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Real Psychic Experiences

A Little Bit Of Everything


My name is Renee. I was born and raised in Southern California. I am a happy peacefilled 45 year old. I accidentally stumbled across this site yesterday and thought I would sign up and be a part of this group sort of speak because ever since I was 5 years old, I have had many experiences outside of the physical realm I guess you could say. I don't even know where to start. Well, I'll start with my first experience ever. I was 5 years old, and my mother dropped me off at my grandmother's house. I can still see it all as if I'm still there on that front porch. I can still see my mom saying to me, "Don't worry I'll be back soon." I KNEW she was never coming back. I could feel it. And guess what? I was right. She never came back to get me. So I believe myself to be intuitive. I have had many experiences where I totally can feel what someone is feeling and I guess you call that being an Empath. I also can look at someone in their eyes and can read them somehow. I am a highly sensitive person. Years ago I decided to buy a set of Doreen Virtue Angel cards. I read the instructions on how to use them and boy let me tell you, I really did receive info from the Angel realm. My daughter at the time was 16 years old and I was getting the best info from the Angels concerning her problems with her Dad. So I'm able to receive info from the spirit realm if I ask a quesyion. I've also predicted earthquakes and which car a person in the parking lot was going to go to. I can tell if a place is evil or good. I can also spot a pervert anywhere. One time years ago I was shopping somewhere with my hubby. I remember walking down the sidewalk and this weird guy passed me by on my left side and all of a sudden all of my surroundings went into a blur and I was looking at this guy and I received some kind of info that said he murmured someone. He was also mumbling to himself. It was one of the MOST bizzare experience. Years ago I went to New Orleans for The Jazz Fest with my hubby and some friends. And on that trip I experienced a few really bizzare things. We were all walking around town one day just for fun and we walked by all these tables that had psychics ans such, and all of a sudden this one psychic stood up from his table, looked at me in horror and said to me," Get away from that man! Hes a prostitute! Get away from him he's evil!" At that moment I thought to myself," I know this about my husband, but how did he know!?" Long story short, my husband was a very evil man who did cheat on me and was an abuser. I'll end here with one more story. Years ago I was rooming with this guy by the name of Geoff. On day we were at home in his office and I was asking some questions about my Mom and all of a sudden I smelled my Grandmother's perfume and Geoff said to me, "Your Mother was escaping from her reality." All of a sudden Geoff said to me, "Where did that come from! Someone else was speaking through me!" We both freaked out. So I was able to receive an answer to a question I've had all my life. I've had many other really wild experiences, too many to count. So how can I expand my abilities? To make them stronger and sharper? Thanks to everyone who reads this and takes time to respond. Blessings to you

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Reneemichelle, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Reneemichelle (1 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-21)
Hi candabear this is Renee. My email is lawofattractiongirl53 [at] please email me anytime. Thanks, Renee
Reneemichelle (1 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-21)
Hi candabear3, I emailed you today. Please let me know if you received it or not ok? Thanks, Renee
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-21)
Well, I would say it is definitely attached to you. Would you happen to remember where it all started at?
candabear3 (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-21)
no. I haven't in fact I won't even let my girls play with the spirit boards. I let them know that evil comes from them. I don't know what it is but I know he mist isn't just my house because I seen it at other houses I have lived in.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-21)
Candabear3 it sounds demonic in nature, would you have happened to have messed around with the paranormal at some point and ask for something?
candabear3 (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-20)
I first came to this site for answers about black mist or hazes whatever there called. Now I am back because I been seeing shadow and having electric problems such as going through batteries and a light bulb just popping out of the light fixture and just moments of overwhelming sadness. I have had experiences of knowing things before they happen or being able to read people. I have had times where I have dreams of my grandparents coming t me, my husband cheating, flashes of my car being wrecked and later that night my mom wrecked my car. I always sense that there is someone around me. I have an upstairs to my house and for some reason I cannot go up there at night or be up there very long during the day I get a horrible feeling. I don't understand what I'm feeling or what's going on with me. I can think about something then it happens like for example songs on the radio phone calls, and I have even answered questions before it was asked. A lot of times I know something and then I second guest myself even if its a very strong feeling. I can usually tell if something is not right. I need help to understand what is going on with me. I have had this going on since I was young. Sometimes I think I hear things but its like it is muffled and I can't understand it. This usually happens at night when I am relaxed and going to bed. I feel like I am crazy if I tell someone this. My oldest daughter is very sensitive and I think my 6 year old is too. All of a sudden shes terrified to be alone in a room by herself. She told me she feels like someone is watching her after thunderstorms which I don't understand that. She also will not go upstairs at night or by herself. She tells me there's ghost in the attic which I won't go into. Is there anyone that can help me understand this stuff and if I do have abilities help me learn how to use them. My email chrismd1977 [at]
Reneemichelle (1 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-20)
Hi Jessica Holly 😁! Thanks for your input it means a lot to me. You can email me if you choose at lawofattractiongirl53 [at] yes it's comforting to connect to others that are like us! I'm going to search for your stories to read. Have a great evening, renee
jessicaholly227 (1 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-20)
Hello:) My name is Jessica, and I also found this site yesterday. I'm thankful I did because it's great to be able to share stories with other people who have had similar experiences. It's really affirming:) From what I know, it's good to open up your willingness to receive messages from other realms by asking for it in all situations and trusting the messages you receive. You can start to meditate, because this clears away any unnecessary thoughts or fears that you might have. You can also pray for your sight to be increased for the highest good, and continue to affirm to yourself that these experiences are very real. I wish you all the best in nurturing your gifts. Namaste ❤

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