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Am I A Crystal Child?


I have looked up about Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Starseed children and I was wondering if I myself was one. I was born in 1998 and I started speaking at age four. I already knew how to talk, but I didn't really start speaking fully until four. I used my older brother to talk for me (He is 16 months older than me). All I did was point my finger and he would tell my parents what I wanted pacifically. My parents were amazed on how well my brother could know exactly what I want without me speaking a word. I heard that Crystal children would speak later in childhood and would talk telepathically to their parents (Well in this case my brother). I also like to say that when I was born, I stopped breathing for a few minutes. I heard that Crystal children switch souls when the baby is born. Just to let you know that I'm part Cherokee (From both sides of the family) and that my mother side of the family is a little clairvoyant. My parents were worried about me not speaking t'ill I was four and had me tested. The test said I was normal, but I was put into pre-school just to make sure. I was about to be put in special ED too. I have taken a liking to the moon and stars. Every night I stare at them wishing I could travel all trough space. I heard when you're a star seed child, you believe you were born from a different planet, but in my case, I feel like I belong here. My urges helping the world come and go, but I would at least like to make some difference to help others. When I was little people use to be bothered by my eyes when I would stare at them. (Crystal children have intense eyes right?) I am a forgiving person (A little too forgiving if you ask me), but I have a disliking with sharing. Long story short, My mother made me dislike it. It doesn't mean I don't like giving to the poor and all that, I'm talking about lending people stuff like pencils, erasers, and all that. (But in truth I have a hard time saying no). I'm a bit naive (I spend my money on people and believe them when they tell me something) I like singing (I'm not exactly good at it). I never really was gifted, as a matter of fact, In elementary school I failed a lot of math test. I always never do a good job with district test because I can't remember everything I learned. (I'm actually against district testing) I don't really know if I'm intelligent because I found out that most of these children have a higher Iq then geniuses. I'm not multiple talented or talented in anything really. I was always inside as a child and I always wanted to go outside, but my parents always kept me inside due to the world being dangerous. Now I'm always inside my room, on the computer with my door shut. Yet I always glance outside wishing I was there. I'm loud with those I'm comfortable with and quiet and shy with those I'm not. I will say I'm lazy and selfish and sometimes I have a disliking to humanity itself. So was I once a Crystal child, Am I a Crystal child, or am I autistic, deluded, or normal? (I don't believe in normal though) (Can you make this easier to read for the viewers like splitting the paragraph?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, songwhisper299, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Explosion123 (33 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-12)
You're just like me!
I can get pretty loud with people I'm comfortable with to, and I am very quiet and shy with those I'm not.
And, as weird as this makes me sound, sometimes I feel like I'm not 100% human. (I feel so awkward to. Like I'm being watched, and like I'm not doing a good job at acting human. I wouldn't be surprized if soon I'll accidentaly blurt out in public "I feel so weird around you humans..." I have a strong feeling I might actually say something like that.)
I know how you feel with wanting to go to space to. I'm dying to see space.
And I am literally the smartest person I know. (Really, I feel amazingly intelligent.)
And...I've probably made this comment to long now, so I'll end it now.
inipu333 (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-12)
get out of your room and spend more time with nature, soon enough you will find out if you are a crystal child. No one on this site is going to be able to tell you yes or no. You have all the answers you need.

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