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Psychic Experiences from Michigan, United States: Page 1
Spirtual Journey by lexiiboo1111111111
God Listens by finkrat
A few years ago it was very wintry and it was snowing very hard. I was worried about my son driving on the freeway. I prayed to God that he would be safe. Later that day his car was totaled on the freeway. He was taken to the hospital and amazingly there were no injuries. The doctor looked at my son...
Dream - Reality by Dreamer0863
I have for the longest time had dreams about people I am close to passing away. This is troubling to me as people do pass away. My nephew 2 years old died from a fire. You see before he was born, I began dreaming about a farmhouse and a child's ball rolling down some stairs and then a door to those...
Am I Losing Control Of My Powers, Or Just Anxious? by insertgenericusername
About 6-7 months ago my powers (only one, which I've identified as telekinesis) developed, and since then I've come to accept that not everything can be explained by science. For a while I was trying to get rid of them, but I turned myself around when I realized there was no chance of that happening...
Help Keeping My Powers At Bay? by insertgenericusername
Recently, I posted to this website. I was skeptical and didn't believe that "abilities" existed, but I've since come to acknowledge that they obviously do. This brings me to my main question- how can I stop myself from using them? Over the past month I've gotten better at using them when calm, an...
Possible Demon... Any Suggestions? by Gibby1547
I've always been somewhat sensitive to spirits, and I've always been really good at reading people and whatnot. I'm coming to the conclusion that I may be psychic or something... Anyway I have what I believe is a demon following me and my family. My mom and I used to go "ghost hunting" a lot and we ...
I Think I Met My Spirit Guide by Sei
I was sitting on this beach I went to years ago in north Carolina, just watching the waves and the stars. Someone sat next to me and I turned to look and it was freddie mercury. He didn't say anything, just stared up into the sky. I looked up at the sky and it was moving like the waves, all these pu...
When Dreams Become Reality by Cyndifeels
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I realize this is not a dream interpritation site however, real life events seem to occure after vivid dreams. I am sharing 2 incidences: First please keep in mind that I am a twin. Second please keep in mind that I am a cancer patient. 1) ...
3 Predictions Of Loss by uhrxd
All three of these short stories happened within the last decade of my life but they have always been very confusing and questionable for me, and they are the 3 times I had accurately predicted deaths in my family with little to no expectation to them actually happening. If that makes any sense. ...
Irrational Fear Or Premonition? by idk853
Please answer this question, I am literally freaking out right now. I have struggled with anxiety and OCD all my life. About 3 weeks ago, I was watching a YouTube video, and when it got to the time, "6:22," a Snapchat notification popped up. At the time I was 14 years old (my birthday is April 27...
The Oldest Tree by Anapo
I have had a very full life full of experiences and jobs and life and family and and and... I got sick. Very sick. I had operations upon operation. I was in pain. I was drugged. I was infected, addicted, and lost. I said I quit. I tried to take my life, multitudes of times. I was lost and had given ...
Dream Walker by MrRiggs
It was, as I recall, the Christmas when I was 6. Among my gifts under the wonderfully scented Christmas tree was a child's bow and arrow set. I could not have been more pleased. Wild with joy, I soon became a pest with the arrows. Shooting my napping grandfather on the top of his balding head was th...
The Dead Man Who Walked by MrRiggs
Most people would call me an old man, though I don't feel that way at all. At 70 most of my life is behind me, leaving me with many memories. I remember my very psychic and spiritual mother, and many of my psychic experiences. One story comes to mind rather often. I saw a dead man walking a high ...
Dreams In Meditation? by PandaJane
I was in the bath while meditating. (Probably not very smart I know, but with two toddlers this is the only quiet time I get.) Suddenly I saw a big beautiful forest with tall trees and a bright blue sky. The sun was brightly shining down over a beautiful large river with Crystal clear water and perf...
Something Dark Has Made Itself Known by ShiftingSerpent
Alright, I should start off with saying I am very new to all of this. I am trying as hard as I can to learn as much as I can as fast as I can, although I can't seem to find help or any decent websites. That being said, I hope this website is as legitimate as it seems. I went through a lot this pas...
Cursed To Be Alone And Strange by gothicowls
I have been through a lot. My entire family has really. I know lots of others deal with a great deal as well, but sometimes I feel like I am cursed. Looking back I was always different. I think I might have some psychic or clairvoyant abilities. I might have even been around in a past life. For s...
How Do I Know Things That I Never Learned? by Sinnedahtram
I need an answer. I am a seventeen-year-old who is very confused at the moment about some thoughts that have been occurring in my mind. I definitely believe in psychic powers. Just from reading this article I can relate to knowing who is calling on the phone before I pick it up, very frequently h...
Finally Free by DragonHeart
This story starts a long time ago. I lived in Ohio as a child growing up. It wasn't until later on in life that I remembered the first manifestation of my abilities. It was in 4th grade and I had a nasty migraine headache. I wanted it to go away so badly I envisioned a beam of green light from my fo...
Do I Possess Psychic Gifts? ❤ by TheSpiritsAroundMe
This is my first post.:) I figure it would be easier to tell you a bit about myself first, I'm not going to go like full out in detail- just some things that might be helpful for you to help me out.:) As a kid I grew up as a Lutheran Christian, and I stuck with that for nearly all of my life...
Futuresight? by SkittyKittyCat12
Story I My 'foresights' only occur during the daytime, when i'm awake. The first time I remember it happening was when I was... About six or seven. My grandparents from South Carolina came to visit us, and our grandpa had brought along a super cool inflatable remote control shark. When I asked ...
I Don't Belong Here by Ajr102
I don't feel like a human being. I never have once in my entire life, and I barely have the words to explain what all this means because its just an indescribable feeling. Mix being constantly left out with the need to fulfill an undefined purpose. I don't understand why people do what they do. I'm ...
Where Do I Fit? by Mise
I feel that I have some clairvoyant events. What I mean is that I know some things. I'm good at reading people. I don't think I'm an empath, because I block people. I was always shy as a child. I don't attract people, possibly because I see deeper -I'm reading them! But I know things about them when...
Waking Premonition by Cherryeyes
I'd like to share a recent experience I had while awake. Last week while sitting in my bed I had the strangest most disturbing feeling that came over me. The feeling was death and sent chills all over me. I had a strong feeling of murders of a family inside their house. I don't know why I had this f...
Her by Thewolf500
On April 7 every year the power at school goes out. They told us it was just old wiring but the year 1997 on the playground stuck out. 3 other people have said to be able to talk and feel her with them. So my BFF (one of the 3) and I looked around the school and found mold that grows were blood was ...
The Reality Check by MzWhitney
Alright. Well let me tell you what's been going on. When I was 13 I went into this abandoned house with some friends but they were too scared to go in, so I did. In the back of the house was this long hallway. At the end was this door that was boarded up and had caution tape on it. When I opened the...
Telepathically Receiving My Mothers Thoughts/sentenses by Lilyhorn
The past 2 in a half years I have & am becoming more spiritually awakened every single day. Each day I receive some type of message or sign from the universe or God. Usually the Law of Attraction is the most common & easiest gift to receive. It was one of the first things I began to understand and r...
A Clair by Lilyhorn
Short and simple. I am a very intuitive psychic who has had strong abilities since I was born. It wasn't until my 12th grade in high school, when I started to realize how powerful my abilities are. I was driving to class and when I was approaching a street light that was green and I had a genera...
Watching Me by NekoQueen49
If this doesn't pertain to this site, feel free to take it down because what I want is answers, not to share a story that I know is true. I quite well might be imagining things, I might have an over active imagination or I might be sick in the head. I'm willing to accept any explanation. But it star...
The Day He Came by Leea89
I have many different types of gifts so I am trying to learn how to control them. So I was doing a lot of practice and meditation because they said it helps. I felt like I was in a good place until one night around 3 am I was sitting watching tv and I felt a breeze then a woman's voice whispered to ...
So I Have An Attachment. A Little Help? by Wren
Ever since I can remember I've always been sensitive to supernatural entities and situations. My family has a history of this as well but they just ignore it (except my father). Anyway, It's come to my attention that I have an attachment (good evil I have no idea that's why I came here). I've seen i...
Spirit Attaching To Me At A Vulnerable Time? by Elaine121795
To start off, I've always been keen to my senses. Since I was younger, I've always heard stories from my mother or my grandmother of weird, unexplainable things that happened at my old house. My grandmother passed away when I was 12, (I'm now 19). I stayed with my grandfather until recently, he pass...
Energy Work, Sensitivity, And Clairvoyance by andriel131
My name is Andrew and I am 18 years old. Here is a background check of me and my current abilities. When I was three I used to have night terrors, pretty much daily. One day, they just vanished. Never happened again. About three months later I find a photo of my grandfather (who died the day I was ...
God's Gift To Me by SassyRed
I am a 34 year old woman and all my life I have felt like there has been something different about me. The very first funeral that I ever attended was my own Mothers. I was 9 years old and my mother was just a young 37 years of age. This experience and part of my life has been very traumatizing to m...
Angel Or Cloud by Carrie1
When I was about 7 or 8 I was riding my bike as fast as my little legs could peddle, right before I came to the corner I hit this cold patch of air and I was going in slow motion, I could actually see my legs moving slow, when I looked up I saw this black car in front of me coming to a stop at the s...
Am I Gifted Or Insane? by maryhan
I am a 19 year old, and have begun to experience some things other people can't relate to. I can feel spirits around me, but can only communicate to a few. I know which spirit is in my room, and its usually my grandpa or great grandma. I know its them because grandpa goes over to this christmas t...
I Can Feel People's Emotions, Energies, Etc by lameyamy7
I've always believed that I have some sort of psychic ability, even from an early age. If I'm a a room of people, I can sense almost every ones emotions. Each emotion gives me a different feeling, not only will I feel what they are feeling, but it's almost like a change in air thickness. (Best way I...
I Am Confused by Elanandria
About a year ago during the summer I decided to grow a deep relationship with God and spirituality, I began listening as well as slowing down the pace of my life in order to try and make some sort of connection wether it was with my guardian angel or spirits. My first experience was with an angel w...
Confused About My First Paranormal Experience by GraceLohker
I don't want to post this on the wrong site, but seeing as I have no clue what kind of experience this is I don't have many options. I haven't had any blatant experiences with ghosts or angels or any other being. This is the only incident and, without anything else to compare it to, I'm in the dark ...
Celebrity Death Prediction by GraceLohker
I don't really feel comfortable saying whose death I predicted though some of you could most likely infer it. (In fact, I happen to believe that some of you probably predicted it as well simply because of how strongly and widely he impacted us all in his death.) Still, out of respect I will be keepi...
Watch Your Words by jessiebraden
It was April 1st, 2002. I had called my friend that morning as I usually did. In the middle, of our conversation, I realized it was April fools day. I decided to play a joke on her (which was crass I do admit). I told her our other friend had just called me, and said her car had been rear ended and ...
Death Predictions Are Not Something To Feel Guilty About by GraceLohker
I'd had an awareness of my claircognizance, but it had never been about anything that important. Where people would be and when. But last year my brother and I were in a school play, and our Great Aunt and Great Uncle were coming to visit. They live across the state so we don't often see them. Desp...
When It Was Happening by Jedidessy
I am 18, I have been having these psychic abilities where I know what people are going to say before they say it. I have been able to tell the future and that was in 8th grade I knew that when I would be 16 a freshman I would get pregnant and have a miscarriage then it happened. I can tell when some...
I Can't Control What I Know by ECLP
I don't know what to call my gifts. Whether or not they are gifts or coincidence is up to the true psychics that read this. I'll start from my family. During the 40's or 50's my family blood line was severed at birth. The great san francisco earthquake has struck only leaving my grandfather alive wh...
Could These Spiritual Visions Mean Something Much Bigger? by Ledzeppgal
My name is Anna. I'm 18 and a Libra. Ive recently been working on opening my third eye back up after keeping it closed for years because of fear of my psychic abilities. I see now that I have been truly gifted and I want to embrace this gift as much as I can. These past few months I've been expiri...
Future Or Just Random? by maddy246
I have read many things about dreams, they can be telling you something or just random. I usually have consist dreams. This one was different. My usual dreams usually involve me in a nearby harbor with a bridge that I have a fear of. I know dreams hold meaning to them subconsciously. I have had drea...
Psychic Or Lots Of Coincidences? by shbentley
For a while now, I've been predicting,--well, no, coincidentally thinking about, things before they happen. I don't know if I'm psychic or if these things are just coincidences. Please give me your opinions. I'm not looking for attention or anything, I just want to know what you think. Today, in ...
There Is Ghost In My Life by vhoff38
[IT] all started when I was 4 or 5 years old. (me) my mom, and dad was walking dawn the sidewalk to go into a store and I seen a man sitting on some steps-so I waved at him and my mom said to me who are you waving at so I told them and my mom said your seeing thing and I told her no mom their is a o...
Dark Figure With Physical Contact by _Asher_
I awoke with a dark figure sitting on top of me, around my waist line (I could feel it on top of me). It just stared at me. I pretended to not be awake and tried to control my fast heartbeat. The weird thing is, I could move. I wasn't undergoing sleep paralysis. I could tell it was no person since t...
Am I An Empath? by kaimonora
Over the years I've been feeling certain things around people that alter my mood, when someone is upset and I can't see it on there face but I can feel it as soon as I walk in the room. If someone is overwhelmed I can't even focus because I feel it even if there showing no signs of it, if I'm talkin...
Harrased And Haunted by kaimonora
When I was a teenager I had an experience with what I'd call a dark spirit. It started when I was hanging with friends, We would always walk around at night and go wherever, maybe this led to my events I don't know. I was walking by a stairway when something lunged at me it was like a glowing wh...
Hydrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Aerokinesis And Telekinesis by MariDG19
I have been practicing my abilities for about maybe a month or more, and I have so far been doing Hydrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Aerokinesis and Telekinesis. My Aerokinesis and Telekinesis are the best, Aerokinesis came naturally to me by just thinking of the wind moving and it does, Telekinesis I've ...
Any Thoughts? by shanny
A few days ago I had yet again had another watch battery die on me within a few months. I mentioned it to two friends at work and they both said "maybe your body drains them", this made me think. Everytime I get a new cell phone or new cell battery its only a matter of a few weeks before I'm having ...
Experiences Of A Psychic by MariDG19
Here are some more of my psychic experiences, if you know how to help me get stronger or have any tips, please comment. A few days ago I was outside playing basketball with my brother and then he took the ball, so I got pretty angry and then it got Super windy around me. I found out that if I ...
Strange Things Happen, Can You Help by MariDG19
Strange things happen like, when I was younger, I came out of the bathroom and I like knew someone was going to come out of the room next to me, and my mom came out! A few days ago I tried to move a ball and the wind picked up and moved it! That has happened over the past few days with different...
Unsure Of Haunting by Kjwille
I have had a recurring nightmare /dream since I can remember. It has now changed since I have aged, but still has the same theme. I'm in a large home (mansion) sometimes it is an all wood home, sometimes it is a Victorian home;all the way to a modern home. The furniture sometimes is covered with dus...
Twin Flame Or Other Bond by White-Gabrielle
I had no idea what a twin flame was until recently, and I think I may have found mine. This past Halloween, I went to a college house party and had no intention of meeting any significant males (after all, I would never consider a relationship with someone I met at a dirty college party). But when I...
Shadow People And Gold Figure by Adman
I work in an elementary school as a janitor, I'm there for most of the night alone. One night I was working in the gym and noticed these pitch black shadows walking across the doorway, I shrugged it off as part of my imagination I didn't really pay any mind to them until I got this feeling of pure d...
A Psychic Journey by sisteronyx
I was about nine (9) or ten (10) years old when I felt a sense of being watched. It was constant and all the time. By the time I was eighteen (18) I knew I was psychic. Why? Because after my great-grandmother passed away she constantly came to see me. I could always feel her presence. Hear her, feel...
Interesting Sleep Experience by rachellauren8
Last night I had a pretty disturbing dream. The context of the dream came up in my day today (although I won't go into detail about how). The context just came up with something my friend was joking about, but everything he was saying correlated to my dream. The dream was that I was riding on a b...
Am I Seeing Energy? by rachellauren8
I do not necessarily have the ability to see auras, but I have seen a few by accident. When I was in high school, I would zone out like every other student. It was early, and I was not really interested in learning about marketing. My teacher was up at her podium lecturing the class, and there ...
Seeing Animal Spirits And Feeling Spirits? by rachellauren8
My name is Rachel, and I am 18 years old. Within this past year, I have been dealing with an influx of "odd" experiences, so to speak. Sometimes I feel very strongly about situations or people for no reason. In better terms, sometimes I have an odd sense as to when someone or some situation may lead...
Muses, Imagination, Premonition, Or Untapped Link? by B4Freya
I wonder sometimes if I have a connection to the spirit realm that my brain just doesn't want to recognize. I neither sense nor see things, but I have had experiences that suggest the spirit realm might be trying to find a way in. First of all, I not only grew up in a haunted house, I was conceiv...
Precognition Getting Out Of Control, I Want To Be Normal by touchstone
It is sad to say that I find myself at a breaking point. I guess a story should start at the beginning; even though mine never does. Like most others I began to get my "curse" (as I call it) at puberty. I would seizure during sleep and see through the eyes of people that I had some profound connecti...
Would Like Training by sigmadeadbolt
Helllloooo to all the fellow psychics out there! I have been a member of this site for quite awhile, though I haven't been active recently, I am going to try to fix that. Anyhow, I would like some training. So I am not the greatest with psychic abilities. And they have been weaker recently (Probabl...
A Boy My Heart Knows Yet Mind Does Not by OldWiseOne
I will first tell you of my dream that has a bit to do with my whole psychic experience. Dream: Preparing for very hard times, I travel to a close by city to get some food for my family. A boy saves me, at first he is dressed like an officer in an army then he helps to hide me from his leader. K...
What's Your Take On This? Psychic? by caitlinmarie
I am 17 years old and recently have felt as if I'm almost being pulled or called towards magic and psychic. Uh stuff I guess? I'm not sure what the word would be. I'm not sure what any of your beliefs are. But when I was 9 years old I started checking out books at the library on Wicca, and felt like...
Troubles Communicating With Spirit Guides by foreverdreaming
For probably about three months or so I have been actively trying to contact my spirit guides through meditation. I call out to them asking to communicate but I never really get any responses. I usually fall asleep during my meditation and wake up frustrated. Then I recently read about using pendulu...
Can Someone Explain To Me How To Get My Gift Back by halflightened
As a child I could see and speak to spirits but with no one to explain to me that they are not at all harmful and need our help I shut it down from complete terror. I have sense only retained my empathic side but it feels like I have a hole in me that can not be filled by anything. I "KNOW" deep d...
The Georgia Guidestones And Your Thoughts About Them by sigmadeadbolt
The Georgia guidestones are a set of stones on farmland in Georgia, featuring multiple common languages of the Earth on it, as well as some lost languages that NOBODY in the world today knows how to speak, suck as Sanskrit. The thing is, its not like its some super-old tablet or anything, it started...
I Think I'm Psychic. Can You Help Confirm My Suspicion? by CuriousDreamer
I have premonition dreams, I'm really good at remote viewing, and sometimes I see things at the corner of my eye that isn't there. I've had many dreams come true. Sometimes I'll see flashes of extremely scary images when I close my eyes. Sometimes I know what people will say before they say them. On...
What Am I? Who Am I? What Am I Capable Of? by deviant_intellect
One night I had a dream that a house was burning. I saw all of these flames and I felt scared. I remembered when I woke up out of the dream, I felt really hot and I was sweating. The whole day I felt off. People at school asked me what's wrong but I could't exactly tell them. I've had a lot of in...
Is This An Awakening Or Am I Developing Abilities? by bringbacksunday5
My names Amanda and I'm 22 years old. I would say for most of my life I had this overwhelming feeling of not belonging. I felt like I saw the world completely different than most people. I would feel emotions way more intensely than most. About a month ago something strange started happening to me. ...
Freaking Out Over Spirit Troubles With Girlfriend by Kankingb
I am 17 right now and I am a full believer and ghosts and have a very open mind when it comes to this sort of thing. My girlfriend is 15 or 16 right now and she has multiple abilities. She is a Wiccan and with the ability to see, hear, and talk to spirits, she also has an ability to actually hear co...
I Can Feel Spirits But I Can't See Them by Mexicoh990
My name is Hailey and I just found out about my ability about one year ago. I am 14 years old and I need some advice. My friend Can see and speak to spirits. I can feel when they are in the room, and when they have crossed my aura but I can not see or speak to them. All I know is if they are good or...
Psychic Connection To Boston Suspect by White-Gabrielle
I have experienced what I consider to be the strangest feeling I've ever felt this past week. It has been difficult and stressful and I finally have had enough. I have had clairvoyant premonitions, telepathic communication, and signs of an empathy, but nothing has ever been as strong as this. Afte...
Spirit In The House by OldWiseOne
My name is Evan and I am a fifteen year old girl from Michigan. All I really wish to accomplish by writing this is to document all the things that have happened to me since I was born and ask why these things may be happening to me. Starting off I do not abuse or use any kind of drugs and am not men...
Mother-daughter Experiences by SpacePanda
I first wanted to start off this 'story' by saying that this has been going on for a while, maybe even a year or more. My mother and I have these weird occurrences lately, and us being clueless, we're not sure if it's of a psychic nature or not. I don't believe that it's a coincidence only because ...
Psychic Vampire And Also Telekinesis? by sigmadeadbolt
To start out I recently had my cousin over, we are both developing psychics, and one day while he was here I grabbed his arm, the result of what happened shocked me, I started absorbing his energy. It was almost like a drug (Not that I would know), releasing dopamine into my body. He didn't seem to ...
What Am I? What Is My Mom Hiding From Me? by TheQuestioner
What am I missing from this equation? I'm a Black Foot Indian, had two prediction dreams, (one I think was one), and I get tingles. My mother had told me all about us having abilities. Seeing the dead, talking to the dead, prediction dreams, the whole shaz. Nobody in my family knows how to use...
What Am I? Empathy? Future Seer? This Is Confusing by TheQuestioner
What am I missing from this equation? I'm a Black Foot Indian, had two prediction dreams, (one I think was one), and I get tingles. My mother had told me all about us having abilities. Seeing the dead, talking to the dead, prediction dreams, the whole shaz. Nobody in my family knows how to use th...
A Collection Of A Teen Psychics Stories by sigmadeadbolt
My name is Caleb, I am 14 years old, I am a developing psychic (mostly empath atm), and I am starting a psychic group (For now, via the internet) I am looking for all the psychics I can find, and I want to possibly start a psychic boarding school to train psychics when I am older. Now to my story...
My Experiences And Abilities by sigmadeadbolt
A couple years ago I had a dream that I was watching a commercial for a TV show (That hadn't even been announced yet), and a year later I saw that same commercial on TV I think I have a telepathic connection with someone or a spirit, I hear voices in my head, but I can't make out what they're say...
Astral Projection - My Experimental Method by fossilera
A little while ago, I was starting to get the hang of astral projection. I had read all the basics (Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, Robert Bruce, AnneV, and others), and began working on my techniques. My first technique that I used was what I dubbed the "Hemi-Sync" technique (basically, listen t...
Am I Being Visited Or Am I Crazy by samanthass
I have done tarot cards for fun for over 20yrs now. I have memories of seeing spirits as a child but I have not seen them as an adult. I have not told anyone about this, but I feel like spirits come to me. My husband is not a believer. He was in a fatal car accident when he was 16, his best friend d...
Why Was I Chosen For This Destiny? by pureofheart33
Here I go, my name is Jacob Davis. I feel as though I have had the power to feel energy and beings around me from the moment I was born. When I was only a baby around the age of one, three men broke into the house while it was just my mother and I asleep on the couch. I remember three large dark fig...
Subconscius Reenactment by tsubasa_tenshi
I am a teenage girl and I've had paranormal/psychic experiences since I was a child. Back then, these experiences never alarmed me, even when I found out that the house I used to live in was haunted by a male ghost. Of course, as an eight years-old child during the time, I was pretty freaked out, bu...
Young And Confused by Kfollo
Let me start by saying that I'm a 14 year old male. Ever since I was a child I can remember the "voices" as I called them. They didn't happen often but at least 1 or two times per week. I could her people call out my name and sometimes even now still do. When I was about 4 or 5 years old I dreaded g...
6th Sense by bloodmoon1987
Odd things had happened to make me believe everything happens for a reason. For instance knowing my Grandfather was going to pass away because my aunt received a phone call. I have trouble sleeping at night always had and I just said I don't think grandpas going to make it and went back to sleep...
Walking The Line Between Useful Skills And Useless by Suzune
When I was in college, use to read tarot cards. I was actually quite good at it. However, I began to fear my ability to read them and cast the skill away. Over time though, I missed the control I had. It has been several years since I have used them. This leads to the heart of my story. I do n...
Are We Telepathic? by aurawolf
So anyway, In seventh grade, this new girl from Russia came into our school. I remember my band teacher introducing her to the whole class but no one really cared other than saying just the kind hello. I wanted to walk over and introduce myself but I didn't want to disrupt the class. I felt as if I ...
Not Sure If I'm Considered Psychic by em2598
According to my mom when I was little I would sit in my room with the door shut and would play with my great-grandma I had never met because she died before I was born. I can feel when their is more than just one energy in a room especially if I'm alone, I can automatically sense/feel it. Most of th...
My Experiences Obtained Over The Years by mrsjaberry
My name is Christina Berry and I guess I am what people would describe as an empath. I have no idea whatsoever if I have any psychic abilities at all. But in addition, I feel the emotions of others in objects. I don't like to pass by funeral homes when someone has just died because I feel a great ou...
Unintentional Obe And Other by ForestFaerie
I've recently become more interested in learning about psychic experiences that I've had and how to learn from those to further any potential ability I may have. Some curiosity lies in Out-Of-Body Experiences. I remember distinctly having an OBE only a couple of years ago, while having a big fight w...
Seeing Sparks And Energy? by fuzzydragon
I'll begin by informing that I'm currently undergoing the "Brain Rewiring" process, so as to help better interpret this story. I began to see sparks shortly after a sports injury, in which I hyper-extended my knee joint, and was in a state of shock for several hours. Not a severe, can't-comprehend...
Is There A Reason We Are Connected? by jusmee
I'm wondering if there is a reason for my connection to my ex boyfriend. We have always had a psychic bond, I see us being corded sometimes, know when he's thinking of me, see certain things he's doing. I have many odd things that happen involving him, like maybe someone is trying to tell me somethi...
Speaking Stones by fuzzydragon
A few months ago, I began to notice that I had a strange pull towards stones. There really wasn't anything that was alike between the stones that fascinated me. Except for the buzz that each emanated, bringing images into my mind. I began to collect the stones that called to me the loudest, then si...
Do I Have Clairaudience? by mythinkingbox
Ever since I was little, I had ear problems. In 5th grade, I had ear surgery. When I was in 8th grade, I had a check-up on my ears. The doctors told me that I might hear some noises, like a train passing by and that it was normal, but that's not what happened. Some time after, I kept on hearing voic...
Aunt Talking? by VlorOfCourse
I'm Austin, and I have been experiencing spirits since I was young; but in the last year everything's became odd. I have seen a couple ghosties. Very very scary. When I was younger, but this year everything has changed. Heres what I can do: If I'm fully relaxed then I have clairaudience, I can do ...
Memories And A Friend From The Past by fuzzydragon
Recently, I have been seeing a young Chinese or Korean man in my dreams. (Let's call him 'Chen') Shortly after my second dream of him, a friend of mine told me that she had a vision of a young Asian man, and when I showed her a picture of the young man from my dreams, she confirmed that she had seen...
A Forgotten Friend by aurawolf
So recently, I've been trying to get in deeper states of meditation and learn to communicate with a lot of other spirits and get help from many of them and even met my spirit guide. So in a recent meditation, my spirit guide, Dyn, a sleek tiger has been training me to go on a long journey to find my...
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