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Astral Spider Problems


Basically for a few years I've been seeing this really weird black spider like orb. I only ever see this thing at night time and whenever I see it, it has this almost draining effect, as if it is literally sucking the life out of me I've come across a similar thread with an accurate illustration of the entity I've been seeing In my research I've been coming across threads about things called astral spiders and I'm not sure if this actually one of them but I can see how it could be mistaken as being one. Some times around my house ill see something in my peripheral vision drop from the ceiling all crawl about but I can't quite make out what it is. I only started seeing this thing in my mid teens and the first time I saw it I literally almost passed out, I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. I'm not sure if this is linked to shadow people at all but I really don't see the reason why this creature feels the need to observe me so much, it's really creepy. I have no existing medical conditions at all apart from asthma which I highly doubt could cause such a hallucination. The only stimulus for this sighting that I can think of is stress. I only really ever see this thing when I'm stressed out or upset, its almost as if it feeds on negative emotions or something. I don't do any form of drugs or substance abuse nor do I really deal with anything occult. If anyone knows what this is please tell me, any help would be much appreciate. Thanks for reading.

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Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-12)
That's absolutely fine, I'm very sorry to hear that things haven't been going to well for you. Thank you very much for replying again merkaba, yes I would be very interested to know how to use my abilities. Thanks again
merkaba (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-10)
im here just respond and ill tell you how to use you ability in great detail raisin
Sorry about the delay lifes been pretty crappy
Epselon (1 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-07)
I saw a small black spider... It was so black it looked like an endless pit opening from every side you looked at it... But in the shape of a spider...anyways, I know this is weird but it crawled into my hand as a pet cat would on your lap, and I was not affected negatively in any way. Can anyone suggest what the could mean? This has happened with two spiders like the so far in the astral plane.
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
Ah right that's pretty interesting, are those "tiny energy specs" like coloured sparks, similar to the white flashes that you've been seeing but smaller? If so I've been seeing those too but I'm not too sure as to what they are though. But yeah it would definitely be interesting to hear your method. Thanks a lot, sorry for the late reply
merkaba (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
Let's hope so...I've just gained the ability to use clairvoyance on demand... If youd like, I can tell you my method... I try over and over to see what I saw as a kid but it never works I just see more and more tiny energy specs... And once in a while (when not trying) , I see flashes of light that are a little bigger than the usual energy spec... I used to see a highly unstable clear gassy/watery substance in the air but that stopped once I neglected the practice of watching the energy particles... It took so long to see it but a couple of days without practice and it was gone... I guess I was on a stepping stone to something greater and needed consistent practice to solidify the ability
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
A similar thing used to happen to me as a kid, my sheets would roll over on their own and my whole bed would feel like it was shaking, I never had toys come to life as such, but I do remember seeing cartoon characters walking around my house but that only lasted up until about age 4 roughly =/ I have wonder if the experience I'm having is the same ability trying to resurface itself =/
merkaba (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-17)
I seen a Barbie doll get up full of life and run around me laughing... My bed used to shake with nothing underneath, I had nightly sleep paralysis, dreams of teleportation and telekinesis over and over... And I was literally in my dreams fully aware and it felt realer that reality somehow,...I was too young for this and my families religious views really fcked my mental over and made me think something was "wrong " so I began meditating and everything went away except the dreams
merkaba (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-17)
I don't know what link your talking about but no, I've never felt drained I just felt the usual fatigued associated with the white point I described... When I was a child one of these spiders gave me very scary abillities after I got bit so I subconsciously capped my abillities and that's what I'm trying to bring back now
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-16)
Also after your experienced this entity did you feel as though you had unlimited physical energy despite the initial draining feeling?
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-16)
Thank you very much for your reply, do you have any idea what they are at all? And did yours look like the one in the link?
merkaba (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
Ive seen one one mid afternoon... I was meditating and when I hit the point where the tiny energy particles fuse and behind my eyelids create their own white screen (this is where you start to stop blanking your mind and accept the energies so you can recieve a vivid better than real image or astrally teleport...)
I opened my eyes and I seen a clear real life brown spider as big as my torso ascending as if it was on a web. I then jump up full of adrenaline and ran out of my moms room...

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