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Precognitive Dreams And Feelings Of Everyone Around Me


Wow... Where do I begin? The past one and a half years I'd say where very eventful for me I'd say. I won't get into everything because this will be way too much information at once. So let me just stick to something more recently, that started in September 2012.

In September of last year I was making some changes in my social life (university etc.) that made me feel more in peace with myself and took a lot of pressure off of my chest. One month after that, it was half through October and I had dreams for a whole week, every night that I remember until the present day like they were a bunch of movies I could re-watch whenever I want. And the next day they always happened to came true. The dreams where of banal things but still. For example: I dreamed of having a long talk with a friend of mine I actually (in reality) haven't heard of for 3 months due to a fight. The next day when I looked at my phone between lectures I saw that that same friend called me twice.

Although my (as I call it) "week of dreams" stopped some of my dreams are still coming true but weeks or months later, just not the next day. For example: I dreamed that I was in the car with my Dad. He was driving and suddenly he kept pressing his right hand against his chest, while making a painful face. When I asked him what's up, he said that his thumb on his right hand hurt like crazy. Then I woke up. Weeks later I almost forgot about the dream... Until my Dad picked me up from the train station and when I got in the car I noticed a huge band-aid on his thumb (right hand) and when I asked him about it, he told me that just before picking me up he was chopping wood and he almost cut up his thumb.

Another thing that happened twice until then is that, a friend talked about someone I clearly didn't know and have never seen nor met before. All of a sudden I could see this person distinctly in my mind, like a Polaroid picture. It's weird I know. And one time I just woke up in the middle of the night and had such a Polaroid like picture of a man in my head. Have no idea who he is until today.

What's also been happening to me is, that I started to feel and relate to other people's emotions, especially the negative ones, which seem to drain me and I feel a heavy pressure on my chest and my heart starts beating really really fast. This also happens (just way worse) when i'm in the middle of a lot of people. Every time I'm on the subway or train I just want to get out! Side note: I'm not claustrophobic! If I were this wouldn't be weird at all and as I said this started happening only recently.

Because all of this happened so fast I had a lot of questions because I was losing sleep over all of this and a co-worker of mine told me about this woman she goes to since 5 years or so. She's a psychic medium and works with energy. So I called her because my co-worker told me many things that sounded like she was legit. When I went to hear she kept telling me the following over and over again... And I know this sounds weird but I'm just telling you what happened because I'd like to get some more opinions on this... So this is what she kept saying: "You are very special. I've never seen anything like you. You will be able to do a lot later in life, once you won't be so new to this." Obviously I was confused when she said that, but even though I was I knew I could believe her. (which means I definitely believe her that she believes what she thinks, but because this is so weird to hear I'm having trouble believing the whole concept) She also told me that because I'm so special is because my number is 12 which is the highest and means that you are living your last life. (I was loving the optimism right there) And then she tested my chakras with energy and the said that all my chakras where open, which apparently is very rare. So now as I am new to this and even though I read a lot about all of those things because I want to know more, I still have questions and it would be nice, if you could give me some advice or your opinion on this:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, acuriousmind, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

acuriousmind (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)
I'll let you know if anything comes up. Thanks so much for your help! Appreciate it:)
skyy59 (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)
hey no problem! If you have anymore questions just ask i'm up for anything. And ill try to help anyway I can
acuriousmind (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)
Thanks for the advice! I will try to do that:) lately people told me that they can feel my warm energy like it's all around me, so I should be able to work with that.
skyy59 (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)
heres what I do. Ask yourself simple questions. What's my name. Where was I born. What's your favorite color. Separate yourself from the others mentally. Then when you have, talk to the people giving off bad energy... Help them if you can. You were given this gift for a reason... Use it 😊
acuriousmind (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)
you're right skyy59 I bet it takes a long time, but I will start working on it. Is there anything specific you tried?
skyy59 (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
i am also learning how to tell a difference between my feelings and others. Being in a group of people I feel everything and I guess you can say I feed off of their energy... And sometimes its overwhelming that I can't change their energy... But I can also talk to people and change the way they feel... I can transfer good energy to them through a touch. It takes a lot though to build walls between yourself and others and determine which is which. It takes time
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
Good, acurious--hope it works for you. Keep us apprised. The is a common problem for empaths, so your experience can help someone else.

acuriousmind (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
Oh I will try that! I'm feeling the worst in public spaces, especially when I'm on the train and not able to walk away from all these emotions.
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)

Others used a bubble of reflective energy--like mirrors--to bounce off energies around them. This would be when you want to close yourself down to the emotions when in malls and other public places. I'm sure you'll have to experiment and see what works for you.

acuriousmind (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
Thank you I will try that. I started with the white light exercise and I will try to do this more often.
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)

Yes, the empathic part can be really difficult, I've heard. Most have had to learn first to differentiate their own emotion from that of others. Then, they have to learn to in some ways insulate themselves from the effects of all those emotions around them.

Maybe others who are empaths can offer suggestions. Seems to me that some used a method of learning how to pass the energy through themselves and out so as not to retain the energies in their own body.

I think there were exercises relating to surrounding yourself with a bubble of protection, with whatever energy color you find soothing, so that the emotions don't damage you. You might search for more conversations about how to go about this. I've seen psychics on TV teaching young children how to deal with these abilities.

acuriousmind (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
Thank you IslVoter for your response! You're right that's what I've been told. It means I'm living my last life and therefore my spirituality level is supposed to be really high as well, especially in combination with my number 12, which I think is supposed to be my life path number, but I'm not sure... Don't know much about numerology.

Well I've never thought about that, but you could say I'm at peace in physical form.

Lately my intuition is getting really strong as well and I feel like I'm giving off a lot off energy and I feel it as well.
So many things have been going on lately I sometimes can't believe it.

I haven't thought about what to do with my skills but for now I want to work on them and learn how to control them, because this empathy thing is getting so strong... I get these moments where I can't breath and start crying all of a sudden, if people are fighting or arguing around me, or if they simply load off their frustrations on me.
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
Well, you definitely are exhibiting lots of spiritual skills as an empathic (feeling others' emotions), precognitive (dreaming about events to come), psychic (ability to "see" people you have not met by someone mentioning their name. I would bet what you see is the picture that your friends carry in their heads). I'm wondering if you can touch objects and get some "pictures" to go with them.

No blockages to any chakra certainly is unusual and, I guess, it would be an indication of a last life. I keep remembering a book of one of the few "channeled entities" that I really felt was authentic from a book called "Emmanuel's Book". He talks about the last life and says "Your final incarnation is neat and tidy. All the strings are tied. All the corners are dusted. All the things are folded and put away."

It implies that, in some way, you are at peace in physical form and feel no resistance to it. That's a tough thing for mere mortals to do! Do you feel you are there? What things would you want to pursue, of all these skills that have shown up?

Isle - Lora

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