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Real Psychic Experiences

An Empath's Experience


Bonjour, ladies and gents! The infamous "story page is closed" has once again lifted, and thus allowed me to post an experience.

This time, I'll be sharing an experience which will also serve as a sort of 'Public Service Announcement' for many posters on this site who seem to be troubled with their empathetic abilities at times. It is not easy to be an empath before you gain the knowledge of how to shield yourself, but know you're not alone. There are many others who have been in the same situation, as well, and there are also many who are willing to share advice on the topic, and provide experiences which shed light on a common difficulty, like what I'm about to share with you all.

As I look through past years, it has come apparent that I've had empathetic tendencies throughout most of my life. Of course, at the time, before I was in contact with those that have helped me, I honestly didn't know what an "empath" was. I equated any odd emotions that came out of the blue as a simple mood swing, even when conditions didn't quite match up.

The most outstanding experience happened at a vacation during the summer break of my junior year of high school. My parents and I decided to do something out of the ordinary- a ghost tour (hilariously cliche, anyone?). There were several stops, each with its own set of experiences, but there are only three that are worth noting as 'outstanding'.

One of the first stops led us to the side of an old building; red bricks, tarnished by the elements and time, with large, square windows placed neatly at each story, in sets of two's. Our attention was directed at the second story. It boasted a sad history of a mother who committed suicide out of sadness for her baby, who was dropped from the window by her abusive husband. We were allotted time to take pictures, look at orbs, and any other thing one would do on a ghost tour. Throughout this visit, I felt a powerful mix of emotions, mainly anger and sorrow. It was like I had been the mother at the time of losing her child. Within a couple of minutes, I was biting back tears and a fury that made me subtly shake. The moment we left, however, the emotion seemed to vanish, and I was cheerful once more.

We were then led to a narrow side road, which went up a hill, and pooled into a parking area. At the edge of the parking area was an old tree, used as a hanging tree at a point in time. The tree had an ominous feel to it; a dark and pasty brown bark, branches that poked and pointed like bony fingers, and not a single leaf to decorate it. There was a building adjacent to the tree, at one point used as the city mortuary; also where the hanged criminals would be sent for proper burial procedures. I took my cell-phone out of my pocket, and watched as an orb with a translucent, trailing tail glided towards my camera lens. At that moment, I had a great feeling of dread, anxiety, and despair. So great, that I began to feel dizzy, and like the mother in the previous stop, I seemed to feel how a criminal would feel; being slowly led to the tree that would spell my doom and thus, seal my fate. It became so intolerable I had to descend the hill and join the rest of the group. Once more, my emotions returned to their original state.

Our guide led us to a concrete foundation, with the remnants of a concrete wall, perhaps part of a basement. The moment I stepped foot on the foundation, I immediately wanted to leave, and I also felt nauseous. After we arrived, we were told that in the 80's, a mother and son lived together, in a house the foundation and wall belonged to. Something happened to the son, causing him to have a mental breakdown. In his altered state, he proceeded to cut into his mother's chest, and rip her heart out. Of course, after some time had passed, no one would even dare to move in to the now abandoned house, so it was torn down. Even though the house was demolished, a deep pool of negative energy remains. We didn't stay long, and I greeted the feel of my own emotions like one would greet an old friend, after years of being apart from one another.

Of course, I also have empathetic experiences with those more lively than others, some on a stronger level than with others.

The majority of the time, it is fairly easy for me to pick up on others' emotions, whether they try to mask them or not. Before I knew how to guard myself against picking up unwanted emotions, it would seem like a mirror- their feelings would reflect on me, therefore our emotions would be mirror images of each other. Add a shadow to this mirror, and my emotions were also jumbled into the mix. This would also happen at the grocery store, and of course, anxiety levels would run high, because of this cacophony of emotion.

A few months ago last year, I joined the sister site of this site, Your Ghost Stories, and became friends with a few of the posters, who were also kind enough to provide me with instructions on how to set up a guard, which has proven to be a wonderful tool.

Many refer to this 'shield' as the 'White Light Technique', or 'White Light Bubble', as I have come to know it as.

First, you will want to picture and focus on a bright bubble, made of white light, surrounding you. After this has been accomplished, try pushing the negative emotion/energy out. It is easy to picture this as a 'minus' sign. Keep positivity in by focusing on anything positive, whether it is a memory or the hope of a better time. Much like the 'minus' signs, it is also easier to accomplish this by picturing the positivity as 'plus' signs. Also, if someone is sending negative energy/ emotions your way, try to push them back in their direction, out of your bubble. It is easy to think of the saying, "I am rubber, you are glue", when focusing on said person.

Now that I have this tool, I do not look at being an empath as an inconvenience, but rather, a wonderful gift. Not only does it allow me to 'step into the shoes' of others, but it is also beneficial when performing the arts. Personally, when acting, creating art pieces, or performing on the piano, it allows me to feel the intended emotion of my own characters and scenes in my art pieces, as well as the emotions that authors and composers place in their works.

For any reading this that struggle with being an empath, I hope my experience sheds light on the situation, and eases the strain it can cause, even if by a mere smidgen. Remember that you are not alone, and a large portion of posters have more than likely been in the same situation you are in now. Support is just a question away, and if asked, it will be given.

"...Remember your name. Do not lose hope; what you seek will be found. Trust ghosts. Trust those that you have helped to help you, in their turn. Trust dreams. Trust your heart, and trust your story..."- Neil Gaiman, because "Instructions" seem appropriate for this experience.

Au Revior, ladies and gents.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Shinigami0, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Candy_Jane (4 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-16)
I am also an empath. Thank you so much for showing how to shield ourselves from picking up any negativity emotions and such, this was very helpful to me as I am just barely starting to research my abilities & needing guidance.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
LOL, DC! You're right, I guess good things do eventually come out in time.

I'm proud of who I am, and I'll try not to let this get me down. Maybe its just a learning experience to take a different approach, give it time, or something.

I really appreciate the advice. Its really a mood lifter for me.

Au revior. 😊 ❤ ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
Cosmo has the right idea. And that reminds me of an old Roseanne Barr routine where she's trying to help someone else out with man problems:

FIRST you have to get rid of all the crap his mother did to him...

As she's brushing the sprinkles off a donut...

NEXT you have to show him how crazy his last girlfriend REALLY was...

I forget how it goes but the basic theory is the same.

Just keep brushing more of the sprinkles off until you get down to the center of the real man he is. You'll get there, it just takes time and patience.
But never hide from who you are, and don't let yourself or anyone else make you feel like you should. This is an important part of you, and you shouldn't cut yourself off. It just takes time.
Everything good takes time, but it's worth it in the end, you'll see. ❤
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
You are very welcome shini 😊 I know what you mean by the feeling of a turtle hiding in it's shell. I have felt that way many times. The main thing is don't hide yourself or your feelings away. If he pulls out the "my way is the only way" on you don't shut yourself down. Just think of him as an uncarved statue, and keep chiseling away at him a little at at time. ❤
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
Thanks for the advice Cosmogal. ❤

He knows I'm ok with his beliefs, but when I talked to him about understanding my experiences and whatnot, he took the defensive route with the whole "My way is the only way...", and all of that.

The best example I can give to what I feel about opening up to him after what happened earlier is a turtle going into his shell.
I feel like now I know what his main opinion is, its just really hard for me to possibly say anything else or open up, regarding the experiences and whatnot.

He's pulled the religious card on me before, but after this afternoon, I literally felt like tearing up a little.

I'm hoping its just him being stubborn, but I think it'll take a long while to 'open up' about these particular subjects.

Au revior. 😊 ❤
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
Shini, I'm sorry your boyfriend reacted that way when you were trying to open up to him. It's not unusual for men, or just people in general to react in a manor that suggests their belief is the "only" right and true one. Some are raised to believe one way about things and are not familiar with being open minded. I think if your boyfriend truly loves you (which I'm sure he does ❤) and you explain to him that you understand and are ok with his beliefs, but you need him to be understanding and ok with yours he will. Just let him know that you are not forcing him to change or anything like that, but you need him to be supportive. I hope it works out for you, believe me I know how stubborn men can be sometimes. LOL! 😊 😉
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
Hey, Everybody. I could use some advice from all the lovely posters on here, because I'm sure everyone has had different experiences/problems.

I practically have no one else besides my two besties (because they understand these types of things pretty well) and you all, so I apologize if this seems kind of 'personal'.

It has to do with my boyfriend. As anyone can tell, obviously by being on this site, I've had spiritual/psychic/paranormal experiences, such as empathy, projection, entities... Things like that, to name a few.

Well, this site is mainly where I feel completely open to share these without ridicule or anyone telling me its 'evil' or I'm wrong, or where anyone tries to preach at me.
Earlier today, I felt for the first time that I could try sharing some of my experiences with my boyfriend. I then told him of my experience with my spirit guide, and that subject was brought up.

Well, instead of being open to it, he kept saying that I should only talk to God, and he was going on about religious stuff (I forgot to mention he's a bit religious...).

Every time I would try to explain something, he would 'block me off', if that makes sense, and it almost seemed like he would 'insist' he was right and I'm wrong.

Well, to make it short, I don't know how to deal with it. I feel like its constricting me, and when he does it, it makes me frustrated and kind of hurt, though I try not to be.

I was excited when I first was able to 'open up' to him, but now I just feel really hurt that he handled it the way he did, and now I feel that on a personal level (like, 'in person'), the only people who can relate to me are my two besties, and one other friend (You all probably know him on the site as Lyro).

I mean, I have my Loonies and those on this site that are a GIANT help and support group that I'd be lost without, lol, but I can't stand that I can't even tell my boyfriend about these things, let alone my parents.

Have any of you dealt with this, and if so, what did you all do about it? Any advice for how I can cope with it?

Oh, and feel free to comment on the experience story up there, if you'd like, lol.

You all have no idea how much I appreciate you all and your help. ❤

Au revior. 😊 ❤
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Hey, Rashidah!
Thank you for commenting and adding this to your favorites!

I've read a lot of experiences that just talk about the experiences, so I wanted to do something different and include ways to cope and develop skills with it.
And yes, meditation helps a lot with it.

Au Revior. 😊 ❤
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Shinigami this was excellently written on empathy. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

And also, you have even shed more light on psychic shielding. Yes, focusing on white light is the trick to mastering it.

Focus is achieved through constant meditation.

I am adding this to one of my favorites.

My computer is fixed now so I am in the process of catching up my dear 😆
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
CosmicDancer and SkyRealm, you are very welcome, and I'm glad my experience has helped you in some way.

CosmicDancer- I think its one of those things where you just have to meet the right person. Personally, I got lucky. I have two wonderful best friends that understand about my empathetic abilities, and Emmie is an empath as well. If you make a great friend, or already have one, I'd start by dropping hints. Say something like, "Man, there was (this emotion) just radiating from this group, and it passed on to me". Be subtle, and I'm sure if they know what you're talking about, they'll chime in with agreement.
Best of luck in your studies, and I hope you meet someone like that.

Au Revior. 😊 ❤
CosmicDancer (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Thank you so much for the bubble technique. I've only realized that I'm an empath in the last 2 months which of course explains so much. I have no control over whether I'm "on" or "off" but at least now I can protect myself.

I really want to meet others like me, especially as I'm going to school for holistic counseling and art therapy. Any thoughts?
SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Nice Informative! I should thank you for this! Really, thanks! 😊
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
DC- You always have me cracking up, LOL! I'm glad it didn't come off as a list and was in fact, and interesting read. Normally when writing an experience, or short story in general, I try to make things neatly flow, then circle around into some sort of puncher, you know?

Cosmogal- I agree about being brought together by fate. I think one of the main reasons was to make a strong, bond of friendship that never fails to support friends and others who need help.

Au Revior. 😆 😊 ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Gotcha! You didn't really think I was done did you?
This is a perfect example of being an empath, and so much better than rattling off a laundry list of things that just drops off and goes cold without a real experience or two sprinkled in there.
'Ooooh, you are the spice in the empath stew'. I like it! 😆 😊 ❤
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Great account and I think it was awesome to include some advice to the other empath's out there. 😊 I am so glad we formed our little loonie group. It was definitely fate that brought us all together, and I would definitely appoint president Daz for a second term too. All for one and One for all! 😁 ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
I agree with loons anon. I might use it as an example for sheilding techniques. Run a link back to it.
Oh sorry, Shin. I really liked this story, especially how you summed it up in the end with your acting, dancing, piano as an empath. That gives others hope, and that's what it's all about. 😊 ❤
zzsgranny (2 stories) (40 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Shini: Thank you for submitting this... Your timing is spot on!...I've been fairly quiet on this site and YGS, as it seems both have been invaded by "kids with POWERS" and religious fanatics... All preaching their own brands of "truth"...

Good karma to you for submitting a truely helpful account 😊...

See you at YGS ❤
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Thank you all so much for your comments!
Daz, I was eventually going to share this experience anyway, but I kept seeing comments and stories about posters being confused and frustrated with being an empath, so I then thought my story could act as encouragement for them.

Miracles, I am very thankful to have met you all, and its also a great pleasure to talk to all of you. You all know this, but for me, when my empathetic abilities started to become more apparent, I was extremely confused. I actually thought something was wrong with me, hormonally, or something, but when I tried to pinpoint where the emotion was coming from, I couldn't. If I hadn't talked to you guys, I'd probably still be scratching my head, lol.

I guess listening to Neil Gaiman while writing really does help, LOL! He always puts me in an artistic mood!

Au Revior. 😆 😊 ❤
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Shini, at the risk of being late for work this morning 😆 I just wanted to sit and read this. Being one of "those friends" (yep, patting myself on the back here!) who had the great pleasure of talking to you "way back when" on YGS, I'm glad you shared this story on here. It was much needed. Too many people, myself included, have no freakin' clue what is going on when they are consumed with someone else's emotions, feelings, etc. Before someone let's them know what is going on, that they just might have empathic abilities.

You did a fantastic job of laying this all out so that everyone can understand it. My head it bowed to you 😊.

I'll come back later and read the comments. I see Daz commented, so I definitely need to read them (hey Daz!). Gotta get my butt in gear though.

You have an amazing talent for keeping your audience captivated. I walked these steps with you again and it felt like the first time all over.
aussiedaz (2 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Shini, Thank you for sharing your experience, I think getting this all out of your system is a way for you to evolve yourself on a spiritual level and a way to find what you are looking for... It is a shame that this site is sometimes used for recreational sledging by some... As what I see with you is what this site and its constructive purpose should truly be about... Learning from each other and bettering ourselves on a spiritual and human level and believe me some of us have a thing or two to learn from you my friend lol... Good luck mate and thanks again... Remember vote I for our president the meds are still free 😆lol moonshine ❤
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Thank you very much, Ananda. I'm glad you enjoyed it. That's one of the reasons I love creating art pieces- it makes others happy, and it also tends to liven up things.

Au Revior. 😊 ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
it looks like a celebration of life with beings just being joyful. I see a lake and glade and people dancing around in the picture. Very nice, thanks for sharing and the joke on your profile is nice too 😜
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
i love music and art and all the wonderful expressions of love and bueaty in this world. Definitely send me whatever you feel like, I'd treasure it:) thanks.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
On that piece in particular, you get the full effect of it by looking at it close up to see all of the detail. Its almost too bad I can't virtually send a full sized copy somehow.
Either way, its one of my favorite pieces that I've done.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Thank you for commenting, Ananda. Actually, if you look at my profile pic, that is one of my art pieces. It was the first piece I did in the "Experimental style" of art. Its more of a contemporary style, and I'm sure that's apparent, but it was fun to complete, and it still held a lot of meaning to it. There are also a lot of different interpretations you can associate with it, too.

If you'd like, I could email you some pics of my pieces. I do photography, as well. When it comes to music, I tend to play pieces already made from composers. I've written a short piece, but I'd have to play it by ear to remember it again, lol.
My favorite song to play on the piano is the 'Moonlight Sonata'. It has a great feel to it, and sounds very pretty.

Au Revior. 😊 ❤ ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
hey do you have some art pieces online or music on youtube? I'd love to see and hear them. Thanks for sharing your story.:)
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Oh yeah, I'd say The Loonies are an extremely great bunch, LOL! I'd elect the Prez of the Loonies for a second term, LOL! Making sure we may or may not have our loonie pills and all!

I'm very appreciative of the help, and I probably would be still confused without it.

Au Revior. 😆 ❤ ❤
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Wow, Shini, I'd say "empath"! So glad you found the help you needed. Those folks at YGS are a great group of people, specially the ones who call their circle of friends "The Loonies". And, they have a GREAT president! 😆 😊 ❤

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