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Psychic Experiences in Category: Channeling / Guides: Page 5
Are These Spirits? How Do I Contact Spirit Guides? by wayve_natureFreak
I'd like to first say that this is my first submission, and while I've experienced paranormal and/or psychic things my entire life, I'm not very clear on technical names and definitions yet... Still learning:) I can sense spirits... Or at least I think that's what they are. I've had people tell ...
How Can I Find A Mentor And How Can I Develop These Gifts? by LadySlipper26
Before going into my own experiences, I wanted to give a bit of history about my family. I think that my brother, one of my sisters, and I have inherited some abilities from my father. My father has knack for being able to size an individual's personality really well after a very short acquainta...
The Ghost In Blue And Other Strange Occurrences by I_LOVE_HIM
The Ghost of Blue I've had many strange things happening to me my entire life. Ever since I was three or four. I'm fourteen now and nothing has changed except that everything's more common and stronger. Let me explain. When I was small I could see dead people. Just randomly. Wandering around t...
Clairaudience And Getting A Spirit To Leave by mishimishi
I started hearing knocks and raps right after my grandmother died. I was surprised at first to hear these knocks in response to my thoughts but got used to them after a while. I soon learned to recognize that there was more than one spirit involved and that some were more accurate than others. ...
Spirit Guides And World by Kahlyn
When I was six years old I dreamt that I left my body and started to wonder around the house as if I was awake. I remember at one time standing by bedroom watching myself sleeping; it was scary to see your own body asleep. These events in my dreams continue and progressed I would leave the house and...
Zone Out Note... Strange And Unexplained, Got Any Ideas? by natural_day_dreamer
Ill eventually put up a back story about myself, but for now I feel that I should post about this first, now. I tend to get feels about things, like a zap to my intuition, and so when I felt what I felt today I ran up to my room, grabbed the old paper, and came back down here. Sometimes ill have an ...
Rise From The Dead by Tetyana
Two years ago I went out with a guy for over two years who I dearly love and miss. We broke up due to me having to move away and I wasn't strong enough for a long distance relationship. A week after we parted he committed suicide and ever since I never forgave myself. A year later his mum and sister...
I Never Thought It Will Happened by eye24
something very weird happened. It scared the heck at me. And I felt drunk some of the time. And it was kind of funny at the same time. Before I tell you my story I have two gradient angle, and I don't know why in the world I have two and everyone I know has one. One of them who is always with me wea...
The Friend Who Saved Me From Despair And The Demons by MidnightBlueSwan
I'm normal well at least that was what I used to think. When I was about eight, I began to see these strange figures all over the place. I would tell my parents whenever I saw them, but they would just say there was nothing there. When I told my friends, they would just call me a freak. I have been ...
George Or Paul Or Henry, But Not Gerry by chemjanet
I have heard a voice for about 9 years. He once appeared as a small ghost and once as a pair of eyes on my patio which watched me for an hour. Twice I heard the same buzzing noise which was near a friend who I was confusing the voice with. Mostly now it is just a voice, who is warm and friendly and ...
Developing My Ability by Starlight22
So if you have read my other stories you'd know that I have a ability to sense energy of spirits, animals and people. (mostly spirits and people if the energy is strong) I can sometimes hear spirits, but I'm never sure if I'm just imagining it. I really need help on learning to see spirits. My a...
I'm Being Watched by Kerry88s
I'm 22 and I've had a few strange experiences in the last 5 years or so and recently they're becoming more daily ever since I had a specific dream. My grandad died with I was about 3 or 4 (I remember visiting him on the day he died to say goodbye to him, I remember it like it was yesterday) and m...
Spirit Guides And Indigo Child by ghostgirl3512
I had submitted my story a few days ago "Medium, Psychic, or Psycho" and received several interesting comments. One in particular took me by great surprise. The person said that I sounded like a "starseed" or someone from a completely different planet, that has been reincarnated into our Earth. T...
Medium Or Spiritual Answering Machine, Or A Bit Of Both? by KTalonMac
My name is Kit with the middle name Talon, so long or short of it is I guess you can call me Talon. I don't know if I need help or if I should ask for it, but other than my spirit guides and ancestors that are around me, guiding me and instructing me, I think I need guidance. My story isn't an ea...
Spirit Guides And Auras by Julia14
My name is Julia and I am 13 years old. I have known about my psychic abilities since the age of 12 and a lot has happened since then. My grandmother is also psychic, she told me about my guides and their names (an American Indian, my dad and a few more) I am having trouble with contacting my guides...
Questions Relating To Guardians And Such by simonshx
More questions. I hope I'm not seeming too needy: (, I just need a little help on improving my abilities to see and communicate with the Shadows (though this is not the correct term, this is what I call Spirits and Ghosts, the like). These questions are mainly related to connecting with my Guardian ...
Who Is My Spirit Guide? by Marina
If you are a professional, good psychic, I have a important request for you. Can you please find out who my spirit guide is? I have been having a lot of strange things happening lately. I have been seeing things in my mind, having visions of some sorts, and hearing voices in my head, dreams, etc. ...
Contacting Other Realms by rjlockhart
I've been thinking, there are other forces, and I know someone here must know something on spirits and how to... There is so much I want to learn about this subject because it's interesting knowing about different realities and other beings that are there. I wrote a note about Lucifer and I'm not in...
Spirit Guide Or Spirit? by Eleanor_Rigby
Last year I had this dream that's stuck with me for months now. In this dream I'm following this really tall, thin man in a top hat, with a black suit on, who honestly reminds me of Abraham Lincoln. It's night time and he stops with his back turned to me. Suddenly a portal (the best way that I can d...
My Winged Guardian by Musicismytherapy
I think I have an angel spirit guide, but here's a bit of background about me first- I am a 19 year old empath. I always know when someone is lying, I can tell when people are upset or sad even if they have a huge smile on their face, I get strong feelings from people, and sometimes I can see aur...
Wolves And Confusion by RandomSoldier
At a young age I've always been able to almost read people's minds and know their feelings and sometimes lessen their pain mentally. I had it rough growing up, you know the whole abusive dad crying mom trick, so dealing with those emotions all the time was pretty hectic. I had my second girlfriend a...
Can I See Spirits? by TwiGirlRara
I really want to be able to see and communicate with spirits. My question is, have I already? I see flashes of black or white, they look like shadows or almost smoke. I always see them out of the corner of my eye too. Here's an example. I've communicated with my Spirit Guide and a Spirit that ...
I Believe I Have Finally Contacted My Sprit Guide. Did I? by DareBear
I believe I have contacted my spirit guide. About a month or two ago I learned about Spirit Guides and honestly believed they were the coolest things on the planet. I would meditate, sleep more, anything to contact him or her. I believe I have. I had this dream a while ago so please, bare with m...
Reconnection by acadiannymph
A couple of months ago, my friend who is a medium introduced me to one of her friends. She is a medium as well, but she specializes in reconnection and healing. Eventually we got to know one another and she offered a free reconnection for me and my brother who is a pet psychic. I was kind of hesitan...
My Vision Stopped Me Getting Killed by NaomiNeverBelievedPsychic
Usually when I get visions it comes to me in a dream like state, or when I'm in deep meditation and then I see it or ever hear it. But I have never before had this sort of vision... I was walking down the street as usual, and all of a sudden I got the weird sensation through me, but I kept walkin...
Changes In My Abilities, Am Now With Questions by Kaly30
It's been a while since I've posted my last story. So much has happened since then. I believe I have heard my spirit helpers speak to me three times. The voices come from within and I heard them nice and clear. Now when I try to relax in the hopes that I can hear them again, I don't. I have been...
Spirit Guides by SarahSearches
I have been slowly realizing I am being followed by multiple spirits, I've tried contacting them through meditation and I get little feelings of who they are and why they are here. One is a little boy named Frankie, I think hes a son from a past life. And I've always been fairly empathic (Always att...
Don't Be Sad, Mommy by Miracles51031
Before I tell my story, I'd like to give you a little bit of background about my son. First I need to mention my daughter and son have different dads. I was 35 when I got pregnant with my son; after having lost 3 babies in less than a year. Dalton was my second, and last, miracle which explains my p...
Angelic Connection? by MisfitAngel
I have tried to research explanations for this on the internet countless times. I have not come across an answer yet. I decided to turn to this site to see if anyone can help me. It might be nothing. It might be my mind messing with me. Any input will open my mind up more to the matter. I love an...
Lucifer by rjlockhart
I've been doing some reading, and I'm a section reader which means that I read parts of books but get bored with, but I did come across two things that where of significance. There is a book called "I, Lucifer", which was published in 2002 by Glen Duncan. There is another book that talks ab...
My Experience With A Psychic by Cardell23
I'm from Baton Rouge, LA. When I was 18 years old, a friend of mine introduced me to man who would later become my mentor. We met through the phone, I don't know what he looks like, he doesn't know what I look like. He was from Baltimore, and he wanted to know about me I shared with him my life ...
Experiences With My Spirit Guide by vanillabean
I wanted to share a couple of experiences I had with a woman who I believe is my spirit guide. Most information comes to me in dreams BTW. The first one happened 10 years ago when I was in college. I was 19. At the time, I had just begun dating a guy named Steve, who was 23. Steve and I were fool...
Visions, Shadows, Azaroth, Energy, Empathy, Future Telling by Pandemonium_Xtasy
I can see energy, its all around. It is on every object. It takes all shapes and forms. Aura's are the most fascinating part. I want to better understand everything. I want to embrace it. I have been trying meditation. But - there is this energy, this presence that fallows me. I tried talking to it ...
I'm Blocked From My Spirit Guide by DareBear
I am in love with the idea of having a spirit guide, someone who is always there, your best friend, someone that will never leave you and that is always looking out for your best interest. I strongly believe that such beings exist and that their only purpose in their life beyond ours is to help us. ...
Questions About Guides And Gargoyles by CoyoteGirl
I used to use the Ouija board and talk to spirits. Then my guides started talking to me in my head. I have three guides as far as I know. One is my soul mate as he says and he came to me later through a stuffed animal I bought. His name is Jake. My other is a father from a past life, don't know his ...
An Ability, A Calling, Destiny, Or? by apollo
Since as far as I could remember I felt as if I had a larger purpose in life. This feeling has haunted me everyday since then. I feel as if I was meant for more in life then I am currently doing. I have this overwhelming feeling that I am being drawn to Vancouver B.C. For some reason and once I am t...
Spirit Guides: Can You Relate To This? by Liam
My name is Liam and I am a young Clairvoyant/medium. I have a number of other psychics online that have been helping me develop my abilities, and I have made a number of different connections with them, on similar experiences. Now there is one ability I have that allows me to change my eyes so th...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something Else? by aliciap1214
On December 28th, 2009 I had a biopsy of a thyroid nodule to rule out any chance of cancer (thank God it came back benign). Just about a week and a half ago (the first week of February 2010), I noticed that a small scar or bump had formed in the same spot as the biopsy. This didn't strike me as abno...
Night Terrors And Increasing Abilities by scaleblade
I guess I am a little worried. My abilities have so far been very slowly developing over about 5 or 6 years. It's been a pretty slow process until recently. Normally I am a little clairvoyant and clairsentient but am mostly clairkinetic (being able to feel/sense other-worldly beings like guides, ...
Shadow Guide? Possible Indigo? by sigma47
This has been a recurring thing for me, and has been going on and on for as long as I can remember. I see shadow people. Well, not so much people really, it's more like shadow PERSON. Everywhere I look I can find him in my line of sight. Most times I see from the torso up, or just the bust of him, a...
Contacting Guardian Angel by Mags
I have actually seen my guardian angel once when I was 16 (I'm 33 now) during a major car wreck. My first time driving by myself. It was raining and I slid off the road to avoid hitting someone that abruptly stopped in front of me. However I had an old car and I hydroplaned instead of going off the ...
Where Did My Guardian Go? by ihaverights2
I am new to this so bear with me. My family built a new house & I was the first one to stay the night in it (alone). I woke up to a dark figured man in the hall way outside my door. But he never left. I am 23 now and he has been with me ever since I was 13. My brother has even seen him walk down the...
Guides, Dreams And Little Girls by alex_
I need help with my Spirit Guide, and a weird dream I had. I have come to this site before in search of answers, and people are very helpful. Now I have more. Since I last posted about my Spirit Guide, I've heard her 3 times and have dreamed of her. The most clear communication we've ever had ...
Ouija Board, Car Crash, Spirits by matteaso
A friend of mine had purchased an ouija board this past Halloween, and I had been dying to try it. So one night after work I was going to meet him nearby, and we were going to drive to my sister's house, and do the ouija board there. It was a dark, wet, and extremely foggy night. I was driving down ...
Spirit Guides Telling Me Of The Future? by caymangirl38
It's been awhile since I posted some stories on this site. I have a question about Spirit guides or Angels. I was wondering if they could tell a person of their future and get them ready for it. My experiences began 3 years ago. I got interested in Angels and tried talking to them. I also began medi...
Is This A Guide? by broken_bleeding_angel
I consider myself a dream prophet, but I'm able to do many other things. Though lately I keep meeting up with this ferry-person I used to dream about when I was a kid. They have this totally cool ferry boat that I go on and we go through this waterfall of silver stars, that's like sand, in this cave...
A Demonic Guardian? by scaleblade
So I'm just going to be blunt and throw it out there. Is it possible for a person's spirit guide/guardian angel to be, well, not so angelic? I get an incredibly dark, powerful, and authoritative vibe from mine and when I asked for his name a few years back, it was demonic. But here's the thing- ...
Warning Of A Powerful Spirit Approaching by Annamarie
I have had spiritual experiences and seeing ghosts/demons from the age of 7 approximately. I was trying to fall asleep early as I had school the next morning as I am a 17 year old senior. My guardian angel (I assume) contacted me. They don't talk to me, the most they do is warn me about big thin...
Mysterious Helping Spirits by mh09
I am Native American, for centuries we believed, utilized, and relied on the assistance of the Spirit world, not only for our basic needs, but to gather information prophetically-"to predict something to happen in the future," i.e., tribes for centuries, before acquiring horses had medicine men who ...
Were The Angels Psychics? by Lasker
It may be a news to you, or not, but some psychics have a glowing disk around their heads. Not all do, though those that have their Crown Point open have a glowing energy globe surrounding the top of their head. In different cultures, various historical religious paintings depict this glow around th...
Too Much Of A Coincidence. Am I A Guardian Angel? by guardianangel85
I am unsure to whether my experiences are of a psychic nature, however, having been told by psychics themselves that I have the ability, I am beginning to think that maybe I do have these skills. As a young child I did see my cousin's ghost and my mum had a dream the day her sister died. I d...
A Demon Guardian? by Unknowing
Some time ago I noticed something wrong. I had a strange feeling every night in my room. I thought it might just be simple fear, since people fear the dark naturally, but it wasn't. Throughout each night I sat up and tried to focus and find out what was making me so unnerved. I took notice that ...
Strong Mind & Angels by julz23
I don't know if I got psychic talents but, I'm French and I don't talk so good English but I can write easy as I went to English class. I never feel like I can control my power but all I can say that my life is full of stress until I'm 17 since my grand father died and others problems. One day...
My Spirit Guide Is My Brother by blueangel777
I was 3 when it all started until I got to age 5 years old. I then became aware of this gift. (psychic ability) when I was 5 years old I had a spirit who was my friend (which many called him my imaginary friend) but I saw other spirits and dead love ones who were dead before I was born. As I got old...
Talkintg To Spirit Guides by SkyBird
My story is about how I think I can talk to my spirit guides. Sometimes I ask them questions. Like once I asked them, Should I learn Japanese? The reply was, 'Too hard'. Sometimes I try to ask them things, but there's always this person, when I close my eyes, who shoots me. When I asked them what i...
Visions From Spirit Guides And Guardian Angels? by xyzshelly
I have always been a believer in the unexplainable, whether it be God, psychics, ghosts, or aliens. Last summer, after stumbling upon books about near death experiences, I saw things so differently; a true love for mankind but a skip down the street. Life is a great kind of love. I became a t...
Possesed In 6th Grade by 3weird3
When I was in 6th grade my class and I went to Mrs. Bart's room and watched Herbie. As I was sitting against the wall, I felt my back starting to feel cold and numb. I told my best friend and my twin and they said I should go tell the teacher, but then I had an experience that I will NEVER forget! I...
The Serpent Gift by HelenaDet
I have been trying recently to contact my spirit guides and such (if you do not believe in them please do not express animosity toward my beliefs I respect yours please respect mine) and the last time I tried through meditation I came in contact with a messenger, that left me with some questions, an...
New Abilities And Talking To My Spirit Guide by DeaLetum
I was reading one of the articles and it had something like holding a string with a ring or something small at the end and if you ask it a question, I would move in a direction. And no, the person isn't moving it. I tried it and it worked! I had a ghost that told me a couple of things. I knew he was...
Clairsentient Gift Or Something I'm Missing? by phoenixboo
My husband has a spirit guide around him quite often and communicates with him regularly, so I have seen my fair share of strange things happening- eg lights on and off things flying across the room etc., but over the last 6 months I have been experiencing my husband's spirit touching me. He will st...
Experience With A Psychic by bubbaoh10
For school we were doing personal narratives, and I chose to write about when I saw a psychic. I figured if you're all bored this will amuse you. I have always been in awe with all the things the paranormal world had to offer. How a psychic could see the future, how a medium could communicate wit...
About Automatic Writing by Ouija4life
A few years ago, I believe three, I began studying automatic writing (via the internet). I studied this interesting subject for several months. My studies included: techniques, meditation, protection, beginning a session, ending a session and of course warnings. But back then there actually wasn't m...
Need Affirmation by mayher007
I have been told twice that I have some kind of "gift." The first person said that I had healing hands (I can't recall how long ago when I was told this). Until this day, I'm not sure what this means. My hands are as normal as can be and nothing magical comes out of it. The second time I was told...
Relation? by lorynbaby
I'm Loryn and I have been on this site for a while but I have some recent things I would like to talk about. Last year I found out that I am a medium, an empath, and slightly psychic. Once I figured this out I tried to start meditating. I can't quite seem to do it, it seems like there is something...
How Do You Contact Your Spirit Guide? by alyxpaige96
This isn't actually a psychic experience but as the title says I was wondering, how do you contact your spirit guide? I just tried to contact my spirit guide and I came up with nothing but the surrounding temperature did change. About a week ago I read some articles on this site (before I sig...
I Found My Guide by disturbed_soul
Everyone has someone special in their life. I'm not talking about a husband/wife or a child. I'm talking about everyone's protector, guidance, teacher, and family member. I went to my friend's house and we were talking to spirits and asking for guidance. She had found her someone, while I was still ...
Disorder OR Channeling? by MejinkGen
So this may be an unusual question for this site, as this is about my mom. Growing up, I have had many psychic experiences, and may post them later, however, this is not about that. I am now grown up and believe in many varied things, though I'm slowly trying to determine whether others are similarl...
What Is This Voice? by hulkgreen
I'm not one to sleep. I never get a good night sleep. I go to bed around 3 and 4 most nights, but for the past few months when I've tried to sleep, I hear this voice telling me to wake up. It's a woman's voice. It's strong and powerful but yet so sweet. One night I was drifting off after a long d...
God Whispers by smith
I have so much to say, I do not know where to start. I hear God telling me stuff all the time. It started at childhood. I am going to make my stories short. I do not want to lose my audience. My mom and my dad were fighting. My dad slammed his fist against the kitchen table and wished God would stri...
Spirit Guides And Dark Feelings by alex_
I'm Alex. I'm an Empath, a lucid dreamer and a beginning medium. I'm turning 17 in a few days and I'm a girl. Just so you can get a better picture. About a month ago was when I moved into my current home. Right around that time I was beginning to wonder about my psychic abilities, and whether I ...
Can You Have More Than One Spirit Guide? by RANDOO_CAMANDO
I have known I'm psychic now for about 6 months now. I have made contact with my spirit guides about six times. I am taking my new ability slow. Every time I have contacted them I always feel and see three spirits. Well I contacted my spirit guides and I got two names; Jarad, Samantha, and the third...
Guardians by BlindWind
There's really no good way to bring this up, so I'll just start. I need to know if anyone has ever heard of a group of beings called The Guardians? I know that there are a few of you on here, but I don't have the time, or the patience to find everyone. Some people aren't going to have the sl...
Opening Dimensions, Spirit Guide, And Pure Energy by XtjrX
After I stumbled upon the answer to the visual distortions I see all the time, I quite accidently opened a portal to another dimension. I was in the shower-meditating on the colors and patterns I see, when the black specks in the tv "static" I always see changed. From the edge of my peripheral visio...
Thrown Into The World by BlindWind
My name's Mariah and I'm 14. For as long as I can remember, I've been incredibly lucky. I'm partially blind, only able to see light, color, and blurry shapes out of the corners of my eyes, and in all honesty, I'm clumsy. Not as bad as I could be, but still, if I don't bang my arm or leg on something...
Fiery Messages by zephyrsong
this is my first time posting here, and I'm still a little freaked out by what happened so please excuse the coherence of my story. It all happened a few days ago when I was searching the net and I found this webpage. I found a story entitled warning which was about the 2012 dimensional shift. Wh...
My Winter Car Accident by isisevangeline
I was 19 when this happened to me. There are times I still can't believe that I'm not in a hospital unconscious or dead. I was in a hurry and it was near christmas time. There was no ice or snow. I've never driven in snow before. As I was getting ready to leave and pick up my mother from work, I was...
Dreams, Visions, Spirit Traveling by visiongurl95
Recently I have been having dreams about a mysterious boy. The first night I dreamed about him he was underneath a car, working on it. He slid out from underneath and looked up to smile at me. Then I woke up, with a very strong feeling that I needed to find him. I went for a while without having ...
Spirit Voice At Work Saving My Life by monks_habit
I have many spiritual experiences over my 50 odd years, hearing spirits moving around and seeing faces in the dark as a child, but one experience saved my life. When I was about 23 years old and working in the UK, while standing inside a large tire fitting machine that my firm had just built, and ...
Guides Or Mind? by 00270386
I've always been fascinated with the paranormal and have studied everything I could. Anyway, I'll tell the story rather then who I am. Lately, I've been more intuitive. My guides have been coming in very clear. It's like really strong clairaudience, but it's in my noodle not my ears. One of my gu...
Meditation To Meet Your Guides by academylin
I thought I would post this exercise as an aid for those of you out there who are struggling to understand the gifts you are discovering. When it all gets a little too confusing and you can recognize your talents and abilities but need to know how or why, then perhaps this may help. It is a very...
Developing Ability And Automatic Drawing by academylin
As I mentioned in my bio I am currently an invited member of a development circle. Initially, may I suggest that people reading this who have recently discovered that they posses a talent/ ability, should in the first instance locate their nearest similar organization and attempt to get a placement....
The Guardians by ConfuzzledOne
Recently, I had two near death experiences in about 3 weeks. After which without my realization until later something began basically guarding me, which is when I discovered that I had two angels guarding me everywhere I went. Soon enough they began speaking to me. Basically, they were almost like m...
Black Shadows And Possession by aznbubigurl
I have always had the feeling of being watched and something being around me or the sense of spirits around but I never much paid attention because I've been too scared. I was told I'm a sensitive and have the gift of a third eye by my grandfather said he closed it when I was a child and still livin...
Saving Jim by jandistar
My husband, Jim was a truck driver for many years. On his last run, he was hit by a brain aneurysm, which left him in a state of confusion and several strokes ensued shortly thereafter. It took him three day to drive 400 miles to get home. As you can well imagine, he was not himself for many years a...
Soul Group Work by constancy
Ever since I have become a psychic I have been teaching my two daughters about my psychic experiences, and they have understood the Information well, though they are not open to the psyche. I often channel both of their souls, and my daughters are fascinated by that. When I was studying at my fa...
Am I Losing It Or Having Some Kind Of Psychic Connection? by Kim
I'm a 39 year old female. I had a baby 6 months ago. I've always thought I'm a little psychic in that I can often know who is ringing when the phone rings prior to picking it up or I strongly sense others feelings around me. Just lately I've been seeing in my head either myself or a woman running...
The Conception Of Our Son Justin by anna1972
Ron and I had talked about it and decided it was Justin's Guardian Angel who had told us he was conceived. Because when we decorated his room we had 2 little touch lamps and either side of his crib. When we would go out of the room they would turn on to the low setting. Mind you this happened while ...
Guardian Angel? by luvwatersports
I was being pulled bye my brother's boat while tubing on a local lake. I fell off the tube into the water. I think I rolled on top of the water at least once. After I rolled I finished out the fall on my back. I could feel the water pushing my head up and down. It was hurting so badly and I noticed ...
Spirit Guides' Response And More by AOangels
Recently, as I continued to think about my deficit of Guide contact, Hales finally secured my decision (unknowingly) to try to make some sort of connection or contact with them. As far as I know, I have 4 Spirit Guides and 8 Guardian Angels (Angels I contacted and got one response, that's how I know...
Questioning My Channeling by whiteswan
I have been channeling for nearly 30 years and have been channeling my Mom for about a year and a half (she died 2 years ago). She told my son that his pet turtle would live until my son is a real old man (my son had asked her how long the turtle would live). The turtle died yesterday! My son is not...
Friends From The Other Side by robinsdime
I've had many strange experiences all my life. From the age I can remember I've had an older woman with me continually, and to this day. I believe her to be my great grandmother. In dreams she has told me of herself. I've only seen spirits a few times and heard them even less. Even my dog came last ...
Strange New Encounters by hales3
Recently I've been reading a lot of the stories posted on this site. Some old, some new, but they all are related or are about feeling something bad. I know some of you think it is because some of these people are just starting out, but I and a few others think it may be more. I was curious abou...
Psychic Or Something Else ? by joyous
I am just like any other ordinary girl. But its strange enough for me too that I have felt like there's somebody inside or around me something that wants to guide me through my life ad it's been from the past 2 and a half years. Whenever there is something about to happen in the near future I ju...
It's All Part Of The Plan by TimeTraveler
My life seemed to be going as I had planned. I was a junior in college, had a job, a car and a girlfriend. I thought I had it all figured out. That was the summer of 1986. Then one morning, just before I woke up, I heard a voice say as clear as a bell "In 6 months you will get a girl pregnant, drop ...
I Experienced A Connection With A Past Loved One by kaetyemae
My best friend died suddenly at the age of forty. Before she died, I had a sudden urgency to telephone her. I advised her I didn't like the sound of her cough, and she sloughed it off. That night, she was admitted to the hospital. She died 2 weeks later. I did not know that she was even in the hospi...
Clairaudience and Guides by MDE
I receive messages through clairaudience on a regular basis and it started happening a few years ago. Things get whispered to me. Its interesting, but can sometimes be a little overwhelming. The messages come while I have been meditating for a while rather than right away. And sometimes I get messag...
My Spirit Guide by MysticMaria
I read about Spirit Guides from the paranormal books and some articles on the web and I would say, I'm really interested to meet my guide. Not knowing, I already had it since before but because of the experiences I had, then only recently I realized I have one. One of my vacations in my home coun...
Meeting my Silent Guardian by MerrisHawk
I was sleeping soundly one night almost eight years ago, in 1999, when something woke me. I opened my eyes, checked the clock, 4:21, and lay there, trying to discern what had happened, the neighbor's dog, a car door, a kid in the bathroom? I wasn't living in the best neighborhood at the time, if som...
Assassination of JFK 2 by CVT6702
Since Part 1 was written I have been discussing this story with the Guides in the Spirit World as to how we should proceed. President John F. Kennedy first met Judith Campbell in Vegas when he went there looking for a connection to the mob so he could have Marilyn Monroe killed who was threatening h...
The Story of Missing Teamster Jimmy Hoffa by CVT6702
After I learned I could gather information as a Psychic Detective I decided I would meditate on the case of Missing Teamster Jimmy Hoffa. Over the years much has been written about what happened to former Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa, but the body has never been found and no one has ever been arre...
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