About a month or so ago there was a couple of weeks straight where when I was extemely relaxed or feeling peaceful, (especially when in the shower, the warmth and comfort often induced me into an extremely relaxed/almost hypnotic state) I would look at my body and see this light yellow sort of air, or glow, following along the silhouette of my body. It extended about six inches off my body as I could tell. Now I have never really seen an Aura off of someone else, but I'm extremely receptive towards the vibes people give off. This instinct I have around people causes me to be very nitpicky who I talk or associate myself with. If. If I did see my aura, what are some ways I can strengthen that? I love to learn how to do new things, and lately I've felt dull and like something missing from my life. My days severely lack any kind of purpose, and I feel like I need something to work forward to.
For the past year or so have felt strongly that there is more to me personally than the surface. (I was never taught that there was anything more to humans than flesh and a brain.) I just feel distant from everyone else and separated in a way that I can't really explain. I was raised around the notation that "spiritual/psychic things are for hippies and fakes and that it doesn't exist." Courtesy of my immediate family. That caused a little bit of turmoil within me when I started looking into stuff of that nature and thought that maybe I was feeling different for a reason. When I was about 7, I slept with my mother in her bed and always felt like I was being watched and dreaded going to bed because I was so scared. I never read any kind of books or was told anywhere to do this, but when I started feeling a presence in the room, I automatically would imagine a light blue or yellow glow or "shield" as I liked to call it around me and my mom. I thought of it as protecting us, and it made me feel safe. I never told anyone about it because I felt like I would be ridiculed. I'm not sure why but I guess I was subconsciously aware in some way that invisible shield = block out evil. This particular instance doesn't have a lot to do with the story I'm fixing to present, but I feel like it does play a role in me feeling out of place amongst everyone. It's either that, or I'm just a complete loony toon that thinks they're "special" but isn't lol. I don't like using the word "special" to describe myself because it feels self centered and weird, but I don't really have another word for it. Any kind of advice/opinions/thoughts would be very appreciated!