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Psychic experiences comments: Page 4

I had another dream of him. Blonde hair blue eyes but this time he had a tan beige hood on with the hood up. This time he wasn't friendly. I was in a known high school parking lot going to my car. When I saw a group of girls eyeing me and from a corner of my eye I saw him. He look older this time and different. But he walked past me super fast before I made it to my car. I made eye contact that's how I know he had blue again. And he didn't look happy very serious. I got a bad feeling and decided to get in my car extremely fast. Adrenaline started to kick in but I was calm during the moment of moving fast. He suddenly appeared at my window and I quickly locked the doors. But he punched at the window and tried to grab me. At this point I knew there wasn't much to do then to speed off. He followed on a black bike and was able to keep up. I didn't want to hurt him but I also didn't want to be hurt by him. So I drove through the under construction parking a lot round about that's a drive up close to the door. As illegal as it was I knew I was breaking the law. He then quit chasing and disappeared. (( Short encounter))
How do I control telekinetic occurrences? Is there a mantra I could try? It seems that when I am highly agitated I lose control! Since as far as I can remember I can push objects away much easier than pull them to me. I deeply feel this is due to anger or reflex action! Any advice in controlling this emotion? Thank you, and God bless!
1020coco in Daemon
Let's say we were really good friends since we were little and I said to you that I fell in love with this person that was so amazing. He made me feel like I was the only special person in the world that he could love. He wanted me all to himself, but sometimes things were confusing and chaotic. I loved him so much, but when it came down to it, I felt really lonely, depressed and confused for most of the time. What would you say to me? Oh, he's great! Just keep going. It'll get better.
Think about where I'd be in a year with this guy - same place or maybe worse.
Think about where I'd be if I were to really focus on trying to find one thing that made me happy and worked on being the best version of myself. Little by little. Just plant one little seed each morning in my "Peace Garden". I wish you peace and clarity. Listen to your voice that guides you to happiness - that's the Truth
I'm just going to give you the answers that I am receiving...

Be proud of the efforts that you have made to heal your relationship.
You have gifts that people like your partner need because that sustains them and of course they do not want to let go. Getting energy shouldn't come from someone else - that's not the true Source.
You will experience messages that are "calls to action" to make a change. Do not be afraid that you will never love again. Think of all the people in this world that said the same thing and stayed in a situation that was not healthy for them, is that the story that you want for yourself?
Think of this situation as like a leak in the roof. You can try to plug it up with all these protection remedies, but honestly if you can't fix the roof then it's time to find a safe and healthy home.
I know you are devoted and loyal. Please know that you are young and you will survive. See what you want for yourself in the future and go for it! You can do it. ❤

I'll try to answer some of the questions that you have in your post.

When I was a teenager, I was very interested in witchcraft and candle magic. I didn't have anyone around to explain my gift and the only thing available was information about witchcraft. Living in Boston I was able to learn a lot about witchcraft and experience it. My thoughts about it now is that it never really served me and kept me from really developing to where I am today. It was kind of like a detour for me. If you travel down this path, try to ensure that you are not controlling anyone or anything. Control is ultimately out of our hands.
Okay, so the good're not crazy and you're not lying. You're like many many people that are now experiencing phenomena that is not considered main stream at this point. Although just look on tv and you see so much evidence that it is becoming more and more visible.
You can sense/feel energies around you. They could be loved one's or people that you somehow feel a strong connection to. Keep in mind that your light shines brighter and differently so spirits can pick up on that and when they pick up on you, well then, you pick up on them too. No need to worry about being in harms way. Fear is your only enemy. I spent decades in fear and trying to hide from my gifts of sensing Spirits around me. Because I was in fear constantly at night, I drew some nasty spirits to me and could write a horror movie about the events. Bottom line is to get past the fear, it's important to focus on love and joy. When you are happy and have joy, nothing negative will bother you. If you live in fear and waiting for scary things to happen - they will. Protection spells are something a lot of people focus on but if you have such a strong aura of love and joy that is your protection. Your gifts will get stronger and you will have the most amazing experiences if you learn about meditation and looking for really positive influences.
layschips98- thank you for replying! So sorry it's taken me this long to see it. That is something I had never considered before and will be doing my research!
This is literally my first post.

So, I do not actually claim to have a gift, only unique experiences I wish to explore further. These experiences I have had are actually very easily attributed to the neurological disorder I have, but do not explain the results of the experiences.

Lame vagueness I know. However I do have a point relevant to your post.

There is a phenomenon known as hypnopompic hallucinations which can occur in anyone, but are particularly common in my neurological disorder. What it is believed to be is dreaming/REM sleep bleeding into the wakeful state. The same is true for the hallucinations upon going into sleep, but they are called hypnogogic hallucinations.

Close cousins to sleep paralysis.

I can appreciate a healthy level of skepticism. You don't want to let your brains fall out from being too open minded. But May I ask, as I once found myself identifying as Atheist... Do you believe that there are potentially some things that simply cannot readily be explained by today's science? I'm asking when it pertains to the human perception, but it does apply to basically anything.

One does not have to have a belief in a defined divine being to suspect there could be something to it 😉
I don't have too much to say. This is but my first attempt of expression. I just had the deep inclination to tell you, a pull to tell you that I honestly think that what you are smelling was my presence from my desk. I was sitting here watching/playing with flowy energy, heat energy and darting energy on and off while slightly enraptured by some of the posts I've thus read. You're second story and of only a few posts. I think some of this stuff may transcend time at points. Don't give up sir and don't push too hard either. Like the other said, let it come healthily... If such a proper description... Lol Easy man. Live longer and prosper ^^
Click the link below or copy paste it on your browser... Indeed a tree or the guardian of the tree you were working on with building a tree house saved your life. Trees communicate with each other when something big is about to happen amd maybe when the strom hit it and it fell down it was the guardians was of telling you goodbye when some of the braches came through the house into the kitchen.

I have meet someone like this in a dream before not once or twice but many times and yes as you say they are dream walkers but not the usual ones we imagine... Have you noticed that all dream walkers always at some point resonate with the color blue or brown and always they are a bit mysterious of how they interact with a person making them feel calmer and appreciated at the time... At that moment?

My guess is they are run by something deep like technology, like guardians of a very strange and scary horrific scene that a program whants you to know about or experience the misshapenings that went down at that hospital... Maybe someone like that died and was stuck in a machine when the tornado hit the town and the lights at the hospital went out for a brief second torning him to a machine... Because at the scene of that dream you guys were watching tv... I think you missed a lot of things about that dimension which are sure enuff to send your blood rushing to your head. Like people running around an hospital... Thats no tornado coming... It's something much more sinister braking out in that same location because unlike us they know when a visitor is around and they want to flex.

Another subtle thing I picked up with my sense is that boy is evil and not good at all he could have been the cause of the death of both his friend, ex girlfriend and the whole hospital... Because as you said you "felt" you were invading the romance of him and his girlfriend and everytime you almost knew what was "up" he came close you you and told you you're with"him" not "THEM"...the victims of his overprotective love for his girlfriend who I guess died first bacause the blue eyed guy thought she was having a relationship with the other brown eyed guy in the room. Also that last location is always the beginning of the event that took place. Like the part of you applying make up on him... That is a serial killer showing you how he loved how his girlfriend applied makeup on him or the mirror and how he is about to kill the whole town ending up stack in a machine that was struck by lightning connected to him at the hospital when the storm hit that place. The last bit is that those two guys in the basement are best friends that planned something maybe founders of the hospital or doctors who experiment with humans but one killed his girlfriend and was angry he wasn't the best for her but the friend there did not know his friend will kill him too and was still going about his mission of prepping from the disaster.

Also a song like that after a dream plays a very big role on what happened at that place and with my guess it suggests a horrible scene that left the gods in tears.

Long story short don't trust those people they are dead... You need to find more about that palce and write about it here but don't I repeat DON'T trust them... Go your own way I'm sure you were just walking his steps of murder... The other NPS's (none playable characters) that lost their lifes, have paths to the lives they were living and is still available. I bet they have their own stories to tell you because now you are a part of that, is living and has questions about that guy you feel connected with.

Stay safe... I Would really like to hear more experiences like this coming from you.
What I would suggest is cleansing of course but that won't get you much help. It will continue if you don't make that a daily habit.

One thing made sense to me when you mentioned vegetables. You could be in connection with the tree of life both the upper 13 network leading to heaven and beyond or the much stressful 9 chanells leading to the underground. Studies have shown that plants have this intelligent network system of communicating with each other through a network of streams like internet wires, that's probably why you were having this spider web sensations about the future, present and past memories of how you handle emotions.

In my experience with this I would tell you first hand that future emotions are hard to comprehend because you as a living atom or physical being isn't there at the moment or at that particular time that's happening so your body tries it's best to help you know what you are perceiving is emotions not thoughts and you can just relax and let that emotion pass through without it draining you psychologicaly by the work of a high much more advanced network of communication used by plants to communicate with the cosmos because to me plants were here before us and they know what they are doing when it comes to awakening dormat strands of dna you or me forgot about but is crucial to the awakening process.

At least you saw things you are familiar with like people and plants because if your minds eye was opened enuff at that night and you glimpse a picture of what was communicated with you, you could have had the worst day ever because seeing the tree of life that communicate with your veins and stretches out from the depths or the dead to the higher light beings and out to the univers is scary... Nothing can save you there expect your past memories of who you are and why you chose that path you're in right now.
Finally someone with the same experience as me... I would have commented early but lost my previous account due to complications with my email which I also lost.

My experience would come from things like a desire or obsession with a creature I find attractive especially extraterrestrial life. It all started with sleep paralysis but since I'm more of aperson that practice meditation with house music and tropical deep vocal house music instead of wales chasing each other in my head I can say i'v encountered many many other worldly being who to me comes to no surprise of how they know what I like as a starseed (yea I say things like this in songs with the help of my mind and selective hearing) They came out to me and we had one time a conversation of how comes a cute person like me doesn't have a girlfriend. Thins change when I saw a girl slightly my age but alien because I can identify with the living dead- they can't come to you unless you are a close relative...Demons-they can't interact with you unless they tap into you barin and find things associated with you resonating with the occult and how human baings think life was created with a strong perpose of a man with white light saving people who hate other people and other worldly beings we've read about on the internet... Long story short I was listening to music with her all night... One girl turn into two... Two girls turn into a city of dark angels and one thing led to another now I'm a plug of what they want to do at night but the scary things comes when I'm vividly awake and I can hear my enviromen and sure 100% of the time someone is always there but when they co. E close to me from the back and open their arms and position their ribs on my back bone my mind just live the body and flies to space all with static, numbers and secred geometry which come out to be true when I google them. One eaven told me there are some spices consisting of girls only and they are the ones I should fear bacause they are everywhere and intelligent converseters if I swear I don't find them attractive and I'm the only person looking at her from another dimension who is not scared of doing so but of the opposite gander.
What I would tell you is this things are common especially if it's a desire you were born with of switching from the outside world to the inner much larger world consisting of everything yet still have a big influence on your outside world because me like you know they exist and if you are pro to keeping a one night stand demon that likes you... My friend you better ask questions with your mind not mouth some places are better of kept a secret for you and your friend only.
Weather they leave togather as male and female in the same dimension isf you ask me is a lie... This people are advanced and wars could start bacause of creative diffarances... My avatar alaways lies to me when I'm talking to her that if I perseav something that's not female I should call them out and say in the 3rd world we have a god and it's me... Thats why they are seeing and slowly that being would apologize for stepping on your world pretending to be a man... Thats why I always approach that world with an intent of finding a girl because they all are girls I'm the only man in my life (that's what the cosmos says)...also those people you are may not be lovers at all they can range from angels, shape shifters to guides wanting you to harnest your psychic abilities soon as possible so that you may not be ashamed to meet people like me on astra... Someone who can fly with you and see what's athe edge of the universe or what is being created in our lives at source right now... As always aks gender specific questions to get your head blown away... Having sisters is better than having a brother with boyfriends... Bye hope we related and kept it PG lol.
Hi I have read your previous stories about a year ago and this one caught me by surprise of how the three stories all connect to your boyfriend. Maybe he was and still attached by a demon, entity or something dark. In my case what I would describe as a dark emotions is when you got injured and stopped doing the house chores and maybe he noticed and suppressed his anger towards you and the things you usually do instead of cleaning. And a big point of were the spirit came from is the place he works. I think you should take more care of him when he is around to make the spirit eaven with you because most dark spirits don't attack the person they are following, they attack the person who gives their host stress and anxiety when he is alone... If you think about it, that entity is almost always with him 24/7 and probably heard him complain about his personal problems and some spirits have emotions but how they hundle their friends emotions on someone making those problems appear to their host's mind is different... They can cause a lot of harm to the projector, sometimes as a warning, sometimes they can even kill.
1020coco in Asking For Help
You never lost your ability. It does get quiet especially when we're going through major things, like the Lyme disease diagnosis, so that you can focus on getting healthy and all the changes you've had to make after being diagnosed.
You can learn this now or learn it later, but fear is your number one challenge. Think about all the ways that fear has creeped in from worrying about what others think, worrying about if you're crazy, losing control from lyme.
Best thing you can do is to learn a prayer or make your own that you repeat. Something like "I am praying for healing and peace. I accept love in this moment."
You have the answers in your heart and you don't need expensive tools or the perfect medium to give you answers. Ask for the answers to appear in your dreams. It will happen. Love and Blessings
Whenever I have felt spider webs, I have been under spiritual attack. Usually coming down on me while I sleep. You feel them while awake? Then you get sad, depressed etc... Sounds bad to me. Remember not all spirits are good... So don't open up to the bad ones.

Do you know how to cleanse? Cleanse yourself and your room / house, then put up protection. Set boundaries with spirits. Talk to them. There are times when I've had to say out loud "Let me be! I need sleep! " Tell the lower level ones to keep moving. If you are full of love and light and joy, that in and of itself will keep many of the "nasties" away. Saint Michael is a good one to ask for help with protection... Across many religions. He is a warrior angel, after all.
Some folks believe trees have spirits - maybe that's who caught you. Maybe it was your guardian angel. Whoever it was, they were protecting you for sure.

I totally relate to your experience. When I was little, I fell backwards off some steps and I felt strong arms catch me before I hit the concrete, then gently set me down - but there was no one there! I always thought it was my guardian angel.
Sounds like you are under attack to me. The fall down the stairs may have been part of it too. I am sorry about your kitten. Sometimes our pets "take the hit" for us... I have had that happen to me before. If this rings true to you, thank the kitten for taking your place.

I would do a cleanse on your apartment, your cars, and yourselves - then put up protection. Keep the energy light and positive. Clutter and dirt attract negativity. Ask your Mom or friends to help you deep clean - add whatever cleansing your prefer (Chinese Wash, lemon, blessed salt, Florida water) into your cleaning products before the helpers get there and pray over it. That way, y'all will clean out any spiritual gunk along with the actual dirt - and the helpers don't even need to know about the spiritual side of the cleaning unless you want to tell them.

Then do whatever protection around the house, your cars, and on yourselves according to your spiritual preferences. Don't forget the protection. Hope this helps.
Hi! Over the past 70+ years I have had numerous psychic experiences and gained a lot in wisdom, some of which can be applied to you. You are meant to develop spiritually at a certain pace and not through a crash course as you have been doing. One gets to the point where you are unable to absorb and process anymore knowledge. At this point you shut down, and loose interest for a long time. Years in fact. Your guide will advise you when you are ready for your next session. It has happened to me a few times during my lifetime. So, don't despair, it is natural, it happens.
I have experienced stuff like this to but I don't think "auras or "energy" is a good explanation for it. I have looked into the term "gangstalking","proactive-policing", or any theory that this is some type of psychological harrasment program and to be honest I while it still has some inconsistencies I think its a better explanation for all of this. Also a lot of my experiences would seem to confirm this leans more towards something of the latter which I stated. Who knows they might spread nonsense about this "spiritual" or "psychic" stuff just to further confuse people. I mean these explanations for things never really helped in the first place for me except as maybe a metaphor. But I'm still willing to talk with whoever is also experiencing this stuff.
Hi Fiona! I have also been off the air for some time, hence my belated reply to your post. It would appear that you have psychic abilities. Some advice from a very old hand (I am 86 years old and had my first psychic experience in 1949) You will advance psychically at a certain pace set by your guardian angel. If you push yourself too hard, you will loose interest for a long time. Years in fact. It happened to me. You could learn from my experiences and should you be interested read my blogs at: A lot of experience over many years. Yours for the taking.
ThulsaDune in Asking For Help
I have not been on here for quite awhile. I had to shut myself off from many things and concentrate on just a couple.

I am going to suggest a couple things to help. You may not like it but I would suggest lavender tea and spiced chia for a couple months once a day preferably in the evening. It will help detox and heal you.
I think that goes to show you the power of the mind! And with multiple people, I presume it's exponential.
Thanks for sharing,
Hello, I experienced a glowing green eyed entity in 2004 I was around the age of 9. I live in Canada.
This experience shook me to the core as there was a real physical response.

For big picture purpose: We lived in a 4 floor split home. When my baby sister was born I was moved to the sub basement. Only about 4 feet below ground. And the basement was about 8 stairs down from there with a crawl space.

For many months I would have night mares and wake up too my walls glowing green or bugs that always went away when others came into my room. Or objects not being where I left them. My parents did not think much of my complaints. This was also the house I had my last flair up of sleep walking and talking.

The incident I am about to describe was the only time I saw "it." We moved shortly after.

It was on a normal sunny afternoon where I had come home from school. I was in the sub basement beside my room on my way to the end of the living space where our Dog was penned.

I was going to let him outside when I felt a slight breeze from the open door to the basement. Ceaser our shepard mix was happy until that moment. As I turned to look at the stairs down, he began to growl and bark a bit. I wish I wanted to turn and ask him what was wrong but I knew as soon as I laid eyes on it. About mid way up the stair case I would estimate around 5'8" was a dark humonoid shadow with big GLOWING GREEN EYES. The stairs were not lit currently and natural light was behind me by Ceaser so the eyes were very prominent.

I felt my body hair stand up, and for a split second I could not move. It stared at me for what could only be a moment but felt much longer. Ceaser began to go balistic and broke free. As he did the figure shot up the stairs right into me with a decent gust of air. Ceaser bolted straight down the stairs barking like mad and I just stood there. I don't remember what happened after. I feel like my step dad came downstairs to see what the commotion was but I do not recall the rest of that evening. Or when Ceaser calmed down.

This was so scary I remember it to this day vividly, 16 years later. I had lots of wierd stuff happen as a kid and a very stressful home life. But I swear it was real and it was evil. I felt it. It physically moved me. Plus our Dog saw it too. Thinking back it still fills me with Dred. I hope to never see it ever again. 😨
Good evening! We unfortunately find departed spirits who have not left the earth plane for various reasons. (Read my blogs at: They keep themselves busy by attaching themselves to humans, and can make your life a misery. The best advice that I can give you is to ignore them flat. When they don't get a reaction from you they will leave and look for someone else to pester.
spookvanger in Looking For Help
Hi Tara! I have been off the air for some time and your request for help has only now come to my notice. I sincerely hope you read my reply.
I am positive that your husband is still around you and the family, that is why you can sometimes smell his scent. It would appear that although he has passed over he is earth bound and has not left the earth plane. To give you more insight I earnestly request you to read my blogs, especially "Inauguration of a rescue circle". This will answer your questions. Read them at:
I would suggest that you join a Spiritualist Church in your area. You could receive a message from him during the service.
I trust you will receive the peace you are looking for.
God bless.
Hi Treehouse! Regrettably I have only now read your post. I am 86 years old and have had more than 70 years experience in psychic matters. You have had good advice from oOIOo to which I want to add the following: The 7 spirits who bothered you are not guides. They have their own agenda. You will NEVER see your guide/s in this life, and they will never leave you. Your guides job is to guide you, all the time. You will only meet him again when you pass into spirit life. Should you need more guidance/info, I invite you to read my blogs. There are at present 26 blogs which you can find at:
God bless.

I hope you come back and read this.

It is wonderful that you have such love in your life. I would like to share with you some experiences I have had with love.

My late wife channeled higher level beings. Many were either angelic or archangels. Among many things I had a chance to ask every question I could think of over the course of years.

We can have relationships with beings on other levels. When we fall in love with people here on the Earth plane the guides of both people fall in love as well. They are involved behind the scenes long before we even meet the eventual love interest. Some people are so connected to their guides that they become one for brief moments. I had a girlfriend who would get a certain look on her face and touch her chin with her hand when concentrating. My late wife who was a channeler contacted this ex-girlfriend's guide. As my wife channeled him my wife got the same look and touched her chin with her hand the same way the girlfriend always had. The gesture was the guide's. The girlfriend and the guide became one when she concentrated like that.

I once fell in love with a woman's guide instead of her.

I have experienced astral relations;-| with beings who as far as I could know were not also here with a physical body living somewhere on the Earth plane.

I have had a sustained relationship (soul to soul) with someone living in a physical body but who was not aligned with their higher self. She was an evolved being and very advanced with higher level abilities but she was abused at a very young age. I could have a conversation with a part of her while her Earth consciousness was not involved. She was aware of me, she was even interested in me and came to me to show me her interest in me before I grew interested in her. However, I did not recognize that she was fragmented inside, incapable of a serious relationship and mainly looking for fun in the moment.

We were telepathic with one another and on one level she made her interest in me crystal clear. She was multidimensional. One day she opened up and invited me inside her. It was non-verbal and I simply understood and accepted the invitation without hesitating. Instead of sensing a limited intimate space I felt the unlimitedness of a universe within her. I considered her a divine gift. I loved her more and with greater understanding of love than anyone previously. I poured intense love into her. I researched her situation wanting to understand and to do what she needed of me. I began experimenting with the love I had for her to see if it improved the dynamics of our connection. But in the process I changed and could not return to what I had been before. She instead drifted away.

We can experience physical sensation generated by non-physical beings. To this day, the strongest love able to melt me came from a visiting non-physical being who usually does not enter this plane. The room warmed. Colors and light became more vivid. I was quickly turned into warm pudding. It was awe inspiring but awe is too much of an expressive activity to describe this. I was too softened from the deep warming love. A relaxing moan would better describe it.

Pale compared to this yet still strong was the love I felt when my mother came to me after she passed away. It was undeniably her, very pure and reminiscent of her presence when I was a very young child and she was "LOVE" to me. Our relationship had become and remained distant for most of my life but this was her in full glowing purity focused on me and I had the maturity and awareness at my adult age to fully appreciate it. Again, the other being was even more loving.
Regarding the night you awoke to a view of the universe, you may have actually been floating and elevated in your astral body somewhere above any obstructions.
One way to eliminate nuisances like parasites and trickster spirits is to "kill them with kindness" Send them love and gently encourage then to move on. It may take some time repeating the process. Nuisances like this are not particularly aware and sensitive. They are here because they know where to find food. It may take them time to get the message that you are not a gratifying meal.
Hello Joey,

I hope this does not come off as a reprimand or a moral judgement. I would like to present some ideas to be considered from a different point of view. You sound really awesome and have very interesting natural talent.

Please share what this special power is you refer to. You are anonymous here. You are only contributing a mysterious curiosity by alluding to it. Without knowing the "power" there is not enough information to understand your problem in its entirety.

One thing I have noticed is that this website attracts a lot of people near their 20's younger and older but near. With that comes all of the themes the demographic is exposed to and is of interest to them. Particularly is the popularity of comic book superhero blockbuster films. This and Star Wars are the dominant source for the concept of "superpowers" and "forces" to be used to dominate. Whether the opponent is "evil" or not it is still focusing on power. This in part at least is a consequence of external influences. You would see a less dramatized depiction of these abilities if you researched spiritual and philosophical books and did not rely on the Hollywood versions.

You did say "abilities" but saying 'wielder of abilities" is about power and ego. "I seem to be the most powerful I not only have some unique abilities but I also happen to have one of the most rare..." this is comic book material. You have also used the terms "powers" or "powerful" several times. Spiritual awareness, psychic perception, interacting with higher-level energies are not "power" these are "abilities." There is a significant difference between the two and typically in the way we think of them and their utilization. When you used the word "abilities" you used it in the context of power. Referring to them as a power suggests dominance and superiority. Could you be compensating for a perceived weakness in yourself?

I have known many psychics, mediums, channelers, etc. In my lifetime and some for as long as 40 years. Ultimately for a few the ego has been the wall preventing them from advancing their abilities. Some of these are pros making a living with these abilities and they have always had to pad / fluff up / fill in the gaps with trivial things because their guides have limited the information they provide as a means to show them it is not them and is instead The Universe who is the source.

Instead of seeking outside sources of more energy and hiding from other "wielders" seek The Universe and aspire to be an instrument for the true Source. The Universe is the source you need to reconnect with and from inside yourself. Humility, benevolence and gratitude are keys. Good luck on your journey.
The numbers: There can be a significance to catching numbers here and there. Once the idea is presented to you your mind has a mind of its own, so to speak. If this had been occurring and you stumbled upon an explanation viewing the video I would lean towards a spiritual explanation. However, because this unfolded after and more of the result having been exposed to the idea watching the video I am inclined to think it is just your brain. It can be of spiritual significance or it can be Earthly relevant. Our brains can keep track of time with great precision even though you may still be chronically late for appointments, be oblivious sleeping through your alarm clock or missing a movie showtime. The numbers 11:11 are also spiritually significant and can be a mere hello from higher levels or reminding us of deeper aspects of life.

The "weirdness": Without meeting you in person or even online most of us cannot make an informed assessment of that. You might be using the word "weird" very loosely while most other people may have and agree on a single different more precise word which also contains an explanation for what you observe around you. "Weird" is vague. There are many forms of weird and each person has their own interpretation of what they find weird.

The fact that you find people with a variety of unique characteristics interesting and can relate to them can be a matter of empathy and possibly indicative of an old soul with many shared experiences. It can also have something to do with your astrological details. Some people have it in them to understand everyone and/or have the ability to see things from a wide variety of different perspectives.
Smelling cigarettes has been associated with the presence of a spirit. That is when you have eliminated the physical / logical possibilities like someone around or upwind truly smoking a cigarette or perhaps having burned toast nearby.
The first time you triggered psychic abilities was unique. It is beneficial that you not expect them to come in a flash. I can share what has seemed to have worked for me. I do not have a technique or formula.

It helps to be balanced and grounded. When grounded I feel practically invincible, not literally but like I have my full faculties available. It is a realistic view. I know myself and my limitations. I do not expect to levitate or read everything precisely.

I exposed myself to environments which were conducive / ideal to explore such activities. Meaning, I attended retreats, took classes and acquired friends who were naturally good at it. I had friends who were professional psychics. I had a girlfriend who was a pro psychic and first experienced shared dreams and multidimensional sexual activity with her. Later my wife was very advanced and she was writing a book dictated by her guides. She needed a companion to hear her speak the words as she received them to sort of complete the flow. I occasionally saw the words floating or heard them before she spoke them aloud. This was able to observe and share many experiences intimately. My first experience of conscious astral projecting was the result of her guides coaching and preparing me.

She passed away and I rejected these topics for many years. I became cynical of them and just lived a regular life. Except that I had been guided and prepared for things when I was actively involved and I remembered and applied the same techniques when I saw how they might benefit situations. For instance, I relocated to a different area and found a place to live I know I was guided to. Sometimes your guides and The Universe needs time and opportunity to do little things for you that lead you to bigger things. Part of this process involved taking steps that accomplished that. We are not all identical. I only know what they did for me and it worked so I used the same process on myself and that worked. Some people have things come more abruptly or dramatically and some have things happen in a wide variety of ways. There is no single rule.

Regarding Law of Attraction, I have not seen evidence that this works for most people and it seems to take a very unique mindset in those that use it. There is the phenomenon of not thinking of a carrot. In other words, here and now do not think of a carrot for a moment. If you are like most people you will think of a carrot. I was born with a natural ability with visual arts. I am exceptionally creative. It is counter=productive for me to hold to a single idea. I am naturally open to ideas. This enables me to see more, to refine and reach higher for an ever-fleeting perfection glimpsing the Heavens. I do not see how I could control my thoughts to utilize Law of Attraction techniques at will. Maybe you can. Good luck.

I find that insights come to me when I am focused on a task. I have done the opposite and see the value in operating in the groove, reaching a Zen state of activity, flowing with The Source. I experimented with being more open and multitasking. Both still must be done while focused on the task giving much less attention to things aside from the task. I thought I would miss the additional input if I was not paying attention. It does not work that way though. The additional input comes from within you not outside. By coming within it comes through you and as part of the motion and action of the focused upon task. If you anticipate it coming from outside you will devote less attention on the task and not do a good of a job at it. You might manage to complete it well, it is not impossible, but you do so with a compromised mindset. You are increasing your chances of doing well when you are deeply involved to the point where things become timeless.

Another tip is to train yourself to catch and pay attention to thoughts popping into your mind. We are encouraged to pay more attention to external stimuli. We tend to miss these thoughts. As you start to train yourself to notice and give them a chance you may notice them but act too quickly and not give them a chance. At this stage you can at least look back and see whether they were beneficial. As you begin to give them their due consideration their value will increase. Meaning, what you are sent will get more important and have more impact. This is partially because you will develop a channel for these insights to flow through and you will be utilizing them more which in turn leads to a knowing, a confidence in the process, a sense of connection to higher guidance and awareness that you are not alone as you live your life. It will not be such an uphill climb or feel so much like a battle or struggle. This applies to everything from accessing psychic insight to finding a job or a new car or a good meal.
"How on Earth is this possible?"

It does happen. It may be new to you and relatively uncommon but things like this have happened to many people. The thing I hope you take to heart is to go with it and experience it without getting distracted with questions of how it is possible.

It is interesting in that everything fits together. There is nothing out of place. Like you said the meaning or purpose is obvious. Sometimes there are one or more things that seem out of place and especially difficult to understand how they fit.
I am not as extreme as you but I used to be able to read strangers easily. Unfortunately I am extra sensitive to people and how they react. I grew up in a family with tension under the surface. I later learned my parents did not get along and my mother was abused as a child. They hid this from me but being sensitive and what is known as "empathic" I absorbed this negativity and because a child typically only knows its immediate world and everything seems to revolve around you I felt responsible for everything bad.

My mother was raped by her step brother. She projected her resulting feelings towards males onto me. I (along with my mother) paid the price for her being raped. My closest sister was both lovable, perceived as wonderful to everyone and I in turn worshiped her. But she followed the unacknowledged example my mother demonstrated and was typically quite harsh towards me. I was a good looking kid evinced by the reaction I got from both girls and men. Yet I was never able to feel good about myself and never allowed to feel happy. If I showed happiness my sister would tell me something unhappy in her life and I felt I could not be happy as long as she was not happy.

I am not gay but homophobia is common and I frequently confused the feelings some men had towards me as my own until I had more time to sense the source. I have walked into stores and felt a strong attraction towards people whom I had yet a chance to see. Many times I felt compelled to turn around and would find someone staring at me from some direction I never could have seen until that moment. There is a moment of distraction when I feel overwhelmed, then I evaluate and sense and wonder and then sense something wrong, then I realize it is not my feeling it is the person looking embarrassed across the room as I look at them blankly. This has happened with men and women. A psychic once told me that my "door" to psychic awareness is sexuality. People let their sexual attraction slip out.

My closest sister was lovable and got away with being hateful as well because of it. She was aggressive and people did not want to cross her. She also was insightful. We both could see people for what they truly were. I naturally respected people while she naturally felt she was beyond most. She set the example I worshiped her. She could get away with calling people on the BS. I wanted to be like her. I made many enemies instead when I did what she did. I was sensitive and cared when I perceived I hurt people. I received theirs and my own wrath on myself. I ended up numbing myself dulling my senses doubting myself because I dropped down in stature to myself when I perceived I hurt anyone and that became my identity. It may be dormant and clouded in doubt and fear of the trouble I could bring upon myself for using it but I still have that innate insight into people.

I experience what is called synesthesia. My senses overlap. For instance, I partially see with my ears and hear with my eyes. When I was a child I felt the future as sensations and shapes in my mouth that I would explore with my tongue as I observed images and contemplated events to come. I have lost that one ability because I have held a lot of tension in my mouth all of my life.

I cannot say whether I feel time is running out because I have knowledge of that from outside sources. I can only confirm your sense of things from this point of view. My wife was probably one of the greatest channelers to have been born. She channeled uncommonly pure. Her personal guides were benevolent with access to significant information. She had several and all but one were angels or archangels. People believe all "guardian angels" are literally angels. Most are people between incarnations of lives on the same level as us. Actual angels as guides are not so common. Archangels as guides are extremely rare. They were here on a divine mission using her as a tool. I was fortunate to have such close contact with them. I was able to ask every question I could think of over a period of years. Again I confirm from this perspective that your sense of time being short here is correct.

Good luck to you. We are all here to take part and many are here because this turbulent time is ideal for concentrated growth opportunity. It is not to be easy for anyone regardless of divine connections and special abilities.
Hello AutumnNoel,

First this I hope to convey is that the presence of fear itself is not an indication of danger. It is an indication of ignorance, lack of understanding and probably the most significant is loss of or perceived potential loss of control.

A centipede represent stability. With all of those legs it is unlikely to lose balance. It also represent coordination and concentration. You say your were "frozen in its gaze" This is your deeper self-awareness. The weather turned dark and stormy with lightening in the distance. You were actually protected but you did not understand what was going on. The sickle is an ancient tool used for harvesting that which brings and sustains life.

If you get over your fear you could use the centipede to invoke peace of mind, serenity and confidence anytime but especially in the face of adversity.
-o0I0o- in Looking For Help
Hello Tara,

The most important thing I hope to get across to you is to enjoy what you can the way he feels when he comes to you, the way he also visits the children and how they are aware of him. Do not get hung up on believing he is not succeeding and somehow you have to find a way to comprehend some message he is unable to get to you. He clearly is showing you he loves you and wants you all to know he lives on and did not end.

When my mother died she came to me and I felt her essence stronger than I had ever before. It was unmistakable. When we are little children we are not consciously aware and do not have the experience and knowledge to understand. We just know and take things for granted. Gradually as we grow up and discover the world we are distracted from our senses and are drawn away from those who have been closest to us. This was experiencing her pure essence with the knowledge and awareness of my adult years.

Your husband does not necessarily have some great message your are unable to receive. He may be accomplishing his objective by just coming to you and the children and exchanging experiences with you. You could just enjoy his presence and go with it. However if you get anxious with concern you are missing something important you will miss the opportunity to fully experience him.

There are psychics, who do something specifically referred to as mediumship or who identify themselves as "mediums"...these are people with an ability to hear and communicate more directly with people who have passed on. They can relay words that you might not be receptive to. Unfortunately there are also many frauds so if you can try more than one and not take anyone as Gospel / The Ultimate Truth you could benefit.

Whatever you do, try to relax and go with the experience when your husband visits. He can communicate in your dreams but many times we do not recall dreams in detail. Other times a dream just leaves a strong lingering feeling. That can be the message just as well as hearing words.
One other thing (see previous comment) regarding UFO sightings, it was the press covering Eshed's story that implied sightings have increased lately. It was Eshed making that statement. It was not any other source connecting his story to actual events on record. This idea that sighting have increased recently immediately caught my attention because that did not correspond with the truth.

Also, "the Pentagon" has not "confirmed" the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial beings in contact with any governments. Of course the military acknowledges the existence of "UFO's" U.F.O. Stands for Unidentified Flying Object. That does not imply alien technology. This said, pilots and astronauts have described objects and especially the movement of some objects as not possible with known technology. This still only leaves questions concerning the situation and context in which things were observed rather than providing evidence of aliens coming to Earth.
"UFO's sittings have increased immensely, the pentagon just confirmed the existence of aliens and UFO's, but why did they do it? Why now?"

Be mindful of making more out of things than are actually happening.

UFO sightings have not increased immensely. Recently there was a former Israeli space security chief (Prof. Haim Eshed) saying there has been contact with aliens, there is a contract to do experiments on Earth and that even US president Trump is in contact with aliens. Eshed is releasing a book. He is obviously making such statements to sell the book.

I was alive in the 70's 80's 90's and all the way to the 2021. There have always been occasional reports of UFO's but once in a while there have been surges of sightings and sometimes these have taken place all over the world. But there have not been many of these for a long long time.
In Quantum Theory there is a premise whereby the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality.

A controlled experiment revealed that the greater the amount of "watching," the greater the observer's influence on what actually takes place.
Everyone has multiple lifeforms attaching to them throughout their lives. I am not speaking of the microscopic world. Some people attract dark entities while others attract kinder gentler beings. The way to eliminate them is to encourage them with love. It sounds cliche and improbable (the whole idea is improbable to many) but it is the way to do it. Kill them with kindness. The dark energies will not be satisfied and leave while the more loving energies will understand it is the right thing to do and just comply.

You two are overwhelmed by the attached beings because both of you are extra sensitive. Because you are extra sensitive you need to learn how to protect yourself and reduce their influence on you.
-o0I0o- in Tarot Channeling
Hey dandydaffodil,

Don't listen to the haters. They want everyone to be like them.

Follow your heart and be true to your soul. You have amazing talent and comprehension with your higher-level senses. You already have more ability and understanding of what you are doing while most readers only have book sense and memorized dogma. You can be of great assistance to other people and/or you can use this exclusively to enrich your own life.

Tarot cards can be used many ways including as a means to convey messages from beings not living with physical body. Historically an Ouija board has had dark connotations but my wife learned how to channel using one. First she sort of felt the urge to spell out words. Then she started hearing the words and soon would narrate everything simultaneously. Eventually she was able to allow her guides to utilize her body and converse as though they had exchanged places. If you turned the lights off and could not see her you could more easily feel the different being across from you. Her guides were not "evil spirits" they were benevolent and full of knowledge and wisdom.
Hello Smoltowngrl,

I agree with PathR in that you are gifted.

Easier said than done I know we all have fears but somehow you need to understand how these signs taking place for you are not to be feared. Try to be passive and not reactive as they unfold. Instead of dreading something "bad" to come observe neutrally without labeling it bad or good. Do you know of the film The Sixth Sense? In that film a very young boy "sees dead people" and eventually learns not to be afraid but to comprehend the message which he then relays to other people. I suspect this is just the introduction to a great talent developing in you. You are learning the language being used to communicate. Later you very likely will have much more reveled to you. You are very special. You are becoming bilingual speaking a language that is uncommon but valuable. Read, seek contact with "mediums" and "psychics"...there are many with great abilities and understanding but like anything there are plenty that are not that good at it and who do not understand what they are doing. Eventually you will have pieces of the puzzle and assemble it seeing the picture.

Best of luck to you!
It certainly is possible to detect scent on a higher level (than the physical plane). It certainly is possible to have sex there with other beings as well. There are many forms of higher-level sexual activity. You can have a form of higher-level sexual interaction with beings living lives on the physical plane as well as with beings who are not currently living lives on the physical plane. There are lost/roaming souls (ghosts). There are multi-dimensional beings without physical bodies. There are souls not currently living on the physical plane. I have personally experienced several forms. Generally, the rules/guideline are similar regarding safety and protection. Whether it is with a physical being or one without a physical body we are interacting with that being on other levels. How do you know whether you are interacting with the same being or not? Look for recognizable characteristics. As above, so below. Look, sense, feel for characteristics. Practice and develop your natural skills.
Your words seem to reference single events but many similar events over a period of time, is this correct? For instance the 7 figures around your bed, this seems to be a single event yet you speak of that event as though it was recurring or at least part of a recurring theme. You may chalk up as having learned that you have control. These beings (?) may not have been your guides, as in your assigned guides. Your guides will give you space if you wish. You are never truly alone. You can request different guides and may or may not succeed. But you cannot banish them. We are here teamed and connected but we do not all have awareness. We do not necessarily have an objective to utilize multi-level capacities. You are jumping to conclusions attributing the "stale, flat, boring" nature of your life to the absence of interactivity with these beings that had been showing up. My suggestion to you is to take a proactive role in changing the "stale, flat, boring" nature of your life. Find an interest and pursue it. Do not expect the beings to return. Move on. Immerse yourself in new interests. Your "guides" have not left you. They continue to do their part. You are the one living here on this plane and they are the guides. Get back to living life and everything will fall into place.
Never mind, I have my answers and since there were no similar responses, I think I am to keep them to myself. Thank you for responding.
[at] mx384

Thanks, I wrote on your story because I couldn't find a way to send a private message haha.

I don't have much to add to my story except that I've actually seen my girlfriend's aura after all, it happened around a month ago. I was in the dining room and she was making food in the kitchen while I was facing away from her. I was lost in my mind when I felt intuitively I needed to turn my head and look at her. Then I felt my vibrational state rise and I distinctly saw a red overlay around her legs, who intensified in color and vibrance as my vibrations rose up. A few seconds later, I was smiling and happy. It felt good. Then I turned around again for a few seconds and when I looked back, her aura had turned to blue.

I also think I had an out-of-body experience recently. I was asleep and woke up in the middle of the corridor outside my apartment. Everything was REAL and I was focusing intensely on a hole in the wall. I felt myself rise above the ground and realizing I was free, I felt the urge to explore a new place. So I went headfirst into someone else's apartment... And everything went black. It felt like I wasn't allowed to go in there. And then I woke up and told my girlfriend about the experience. I checked out the wall the next day and the hole I was focusing on during my moment of freedom was actually there. I never noticed that hole before this happened.
Charles120 in Strange But True
[at] mx384

Hey how are you? I saw your post on my story, sorry it took a while to come back to you I keep forgetting to check the comments 😆

Anyway yeah you can send the PDF you mentioned if you still have it, although I have an idea of what it could be. I'm very interested either way, hopefully you still have it. You can send it to charlesmalodube120 [at]

I liked your story too and I have moments just like you mentioned. I also regularly dream about stuff that happens either the next day or in the following days or weeks. It's odd.

Aurora-Rose-117 in Is It Supposed To Hurt?
Oh and yes I get overwhelmed by the chaos of people's emotions too. My natural reaction used to be anger or anxiety, but I'm slowly developing a working method to be in crowds and around violent energies safely. It's a journey for sure! I lived in Dayton OH for a short while and the veil seems to be thinner there than in other places. Could be all the Selenite in the ground!
Which reminds me, you can try focusing your abilities on reading magnanimous peaceful things like trees. And get yourself a good piece of black kyanite, I mean it!
Aurora-Rose-117 in Is It Supposed To Hurt?
Do you ever get overwhelmed by all the information and sensory stuff? I don't think the stuff you pick up on is useless, a lot of the time it's omens in the environment etc. And correspondences. And they can be made useful. I shut my abilities down tremendously but when I open them up it's somewhat similar to you. Except I read the environment and big scale things. For example I felt like I was getting an omen and opened myself up. I saw a lamp flickering and thought "what is the message?" I knew there was going to be a shooting and left, and got 2 more omens along the way to my car. The next day I looked it up on the news and there was a shooting at the McDonald's drive through a few miles down from where I was.
I can look at your astrological chart to see where your strengths and weaknesses may lie, if you feel inclined.
Cxvii.aurora [at]
Or on FB Okaje Auravictrix (not my real name but it's a sock puppet account to safely connect with people)
Rough times is an understatement. I've been told by a world renowned psychic I've had a hard life, more than most. Honestly, I didn't realize it until I talked to others. Some who have had to watch me do my best said I have gone through more hardship in year than most see in a lifetime. It has only been the last 11 months that I have known any kind of rest, even a little peace. But still with loss.
I had given up on love long ago, like decades ago. Didn't look for it, didn't feel any real need for it, really didn't want to deal with any more complications. I've just been trying to deal with what life hands me.
So, all of this was a surprise to me.
I've been aware of my guides since I was a child. These new ones are different and have amazed me with how active and how much they can affect the physical world.
I hope that answers your question, probably too much.
The reality is there are many dimensions.

There are also people who die, and yet active in the physical realm.
Those who wish to evolve are of service and act as guides.

In your situation it seems there is interacting with you, so you are in this relationship. And as all of us have ability to show love/peace. This is what has been imparted to you and more, from what you are saying.

As you are saying you have gone though rough times, and felt lost in need of love.
I can't say I have your skills or that I know the depth of your loneliness, but I can say that there is more to life. In this world there are those who are hateful, but it's not actually the true nature of things.
As I sit here, contemplating what you need to hear, all my spirit guides have to say, is to let you know you are not alone.
Believe it or not, I am actually very curious about your skills and feel at home in reading your story. As you know, not everyone accepts the unseen elements of life, but as a healer I feel a kinship to you. I would love to hear how you are doing and if you have any questions, please email me at my business email, rae [at] if you are interested in connecting.
Awakening is opening up to the 5 psychic senses: clairvoyance, clairsentient etc. The earth has a voice, and in part, your hearing is nature. The lights red/blue/white are nature & elements. There are various levels we can interact on the earth (physically/mentally/emotionally) these intertwine with etheric and astral plus physical plan. As said according to old tradition, all life is a circle.
But as your are in your region it sounds as if you are hearing thunder and lightning bird called Ndadzi. And when humans show religious homage with prayer this too can be seen/felt/heard.
Munchkin1468 in Hearing The Earth Turn
For a little over a year now I have been having the same experiences minus the "Earth rotating" sound. The ringing in the ears at different frequencies and the little bright lights. Most of them are white but I have also seen some blue and a few red. I've tried to find the source of the lights but I haven't been able to. I've researched and so far they are unexplainable. Last year when I first experienced them I was also in the midst of a really bad year. My husband and I has split up, I lost my job, I became deathly ill with an uncommon disease, and my house burned to the ground. At first when the lights appeared I felt like someone must be playing a trick on me but as I witnessed them more and more I wrote that theory out. I don't feel threatened by them but I am always looking for an explanation which led me here. Last night there were more of them then I had ever seen at once and I felt that the reason was that they were trying to communicate something important to me. It almost looked like they were trying to form objects but as I tried to see more clearly it felt like a haze was in front of my eyes. The more I struggle to see the hazier my eyes got. There were so many of them I felt a little uncomfortable but also felt an urgency from them. I do not know what they want or what if any kind of message they are trying to relay. I can't really tell anyone cause they'll think I am crazy. (maybe I am 🤔) I know they are real and I can always tell when I will see them because the ringing in my ears will get louder. I am hearing the ringing now and I want to know what they want. I am going to try to listen to them tonight more tentatively. Hopefully I can see what they are saying or understand in some form. I can't leave it as unexplained. Quite honestly, I've never been a spiritual person, but someone told me they could "see" that I was going through an "awakening". I don't know what that means really. If anyone has answers or suggestions for I should do please contact me.

Thank you
This sounds very similiar to an experience my ex-wife and I had when we were together. At the time I wasn't very spiritual (or rather God-pleasing) and later things got complicated between us. Perhaps this event indicates there will be some changes, or perhaps not. What is most important is your own spiritual walk and what you rely on spiritually when the "winds" pick up in your life, just as in the Bible (if you believe) when Jesus walked on the water and called out to Peter and Peter didn't focus on God, but on the winds and began to sink. During such frightening experiences and even sudden abrupt life changes (such as the pandemic) focus your attention on God. God would not scare or frighten you. I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.
follow your HEART ultimately not your spirit guides, despite them wanting the best for u - your life is ultimately dictated by the choices you make and your mind state of being. But be aware of karma. Cheating leads to bad karma. Cheat and be certain you will get cheated on. This is not meant to discourage you, it is simply the law of the universe. To advise against this, by following your heart, you also stand up for your dignity. If you're unhappy in your marriage and your husband, leave him and be with this guy. If not... What is hidden will always come to light as they say ~
Imagination is simply channeling information. It is not made up - it is as real as this reality. Just as your dreams are. Yes u were channeling. Did u make up the story, or did the story make itself known to u? See
At night is when spirits like to come and play as I call it. There's more silence, less noise in the mind - therefore it is easier for U to perceive them. They always will try to get our attention both during the day and night, but maybe your mind gets quieter during nighttime, and he's easily able to make his presence known. Interesting u smell cologne though. I would say that is more human, but your friend is describing more alien or djinn like. He seems gentle though. Be wary for any sexual interaction or sleep paralysis though. Thats a form of energy sucking. I wouldn't worry about it. If he makes u uncomfortable ask him to leave
Very interesting. If you're spiritual I recommend this book The Mist Filled Path. Different from your story, but still u might like it. Anyways, yes you're absolutely right! The fog contained dense energy which is y u fell asleep. I shift different dimensions all the time while I'm awake, but I've never had anything from this dimension interact with the one I was in. INTERESTING that the place you went to was called crossroads as well. Crossroads between this realm and another? Hahaha. I would simply look into the location of where u were and any experiences. Perhaps there's something spiritual about the specific location you're in. Examples like how certain places are prone to UFO citings. It's strange because when I astral travel while I'm awake to different dimensions I simply feel my consciousness shifting and my perception changes - the energy around me feels different and I feel different entities around me depending on where I traveled to. Where I travel to can also be in the past or future, which means that dimension the time works differently. I wouldn't be surprised when u fell asleep when that fog hit u that the time that passed seemed suspicious? I can't see however, which is a big difference betweeen your story and mine. I just feel like a blind person.
you dreamt it, then you forgot about it while you're awake. Sometimes when we dream time does not work the way it does when we're awake, meaning the past present and future are sort of warped like a circle. It's deju vu basically lol. It's common but u might think you're crazy. Don't worry you're not.
layschips98 in Black Crow And Orbs
Im not going to lie I felt that as well reading the beginning of your text there's something very off about that place, perhaps there's a portal inside that place that is subject to all sorts of negative energies PLURAL. Stay with a friend or motel I advise. Even wearing protection doesn't do much if that place has a portal in it.
healers are empaths. A healer is one with deals with the energy of others and channels into it to a lightform energy. That lightform energy channels that denser energy in whoever your healing into light, that's why they feel better and more flexible. Usually if you're a healer, it means you channel this through the help of your spirit guides. Perhaps archangel Raphael is close to you as he is with all healers. Anyways very cool
Static is interesting because it can be a number of things, but if it's MOVING and looks like it's contained in what looks like a BODY, then it's simply a spirit moving around you. Could be alien in nature. Spirit guides and those of the light move usually through light, so light flashing or orbs around you. Sometimes dots of blue at least with me. Static though is interesting because it's energy, and could be alien. You could be an energy healer as well. Do you have heated hands in the center of your palms?
layschips98 in Hearing The Earth Turn
if it's indeed the earth turning, that's deep. Also meditative music, what do you mean? I've never heard of that. What does it sound like? A certain frequency or pitch or is it like instruments?
layschips98 in Invisible Breathing
Yes it's strange. I sense breathing all around me, or what feels like a heartbeat in the air. It's simply a spirit around you. It's easy to detect if it's positive or negative. Negative is more dense in energy, so you might feel an energy BODY laying next to you, if it's of the light then you will feel the energy in your heart - like your heart opening and you feel lighter in energy.
Hi there, it could be an earthbound spirit has attached to you - synching their emotions to yours. You're a strong empath. Wear black tourmaline.
layschips98 in Seeing Spider
Your third eye was open which made you see into the astral plane - a dimension that is very strange but indeed real, filled with a bunch of dreamy symbols and energy parasites such as spiders and many more (centipedes, cockroaches, etc.) big or small doesn't matter... Sometimes with strange colors. If you saw this, it's meant as a SIGN to SEE the hidden forces around you. Perhaps a small cleanse with sage or palo santo, and a small prayer, and be mindful of your thoughts. These energy parasites can influence your mind and keep you in a negative state of thinking unless you're AWARE - perhaps which is why you were permitted or allowed to see into this dimension. A weird wake up call indeed. Don't be frightened though. You're always in control.
This is very straightforward. Everything in the dream was real. A clear message that tells us that our story does not end when we die. Also you helped him transition towards heaven. That clear light went into heaven is what you saw, or at least into the light... Very beautiful story.
layschips98 in Black Wolf
This could be good or bad. I've heard stories of this and the black wolf can mean either death is coming or can be a guide. Usually though the black wolf or beast follows people in jail or prison, so it can't be that. However, the fact it bit you LITERALLY does not mean it comes from the light. Darkness can touch you though - usually it always does. It can be a negative spirit guide - a guide that wants to protect you and teach you lessons but still can cause harm at the same token... Strange indeed. I wouldn't get paranoid though as you are the master of your own life. The creator or destroyer ultimately, however I would ask God or your spirit guides in love and light to provide you some CLUES what this is. They always answer a message however vague or clear it will seem. Maybe pay attention to your dreams as well... Best of luck ❤
They can't enter your house if you have boundaries. You should ask them they may wait outside to be let in if they need your help. Only reason spirits could be waiting for u is yes if you're a medium and can help them transition or cross over into the light. If your grandparents showed themselves to you perhaps they should also be made guardians of who should be let in as well. Every medium should have a gatekeeper of who should be let in. Get some training you have a lot of abilities.
layschips98 in Neon People
Hmm strange...aliens? Perhaps they know you. I wouldn't get paranoid though.
Yes the sulfur smell was a negative entity that tried to get inside your body. This happens to those who are vunerable and "psychic enough to perceive this". Wear some black tourmaline and get some sage for your house just in case. You astral travel in your sleep and sometimes you're not aware what entities you run into. The astral plane is full of personalities... Safe travels.
layschips98 in 111
You have strong manifestation skills. Because of this ability try to focus on higher vibrational thoughts of love and empathy for yourself. You will see even more coincidences but they will be of good fortune. Also your mind is more perceptive to future events, meaning you are aware of your future influences your present and vice versa - might seem like you're crazy but actually it's science muahaha
layschips98 in Death
Wow you're a seer. You were gifted with this ability for a reason. A unique look into death by perceiving it before it happens. Archangel Azrael (angel of death and transition) may be one of your guides. You can ask him why you have this ability. I'm sure the answer will be given to you through your dreams.
Hi you are pretty psychic, in other words you are susceptible to the energies around you, including the astral plane. Sleep paralysis is when something negative is in your environment that is influencing your consciousness. It's a bit like a trap in your psyche, therefore the paralysis. To break out of it, you must become aware and try to move your toes or fingers - that should snap you back to reality. The shadows and knocking can mean earthbound spirits or negative entities are in your home or around you, but no need to fear. You are ALWAYS in control. Everything else is an illusion. If yoou fear it, ask it to leave and demand it constantly and have protection on you - black tourmaline, saying "Jesus help me", or holy water if you believe in that sort of thing. No need to get scared. You can develop your abilities by asking help from your spirit guides in the name of divine love and light. ❤
Hi ever heard of "sparks fly" when people talk about chemistry between two people? It's real, so are fireworks. When you were having that amazing sex, it was the product of both your energies that vibrationally and energetically created it. Your minds also shifted consciousness since your energies synched up together, so your third eyes were more open than usual. Hope y'all get married or something haha
I know this is very old so I'm not sure if anyone will see this but I'm glad I stumbled across this site. Everyone is describing what I've been seeing perfectly. I honestly thought I was going crazy. We moved into a 200 year old home about 8 months ago and the house has a lot of amazing history. Because of that I did expect some activity but I hadn't seen anything for a while. But for the past few months I've been waking up from a deep sleep and seeing a white mass or fog hovering next to me. We have slanted ceilings in our bedroom and it's usually in the corner where the wall meets the slant which is at eye level. I would stare and it would eventually go away. But last night as I was staring at it I watched it slowly slide up the slant and go through the ceiling into the attic. It really scared me, especially since my husband was away for work. I've also woke him up several times when I see it but he sees nothing and it doesn't wake him up. Has anyone figured out what it is or how to manage it? I'm hoping it's not a bad spirit, I wouldn't be able to stay here if so. We are hoping this is our forever home where we will start our family and I would hate for that to ruin it.
bewhatmay in Young Child
Hi! Thank you for sharing:) Mine would happen during sleep. I would go in my dreams (?) to places I use to be during day time but see it all dark and gloomy I thought it was boring. I was sure I could fly and that everyone could do this, only that adults had forgotten how;) So I would fly to these places.

I have a child who says sleeps in the air and does not matter what bed it is, said it just in a quick matter of a fact way.

When you did this as a child were it at times when you were relaxed?
Here I am five years later with an update. Since my last comment so much has happened with me and the world and honestly, I finally understood what all of you meant. When I finally stopped looking for a religion or a god to follow was when I truly felt alive, light as a feather which sounds really strange, huh?

Whatevers quest I was trying to complete only led me to nowhere, only more and more question, and a growing feeling of hopelessness, the evil of men, the inaction of both the law of man and the fairness of the universe.

But one day, about 3 years ago, I just stopped. No more wanting, not more desire, no more endless search, I just stopped and felt my breath, a deep, long and delicious breath. Then all the things in this world that made me sad or anxious were gone. The only trace I had that those negative feelings were real was this feeling of lightness, which was completely new to me, as a proof that no more search was necessary.

And I finally realized one thing that some of you told me: be the very best you can be. This world we live in, the people that live here, nothing truly matters so long as Y O U are the loving person others are not, Y O U are the fair person that others are not, Y O U are the person which you would like others to be. We cannot change the world or the hearts of men, but we can change not only ourselves but how we view the vile of life aswell.

I still have no religion or gods or ways of spirit but I realized that I no longer need them. I have all that I'll ever need inside of M E, in my very own heart. And if the gods, should they exist, decides to punish once I am free of my mortal vessel, then so be it. I live a life of quiet, of caring, of honesty to my beliefs of what is good and what is not, a life where I no longer draw in and shoot out the negativeness of this world, a life of auto-realization and love. If eternal pain and suffering is what awaits someone like me, I fear for those who follow such gods or goddesses, but I do not pity them for their choice, after all, I made my choice aswell and I am more than fine with it.

When I stopped looking at others humans on Earth and deities in the universe, it was when I completed myself. And then there was peace at long last.

I am here to tell to whoevers person that may stumble upon my story, that if you do not find the answers anywhere no matter how hard you try or how hard others make your existence for you, time itself will answer you, so do not fret when nothing comes your away, because it eventually will. If you will accept it or not, I don't know, but I know I did and that the my answer also came from within. When time comes, be honest with yourself and you'll be light aswell. Farewell.

P.S: My fancy friend with his tuxedo hasn't visited me since that time when I had those 13-14yrs old, guess I'm no longer of interest of his.
wiseone in Strange But True
It sounds to me that you had a moment of claircognazance. This particular psychic ability is where information is placed within your mind. It's not delivered via a vision (clairvoyant) or hearing your spirit guides talking to you (clairaudient), you didn't have the answers, then the next moment you do.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I really have no advice on this front. It comes down to what your friend can handle and if they are open to an alternative way of understanding the world. Some are and some aren't. Sometimes you can have a friendship by just not talking about that part of your life, and sometimes they just aren't in a place to address the idea or reality of psychic abilities.
Hope this helps.
I loved reading about the various experiences you've had. While there is necessary skills and tasks needed to function on earth, I don't agree that we must suffer to be able to access our own innate spiritual gifts.
While we live here, the earth is going through a transformation. The energies and environment is changing. As a direct result, what it takes to succeed on earth is also changing. At one time it was about sacrificing. The healer's job was to help humanity think of the other person. Now, it's about example. A healer's job is to heal themselves, so they not only live a wonderful life but teach others as well. To be able to say, "look and follow in my footsteps," or "I'm living proof that a better life is possible."
If you wish to develop your skills and understanding of life, people, and how the two weave together, then go for it. With so many different tools and philosophies to learn, look around and delve into whatever catches your eye. As time passes, you will have studied a variety of things and learned a variety of skills. As a natural bi-product not only will your abilities grow and strengthen, but you will begin to live a more spiritually based life in a way that works for you. You will never run out of things to learn, so start with what interests you now.
I don't have an easy answer for you. I had a friend many years ago who reject her gift, and so I know you can suppress your abilities. I also know that while we all have gifts, we aren't all going to access them in this lifetime.
Before you suppress or fight your abilities, I would encourage you to look into your Soul Contract. A Soul Contract is the plan we make before we're born. If you have a better idea about why you have your gifts in this lifetime, you might not want to get rid of your abilities.
I've had bad and good experiences. Which is why there isn't an easy answer. What you are looking at is a crossroads. Choose one path, you won't have your skills. Or you can choose the path that holds your abilities. But it will change things. How you see the world, how you understand life, and how you live your life will be different than if you are blind to the skills and knowledge at your disposal. As one who chose to embrace her skills, I can say that this way of life is filled with love, healing, and happiness. If you choose to embrace your skills call on your spirit guides to help keep you safe and guide you to the knowledge you need to grow.
Hope this helped.
You sound like a gifted person, who is seeking to divide the world of spirit and physical realms. You are sensing things, but not allowing your heart/mind to focus on truth or what spirit helpers are trying to show you. Your greatest challenge is a support system. Possibly-Curanderismo which can ground and help you put concerns/worries/deaths/questions up to heaven. It gives courage, spiritual support and the ability to put aside weed/drinking which lowers our own spiritual vibration. The journey of spirit requires one to be completely committed to service. You speak about darkness seen and felt since birth to now, and the reality it is all around us. But it is not there to hurt, but for all Empowered being to go past the veil of darkness, and usher in love, light setting people free. You are an amazing being who is capable of learning and able to grow in spiritual power. I encourage you to be all you can be.
Charles120 Your story is incredible.

I have a pdf book that should make you fell right at home, now this book is no stranger to knowledge seekers.

But I think this book is more useful to you.

Give me your email if you interested.

WOW! This is crazy.

I know some people who called themselves gatekeepers and they say the gate are in Heaven, and hearing them say such a think just gives me a good laugh.

But now after reading your story, I have to admit these people are not crazy at all. So all I can tell you is you are a gatekeeper.

All the best and I hope you find a way to closed the gate.:)
Hearing ones own Higher Self or Intuition (Knowing)
Adds up to spirituality. Yes this ability can be clear and open and can get stopped up (clogged), as well as open into full bloom.

All people have psychic ability.

Best wishes
jadisas in Asking For Help
Thank you for the responses. I've never been one to do a lot of meditating, Chakra Belief, or Spiritual healing. I pretty basic here, and just a simple person. We do use essential oils, and quite extensively, some are helping to treat the lyme. As for my spirit, chakra, and inner energy... No idea. I've had just always been that way and never able to afford the tools needed for most of the studies. I have always thought I was just a simple person with a little inside knowledge when it's needed. Now it's turned into more of a fear, since I have no control over what I sense. I know it's there, I just can tell what it is. A person, a happening, what someone is feeling. By the way, I tested negative for Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, Syphilis, and no brain tumors... Thank God... Lol. I just pretty much always have a feeling, like someone is yelling at me from a sound proof room. And no, its not always a person, it is a feeling, person, spirit, emotion... Everything. Like when you turn the am radio to the wrong dial...

I just found my topic here by accident (yes, It's been a while). Is anybody from people who commented still here? Or just anybody who would like to talk about this unusual experience?
As you are intimating it could Kundalini awakening.
But I only sense something that covers left side of head and down
Over back of neck... With Kundalini and Awakening you have no one to
Give instructions: Breathwork, diet and symptom management.

As you are under Doctors care.
You can seek Homeopathy and also look into books by Antony Williams
Medical Medium regarding diet. All of these help to clean the body and human chakras.
Did you ever find this place? I may can help you if you havent. Actually j know I can.
PathR in Seeing Spider
It sounds as if you were in the precognitive state (asleep yet
Awake). When people are in this position we see things.
Some say-etheric others say astral.

In your situation it sounds as if you were observing it move over
Your area. They do use space/houses to just move in through a direction
Like a road.

I have read people speak about the spider as if it is only negative.
I personally have experienced it differently, as warning or showing me things to come.
Can I ask if you have been practicing meditation?
If yes what kind?
try no fap challenge... Not masturbating could help with your odor and your confidence... I hope your/have been doing aright
Also, if you want some great reading material on this, both of Barbara Brennan's books are excellent; Hands of Light and Light Emerging.
Health, for better or worse, affects our psychic ability. This is because the physical body is just a filter for our higher selves. This filter can get damaged and of course at some point, we shed it altogether. Healing, in my opinion, has to start at your energy body. By the time illness is evident in our shell (our body), the damage has long been done and it always starts in our energy body unless it's from an accident. More and more, qualified hypnotists are finding residual negative energy from past lives that seep through to this one. If all else fails, I would seek a highly qualified past life regressionist and see if they can uncover any unresolved issues that are affecting this incarnation.

Thanks for sharing.
Dude, first of all you GIVE energy; and being so young and losing it means you're going about it the wrong way. Taking energy from anywhere means you are a parasite. Sound worse than it is but it's true. Youngin's always have energy and you don't start losing it until you are an adult. If you feel like you are taking it, Psycologically or metaphysically, that should worry you. You should make your own energy. Others energy is not your own and has no where near the strength of the energy you have inside. Using what you have inside is cleaner and makes you feel so much cleaner and at ease.
Is it possible that I have super hearing because when people are whispering I can hear them clearly as if they are not whispering. 🤔
Dreamerdreamin in Hell Hounds
So recently came about this post while searching for the meaning behind the hellhound which I saw in a dream right before The President was elected. I didn't know how to interpret it at the moment, but after speaking to my sister in law, she said there was a name for them called "hellhounds" in my dream the dog tried to bite me... It jumped through my window even. It was exactly as you described! Creepishly Exact. With the election this year, I now wonder was it Trump who owns the hell hounds, or was Trump saving me from the hellhound. I can't remember if he walked by before or after the the dark Hound tried to bite me. Either way... If he isn't here now, then I take this as a true sign he will be soon. I'd like to know others thoughts on my dream as well.
Thank you Johnfly for your questions. I am sorry that it took so long to reply. When I was asked in college to join a group of mind readers, it was not in person. It is hard to explain but I could hear them clearly in one specific place like they were standing there and their voices would be outside my body as if they were talking to me like another person was. When they tried to erase my memory, which now looking back they might have been doing a ritual, they asked me to move a pillow and they tried to grab it, and I could feel the pillow suspend in the air for a second. This leads me to believe that they may be people that astral-projected themselves so their souls were there but their bodies weren't.
When I have experiences with the mind readers like having my movement controlled, it feels like someone is controlling my hands without my intention. They also make me constantly look up and I have a bad feeling. When this happens I feel a pressure on my forehead between my eyebrows. Months ago, I sensed the mind readers were there like a presence next to me that I couldn't see. But recently, I hear them in my head as if they are in my body. Sometimes their voices are muffled as if they are far away.
When I wake up from the dreams that they can manipulate, I feel scared and my body feels as if I am in sleep paralysis. I have woken up before where I see black shadows either around me or going inside of me. I have heard that this is common in sleep paralysis but this has only happened to me after the mind reader situation has occurred.
With the smelling or tasting things, it is usually the smell of sulfur. Thank you for your questions, it gives me hope and gives me a will to live.

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