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Real Psychic Experiences by chronological order: Page 25
Confirmed And Discovered Powers by ladydi
A couple days ago I posted up a story called my psychic family. I kept on thinking of all the things I had predicted and seen that I knew would happen before they did. I got together with my family and started talking to them about it. I started with my brother and I told him I knew he had dreams an...
Dreams, Nightmares Or A Warning? by quidam009
A few months ago maybe a year ago, I had a few dreams. One night I dreamed that one of my teeth fell out. It was a weird dream. The next day, when I woke up, I thought about it but didn't really pay attention to it. Suddenly the next day a woman died. I knew her but I never talked to her. I was l...
Is This Real? Or A Fluke? by MusicalOath
My name is Sean. All my life I have hoped I had some ability of some sort. Some things have happened to me but I am still unsure of it at times. What I am asking is if someone could possibly tell me if I do have any abilities or maybe a touch of one. The first thing I can remember is when I was l...
A Shadow Figure by Archangel
Almost a month ago I had this experience. A dark figure came to my bed and started pulling me like it wanted to take me, and the odd thing was that I was awake, but I was in a trance like state so weak I could barely move my arms to pull away. This happened night after night. The phantom figure just...
A Confusing Cluster Of Psychic Experiences by Arken_Heart
First a little back ground. I live in the garage in my house, it is my room, and mourning cloak butterflies (which are a symbol for the deceased) have shown up following me at times of large paranormal significance. So on to the story. A few nights ago I had a series of dreams. In the first one, ...
Empathy Or Clairvoyance? by PunkFairy09
Ever since I was a child, I knew I was different. I had trouble fitting in, and no one seemed to understand me. When I was about 4 or 5 I would experience Deja Vu frequently, more than once a week, I remember thinking why does this day keep happening? What's going on why do I keep feeling that? I ha...
Shadow Man by godsmagnum
In the following paragraphs I will do my best to describe a few of the events that have happened to me through out my short life. Feel free to be skeptical, I have never asked that anyone believe me due to the mere fact that it would be almost impossible to prove that I have had these events happen ...
Shadow Man 2 by godsmagnum
Please note: This is the rest of my previous story. I'd suggest reading that one before this. It all started just a few weeks ago. My friend can talk to the dead, and I can see the dead. Ghosts seem to be attracted to both of us because of our abilities. We were watching T.V. At my house. I star...
The Mysterious Family by eagleguy19
I know my house haunted because I see people in my room and sometimes other places in my house but mainly my room. I can't really "see them" but I can see their outlines or it could be their auras. ____THE MAN____ He's rather tall and it looks like he's wearing a long trench coat and what looks ...
Too Much Empathy? by lynx92
I'm going to begin by saying although this is a long post, it's not that interesting, I can't control fire or read minds, I just need help figuring out what I might have. I am a 17 year old girl from southern California and until recently I have doubted the existence of psychic abilities. But the...
Help With Empathic Abilities by Niniane
I have always had the ability of sensing the emotions of others and always had this feeling of knowing or understanding. Lately I, to help with this and the strong emotions like fear and anger that get easily transmitted and mixed with my emotions, have started meditation. This has really been a...
Connecting With Spirit by rudi25
Over the past couple of years I have just started to realize I have been having out-of-body experiences. I can lucid dream and I have started to control astral projection. I can usually do this at will when in bed. I have also had occasions when I have come back to my body or awoken to find a figure...
Men In White by Amy_Dawn
It's been a long time since my first post. It's been almost a year since I've sought help for the things that have been happening, and have embraced my abilities. I've done countless research and practice, and find it safe to say that I am an empath, clairvoyant, I have remote viewing ability, and a...
Psychic Hearing, I'm Starting To Accept It by Ihearu
As a child, I would suddenly hear my name when I was home alone. My name has a certain tone to it, so does yours if you say it out loud, like Anna for example. A-nna it goes up then down right? We are all extra sensitive to that tone of our names since we were babies to react when mother is calling....
Strange House Experiences, Lights & Other Oddities by Lavenders
When I was younger, supposedly, I seemed a lot more in tuned with things that are classified as the paranormal. Some incidents I recall but others are stories my mom has told me later on as I had gotten older. There are a few other things also but I wonder if it's just me being a bit crazy. The f...
A Lifetime Of Psychic Experiences by LittleMissDontAsk
Ever since I can remember I have had psychic experiences whether it be seeing ghosts, things that happen the next day, the next year or decade, knowing what has happened to missing people and how they died. As I have gotten older the ghost experiences have settled, which I am thankful for because...
Energy Vampires Attacking Me In Public by Galmordagan
I've told you about how I was able to take energy out of people but that I'd always returned it. Well, over the years I have encountered a number of people walking in the heart of the city and they were draining people of energy. I was only aware of it after one occasion where I had been one of t...
Hearing Noises And Radio Sounds by Sqweeky
I'm sorry but this story is going to be short. Back when I was really young, a friend and I walked into the girls' bathroom and we both heard a girl's dress shoe tapping on the tile floor. I was looking back at the door when we both heard the taps. So I knew that it didn't come from out of the ba...
I Know Things Before They Happen by Pinkyrose144
I'm Vicky and I'm 16 I think I have more than one talent because I can know things before they happen. I always do that but sometimes I just don't pay attention to it, but when I do, I realize that I do it all the time. For example, once I was in the car and suddenly I said out-loud, "We will se...
Medium Control Issues by sarahbearah
So basically, I've been seeing things that aren't there for everyone for just about as long as I can remember, but only out of the corners of my eyes and that kind of thing. It was just kind of an inevitable part of life for me, and wasn't particularly unsettling and didn't interfere with my everyda...
Am I Paranoid Or Psychic? by Akasha
Here's a little bit about me before I tell you my story. Well I'm a Wiccan girl and I'm 14. Ever since I was little (maybe 7 years old) I've been having something kind of like visions. I use to have a mentor who would kind of teach me about them, her name was Myra. She understood everything I wen...
Is My Power Starting To Truly Awake? by KitKatKittyKat
I had always seemed to feel things, things that my mother did not feel or believe. It was sad really, since my mother would stare at me as if I was crazy and become rather irritated and annoyed with me. Physically, I've always been sensitive, crying at simple things and feeling automatic fear when I...
I Feel When My Loved One Is Unusually Unhappy Or Very Happy by VladValentine
Lately, I have been experiencing some of the emotions and pain my girlfriend experiences. She is the most important person to me, and I love her immensely, more so than anyone in my life. Sometimes, I'll feel random depression and worry (they always go together.), or elation. I've asked my girlf...
Brewing Up A Storm by Sunspotter
This all started out last Monday Night. I have swim practice every morning and I was really tired and I really didn't want to go. I figured if it poured/thunderstorm then I wouldn't have to go. I tried to make it happen by concentrating very hard on the center of my forehead and screaming (in my min...
Maybe Suddenly Or Temporarily Psychic by fifilaflea
I've always known things since I was little. Mostly visions. I could tell if someone passed away just by a photo at an early age. A few years back my abilities started to fade and I was 2nd guessing myself. I no longer felt confident. I couldn't predict on purpose, it always was something that showe...
Psychic Since 6 by dragonlover2300
My name is Vanessa and I am 14. I have had deja vu experiences since I was 6. They happen about at least once a week. Although, when I was younger they happened more frequently. The longer the deja vu seems to last, the dizzier I get. And, I don't know if anyone else notices this, but I noticed that...
Dreams That Happen The Next Day And Some Feelings? by Sabby9523
For about the past year now I have been feeling like something has been watching me. I decided to a bit of research to find out what was going on. As soon as I started reading some of the articles about peoples' own personal experiences I got immediate shivers, I felt like someone was watching me, a...
World War Three Prediction by Taurusgirl10
I've recently had a premonition about a World War Three. It involved bombs and guns and the whole world. People coming from all over the place and just a big mess. I don't know if it'll come true or not. But I ask everyone here especially those of you from another country to tell me if you've al...
Empath? Animal Connections? by Empathsam
I'm new to this site but I came here because I think I'm an empath. I think so because if I brush up against somebody I will feel whatever emotions they're feeling. My symptoms of empathy are very basic. I feel others emotions, and if I focus on my hand hard enough, I can see my aura faintly (it loo...
Life As I Know It by Anaghia
My name's Anaghia (my username anyway... Anna for short), I'm 15 years old, and I'm kind of new to this site. The psychic side of my life doesn't seem like much compared to other stories I've read or heard of, but each of my experiences are special to me. I'm a clairsentient, and I have been since...
My Gut Feelings Are Always Right by 1victory3
I have always had strong gut feelings about things. I seem to know how people are feeling when I am near them. I guess the best example of my gut feelings would be an experience I had several years ago. I was walking home from school one day because my car was broken down and my husband was late...
Two Marks Upon My Forehead by RyRySoS
Early on this evening I noticed my head felt like it was thumping although around me was quiet and nothing could cause this pain then later that day I felt I was getting a message, This was..."LRFB". I kept repeating these words over and I felt a small vibration coming out my ears. I was sure onl...
Dreams Come True by sammiepie427
I just joined this website and started reading different post by people. I have some of the same experiences as some of the other members. I suppose we could say my ability is that my dreams come true. I know scientifically we don't really dream in color but associate things with colors. I feel like...
I Know I'm Psychic But What Type? by Destinee
When I was 3 I drew a picture of the 7 wonders of the world. My Great Grandmother always said that I'm different. She lives in an adult home & she always says people are talking to her (as in voices) the staff thinks she's crazy but when ever I go to visit her I feel like people are whispering but i...
Foreseeing Things With No Control by Galmordagan
I have talked about how I have had insights of knowledge in a day-dream daze of the means of death on many occasions within 2 months of the event with random people (e.g. My brother, my sister's BF, a colleague) who were in close proximity to me at the time. I have talked about how I have had ins...
Dream Transports Me 7 Years Into My Past by Galmordagan
I had a dream when I was 20 years old. It was the most unusual thing that has happened to me that I can recall in my life - and that's saying something. I have posted this because even though it was a dream (as I I had a dream when I was 20 years old. It was the most unusual thing that has happened ...
Am I Just Extra-sensitive?or Am I Something? by guest3297588
My name is Mary, and I'm 15 years old. I hope that, by reading this, you wouldn't be wasting your time. Well, funny things happened to me since I was young. So I'll just post what I went through. *When I lived in a two-story house (I was just a little kid then) I heard a ghost whispering "Won't y...
Premonitions And The Black Figure by saasha
I am Saasha, I am a born again believer. Ever since I started believing in god which was 5 years back, I started having dreams and few visions of things which happened in a day or two. It used to be as small as the dress color or weather conditions would be the same the next day. First I got really ...
Strange Visions While Awake by Aine
I have been having strange visions while awake, mostly at night before I go to sleep, but some in the middle of the day. These visions are images of people, but not regular normal everyday people, these are strange. The first one happened while I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep. I saw an old...
Haunting Dreams by hales3
About 7 months ago, my father died. I will not say how he died, because it is very personal, but it wasn't a pleasant death. He ended his life. The thing that bothers me is that I have the ability to dream things before they happen, but I never saw this coming. My father and I did not live together,...
The Talking Picture by CJBishop
I've had several experiences in my life that some might classify as psychic, most come to me while I'm asleep but a few actually come to me as "visions" while I'm wide awake, the following story is one of the latter. A few years ago while on the job performing some routine I.T. Functions on a cus...
Need Help Improving Empath Abilities by Empathsam
I'm a very weak empath and I really need help developing this ability. I know I'm an empath because I can pick up the emotions/lies of people close to me either psychicly, as in I feel their emotion if I touch them. Or emotionally, as in a good friend or relative. But it is very weak and I just get ...
The End As We Know It by TommyBoy
It all starts when I was eight with my best friend Carlos. He was special and he always knew everything. He knew when something was going to happen; he also knew every one's secrets. He trusted me with telling me why he was so different why "we" were so different than everyone at school. He was ...
Am I In Danger? by Mystic227
I have just realized that I am an empath. I'm not sure if I was always an empath, or just developed the abilities. However, since I've discovered what I can do, weird things have been happening. However, the one that I want to know more about is what happened last night. I was on a road trip with...
Does Anyone Else Have These Psychic / Empath Visions? by deb1980
I've been on this site many times reading the stories about their psychic experiences. I too have had some highly unusual experiences myself and if anyone has had an experience like me, or experiences being psychic the same way I do, I'd love to here from you. So here goes, I've always known I wa...
Knowing Random Things Before They Happen by wheels00769
I'm nearly 17 and for many years, sudden thoughts or ideas pop into my head just before they happen. When it happens, it's not like a vision or a daydream like other users have described on this site, but more of a sudden idea or phrase. The first time it happened it was a vision- a picture in m...
The Air Above My 4 Poster Bed by Lavenders
Back when I was younger, I have always had this bed that you could be able to attach 4 posters to it and a canopy. I really have always loved the idea of a 4 poster bed but when I had that canopy up, I would always toss stuff up there to be lazy like maybe some notebooks, pencils, a couple of dolls ...
I See And Hear Things by Shiki12
I was 13 when I started seeing and hearing things. It was really weird. I was downstairs with my best friend and my sister, and we were sleeping on the couches. I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw a little boy standing behind my sleeping friend. My two brothers were upstairs sleeping. I c...
Am I Psychic And If So What Kind? by Spriteoz
My name is Carlos and I am 14 years old. I am new to this site and I just wanted to know if I am psychic and if so what kind. My mom has always said I was special, when I was baby she said I got really sick with a high temperature and I was having seizures for a few months and the doctors did not...
I Need Help Knowing Who I Am by push
This is the first time I have really ever felt like that I could see the future. This isn't my first dream. I have had other dreams come true. This is my latest dream. They come very randomly. I have just figured out what was going on with me. Four months ago I dreamt about a place in Missouri. I sa...
Tools For A Psychic Dreamer by DarkBeauty
~ TOOLS FOR ASKING TO SEE ~ I consider myself a Psychic dreamer. Although I have other gifts, they are not as continuous and as clear as my dreams. From time & experience I believe that my strong point is dreaming. And so, from this I have a little info on tools for psychic dreaming and a little ...
Energy Vampire? Stalker? Or Someting Else? by cuduck
Since this is my first time writing, I thought I should tell a little bit about myself. My name is Elaina and I am 13 years old. I grew up in the same house all my life and I think (think being the key word) that I'm an empath. My experience though is with something completely different and I didn't...
14 Years Old And Scared by VictoriaRose
I'm only 14 and what's happening to me is scaring me to death. It actually started when I was 4. I dreamed that my dad would come home from work and start a fight with my mom. And it happened, down to the last detail. I was even standing in the same place I was in my dream. Now that I'm older, t...
Premonition Or What? by dreamyblue
Today, I was having a Supernatural Season three marathon. On the episode of "Mystery Spot" I pictured Sam Winchester saying "gung ho" and he never did on that episode. I thought it was strange that I saw him saying that in my head. Several episodes later, on "Time Is On My Side" Sam said "You're the...
Aura And Psychic Medium by xxalyssaxx
My name is Alyssa. I am 17 and ever since I was about 7 or 8 I started seeing auras around people's head, shoulders, and arms; almost like a form of energy if that makes sense. And I got used to it even though I didn't even know "aura" was what it is called. In school I could see anyone's aura wi...
Mind Reading And Empath by crazykay23
There has been something happening that has been brought to my attention. Strange new things that I am starting to be able to do, since I have been meditating. I know I'm an empath because since starting meditation, my abilities have become more powerful. I can feel the feelings around me and vibrat...
Glimps In Dreams by luffypuffy678
I have dreams, and in my dreams I have still images that pop out of nowhere, and then I see that shot in real life. For example, I was in 7th grade, over the summer, I had a dream, and a random picture popped up. I was sitting in a class room, staring down and some extremely skinny girl's back t...
Telepathic Bond by PunkFairy09
I think my ex-boyfriend and I may have a strong telepathic bond. We are still great friends, best friends even, and he is one of the few people who really knows me and vice versa. He and I first met 5 years ago, back in the summer of 2004 in the weirdest of circumstances, online in a chat room. He m...
Voices Before I Sleep by Densbigdogs
Sometimes I think I am nuts, I have been hearing voices now for the better part of 6 years. I have seen & felt spirits as well, but that has stopped, quite a while ago. I don't so much mind hearing the voices and also the music, but I do have two problems with this. 1st off, it makes it much harder ...
A Paranormal Life by AOR
The first psychic experience in my life, that I can remember, occurred when I was about 8 or 9 years old. My mother was tucking me in for bed and I became overwhelmed with a strange, unmistakable feeling that something bad was going to happened. I told my mother but I don't think she thought too muc...
My Life Is A Roller Coaster by cyopathic
It all starts when I was near 5 or 6 and I started having these weird visions of people dying or just being at a place with people I have never seen before. I remember there was a car accident near winter. The man was a biker and a station wagon was there also. The biker got to close to the station ...
The Old House I Lived In by cyopathic
It all started when I was three, If you read my first article then you might have a idea on what's happening with me. I was in my grandmothers house I was running around, I was just running laughing and then after a while I was thinking of jumping on the bed, We called it a guest room we never used ...
Why Am I Able To Bring Ghost To Me? by Johnathan
I have had lots of ghost encounters but there is something different now. I don't no how to describe this but I am able to "will" ghosts to me. I like reach out to them and they come to me. I noticed it about a month ago. When I do this, I get shadow ghost. I first did this at a hotel. I did not thi...
Afraid Of Shadows And The Dark At 14 by kay-chav
My father died an unexpected death in March of 2005. About one or two years after his death I began seeing black shadows with his silhouette in the place he was most when he was alive; the basement. The shadows would be in the same spot every time they appeared and would stay there for about five se...
The Reluctant Psychic by CHart
I know that being a psychic or intuitive is not necessarily a bad thing. For as long as I can remember I have always been intuitive about many different things. When I was about five or so I used to have dreams and they would actually come true scene for scene. Then there were some dreams that were ...
Black Shapeless Figure by Sqweeky
Thank you to all of those who have read my first story. I was only up in my dad's bedroom to go onto the computer and listen to music, but I tend to dance around in his room sometimes. The only people/animals who have died at my dad's house is my oldest dog named Tabitha. I know this because ...
At Night Spirits Pick On Me by OsNights
I'm beginning to believe that I have this ability to come in contact with spirits. I can't tell if they are demons or every day spirits. It's not like I have a choice either, believe me I would rather be left alone. Before I get into the most recent story I want to share a few others first. I st...
Being Mad At Someone And Them Having Bad Luck by Riicebunnyx
When I'm mad at someone 90% of the time they get bad luck. At first I didn't notice it but later on I started paying attention and I really couldn't believe it was real, I kept thinking it was a coincidence and it was Karma. Then I got a bit curious, I tried searching it up on google but I couldn't ...
I Feel Them, But What Are They? by runningfawn
When I was four or five years old, I was trapped inside a very large church restroom. The girl in there before me had turned out the lights. I wasn't afraid of the dark prior to that day, but the minute the lights went out, I felt wrong. Like I was being watched. By a lot of people that weren't aliv...
Future In The Clouds? by sugarsw33t
For a few months now I have been seeing the future, but not through cards, or palm reading, or those moments you get when you know what's going to happen, or dreams, although I do dream the future as well. I mostly see it through shapes the clouds make. Have you ever done cloud spotting? When you tr...
Psy Elements by Abaddon
I was just wondering if anyone could affect the elements of Fire or Electricity, because those seem to be the only two I can't get to listen to me. I can generate a "tornado" by forcing the air around me to accelerate and it's not strong but it keeps the mosquitoes away. I have gotten water to compr...
Lost Empath by LillyPod1
This is my first post so I hope I can get this right. About two years ago I learned that I am able to feel other people's emotions without them telling me about them (I have learned from this site yesterday this is called being empathic). These two years have been a real big learning experience and ...
Empath And A Psychic Medium by cheychey2
I think my first psychic experience was when I was 5 years old, I'm 17 now. Every night my Grandpa John, who died in 1981, 10 years before I was born, would come to me in my dreams, to play and talk and get to know me. They weren't just dreams though normally he would tell me to tell my mom, his dau...
Am I Psychic Or Is This Just Coincidence? by GeeGee--
My name is Geegee and I would like to know if I am psychic or if what I'm able to do is just coincidence. At night when I sleep I'm restless. It just happens and I usually can't sleep unless it's 2 or 3 am and I wake at 6, 7, or 8 o'clock in the morning. I cannot remember my dreams except a few glim...
A Telepathic Family In Texas by PixieRubicon
My family is a happy but a weird one, not in the sense that we've got two sets of parents or adopted children or are dysfunctional at all, but the fact that almost all of us have had strange, unexplainable experiences. My mother, first of all, has strange, prophetic dreams and sometimes will wake...
Green Force Emanating From Me? by melissaarie
It's a lot to read, but please help me. I'm at a loss of understanding many things. I've just realized how strange my life is. But it really is not strange because from this site I have learned that a lot of people have similar things happening with them. I don't know where to start, so I'm just go...
Extreme Headache After Dreaming by Unknowing
I'm 16 and for as long as I can remember I have always had dreams of things to come. I'm sorry if this all sounds like crap, but it's true. Okay, not every dream I have is of the future, but when one is, I know for sure. When I get those dreams, I feel as though it is really happening. Now I kno...
Small Psychic Experiences by DONDRE
Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night with a gasp of air and sit straight up if something is not right--like when my boyfriend took my car and got in an accident or the other night when my brother took my car and had not returned. I woke up yesterday and looked around. I went to the ladies roo...
Poor Little Girl by massiecallem666
Ever since I was six years old I would space out and have visions or I would dream something that happened to me or other people within the next two weeks. Last week I saw a figure. It was talking to me. I was in a cold dark room. There was a window but no light came out of it. The figure told me...
Am I Psychic? If So How Can I Use And Develop It? by jaay
I'm a 15 year old girl and over the last few months ever since my nan and grandad passed away I have been having more noticeable feelings. Ever since I can remember, I have always been afraid of being broken into and I would have pictures in my mind and also dreams about the issue. I would have ...
Just My Imagination? by Michiyo
Yesterday I was just being lazy and wandering around for no reason. There was really nothing to do but eat and be on the computer. I sat and wandered and ate and slept... And on and on and on...yes, I was bored out of my mind. Completely and totally bored. So I walked into the kitchen for the mil...
Making Bad Things Happen by Taurusgirl10
I'm not a bad kid. I want to grow up to help people and be a child psychiatrist and help children. I've never been bad. I'm very nice and friendly. But a couple of years ago, I made something happen to someone. It was back in second grade, when I just started getting my powers stronger. I got really...
Imagination by mkfromcyprus
I really don't know how to start off this story because I have so many of them. They are not major like a lot of the one publish but mines are definitely different. I have some crazy imagination, what ever I daydream may actually happen. Not all of the time but 80 percent of the time. Today I wa...
Estranged Grandmother by chibi_moon
I am now 19 years old. When I was 16 I had a very clear dream that myself and another woman (I assume it is my mom) were being chased by an older woman. She would tail us on the highway, park outside of our house, follow us through town, and chase us on rooftops. I never heard her speak in the dream...
Empathic And Sympathic Voices by RickyBobby
I've been hearing voices that I believe are related to empathy. Many times I only have to think of a person to start hearing their voice and how this person might be thinking or feeling about me. The voices have been historically almost entirely negative although they are positive sometimes especial...
Voice Before Sleeping by TinkerBell
My name is Ryleigh and I'm 15. I've always felt like I had some special ability but since last week I don't remember anything out of the ordinary happening. I usually guess things pretty easily but I don't think that has anything to do with Psychic, probably simple coincidences. To get to the poi...
My Cimmerian Side? by darkerlight
After exploring this site and reading the stories of others, I decided to share my own. Being a Virgo, I often struggle with the parallels of practicality and realism vs. Etymology of the supernatural. In other words... My story (and please be patient if reading, I'm not a journalist). Are people...
Astral Projection Or Something Else? by Galmordagan
This happened a few years ago. I had a weird experience when I was laying in bed just resting in a daze, my eyes open staring at the ceiling. I wasn't thinking about anything or dreaming or doing anything but just laying there and spacing out. I had the briefest sensation of going some wher...
Possible Psychic Ability by AngelSeeker
My name is Jessica, I'm 15 and I live in New Jersey. I had moved to New Jersey with my family in 2007 and that's when I noticed something oddly different about myself. It started with my younger brother Paul. He's a year younger than me and we're really close. Say we'd be talking about something and...
Remote Viewing Dreams by cookie145
I've started having vivid images in my head. I thought I have been going crazy. But then an image popped into my head. It was a little boy with a blue outfit on and a red base ball cap. He had black hair and blue eyes. I only pushed the thought aside until the next day, when I saw the same little bo...
Strange Psychic Happenings by Brittblood
I am a seventeen year old high school senior with a slightly dark past and a not too bright future. My entire life, from birth, I have been followed by demon like spirits which even my parents have seen. As a baby, when I would get upset, my crib would turn over, and things would fly around the room...
How Do I Know If I'm Psychic? by stella13
So I'm new to this site and not really sure how this works. I think that something is going on in my house or that I am psychic. Multiple times I have heard voices say my name, screams, and flickers of just random things. Its not like I'm looking at a picture, it's like something said a key word and...
My Home, My Son And Our Spirit? by MomWQuestions
So we just moved into our new home, which was built on what used to be an orange grove. After 6-8 months of being in our new home, my light in my room would turn on and off. My husband summed it up as a wiring problem or the batteries being dead in our remote. After the occurrence, I started to remo...
Psychic? Path To Healing? by 8shya8
When I was young, I was always drifting into my imagination. I was told stories, of all sorts of children in pain. Though I'm not entirely sure why I would want to listen to those stories, I find now I'm running into a lot of people with painful childhoods. It enabled me to accept those people's fla...
Dream Diving by LillyPod1
I experienced something that I have never experienced before, the other day. It started last week when I thought my abilities just stopped. I could not feel anyone like I normally did and my headaches even went away. I was very disturbed with this because it has never happened before and I thought m...
Somewhat Empathic And Can Sometimes Hear Voices by shelbygirl14
I'm starting to feel what other people feel. Like when I'm really focused on a person I can feel what their emotions are. I'm also starting to hear a voice. Like one time I went to get on the computer and I heard something whisper my name. I think it may have been my spirit guide. I'm starting to he...
Dreams Come True And 12:34 by ChrisW
I hope that this is taken seriously, most people don't believe me. I would like to know what it means to have dreams and then they would happen in real life. I would have a dream, for example, looking at a book in the bookstore with my girlfriend and it would come true. Sometimes within a week and u...
Orbs, Energy And Healing by sian
I have been developing at quite a fast rate recently. I have been able to feel energy in my hands from a young age and recently started to do healing with sometimes drastic results. I capture orbs on camera wherever I go and see things out of the corner of my eyes (once, a cat for some unknown reaso...
Psychic Person In Need Of Help by starblue
About a year or so ago, I developed the ability of empathy. I realized that when I use it, I could feel the emotions of others. When I do I can work out those feelings into thoughts, so I know what they're thinking. My empathic skills are still growing, but I don't feel as if they're strong enough, ...
I Hear Voices All The Time by Jfcrock39
When I was 9 I saw fairies, ghosts, and heard voices in my head like whispers. When I was 12 I saw a UFO pass over with bright colored lights which almost looked like a comet and ever since, it's been following me and now I am 39. Before my dad past away, I kept hearing a male person's voice say...
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