. Life is full of many tough roads but things smooth out over time. Thanks again.
chillz (7 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Wow Tonya I'm sorry for your losses and I hope your body heals soon so that you can have a baby.
If I had to guess, I would say your heightened senses was probably triggered by a miscarriage. Which means you'll have this for good or at least for a long while.
The mother's presence at that house is more than likely wanting you to come back but I wouldn't if I were you, at least not alone. Maybe you can contact a medium who helps others to cross over to go with you if you decide to go.
tonya (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Chillz, There are just a few things I can think of. I had a sudden illness that has been going on for about the same amount of time. I have been hospitalized 3 times over the last year for kidney problems and about a month ago was the most recent time. The problem seems to be gone for now but can come back at any time. Nothing really serious. Another thing I can think of is that I recently graduated nursing school. I have always worked in the medical field in hospitals and nursing homes as a nurses' aide but just recently as a nurse. I also recently married almost a year ago. During the recent past I have had 3 miscarriages and my husband and I are trying for a 4th time to have a baby but the recent illness has put that on hold. There has been a lot of change I suppose. I have always seen the spirits for as long as I can remember. The first time I truly recall seeing one is right after my aunt passed away. There was a man with no legs at my grandma's house. He's still there, I see him every time I go to her house. I asked my mother about how I was as a child and she told me that I had the tendency to appear to be very spacy that I had an immaginary friend that I spoke to every day. She said that I eventually seemed to out grow it. She also claims that I used to have bad dreams frequently and would wake up and tell her about them. I would like to tell you about my most recent expierence. It was the most powerful expierence to date for me. My husband, son (not my husband's child), and I had gone to my sister and brother in law's for dinner. After dinner my brother in law had asked if we would like to go see a house that his father had began to renovate prior to his death. He just wanted us to see the type of work his father did. No one told me anything about this home other than it was over 200 years old. All of us headed there on foot at approx 9pm with flash lights in hand. The walk wasn't real long but about half way I started to get an uneasy feeling. When we rounded the corner and passed the fence post I got the chills from head to toe and told them I could not go any further. We stopped in front of the home and my sister in law and I stayed outside while the boys went in. Nothing happened to the boys but while they were inside I had several expierences. 1. I felt a male presence he did not like women and kept telling me no, do not enter. 2. There was a child that had drowned on the property. 3. The mother of the child was there. I instantly began crying although I did not realize it until my sister in law pointed it out to me and my skin became extreamly cold and sweaty. I saw a light on the edge of the house that only I could see. My little dog that we had brought began to whine and try to get away about this time. After every one came out I asked if anything had happened on this property and got the strangest looks. My brother in law said he wasn't sure. We walked around the house and just off to the right of the home there was a well that had been sealed off. I instantly knew that is where the child had drowned. Even as I sit here and tell you these things I have tears in my eyes and a strange prickly heat around my shoulders, neck, and head. We left soon after this and as we got off the property a headache that I did not know I had went away and my body began to return to its normal temp. Later on I was told that there are two grave yards on the property and that I am not the first to say someone was in the home. I have had some other strange things happen but this is the most powerful to date and I just can't seem to shake the expierence. Quite frankly it scares the crap outta me. Now that all is said and done I have had the impulse many times that I need to return to the home but I am too nervous to do so. I just wish I knew how to turn it off. I have been having these moments more and more often now and I can't seem to stop or slow them. I always have headaches afterwards. Thank you again.

chillz (7 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Tonya it makes me curious what has triggered your empath abilities lately. Can you think of anything that had happened about the time this started? To throw a few ideas around... Had someone close to you pass away, or did you participate in any activities such as ouija board or seance, drug experimentation, hypnosis, new relationship etc...
tonya (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Chillz, This really does help. I guess I'm so afraid because I feel the emotions so intensely. I have not always had the ability of the empath. Just in the last 6 months I have discovered this new ability. I guess I have always seen them but they usually just stop and look at me and then go on. I always see most of them again when I revisit places like my grandparents home or my friend's home. The empath portion has just sprung up as of late. The first time I expierenced the emotions of someone else and I was unable to control it, well I was pretty darn sure that someone had slipped me something. But then it happened again the other night and it was much much stronger than before and I was dealing with 3 people, not just one. Thanks for your time. I'm really not sure how to approach them. We spend most of our lives pretending that they are not there because we are told that but there are things the logical mind can not explain away.
chillz (7 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Tonya, I wish I could tell you how to block them, I've been ignoring them since I was 8ish. I think I made it possible by realizing there was no reason to fear them. Fear emmits a certain energy, I believe that's how they picked me out. I just told myself I'm normal like everyone else whenever I'd pass one by. Just ignoring them has been enough for most to leave me alone but some can be persistant boogers. Most just want their story known by someone or for someone to feel their emotions. Once in awhile I've had to sit alone with a clear head and allow my mind to be their projector... Feel their pain and cry for them. Be prepared though some stories can be uglier than the news. I've never had one come back once I've done this for them. I'm not sure if they cross over or move on to someone else. If you decide to do this make sure you are no longer feeling fear, and if you feel fear do not I repeat DO NOT open your mind to one! Once you learn not to be afraid... Fear will become your guide. What I mean by this is when you're no longer afraid of all the spirits you come across, once you feel fear from one that one is bad bad bad! Those are the ones to avoid, you must learn to hide that ultimate fear from them and become strong and tell them they are not wanted near you. If you're God loving like I am, tell them you are a child of God. If you choose to know ones story be selective and do it in private and you may want to look into cleansing your home. Evil lurks in the shadows and waits for you to open your mind. I hope I helped some.
tonya (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
[at] Chillz. Can you please help? I believe that I am an empath and maybe some other things as well but I am unsure how to develop or block them when need be. I do not feel the living's emotions but the dead's emotions. I cry violently, see red with fury, run in terror. I also see spirits and they can tell me their stories and frequently request help from me. What do I do?
chillz (7 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
The oak tree in your dream might carry a message as well. There is a poem about an oak tree standing through many high winds and storms causing it to strengthen it's roots. Then the poem says we need to be like the oak tree and weather our storms, because from those storms we become stronger.
Erin1011 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
Oh Lord I just got chills up and down my back. Please forgive me if I get too emotional. I am 2 weeks brand new into my "sudden" spritual awakening and things are very clear for me.
You seem to know what you are talking about and you seem to know how to pick your dreams apart. You said it yourself "She asked about everyone and listen. I'm sure she already knew. She just wanted me to talk" That's amazing. That is exactly what she wanted you to do. She wanted you to get things off your chest. Even if you do not remember what you were saying, it was part of your healing process to be able to speak with her. By the end of the dream, she confirmed to you that she got her legs back and to stop worring about her legs.
I had a simular dream when my Grandmom passed. I took care of her. She had Alz Heimer's. She used to love to read, but because of her illness, she forgot how to do many things including reading and doing crossword puzzles. I had a vivid dream of her sitting under an oak tree, very comfy with a book. She looked at me and smiled. That's all, but I knew she could read now and believe it or not that's all the comfort I needed.:)

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