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Dreams Or Obe?


I have on multiple occasions experienced dreams in which I am someone else. In these dream experiences, I am a person who is in real need of help out of a situation. These situations are things like being held captive by someone who is a killer. I can see as they see but I still have my own thoughts and know that I am not actually that person but instead seeing through that person's eyes and knowing their thoughts at the same time. I'm not sure if that makes sense.

These frightening scenarios don't scare me but instead I feel as though I take over their thought process and get them away from their captors if I can.

My most recent dream was where I was seeing through the eyes of a young college girl. She had been hanging out with a guy friend at her dorm room who was a little quirky but seemed harmless to her (so I gathered from her thoughts). Well he strangled her to death and had carried her body off to a semi remote area where he left her slumped over on a hillside. I realized that I was seeing through not her live body but through her spirit in a past tense and she wanted her body found and for someone to know who killed her.

I never get names or locations or ever find out if it's something that has happened. I have been told by multiple psychics that I do leave my body at night. I have been told that I am an empath and I have had visits from people I know in my dreams that have passed. I have also had visions while awake of what I believe were past lives because that's was what I was asking to see.

Am I nuts? Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ebay82, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ebay82 (3 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-06)
Dmek3 I just saw your comments for the first time yesterday
I have been thinking of her recently more and I didn't know why. So I googled to see if by chance there were any updates in her case and I see it's been pretty active.
That's also how I found your comments.
It weighs heavy on my heart and what to do because I don't want to seem like some random idiot giving information to the police. I don't know how this came to me.
Dmek3 (2 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-13)
Hi, I'm from the same town Tracy Marie Kroh went missing. Millersburg, Pennsylvania. We are a pretty small town and there are tons of theories and rumors of what happened and where she is. I was just wondering if you contacted anyone about your experience? The case is still active and they did a search in a new area but came up with nothing. If you haven't contacted anyone yet, but want to I can give you contact info for our local state police barracks or someone from her family. I don't think you're crazy and either would her family. They just want answers and closure. Thanks for sharing your experience!
ebay82 (3 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
Update since this 'dream'...
I decided to ask for more information since I couldn't get this out of my head. Every day I would think and wonder who she was, where she was... So I sat down by myself and said to myself or whoever is listening that if I am going to help, I would need to know a name.
The name 'Tracy' popped into my head. I was surprised... So I asked for a last name... This part was not so clear... At first I got 'M' and then 'K'. So I tried to put it together like 'McKay' but instantly I got 'no' pop into my head... After several guesses, I kept getting 'no' I left with that.
I took to the internet and started searching for missing person's by the name of Tracy...
It took very little searching and there she was... Tracy Marie Kroh. She's been missing since the 80's. Except she was a senior in high school, not in college. The girl I saw in my dreams looked like the aged computer picture of her and not of what she looked like when she went missing. What to do now?
Additionally, as a side note I have been scratching myself in my sleep since some time after this... I don't know if it's related or not... I have never done this to myself in my life... Advice please!
Dreamer-29 (2 stories) (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi ebay82,
In your post you asked if anyone else has had similar experiences well I can 110% understand what you're going through.
Since early teens I've had these intense dreams well I call them nightmares where everything is very vivid, all my senses are there and I'm experiencing another's perspectives knowing what they feel, think and see at the time. Everything is just so palpable to the point it becomes hard to distinguish my emotions from theirs. I know you don't get scared but they leave me absolutely shaken to the point now I try my hardest to push them away.
However in my dreams I don't nessesaarily think they are spirits as usually the murders have not happened yet. A couple of times I have dreamt the experience and a month/day later it will be on the news other times I have no idea if it happened or not. I guess in a sense I get closure that I'm not completely crazy dreaming these random terryfying nightmares yet then I'm plagued with knowing the enevatable and being helpless to stop it as I never can gather enough information I think that leaves me feeling even more crazy.
I have tried to contact my spirit guides but I don't believe I've received anything back, I have never sensed them or anything like that have you had any luck?
Maybe we can just be nuts together. 😜
ebay82 (3 stories) (6 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-02)
Thank you all for the advice. It has been very helpful. I was just telling my mother about these dreams. I know she has had quite a few visitations in her sleep from family that has passed. I don't think it has been like mine but I can see where I get it from.
My conversation even reminded me of another "dream" I had where a woman came to me and said specifically, that she was going to take Frankie...? I didn't know what that meant, who she was or even who Frankie was?
So I called my mom and told her about it and how odd it was because I didn't know who Frankie was! Well my mom shared with me that my aunt's dog Frankie had just passed a few days prior...
gthlvrmx (64 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-20)
Hi ebay82,

It kind of sounds like ghosts are visiting you in your sleep and sharing with you how they died or parts of their lives that they are repeating over and over again in their bubble that they are trapped in that keeps them from crossing over.

Or you could be picking up with any of the clair gifts psychic information at night about events that happen in the area.

What could also be happeAning are some sort of "telelpathic memory dreams". I have had those before where I would connect with someones mind while asleep, somehow find a memory and it plays in my dreams as a drean except I am in their body as them as if I were there in the past. (Sorry for the confusion.) When I wake up and tell the person abouy the dream, they tell me that stuff I dreamed of was true.

Some people have psychic dreams where they dream parts of peoples lives. Sometimes its to help those people, or to help yourself.
1020coco (24 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-19)
Hi, from the sound of it they are most definitely OBE's. That is very good that you are not scared. I do think your guides help with that because this is quite a lot to take in. Anyway, here's a couple of things that you may choose to keep in mind. Before you go to sleep ask your guide (however you want to call this energy, God/Love/Spirit, etc.) for assistance so you can get specific information such as names, address, any important details. This step is important and it seems common sense, but I can't stress enough that if you want to get specific information then you specifically have to ask for it.

Don't worry that you don't have time with your studies to spend on learning about this gift. Realize that major insights happen in very short time frames. You can take 5 minutes to check in with Spirit and that's okay. Just make it a practice as often as you can. Like when you first wake up, go to bed, or have a few minutes before going somewhere.
Boson (179 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-17)
Hey ebay82,

You already got a good answer from KikiGirl. I just wanted to comment on your subject "Dreams Or OBE?". I honestly don't think you have had an OBE. If you did, you would immediately have known because it's such a profound experience and you would have no doubts if that were the case. I have had OBE in dreams, meditation, and also in fully awakened state. So what I say this from my own experience.

ebay82 (3 stories) (6 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-15)
Thanks KiKiGirl!
It's difficult talking to other people who don't understand the nature of the information I get and how different it feels than just a normal dream. I have not had these my entire life that I am aware of.
Just the last 3-4 years after a kind of "soul searching". I can only describe it as a major need or ache in my heart to know why I'm here on this planet. A need to know why I'm SO sensitive to everything and everyone around me. I have been trying to learn to "listen" to my guides and any other messages/ information I receive. It's been difficult because I am in school for my bachelor's degree right now and I have not been dedicating time to learning more about myself and my ability to receive.
KikiGirl (3 stories) (60 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-15)
ebay82! You are definitely NOT nuts! A crazy person never ever asks themself/ves, "am I nuts?" They just go on... Being nuts. So, I was so intrigued and fascinated when I read your story! Usually, I have some good advice to share with the Author through personal experience or studies, but, in your case, unfortunately I am not experienced. There are many people who work with the police on these types of issues. In fact, some people on this site were discussing it just a short while ago -
*Do police believe in psychics?
*Will they listen to a psychic?
*Would they actually enlist or ask for the help from a psychic?
*Fraudsters versus real people who do police work with psychics.
*Endangering cases through using psychics?
*Can you just go to the police with information you have?

So, there are definitely people who work with the police on cases much like your experiences. People do not actually "get" a location, but, use what they see in order to determine a location ie. Was it a farmhouse? What did the person look like? What was he/she wearing? Did you see a sign? What does the place look like? Are there any symbols, billboards or slogans that you can see? What type of car did you see? What colour was the car? Did the location have a smell? Did you hear animals? Did you see any other object/s et cetera?

I just thought you should be told that you are not nuts and that there are people who work with mediums on cases and even, cold cases.

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