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Psychic Experiences in Category: Channeling / Guides: Page 3
Random Man Spirit Guide? by meskill_06
I went to work today only to find out I was not supposed to be there. So I stood outside smoking and this random man just stopped and said, your aura is extremely bright he said you're glowing. Then he said you have an extremely good heart and you are to kind sometimes then he told me if I'm plannin...
My Will Is My Guide by PsyBlade11
Greetings everyone, happy spring! It has been a very long time since I have posted a story, to those who want more insight on anything else you wish to know about myself and my gifts, please feel free to get in contact with me, and now without further adieu, allow me to begin. I have been trying...
My Spirit Guide Or A Ghost? by Psy-Med
When I was 4 my family lived in a two story house. My father was an alcoholic. I decided to sleep upstairs on this particular winter night. No one was ever willing to sleep upstairs but me. After I had fallen asleep, I vaguely heard my father come home very late and stumbling about as usual in his d...
Help Contacting My Spirit Guides by KitKatGurl
As of recent I have tried contacting my spirit guide (s), it's not because of impatience, but rather, the inability to block out noises. I was wondering is there a specific way or place I should be meditating? I've tried in my room twice already, but it has no door. So the noises from my house and f...
Psychic Since Childhood, Looking For Mentor by fairybutterfly
I've been a psychic since childhood, being able to feel other people's emotions and see shadows, hear voices, etc. I've totally dedicated this side of me in my teen ages, but after being haunted by nightmares and panic, I ended up becoming an evangelical Christian, that means all my powers got supp...
Learning To Contact My Spirit Guide by shellshell3030
Many years ago I began contacting my spirit guide through meditation. The procedure I used, which I can no longer remember where I read about it, was to build a safe room and furnish/decorate it with things that make me feel comfortable. My first couple attempts were short but worked well. The f...
Help by pompei92
Where to begin. I am 20 years old, and now every day is becoming a struggle I feel alone I don't know what's real or right anymore and I keep falling in and out of different experiences. I fall into deep thought and concentration and then everything around me changes. I feel like my life is a huge t...
Trained By Spirits by Cocodreams
I am looking for people who have experienced being trained by spirits and would appreciate if you would share your story with me. A close relative has expressed to me that he has been trained by spirits for approximately ten years. They teach him how to easily communicate with them from near and far...
Cape Town Covens? by KatieP
This is awkward for me to write about, after a long absence from the psychic world. As a very young child, I "saw" people, and my mother, thankfully very open-minded, allowed me to discuss some of these experience with her. At 4, I told my parents about my past-life as a man with a wife and kids....
My 'spirit Guide', A Weird Dream, And Weird 'feelings' by EdenMarie
I will start off by saying that I am sorry if this comes off as poorly written. This happened to me last night and just a little while ago, and I have not really had time to 'sit on it' and think about it. I will do my best to explain, and hope that someone can help me out and maybe give some ideas ...
A Woman In My Dreams by HollowTeeth
I lived in Austin Texas for a year and when I was there I became in tune with my dreams I had a few vivid dreams of my teeth falling out and becoming hollow and crumbling into my hands. A few weeks later I asked my friend who insured me that dreams like that are a warning of my physical health. Abou...
Reoccurring Dream? by Aariona222
For almost 7 months I have been having reoccurring dreams about my old Spanish teacher, I don't have them on purpose and there not bad, it's just she is always trying to tell me something in them and there's something about her necklace. I used to get really strong readings off of her almost to the ...
Empathic-angelic Awakening? Guidance Requested by Riv-El
Not sure where to start, it seems that I'll always try to do my best to find answers to the many questions I possess. I am in my mid 20's and This is all I know about myself, I am an empath and I have a very strong sense of Clairsentience. I can feel emotions, I can feel how others feel, and so ...
Automatic Writing Experience by MysticMeg
I recently tried Automatic Writing for the first time in a long while. This is when you hold a pen or pencil to paper and try to open yourself up to the spirit world, and hopefully they will write something through you. I have done it before but it never felt like 'someone' or 'something else' was d...
Guardian Ghosts by Timberwolf
For the past few months I have been experiencing strange sightings of ghosts in my my school. Most of the time, people see them as shadows often, however these ones appeared and acted as if they were real people. I thought at first it was a new pupil starting late and began talking to him, asking if...
Dark Entities Have Come In To My House by Mckinnis09
Every word I'm telling you is the truth and if I don't get a answer soon I'm scared something might happen to me and my son. My mom tells me since I was 3 she noticed that I would talk to people no one could see and I saw them and since 5 I can remember the same thing. It took along time to except i...
I Need A Teacher by Anthonymichael
It's me again and this time I'm realizing I'm doing things wrong. I'm an emapath or clairsentient. I still have trouble distinguishing the two. I've learned what I can do! That's something good I can say. I'm sensitive to energies in the air and earth, (I can clearly see these! As auras and waves of...
I Sense Dangers And Misgivings by Minner
I am not someone who is interested in psychic abilities, I am not someone who has spent years researching techniques to achieve such abilities or experiences. With that being said I need help. Help in Understanding these events. Says a few other psychics I am a natural psychic. I sense dangers and m...
An Guardian Entity by WhitePhoenyx
I been having experiences with a certain being or deity of some kind. He is definitely not spirit or a ghost some kind because I would have sensed it. He is also have an positive feeling/energy emitting from him. He isn't evil what so ever. I can only sense him when he is protecting me from demonic ...
Have I Called The Wrong Type Of Angel? by SerenaPatch
I've always been interested with angels and my nan always told me stories about Guardian angels when I was younger, so a few weeks ago I searched it and wanted to know how to see and communicate with them I found a trustworthy website and it said to relax and call out for my Guardian angel and that ...
More Than Just A Higher Entity by PatrixieKuchiki
Lately I have been tossing and turning this matter all around in my mind, hoping I could find some answers.Instead,whenever I think about it, more questions just seem to unveil themselves. Questions that,don't even have a clear way to be answered. So as soon as the submission page was finally up an...
Some Advice For Growing Psychics by cloudess
This is some useful help for psychics who are developing their powers. I've noticed on this site the growing number of teens like me and young adult psychics, and all their questions. So I'm going to answer some of those questions and add a bit of my own input. I've noticed on this site a lot o...
Spirits Answer My Questions In My Dreams? by KNIFEMAN64999
For the last year and a half I have had dreams with basicaly the same concept. Spirits come to me and tell me that they will answer my questions. One of the spirits has been in every dream, and the wierd part about this is that this same spirit came to me in real life at my grandparents house and sa...
Be A Source Of Light by FoxMulder
First, I want to talk to all of you. If your experiences are authentic, do not take medication for it. Something is obviously trying to contact you or persuade. Sometimes we feel scared out of ignorance, not evil surroundings. Even when dealing with evil you must remember one thing: LOVE. My life...
Feeling Of A Presence Around Me by godislove09
This is my first post. I am very exited and have been so anxiousness to get answers for what has been happening to me. I am a Christian. I grew up going to church since I was little, I have been baptized. I used to pray and had a relationship with god. But as I started to get older it started to fad...
A Protective Spirit by Unarbitrated_one
I am fairly new to these things, having fairly no supernatural experiences before a few months prior to this story. As of right now, I am fully aware there is a protective spirit... Or malicious spirit. Where I live with my cousin. For quite some time, I have had to leave my door closed because I wo...
Blackshadow Man Taking Over My Life by brokenrobotdreams
I am not sure where to even begin. There are way to many experiences for me to even know where to begin. Every since I was a little girl, I've always known there was some sort of anomaly that followed me, I named him Tom. I suppose he is my spirit guide but I don't know how to reach him now that the...
My Most Recent Psychic Experience by PeachRing
I was wondering if anyone out there has had any similar experiences to this one. This has a bit of a back story, so please bear with me. In august 2009, I had a near death experience. It's an extremely long story, but basically I suffered from an illness that nearly killed me. And it changed m...
Scary Spirit Guide by SummerDawnCory
I'm a medium in training. I can see (energy waves kinda) in the air and the shape of them and when I close my eye I see where I felt them like a light spot. Idk. Haha. I had just moved. But I had a dream where I think I met my spirit guide, He was old and had a long beard and was wearing an old look...
My Friend And Her Follower by startingtobelieve
This story isn't about me but it is about someone who is close to me and could possibly be in danger and I would love some help with this problem. Um, I don't really know where to begin because I'm just starting to believe. My friend has had this thing, Spirit. I'm not sure what to call it, follo...
Who Was Speaking? by Dani313
My husband was driving me to work because I had been suffering from vertigo and was afraid to drive myself. I work nights, so the time of this incident was at dusk. At the stop sign at the end of our street, I saw a man sitting on his porch, in a very man-like position, forearms resting on his upper...
Healing For A Depressed Psychic Teen by vergil117
I am Aaron. I have posted stories before on here before. I have helped many on this website. I have helped many become comfortable with themselves and there abilities. I have done my part to be a good samaritan. And showing people with gifts like us that we are not alone. With all the help I have...
Mysterious Source by gacto
This will be hard to explain. And it sounds crazy. But I desperately need help. When I'm alone there's this, spirit? I don't know what it is or how to explain it. When I'm alone I feel this darkness or something like its trailing from my loser back or something. My ability is water. Which I have dis...
My Friend That I Can't See by BunrakuFox
This is my experience with the other side. I was never a child that created imaginary friends. But since I was 13 I was never alone, something came to me. Something I never saw but I know how he looks when I draw 'him'. I can hear him talk to me, telling me things about people and when I talk about...
My Spirit Guide Or Guardian Angel? by cloudess
A few weeks ago I discovered what I think is either my Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide. This happened while I was dreaming. A quick bit about my psychic experiences previous to this, I have always been able to sense emotions and energies. The emotion sensing has always been the stronger of the 2. Any...
The Importance Of Me, Myself And I by PatrixieKuchiki
Recently I've received signs that confirmed Archangel Michael and the Goetic Prince Sitri are my two main Spirit Guides. But even though I did RECEIVE the signs that they are indeed with me every step of the way, inside I can't help but feel more and more CONFUSED. I discussed it already in the fir...
Angel And Demon Spirit Guides by PatrixieKuchiki
I know this might sound really bizarre but *takes a deep breath* since I've been reading lotsa as-bizarre articles here for so long, I decided to consult you guys about my,well,spiritual dilemma. If you want to know more about me, do check out my profile because I'll be diving straight into the sto...
Guidance With Negative Energy Being An Empath, Healer by thesilencebroke
My family has a history of being gifted towards the other side, mine started a few years ago at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, the night I arrived I was totally consumed by the positive energy, and the healing, I was approached by a stranger that studied prophecy at the IHOP colle...
Protecting A Strong Soul by Kiame2012
I was researching recently on what may possibly be happening to myself latey. (beings I cannot find the answers i'm looking for from just friends, or people I have relations with) I considered, having a psychic reading done to maybe see what they would say, and possibly tell me what my mind has left...
Where I Stand With The Paranormal by courtney11290
I am trying to figure out who I am as to where I stand with the paranormal. I always feel watched and seem to only sense bad spirits. I have had my name whispered by a woman's voice. My 2 year old son mentions a "Chloe" girl in our house who is nice during the day but mean at night. I have use...
My Experience With Spirit Guides by Victoria077x
When I was in 5th grade, a friend of mine named Skye came up to me during free time and asked me a question: "Do you believe in ghosts?" After I told her I did, she told me about an experience she had with spirits that she called Guardians. She said that she had a Guardian named Black Knight, that h...
A Spiritual Newbie In Need Of Guidance by PeacexLovexHappiness
I am an esthetician. One day I was at work braiding a little girls hair. Her mom was reading our services menu and asked me if I was the one that performed the reiki services. I told her that I am currently only level 1 and am not trained enough to offer that yet. Then she proceeded to tell me th...
A New Friend by xGLITCHx
I'll try to condense the information as much as possible. At my earliest age I was raised as a Christian. I was an average good little kid accept I would talk to people who weren't there. Specifically angels. I had one whom I talked to frequently that I said was my guardian angel. I can't remember...
A Strange Coincidence by Sunshinegurl
One day last summer I decided to go to our local museum for a look around. There was no one with me as I walked through the museum as I got about halfway through the museum it felt like something grabbed a hold of my neck like and turned it so I looked at a billboard that was in there about a horrif...
Lurking Feeling by uncreativelol
I have this feeling like something is lurking with me. I've recently had a lot happen to me and I'm in a major part of my life where I'm rebuilding from the ground up. I've had psychic abilities since a child, dreams of the future, reading people's intentions, intuition, things similar to that. Does...
Was I Being Warned Or Chosen? by Pablo
It all started last night. I have been in the hospital since Tuesday night because of my appendix, I got it removed Wednesday afternoon so I was recovering. It was 1:34 am when I started trying to go to sleep, every time I closed my eyes I started to feel my body drift backwards. I am used to feelin...
My First Encounter - My Eldest Sister by grechi95
When I was a little girl all I could remember were terrible things happening between my parents. And my father was a scary person. Everything started changing when I was 6 years old and I was in my bed and it was around 3am. I heard very faint footsteps from far, far away and it was coming closer a...
Entity In My Head by glaerum
I have what I would consider an entity inside my head. It has been around as long as I can remember, but I only really noticed it recently. It thinks a whole lot like me, but is -almost- morally pure (I.E. It is rather lenient in telling me not to do something, but will still tell me if I ask), whic...
Meditation, Spirit Guides, And Past Lives by Scarielle
So recently I have begun meditation to connect with my spirit guides. I have met all 4, all males. One is a black flamboyant male, who is much like my mother figure, or lover. Another is a strong, long haired Japanese looking warrior male, who is somewhat sarcastic, I call him my coach. The one I fe...
The Black Panther In My Bedroom by kittiface
For my entire life I have felt presences around me. I have, at times, felt a little insane being the only one in the room to notice that there is an extra person sitting in the car with us or something like that. All the same, it is a part of me and I have come to terms with that. However, there is...
Guiding Spirits To The Other Side by kittykat6
A few days ago, on Tuesday, I had to go to school after hours and pick up something for my little brother. One thing you need to know about our school, is that there are some spirits around it. (Some just passing through, and some that stay.) Something that you need to know about me is that I don't ...
The Watcher by Deathwalker86
Since I was around 13 or 14 years old (now I'm 26), I've been followed around by this shadow "man". My mother was the first person to tell me about it, and just recently my wife told me about this "man" that follows me everywhere I go. I have tried to make contact with "him" but there's no communica...
An Unexpected Guide by bright_
This is my first post on this website, and I'd like to give a warm hello. I thank you for your time and if there is any input, I would genuinely love to read it! To start off my experience, I'd like to begin with a little background, before I get into details. All my life, I've had odd dreams of...
Recent Psychic Reading by Kathryn26
I thought it was about time I went for another reading (my last one was around a year ago) I went to see a lady today who was recommended to me by a friend. She used cards and numerology and palm reading, she also told me she could see 2 years in to my future as that was her range. She was very ...
Hellhound Or Guardian by tabbytigra
This is not a short story so bare with me. Anyway since I was about 8 years old I have been seeing a black wolf like creature with red eyes and only I can see it, it looks like a big black wolf about the size of a Great Dane mixed with wolf and it has red eyes. I have been seeing it since I was 8...
An Old Soul In A Young World by alterseastride
To be honest this is more of a calling than a story. You see I've been searching for people who would be able to guide in a newcoming revolution starting on the 21st of December. Many of you will think I'm crazy, some will find this stupid and some of you might even laugh, but all of you know that t...
Guardian Demons by Ecipoe
Before you brand me as insane please listen. I was asleep one night about four months ago and I had a dream. I was in the forest camping. So I went for a hike. I heard footsteps behind me and whispers. They were saying "Turn back, it's not safe, run away." I kept going in my dream. Then I heard a gr...
Six Winged Angel? by chikadee123
I have been having visions about a 6 winged angel that talks to me. He keeps on saying something about baring his children. The vision is me staying still, unable to move and the angel is beside me either playing with my hair or petting my hand. Then he starts talking about having his children and h...
Spirit Animals, Power Animals And Totem Animals by WahyaAgeyutsa
So I had this experience where I was doing a power animal meditation to see my power animal and I felt like I was in a trance I couldn't feel my body but as soon as I got an image of a forest I could feel the blades of grass hitting my legs, the breeze on my skin and I felt like I was touching groun...
His Spirit Keeps Visiting My Dreams. Why? by sapphirerose
There is this person I used to know, he was 24 years old when he died of a cardiac arrest. I'm a year younger than him. I hardly knew him at all, but I knew him a long time ago. I used to like him when I was younger, but I don't know if he ever felt the same. He died last month, and I went to his me...
A Message From His Ashes by mwilcock
My farther past through cancer over 27 years ago now, I was with him when he took his last breath. It was about 2 or 3 days after he left us that my brother and I were just settling down for the night. Judy the dog was very unsettled and was becoming a little upset on her own down stairs. My brother...
Always With Me by phinix
I have so many different stories that I can tell, but I will stick to the one that saved my life. I always feel that everything happens for a reason, and also that I have my guardian angel with me at all times. When I meditate, I always look for my guardian angel, once I see or hear them I am confid...
Pawn Shop Visit by mommaj
I am not sure where to start. The beginning-- my daughter and I was visiting a pawn shop. We have done this often. I usually buy tools there, I notice when I walked in I would have a desire to go look at the jewelry. I am not a jewelry fan, by no means. It was like I was being sent there. I picked...
Elementals And Power Animals by Rosemarine
Under the guidance of a medicine woman I experienced shamanic journeys. If you're not familiar, it is a ritual where you leave your body and enter the spiritual realm by means of a Buffalo drum, the power of the leader, and the particular energy of the night and your companions. I have had three...
A Forgotten Friend by aurawolf
So recently, I've been trying to get in deeper states of meditation and learn to communicate with a lot of other spirits and get help from many of them and even met my spirit guide. So in a recent meditation, my spirit guide, Dyn, a sleek tiger has been training me to go on a long journey to find my...
Hearing Strange Names by Hopebringer92
My name's Zuzanna, I'm not a native English speaker so sorry for any mistakes I will probably make. Don't worry i' far better at understanding than speaking. So as was the question I would like to know who I truly am. I've always had the feeling that I help those around me when they are dying. It a...
Spirit Contact Through Dreams by Tweeder
Throughout my life I've had a number dream experiences but always considered them to be merely coincidence. I have never thought much of them until I was in my twenties and my grandmother passed away shortly after a series of identical dreams. Prior to and even more so after this event, I have notic...
My Other by anonymous231
This is something that has bothered me since it begun but I have no desire to stop I just want to know what's going. Ever since I was a child I've had countless near death experiences drowning, being run-over, falling fatally ill, being torn to shreds by sharp rocks and almost falling from a thousan...
Stepping Out In Dreams by LexieSilvers
I was 15yrs old and was a U.S.O. Volunteer, I volunteer in my home island of St Thomas. I was going to school and volunteering, now seeing spirits was normal for me, but this was something new. I remember waking up and remembering my dream, that night. I remember dreams but this one was very differe...
My Guardian Angel And Controlling Dreams? by bibbit22
I've always been interested in angels and God. I've been reading stuff on contacting your Guardian angel, I tried it last night and I'm not sure if I did or not. It was really stormy out, I used the method of meditating. I took deep breaths and thought to clear my mind. I think I contacted my angel ...
Lost Guides by DerekRene
I understand that people have the ability of premonitions (precog) and a good portion of them happen in their sleep. I also understand that psychics, empaths and others have some form of Guide (s). This experience I've had happened my possibly my freshman or sophomore year in high school. I'm honest...
Spirit Guides And Past Lives by kittykat6
Some of you might have heard that I was trying to get in touch with my spirit guides. I finally did, a fact that I am very excited about! My main guide's name is Corinthia. Strange name, but when she was alive, it was a long time ago, and in a much different place. She is a thin older woman with sil...
Spirit Guides? by ayase
Ever since I was little I could sense spirits around me. I was afraid of them at first since everyone said they were scary growing up. I never felt like I was in danger though. There was always a feeling of safety and security. My mom said I talked to myself as a kid and I would sing songs about ...
Is My Dog Protecting Me From A Bad Spirit? by GeMiNiii
This happened actually, last night. But to understand this, here's some back up information: We moved into my current house two years ago. I automatically knew we were going to move into it. Just felt it. Three months later, after the move, I've been feeling uneasy in the house, as if someone was w...
Guardian Protects Me But Also Gives Me Nightmares by Yunnie16
This is going to be hard to explain and you'll understand later when I say I can feel him knowing that I want more information and wanting to say things but I can't hear. I've had this "guardian" as my friend calls it since I was 6. I see him in my dreams as well as feel him come and go whenever I'...
Spirit Animal & Guide by Maddie_111
So I'm new here, and I have a lot to talk about xD But, I want to address something that's been bugging me: Spirit animals/guides. First off, I love animals. I have a deep emotional bond with my cat (go ahead, laugh) and love wolves. I have even researched Native American totems for kicks befo...
First Time Encounter Being And Guide by Kutu
When I was 16/17 years old my interest in psychic began to grow. I would start reading stories, how-to-do, additional information about it. One day I start trying to get out of body. After relaxing with barok music, I started to get disappointed around 10 minutes, but then something happened. ...
Dream Animals by StrawberryMoon
So I have heard of these dream animals before. And I've had a few dreams where they have came to see me. But they have never talked to me before until the other night. The dream felt so real. I even woke up hot and sweating like I had really been running from whatever was chasing me. In my dream I w...
I Don't Understand Spirit Guides - Are They Guardian Angels? by LeilaniMahal
I've been told by many people that I am very psychic but I specialize more in dreams, but since my hearing is out of whack still from my concussion 2 months ago- I can sense and spot out exactly where in the room and when spirit is near. Like feelings-emotions/ visions/ pictures or photographs of wh...
Strange Dreams And A Spirit by xxCherri
I've been hesitant to post here, as a part of me just believes I'm crazy. But despite lurking here for a while, I haven't found much information about some things, so I thought I'd might as well go ahead and ask. Every once in a while I'll have strange dreams, which usually come true sooner or la...
Was This My Real Spirit Guide? by acquiesce9four
Last night I called on my Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels and God to draw negative energy away from me because I was feeling very angry due to my depression. I did this verbally, and I wasn't aware that verbal communication with Spirit Guides can be dangerous due to harmful entities that could be list...
Maybe My Guide? by curious26
This is my second story to submit and every situation usually has to do with dreams. Since my last story I have not had any scary or demonic dreams. Here is a story of my newest dream and encounter. I am from Oregon and last week I took a trip to Idaho for vacation and horse training. The week wa...
I Think I'm A Guardian? by Rose-H
I'm not sure what's going on, but any advice or suggestions you may have, I'm open to anything at this point. A few years ago, I met this girl. I didn't really pay that much attention to her until a mutual friend bought us closer together and I actually got to know her as an individual. I can't ...
12 Cloaked Beings by chelsiemayk88
3 years ago, I saw 12 men in hooded cloaks almost like grim reapers. They would change sizes, and would sway from side to side, sometimes floating in mid air and sometimes they had green eyes and would have no face just darkness where the hood went over there face, and other times they faces that lo...
Missing Persons And Angels by Mehkla
My name is Michaela. I am new to this site. I found it while trying to research the "gift" I've apparently been blessed with. I have always had a keen interest in supernatural/paranormal/psychics etc. The first experience I remember happened when I was twelve. I was at my grandmother's house for...
Just Breathe by Fergie1
On the 15th December 1988, our first grand-child, a son, was born in Carletonville. He was born premature, and so small that I had to buy dolls clothes to fit him. After a week or two, he was allowed to go home. I was on Christmas break, from the factory that I worked at. My daughter asked me to he...
Bipolar Delusions Or Real Experiences by bpkay44
I have BP1 and a few months ago I was feeling as my spirit guides were very present and speaking to me through various signs and I seemed to take it all very seriously. I was "hearing" was that I would win the lottery! Every day there was some sort of sign and it was like 12 different signs within 1...
Guide? Angel? I'm Not Sure by kittykat6
This happened a while back. I was dreaming. This is not a dream interpretation. I was visited in a dream (or more accurately, I visited someone else) and I need help understanding who this person is. I was in a beautiful city with mosaic-looking rocks covering the ground and buildings. It looked...
Man With A Knife, Scarred Faced Man, And Body Frozen by Volleyball78
This is my first time coming out about something like this because I have always pushed it away and thought it was just my imagination; but here it goes: I fell asleep in my boyfriends room and in my dream (I thought this was real) there was a loud knock at the door. His roommate got up and opene...
Does Nostradamus Want Me To Do Something For Him? by Sfairy27
I know people will think I am lying at this very moment but I think Nostrodamus keeps visiting me. I was searching on who predicted the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers because I had, for no reason thought of it. As I searched I saw a painting of Nostradamus and I got the shakes and I knew I had ...
My Uncle Is Still Around And Then A Woman by haunted-by-my-uncle
Two years ago my uncle was killed in a car wreck he made a u-turn because he forgot to give me and my mum roses for he was just at our house and a drunk semi hit him. Ever since I have always smelled his aftershave and then my hair being brushed from my face just like he used to. His after shave ...
Angel Of Death? by Misticc
I can forget my name or my sex but I would never forget the first spiritual experience I had, it was very scary that a was scared to sleep for a couple of days. I sleep off on the rug beside a chair, something woke me up around midnight but I was awake in a funny kind of way, I was conscious of ever...
Why We Are Guided By Our Guides by Symbol-of-the-dragon
Has anyone ever wondered why our guides appear in the animal forms that they do? Many sites, whether legitimate or not, will tell you a tiger means power and a wolf loyalty, both of which were my guides before they recently switched to coyote and (I think) arctic fox. But how do we know that what...
Trying To See If My Mother Is Visiting Me by nicoleburron11
I have had a few physic readings, but none have answered the question of my mother. I always get approached by psychics when I'm shopping at the mall, at the grocery store etc etc. I never call when they give me their card because I am worried about a scam, but it happens pretty often. A litt...
My Supernatural Life by RSterc
Clairvoyant, sensitive, empathetic (whichever you'd like to use to describe one such as I) --- I have been since my near death as a child at 9 where I got my first glimpse of the others. I was trained to use my skills at a secret resort at the age of 12. It was run by all blonde haired blue eyed...
Angel, Hallucination. What Is My Friend Seeing? by BlackCat36
I have a friend who needs help. She has ESP (for those of you that don't know what that is, it's generally being psychic), and she has something going on. She wanted me to ask if this person appearing in her dreams is an angel, or something else. What is this being, you ask? Well, she has this dream...
My Guardians, Friends, And Allies by RockingxD
As crazy as this sounds I ask you to listen too my story. When I was a child around 2nd grade, my friend and I created a fantasy world of superheros and other things that influenced us when we were kids, to go along with it I decided to give myself superpowers. Instead of opting for the regular supe...
Remember The Message by Ravenula
My Guide just informed me: "I see too many people who just want to communicate with the spirit world having no regard for the actual advice given to them by their guides. You shouldn't think you are "cool" nor brag with your gift when you are not willing to put yourself at humble service of the Sour...
The One by Pleasehelp
I have always felt like I knew something more than everyone else and I knew something was different about me. I always knew things that were going to happen before they actually did. I always used to joke about being psychic but something in me always knew deep down that it was true. When kids were ...
My New Best Friend After Passing by JesiDi
My new best friend and I had gotten very close in our sophomore year of high school. We were very affectionate with each other. We would cuddle after school, hug each other, roll around laughing just like little kids. She had turned sixteen before I did. She had told me that she was having trouble...
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