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Could 2012 Really Happen?


I feel like something bad is going to happen. Do you ever get a feeling like the murderer in a movie is coming and then he pops out? Or that something is going to happen in a ghost movie and then AHHHH! Ghost! Well yeah it's like you know something is coming. Well that's what I'm feeling right now. I feel something very very bad is about to happen to not just me but to everyone. It will affect every person around me. It stirring up and starting to happen already. My best friend just got pneumonia out of no where. She wasn't sick, she wasn't staying up late or outside late an no one that she hung out with is sick and she doesn't have asthma or anything wrong with her lungs but yet she gets pneumonia out of no where. Also I've been having dreams that are extremely realistic and scary, the most recent ones involve me, my family, and my closest friend. They involved large waves like a tsunami and ghosts interaction with us. One of the ghosts had tried hurting me but I quickly put a shield up and then I woke up. So something is definitely going to happen. Oh and in my dreams there were large crowds or there would be like a small house party going on or we would be at a restaurant or whatever. Also lots of people I know have been having things happen to them that make me feel something very bad is happening. My friend who got pneumonia has been having OBEs unwillingly and she's been cast to the spirit world in a few dreams. She gets too sated to ask the spirits why but I feel it's to help her with what's to come. My other friend has been having "scary dreams" and she would only tell me one of them. So I told he to look deep within herself and afterward she told me she was extremely terrified an that its a bad idea to look within herself. She also doesn't like going to sleep which I can see why. I feel like she is meant to be involved in what's to happen too. My third friend well he is a little weird but he says he has a demon inside of him sharing his body, he also sees the future willingly and can use his third eye willingly. He is the strongest out of us who has had many paranormal experiences.

I read tarot cards and I've done multiple readings on not just me but my friends and those who have been in my recent dreams. The readings about myself have told me that a journey by water is coming. Something very big will happen and that I need to be ready. So my question is what are your experiences with this stuff? Do you think 2012 could happen? Or do you think something big will happen but not as big as the world ending? Please reply. Anything will help. Any thoughts or questions or answers or experiences or just anything. I'm desperate please help. Thanks for reading and please reply.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cattydee, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-09)
Hey there!
Happy new year! Well I don't know about anyone else but I still have the feeling that something's supposed to happen bad I'm still having my dreams so yeah any feedback would be great.
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-07)
Happy 2013 everybody! Well we are all still here, thank goodness! Welcome to the new Age of Aquarius! I hope all of you have a good new year. And everybody who has been having feelings about 2012, maybe they were for a good change instead of the apocolypse.

Love and Light
Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
No I haven't. Maybe that means you're moving somewhere with a Greek or Roman feel to it? Or maybe you're moving to Rome/Greek in the future.
yval711 (5 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
I don't remember most of them, but the few I do remember involved learning about all of the different religions. In a different one it seemed like I was in a college dorm except it was in a different world. I went outside to look at the stars and saw entire galaxies and I remember thinking that it's not possible to see them from earth. And then there was one where I saw a huge building that seemed other worldly to me catch fire and collapse. I spent the entire time after that helping people get into the light. Every time I've seen this other world it always seems the same, filled with elaborate white buildings that I think are made of marble. It seems to have some sort of ancient Greek/Roman influence. Have you ever seen anything like that?
Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Same here, I've been having like 20 dreams a night >.< and my friend have said the same thing about the dreams. It's so weird, what do yours mainly involve?
yval711 (5 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
I've had a feeling that something big is going to happen. I don't know what it is and I don't think we'll know for sure until it happens. My friends and family joke about the apocalypse, but I always get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Lately I've been having strange dreams that seem too real to be normal dreams. It feels like I'm in some sort of school being prepared for things to come.
Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Okay so anyone read the bible? In Revelations it talks about the end right? Well if you read it there are dragons who come from each element. Air, earth, water, and well not fire but "satan" could be the fire dragon... Anyways what are your thoughts on this? Does it mean anything? I know some people were mentioning the bible so yeah...
ktbug120 (1 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
You're on the right track, Cattydee. I have a lot of theories, and I may center future stories around them. But for now, stay strong. If you ever need to talk, email me at halted75880 [at] Hang in there!
Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Thank you for all your comments. Also I don't think it's the end of the world or that it's the electrical whatever but more towards the doomsday theory just not as extreme. I have a feeling that many people may die and there will be a lot of bloodshed, just like ktbug120 said it could possibly be brother-turning on- brother. I feel like we as a group with stronger abilities will be the victors but we all have to group together in some way or another, otherwise too many people will die. There are many theories that will be said and many arguments that will happen about this but the only thing we really can be sure of is that something major will happen. So please no fighting with one another because we need to be alies not enemies to get through this. And I know I jut made no sense but oh we'll. Please keep your thoughts posted thanks ^_^
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
There will be no dimensional shift. This planet will end up destroyed, and all will be relieved of their physical bodies.
ktbug120 (1 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
I agree with ninjaman. He's right... We need to truly disocver our powers and unite as one. Be strong. Be Ready. It's all you can do.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Cut all this "godly doomsday" nonsense. This "almighty god" you refer to, sits there and craps himself every time my sister looks his way. His gig is up. He managed to fool so many of you, but hes going to pay for his failure to bring humanity out of their rut of self destructiveness. There will be no doomsday of that sort.

Solar storms have been happening for just about as long as the sun has existed. The dangerous ones are the ones that shoot star matter in the direction of our planet. There have been predictions about some solar storms being so severe, and so likely to hit Earth, that we could expect as much As a 30% chance that our electrical grids will fail.
ktbug120 (1 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Okay, I mean Honestly, The world isn't going to end yet. But something is coming. And I get the feeling it will be a MAN MADE disaster, not from nature or a beyond force...
Alcyone (3 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
OBE's are scary at first cattydee, sometimes people induce it to have one too. Guess your friend has to pray and always ask for guidance when she OBE's.
The world isn't going to end, mayan inscriptions is up to year 4772 a.d.So there... Other people should be more worried not with the end of the long count calendar date because who knows their world might end anytime soon, you know what I mean?
calvinvalerian (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
One of God's prophet shared signs of doomsday.

1. The last prophet had been sent to earth.

2. Smoke (massive volcanic eruption)

3. Massive Earthquake (massive volcanic eruption)

4. Huge Fire (massive volcanic eruption)

5. Giant Angel (in a form of slither) come out from earth to tell human they are no longer faith in God.

6. Sun will set from whence it rises

7. The angel that carries trumpet of doom will blew it once to obliterate jinns, humans, animals, plants. The second blew is when all souls will arise from their death and picked up by black or white angels to determine their final destination. Hell or Heaven.

8. Creatures who have faith in God will be killed first so they will not feel the pain of doomsday. Those who are away from God will be postponed from their death so they will feel how hurt it is to experience doomsday.

Without knowing the date, my prediction for dooms day is not meteor shower. Catastrophe will be sparked by massive eruption of volcanoes that leads to earthquake and makes the ocean from north to south earth rage (massive tsunami). Followed by riven of the sky caused by massive volcanic smokes that will poison the air and pitch-dark the earth for days. Every organism who survived will be struck by highly potential cancerous ultraviolet rays. Now is when meteor shower plays its role to wipe out the remnants. Obliteration of species will be started from the top of the food chain. Water, land, air will be uninhabitable with its entire ecosystem destroyed. No one from top food chain will survive. This is how to picture dooms day with high accuracy of sequence and death. More devastating than you saw in 2012 movie. Only God's creation is perfect so I'm here merely trying to figure out how nature's perfect self-destruction might happen as accurately as possible.

No one knows the date of doomsday. Even the angels weren't told by God. Eventually it will happen but like a birthday gift. It's a surprise.
ktbug120 (1 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Yeah, It will effect everyone... I'd recomend stock-piling food and bottled water, First-aid kits, and Anything else you think you'd need in a survival situation... And when it happens, be on alert and trust no one. 😐
Mcarsonames (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
I am from Rhode Island too, I grew up in Portsmouth with my back yard on the ocean. In my dreams, the ocean has been drained and shallow, I'll see a tsunami approaching in the distance and getting closer. Panic floods through me, birds and animals fly to higher grounds. I also have dreams that the climate has gotten so hot that in December you can swim in the ocean. The sky is red with thousands of stars and UFO ships zip by. I have these dreams every once in a while. They are vivid and frightening (and can give you a head ache) but that doesn't mean they are real. You live in RI so you have a natural fear of disater by tsunami. Of course your going to dream about it. But I wouldn't start saying that it's really going to happen in 2012. Your dreams have many meanings. I don't believe the sky will turn red, dreams are scarry when you are watching thousands of people in panic. But they are supposed to represent things in your life, I doubt your dreams or mine are about the future.
Alcyone (3 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Were you pertaining to me shaolin? I didn't say there will be raising to the 5th dimension or so. And for the record solar storms have been happening for billions of years,it's actually starting again these past few months.
No need to say it's garbage if you don't agree with me.Okay?Do we agree to disagree now?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
You didn't get the memo. There will be no "raising to the 5th" for any humans. Everything you just said is garbage.
Alcyone (3 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Spiritually yes, because we are entering the new age.
The Mayans knew about this even the Hopi's.The world won't end,it's not like that.It's just a shift of ages, a lot of people should raise their vibration and spiritual awareness to cope up with the new energy. Also time is really speeding up. I think a lot of people notice that, they say it's because we're approaching the zero point of the age, meaning it's like an end of a calendar, that will have to start over, to count again and start a new year. The new year is the new age and it's going to affect not just earth but the whole cosmos. Old systems will be breaking down because it does not serve mankind anymore. Secrets will be revealed because the present age we're in is the Kali Yuga or age of Pisces, it means the age of illusion, it is the rise of superstitions and a LOT of religious groups, while age of Aquarius, which holds a pitcher of water is the age of enlightenment, the golden age. A lot of psychic abilities are being awakened now,it's actually part of us from the very beginning but since we grew up in an environment with rules on what's normal and what's not and what is right and what is not according to the society and people's judgment,we're unable to tap this abilities. But it's changing now. Take a look at the eastern countries, how they practice reiki and alternative healing, using energies. Those are old traditions used by the ancients but is now slowly being acknowledge for its benefits.It's not bad at all if you're intention is good and that is to help all sentient beings here on earth.
Be positive and focus on the good things in life, be grateful of what you have and what you've been through because it has molded you to be who you are.
Do good things not because you're waiting for a reward or some thing in this life or the next but do good things because it's the right thing to do.
I myself have been having visions about this and it's so confusing sometimes, but you see I gotta focus on the NOW and let it flow because one day we will all face the FUTURE together even though we are all far away from each other, we are all under the same sky. 😁
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
There is something big happening every day. All depends on your definition of big. People tend to give too much attention to the 2012 theories. The calendar the date was drawn from only had enough room to account for dates up to, and including, 12-21-12.

There is a possibility of some serious solar storms, that could start in the next month, possibly lasting until march of next year. Worst case scenario, our electronics, and power grids will not function correctly for the next decade, while the electrical grids are fixed. While this could make way for a more pressing problem, like humanity reverting back to the mindsets of the darker days, the "apocalypse" isn't going to be on our doorsteps overnight. That is, if one would ever be.

Wait and see.
Riv-El (4 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
I've been feeling like something major is about to happen as well.

I am not very experienced with my abilities but one thing I have realized is that a bunch of people, such as myself and friends I have that are like us feel like something major will happen.

It's not clear on what, and as someone said nothing can be 100% certain but I don't think it's a coincidence that many people feel this way. Maybe it won't even be in 2012 but soon, maybe 2013.

Just try and clear your mind and be prepared for anything, it may not be as bad as you think but maybe its major.

However, that being said. Things will always happen, look at our history. It's just how life is but change is coming.
thatguy (7 stories) (43 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
yes, at this point I think something is going to happen. I have no idea what will happen, its more like I know what I have to do, you know? I have had a lot of dreams on the subject to. This is kind of weird, but when I came to your story, I got this HUGE surge of energy that lasted like 10 seconds, it made my arm hairs stand up, there's tears coming to my eyes, and I'm getting a headache. It usually happens when I need to do something. Feel free to email me at
Superbabylizard [at] I think we can help each other.
Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
I know life will go on but something is definitely happening that we can't stop and it'll effect every single person.
BaRoimhEasonoir (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
2012 stories usually vary significantly, however so many follow along the lines of waves and tornados they can't just be ignored.

You know that you have to be ready, the only question is ready for what? So many people have different theories, we can only be prepared or anything.
SearchingForAnswers (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
Who can tell if something bad good or indifferent is going to happen. No one will be able to say for sure. All you can do is be as good as you possibly can, learn from mistakes, grow etc. And hope that you made the best out of life that you can when its all over. Take care and don't worry about it. Life goes on whether we worry or not... And not anyone can be 100 percent certain of the future as we all make our own choices and own future and it can change.
ktbug120 (1 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
Well, I don't exactly have an answer. But I can say I also feel like this. I don't think the world will end, but I do think somethink BIG is coming... More along the lines of 'Brother turning on brother' or something. I don't know for sure. But I agree, something is coming. Hopefully life goes on after... Just be strong, and be ready for anything.

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