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Psychic Hits While Waking Up


I have been working very hard on developing my gifts. I'm not even sure what my gifts are, so I'm pretty much trying everything, haha. I know that I want to be a medium, preferably a clairaudient and clairvoyant medium, but as I am learning, I suppose you don't really get to pick your gifts-- I guess I can only try and figure out what they are.

One thing that I am doing is trying to make contact when I first wake up- when I'm still in alpha waves and my ego is still partly down. Some mornings are going better than others, and sometimes I am forced to get up immediately after waking (darn dogs). A few cool things happen when I am in this state: images come to me, I hear words audibly like someone is talking in my ear, and I also try to ask a question and see what is the first thing that pops in my mind. The latter has been the most accurate. I have had two hits doing this method. Each time, I asked my spirit guide (who I think is named James, but I don't really know) for a sign.

The first time it worked the answer was "bowling balls and baseball bats". Obviously, I was like... Uh huh... Ok... And really wasn't sure if it was something I made up or not, but decided to just go with it. I got out of bed, got dressed, and turned on the tv. Not being able to find much to watch, I switched on Netflix and decided to try a new show called "Crazyhead"- it's pretty funny if you haven't seen it- and right there in the intro song the first thing you see is a bowling ball rolling across the floor, followed by a girl swinging a baseball bat. I have to say that really struck me. I had never had a true psychic hit like this before, beside the occasional thinking a word or sentence right before it is said aloud by someone else in the room, or having a song in my head before getting in the car and there it is on the radio.

The second hit came this morning. I once again asked for a sign, and the first word that came into mind was "candle (s) "- I inquired further and the next thing that popped into my head was "you will cut their nails." That wasn't very strange to me actually because I own a dog grooming shop and we cut nails every day. Sure enough, one of my first customers of the morning came in for his dog's nails cut and he bought a pet odor candle. I was just so elated.

As far as what I have heard audibly, there are several snippets here and there, usually just random words that don't seem to have much meaning. Sometimes I will ask for a sign, and wait for an audible answer, but they never turn out to be accurate. These answers have been "Peace" "Roses" "7", to name a few. So I spend the whole day looking for those things to no avail. The only audible hit that had any significance was a string of numbers "31", "33", and "72". I tried analyzing what the numbers meant. I thought maybe there were ages that something significant will happen to me. I am 31 now, and in this same year I had my spiritual awakening. Too bad I will have to wait 2 more years to see if 33 years of age has any significance for me, but the reason that I think it was a psychic hit is because upon watching that first episode of Crazyhead, where I got my bowling ball hit, there is a scene where an apartment door closes and it is apartment 33. It struck a chord so to speak, and my senses sort of flared upon seeing that. I had received those numbers up to a week before, so it's not like it was still fresh on my mind. Later that day I was out with my friend and she had to stop for gas. I wasn't paying attention, but when she got back in the car she said- "hmm that's weird, my total came to $33.33." After that I just had to figure out the significance of 33 and in numerology it means that an ascended master or teacher is helping me. Well if that's the case, then that's great, but I wish I could easily make contact with this spirit! My abilities seem to be pretty non-existent during waking hours.

However, this morning and a few mornings within the last couple of weeks, while attempting to make contact or just listen while waking up I have had an audible "hello" come through, without being asked a question or anything. This morning there were 2 or 3 hellos right after another. They are distinctly in a voice that is not my own. Jumping on the chance, I did my best to answer and make contact, but nothing happened. I am wondering if anyone else uses this method to make contact, and if you know what to do after I hear the "hello". Maybe the connection has been made, but I just can't figure out how to hold on to it. Any suggestions?

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YourMirror101 (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-01)
As far as condoning drug use, marijuana has hundreds of cannabinoids in it, many cannabinoids are produced by the endocannabinoid system in the body. Taking marijuana basically just supplements natural body chemistry. Go figure, brains are made of chemicals, many of which are found in marijuana, so it alters brain waves, or mental state. I think of it like an antennae, I pick up on all kinds of stuff from all over, and altering mental states can change the channel so to speak for different reception. Flooding the body with a chemical that it already naturally produces to supplement it does have its side effects though, such as the body not producing it any more because it acclimates to having it ingested. That's probably where addictive withdrawals come it with it. The body has to remember the level of production needed naturally. I stick with safe things that grow from mother nature for the most part. It's likely that many symbiotic relationships exist chemically for humans, simply a piece of fruit teaches that. Don't fall for the anti drug brainwash that throws the baby out with the bath so to speak. Nature intended these things for humans. All medicines. Not everybody needs a certain medicine but that does not mean others don't benefit from it.
seeblue (2 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-01)
Wow we are literally only 4 days apart same year but I'm on the 24th lol

11 is a master number that reduces to 2. Just search "11 master number"

starsofclay (4 stories) (61 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-31)
I figured that marijuana lowers brain states down to theta or at least a low alpha, and yet at the same time holds me in a very lucid state and makes my thoughts go a mile a minute. I think that is why it is good for visualization but not particularly for some types of meditation because my mind won't relax enough. It is perfect for walking meditation though, and to let my mind kind of run away with itself.

I don't want anyone on here thinking that I'm codoning drug use for development of abilities or anything, I just wanted to mention that it is something that helps me. (or hurts me, who knows)
YourMirror101 (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-31)
Marijuana lowers brain wave to trance state, kind of like between waking and sleeping, probably theta I would guess. Mastering a trance plant basically is mastering the brain wave state it induces. I am headed to Amsterdam next week for truffles, my favorite. Actually you can grow mushrooms there I have spoken with police and as long as it is small they don't care. Its a much better trip knowing that there is no problem with the law to be paranoid about.

I get numbers coming in a lot at random or seemingly in synchronistic order, but I don't have all their meanings yet. I don't read numerology to try to figure it out though, I have inner teachers that I literally see with my inner eyes ears and other senses that are training me in this stuff. I don't just give away the knowledge they teach either because that ruins it for them training on the inside. They like to hide. Its wise to hide from other psychic lookers. They can screw up your energy balance which basically throws your life out of whack, then you need healing, or rebalance. We have to look to do business though, fair deal. Try looking without being looked at. Psychic spy. Spying drains energy from what is spied on (its bad), but when the spy gets caught, the energy can be returned, and it flips to good, so it balances the good and bad. Usually what I mean by drain energy is cause fear, but also all kinds of sickness and misfortune. The spy gets the other side of that, peace, health, luck. Then the energy has to be returned though. The spy has to get another source to drain, it has to find another victim as a vampire to make up for the account deficit of returning the energy, and the cycle continues. If the energy isn't returned the victim will basically die magically, best not to be a killer, in my opinion, since the justice balance might not rule favorably of your fate in that case. Really its about balancing the powers of life and death itself. In christianity the deficit is covered with the sacrifice of a demi god. They even have a blood drinking ritual (wine). You drink spirit blood when you vamp, or spy. Thats what I learned from my inner college anyway.
starsofclay (4 stories) (61 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-31)
Thank you, I know exactly what you are describing, and it will take a lot of practice to get it right. I feel like I have been vamped my whole life... I have had energy level problems for as long as I can remember, and I get so tired of hearing that I'm lazy. It makes more sense if I think of it as I have an energy leak.

I have also had a large problem with feeling lucid even when I should be fully awake, much less when I am meditating or in a trance. It is something that I have come to the conclusion to way before you mentioned it. I have been taking several nootropics to see if they will help. Sometimes it seems they do. Marijuana also helps, although it's very hard not to become addicted to it when using it for that purpose. My visualization is also ramped up like 20x with marijuana, also my energy body, but it is way too distracting for meditation.

I do believe in an equal exchange in energy. I have not yet attempted to read anyone. Right now I am just working on meditation and practicing remote viewing. I have been getting very good results with remote viewing, but it comes and goes. But my confidence is building so that is a good start.

I have to say that I haven't really noticed the number 33 since that day, but other numbers do sometimes pop out at me.
YourMirror101 (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)
Brain waves are a good thing to master, try to be lucid at different waves, from sleep to trance to alert. You can read people from brain wave states they are not lucid in. Hide behind their lack of lucidity psychically and be the other side of it, lucidity. Don't let people read you, it saps you, find where they hide their psychic trickery by lucidly "waking up" to them from different waves of consciousness on the spectrum. Other minds take your lucidity for themselves, gotta be the other side of that. Don't be vamped be the vamp. Be fair though, you can hurt people if you don't give back their energy, make it an equal exchange.

Real people, not just spirits, send a lot of this psychic stuff, you start meeting them on the outside sometimes. See them inward, have a lesson, so to speak, then meet them on the road. Exchange gifts so to speak, powers, then move on. We all power each other up with more psychic senses. That's really the only reason I'm on this forum, business deals psychically. If I offer something good here something will come back good. Hopefully.

Numbers help you see portals, which is what is happening to you. If you don't notice them they suck you in, you have to see them. They are numbered. Timed too. It's a time warp really, the end of time, then the restart. It's mathematical. Alchemy knowledge. Try to ignore outside suggestions as much as possible and learn from the inner knowledge download is what I suggest. Just passing on some of my inner knowledge, looks like we have similar inner teachers. Classmates, so to speak.
starsofclay (4 stories) (61 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)
My birthday is 4.20.1985

So if I did it correctly my number is 11? Any insights on that number? The Internet is not always reliable on this stuff
seeblue (2 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)
What is your birthday? You should figure out your life path number. Mine is 33, I wonder if yours is.
33 is a master number.
seeblue (2 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)
I see, 33,333,111,1111,222,555 all the time. But 33 is what follows me, I'm 31 as well...
YourMirror101 (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-25)
Your learning prophecy and numbers. The meaning of the numerology comes in later. Like a satori, more knowledge pending. Just let the education come.

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