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Real Psychic Experiences

My Experience With My Powers


This is my first time here despite my name, I am an psych. I've always knew what was going to happen next or I knew little details of others thoughts at random moments. I can't necessarily control it because I can only here thoughts sometimes any way, once I was in the pool with my brother any way one would sing a song and the other would have to guess what song was it so it was my bro's turn and I knew what he would sing so I began to sing it before him then he stared at me and I heard his voice saying "how'd you know "in my head I said because I just do He was amazed. Or when I walked into urban outfitters and I heard the lady saying in my head. "This shirt is ugly."

So I thought to her do you have a better one thinking I had no successes and the thought didn't carry through I was kind of sad then she stared at me and looked shocked and said aloud yes then my mom said huh and was very confuse the woman that got me a new shirt bagged the stuff and I was on my way home.

These are true and fun experiences with telepathy. I think our abilities are amazing! I mean but how do you think we got them I think the very reason I am a telapath and psychic is because god gave me them and he knew I would do good things with them I just have to learn to do telepathy on any target like the experienced I talked about earlier I want to be able to Have real conversations through thought do you think it's possible I do and I want it bad so yep!

Comment below on what you think thanks and maybe even tell when wastage fist time you found out about your abilities I will love to hear them

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Telekinetic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Telekinetic (3 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-04)
Cool any more expieriences! I really like to see and hear other people's story's just like mine 😁 😁 😁
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
before after one year of having my ablities I had visions wich atully made me bored because everything was like watching a movie ten times so I learnt how to controll know if I want vision get visions if I don't I don't ❤ ❤
Telekinetic (3 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
Thanks guys I just want someone to understand that it is really weird for not only the receiver but what do you think the acuall telepath is saying I just preformed telepathy
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-02)
if any one is onlinethan me if you want add a comment so I know
Asdfghjkl wsedfghj wertyu wsdefghjk sdfghj wertghyjk sdfgh edrftgyhuj ertyu ertyuidfghj
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-02)
i used to hav a vampire friend of mine she left the school but luckly I she came the same high school as me. I think god gave as the gift to help people and spread peace.
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-02)
i used to hav a vampire friend of mine she left the school but luckly I she came the same high school as me. I think god gave as the gift to help people and spread peace.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-02)
I did the same thing but in class. (I also have telepathy). I used to read my teachers' minds and tell the kid next to me what would the teacher ask and who.
The only person I was able to use my telepathy to actually comunicate (other than my master) was my best friend who's a witch. Thanks to the strange connection I had with her we'd often say the same things at the same time, get the same ideas, think about the same things etc.
I use my telepathy also with animals but instead of words we use images.
As for the first time I used my abilities, well I had clairvoyance, empathy and precognition since I was born. Then I gradually discovered my other abilities.

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