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Messages from Dreams


There are two dreams I've had that have stuck in my mind since I've had them. I do have psychic abilities but, I still question some of my dreams. Are they real or is it just a dream? I dream a lot, especially for my age and there are times when I know I'm just dreaming. But, there are dreams that I have that seem so real and do prove to have meaning to them.

One of the dreams that stuck in my mind was back when I was 18 years old. I went in for gall bladder surgery. You know, most people that have this surgery (I was cut, not laser) wake up thinking about the pain they are in. I woke up with much, much, much fear and thanking God I woke up. There were many doctors and nurses surrounding me when I woke. I still question today whether or not they had a difficult time waking me. Of course, I'm sure they wouldn't tell me if they did.

I have had many scary dreams before, but this one topped them all. The dream started with me in a hallway, everything was completely dark. I felt scared and lost. I had no clue where I was. In a distance, I heard a horrible noise. I could tell it was a short distance away behind me, but I couldn't see anything. Well let me tell you, talk about scared, it was the worst fear I had ever felt. I just took off and started trucking. I had no clue where I was going, but I just wanted to get away from whatever was behind me. I was just running this way and that way. It was like I was in some kind of maze. The dark hallways turned in different directions and it split into separate hallways at certain points. The thing behind me was getting closer, but I couldn't run any faster and I knew whatever it was, was not good. Well, whatever it was got a hold of my hair and started pulling me down this hallway we were in. Since it was so dark, I really couldn't see it. All I knew, it stood like a human. I ended up falling and it continued to drag me down the hall by my hair, which hurt. Then all of a sudden, I kept hearing my name being called from a distance. That is when I finally woke up.

Before I tell you about my next dream I have had recently, I need to say a few things. I have had a lot of questions for God, such as, "What are my gifts supposed to be used for and how can I enhance them to do just what they are meant for"? I have been struggling with chronic pain and have been told to meditate for relaxation. Well, meditation has been causing me fear because I fear pulling anything else bad to me. I can't obviously tell my therapist that I fear meditation because I don't know how to protect myself from evil spirits. They might just put me in the loony bin if I did that.

I've tried meditating, but this fear has been holding me back. I finally questioned to God, "How can I meditate, if I have so much fear". After those thoughts, I got a thought in my head to open the book I had on the table. I just cut the book in the middle and the first words I saw were, "Have Faith in Me". Not long after this I had this dream.

I was going for a long trip. I don't know who I was with and I was in a car I had never seen before. Then I switched from that car to a van, again with people I've never met. I have no clue where I'm going either, but I feel safe. In the back of the van were guinea pigs which were being held by someone. I thought that was strange. Then I got out and appeared in this huge room, which was brightly lighted. There were many people around me and I still have no clue who all these people are. Then two very young girls, one almost baby like, came over to me and told me to come with them that they had a message for me. They said they were sent from God. They told me to do my meditations faithfully on Sundays. I wish I could remember everything they said to me. Some of it is a blur, but I remember this.

Some of the people around us were giving me strange looks because I was talking to a baby like she was an older person. I don't understand that part either. Then they told me they had to leave, their job was done. They started walking away from me. Well I yelled out, "Wait, I want to know who my spirit guide is". And in an echo, I heard the name. They stated the name of my son's counselor whom has died this past summer. He was like a part of our family. An over whelming feeling came over me. I started crying. And then I woke up.

Has anyone ever experienced dreams like this? They both seemed so real. Is there something about meditating on Sundays that I am not aware of? I don't know. What things can you do to protect yourself during meditation? I think a lot of these doctors that prescribe this are not aware of how spiritual meditation can be. What do you think? I would appreciate anyone's opinions. Thanks!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mystical2, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Cocodreams (2 stories) (66 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-29)
Xtjrx: I think you're right. My dad is my guide. I feel a connection with him. I am him. However, I also believe that I am a guide. I believe other things too but I don't think I should post them.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-29)
Cocodreams: From what I've read of you your father seems to be your guide, as he gave you protection. Could you be your own guide? You could very well be! I'm certainly not in a possition to say it's not possible. I can tell you really have a handle on your experiences.
Cocodreams (2 stories) (66 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-29)
All this technical talk confuses me. Guides and so on. I don't know of such things in my situation. I wish someone would explain that to me. Does everyone have a guide? Would it be weird if I thought I was a guide?
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-24)
I think I finally fiqured it out. I want to see your thoughts on this. I found a book on mediums. It says if you don't keep a positive attitude, while being so open (psychic), bad spirits follow you when seen.
My son is bipolar and was going through a very difficult time. I in turn, was just as miserable during that time. Very miserable. This was about the same time I had that dream. I should have known something was going to happen because again my lights flickered. Since I haven't had this in a while happen, I kind of dismissed it. I ignored the chills it gave me.
The only thing I'm trying to comprehend is why so long for my son to notice and why after he says something we start to experience odd things in the house. Does it come and go? I believe I got rid of it myself. My older son had woken me up at 3:05am scared. He said our attic door was shaking really hard. He never scares.
I got him to turn on tv as someone advised me to do, so I don't connect and I said a prayer and told it to leave. We haven't seen or heard anything lately. Its been a while.
If this is the case, how do we or I protect myself if I'm not having a wonderful day? 😕
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-26)
mystical2... Yes religion could be quite a target for evil if a person is hyper religious but has little faith... I always believed that religion should augument your faith... In other words faith first... And dolls... A few months back I tossed a Raggedy Ann doll my daughter never liked it and it was just hanging around in a empty bedroom and it just started to make me feel somewhat creepy so before things started she was gone!
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-26)
sorry, I forgot to put your name below.
thanks for your help. I'm trying my hardest on helping my son through some of his fears without creating more fear.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-26)
I've been having my son pray every night for a good while now. He is not shy, like some, talking about God. He speaks of him very openly and also asks many questions. I've also heard that evil attacks people when they get closer to God to scare them away from it. My ex-husband's friend of his family had a little girl. They were very religous. The little girl complained about a doll talking to her and telling her to do bad things. Her parents didn't believe her, until one night when they walked into her room and witnessed her doll talking to her. She was only about 4 years old at the time. They took their little girl to church to have some kind of ceremony done. Well, a couple of weeks ago my son said his toy guys eyes moved and looked at him. I also did not tell him about the little girl. I don't want to scare him. Kind of freaked me out because of hearing about this little girl. I felt like throwing the daggone doll away. He kept telling the doll to look at him several days later trying to prove this to me, not that I didn't say I didn't believe him. I told him not to do that anymore and that it wasn't a good thing to do. I haven't heard anymore about it.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-26)
mystical2... Its a good thing that she had to keep her distance from you... It tells me you have good spiritual protection and to make sure she keeps even further away prayers work well esp. If they want to start to mess around with the children. I would believe your son too... It is the second time he saw the same ghost.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-26)
You know I just remembered a dream I had last year. It really weirded me out. Sometimes my son gets scared at night and he'll climb in bed with me. Well, that one night last year I dreamt there was this woman hovering at the bottom of my bed. She kept staring at me, hovering and making these terrible noises. I could tell she was evil, her face was horrible looking. All I could think about was protecting my son from her. She just kept staring at me and she had some kind of sheer kloak on or something, but it was like she couldn't come any closer. She just stayed there hovering and making those horrible sounds, staring. It felt like forever, but I finally woke up sweating from fear. I don't know whether this was just a dream or what. I don't know if this has anything to do with anything, but last night my son said he saw a scary woman with a terrible face walking down our hall twice now. I've never told him about this dream. I don't feel anything staying in our home, but I'm not saying nothing can't pass through because we all know that's not true. I know it's possible that my son could have just been seeing things. He scares easily. Has anyone experienced anything like this also? Thanks! Also, I will never tell my son I don't believe him. I went through enough of that growing up. I just try to ease his mind. I do feel he will have the gift. I've even told his father before, "Don't be suprised if he has the same gift". His father does not want him to have it. I've tried helping his father understand it, but it weird's him out.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-24)
Now that I think about it, it is kind of funny how you said they want me to do great things with children. I just started several months ago taking a class and joined an organization for advocating and helping children with mental health so that they are able to get the help they need. One of my son's has Bipolar Disorder. His councelor, the one I wrote about, always told me that I should really go back to school and get into mental health. And when I was done to come to him and I would have a job. My son's next councelor that took over after his death basically said the same thing. I need to work with or for children. Again, thanks for pointing this out.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-24)
mystical2... I think the dream that you had when you were 18 was more real than you would like it to be I think it was a battle for your soul and the place was hell. The recent dream is at least symbolic of the good side wanting you to be on their team and the potential for you to do great things with children and animals.
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-24)
Know your first dream about you being pulled by your hair? Well I had a kind of vision where a woman was arguing with a man and then she was knocked out and dragged by her hair along this grassy area and then she dropped something like a watch or something do you think this could have something to do with what you said?

I have also tried meditating but when I try it doesn't seem to do anything and I can't picture anything clearly and it doesn't feel like I'm actually there. Do you think you could hlep me with this? Please reply to me by writing under one of my stories I would really appreciate it. Thankyou.
warriorforthelord (7 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-22)
go to the blog site for lisa williams medium. There is an extensive blog there for some of the questions you have. I too have dreams. One very similar to yours. My dad who wasn't spiritual died and before his death I told him what he must do... Well the darks came after me for helping him. Between me and my guardian angel, we beat off the dark thing and it left. They will try to rattle your security.
Know that you do have protectors around you all the time... Sometimes more than one. When you ask for them they are there... And even when you least expect them...
When you go to sleep or meditate you should be asking for protection from harm and for your guardians to protect you. You can ask for the Holy spirit to surround you with white light and make you invisable to any negative force that trys to harm you... You must understand that all good things come from the lord and just as there are good forces, there are also bad from which you need to be protected... There is a book you should read by emanuel swedenborg called heaven and hell and all its wonders... This will explain a lot to you of your delema... It is very in depth. You can do a on line google on the book... I don't know hhow old you are, or how much you can grasp of it... Check out the book and the site..."who is this lisa williams medium person" you may have to google the verse to find it... Good luck and feel free to contact me through that site...steph
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-21)
I have messages from dreams but they mean something and they do come true. Like a tooth dream looked up the meaning and it said someone near to death. I had to fight the people who tried taking my tooth out and I won
it. The next day I found out my nan was in hospital in surgery. The surgery went well they said the next day I was so happy. I don't need to be told I find out if something is kept from me and I know future events before they happen.

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